Ministry Of Freedom Review 2024: Is It Really Worth $1,497?!


Looking for a real Jono Armstrong's Ministry Of Freedom review to see if it's a fake scam or a legit course that will set you up for online money-making success? You're at the right place.

We've exposed a ton of scams out there that tell you what you want to hear so you'll pay up and buy like Partner With Anthony, Perpetual Income 365 and Six Figure Sunday.

We've also discovered legit courses that do a great job of explaining how the process of making money online works and give you a real shot of breaking free from the 9 to 5 like Invincible Marketer, Commission Academy and Wealthy Affiliate.

Today it's time to put Ministry Of Freedom under the spotlight and show you what it's about, how much it costs and what's covered in the training to help you decide if this is the best option going forward.

Here's a quick bitesize version:

Ministry Of Freedom Review At A Glance

About: Training from Jono Armstrong promising to show newbies how to make $10k/month in 60 days or less with affiliate marketing in the make money online niche.

Price: $1,497 one-time or 3 payments of $597 (pricing info)

Pros: In-depth training, decent community support.

Cons: Expensive, hard to get a refund, no thought given to quality of products promoted.

Verdict: Worth the high price tag if you want to make money selling trashy WarriorPlus scams on YouTube, otherwise look for a smarter, more viable, long-term strategy.

If you want to know exactly how Jono Armstrong and other WarriorPlus scammers like Robin Palmer, Jamie Lewis, Jason Fulton and Brendan Mace operate, Ministry Of Freedom gives you the step-by-step playbook.

Become a Ministry Of Freedom member and you'll be learning how to create glowing YouTube reviews that effectively mislead people into buying trashy get-rich-quick products that never live up to the hype.

Jono is living proof scamming people online can make you very rich. The opposite of Robin Hood, he takes from those often struggling to make ends meet and gives to himself and his band of merry men.

But if you want to earn online the RIGHT way (so you can hold your head up and actually sleep at night), then try this free affiliate marketing crash course instead »

It's gonna show you how to build a profitable affiliate income in ANY niche, minus the high startup costs and without you having to sell your soul.

Who Is Jono Armstrong?

Jono Armstrong is the Ministry Of Freedom creator and trainer who has made $100,000s with affiliate marketing, mainly through his YouTube channel which has around 64K subscribers. He's also an avid bass player and lives in Indonesia.

Here's how Jono describes himself on his free webinar page:

who is jono armstrong ministry of freedom

Is Jono Armstrong trustworthy and someone you want to learn from?

Jono Armstrong has a mixed reputation. Google terms like “Jono Armstrong scam” and you’ll find a lot of people complaining about his questionable marketing tactics.

For example, Jono says the system can help you make “life-changing income in 30 days or less”, but later claims it’s not a “get rich quick” scheme.

He also employs fake scarcity on the sales page, saying the “66% off launch pricing expires soon” with a countdown timer showing you've got only 12 minutes to buy in at the discounted price, and yet but the price hasn't changed in at least a year.

Here's Jono's WarriorPlus profile showing some of his previous products and ratings:

ministry of freedom reviews warriorplus

Ministry of Freedom has been given a 4 out of 5-star review so far, which is an improvement on his 2.5-star average, based on 525 customer reviews.

The biggest issue I have with Jono is he doesn't seem to care if the products he and his students promote actually help people. Actually, he knows they don't help people at all.

There's no code of ethics, no quality assurance, nothing you can do if the product doesn't work as promised. As long as Jono gets paid, he's happy.

Read more about Jono Armstrong's other training programs to see what I mean:

Jono's main focus now is promoting his Ministry Of Freedom course with YouTube ads, so let's dig deep and see what Ministry Of Freedom is all about.

What Is Ministry Of Freedom?

Ministry Of Freedom is a training course and community created by Jono Armstrong that promises to take students from $0 to earning $10k a month in 60 days.

The Ministry Of Freedom ad says this is a brand new method for 2022 that shows you how to make money on YouTube without ever having to create your own videos.

Jono then shows a number of success stories, including Ashley who make $1,000 in a single day while chilling out on a Mexican beach:

ministry of freedom scam review

Another screenshot shows someone who made $445,000 following the Ministry Of Freedom system without any previous experience and working just 45 minutes a day.

Jono then invites you to watch a 2-hour free web class to show you how to find, upload and monetise these pre-made videos that supposedly generate revenue for you month after month. Then he tries to convince you to sign up to Ministry Of Freedom.

How Does Ministry Of Freedom Work?

In the Ministry of Freedom course, Jono teaches students how to make money with affiliate marketing using a launch jacking technique to sell digital courses on WarriorPlus.

Some useful definitions:

Students are told to use a product launch calendar called MunchEye to check for upcoming product launches. Course creators will often put out a demo video giving a preview of the product and these are the videos Jono want you to upload onto YouTube before the official product launch.

The idea is you give it a title like “Product Name Review”, add your affiliate link in the video description so prospective customers find your video, click the link and you earn a commission of each sale you generate.

The obvious problem with this is every member is going to end up uploading identical videos and competing with each other for the top spot.

Work your way through modules 4 and 5 and you'll learn how to create your own video reviews of the latest WarriorPlus products, offering a gazillion bonuses to maximise sales.

Here's Jono explaining in his own words, what launch jacking is and how he does it:

Unfortunately, the vast majority of courses sold on WarriorPlus are low-quality scams that will give you a bad name. You can't be honest about that though. Every review you do has to be glowingly positive, it's all about maximising those sales after all! 😉

Finally, Jono shows you how to create your own make money online courses on WarriorPlus and employ the help of fellow members to get the word out.

What's Included In The Membership?

Ministry Of Freedom students get nine modules of video lessons unlocked over nine weeks, access to a private Facebook group and four live coaching calls each week.

Here's how Ministry Of Freedom looks once you're logged in:

ministry of freedom course

The Ministry Of Freedom training is quite comprehensive. Each lesson has a video of Jono walking you through everything step-by-step.

Here's how the course is laid out:

does ministry of freedom work or is it a scam

Training is split up over nine weeks, with a new module unlocked each week so you can work your way through the course systematically instead of skipping ahead.

  • Week 1: Mindset, Commitment and Success
    Overview of what's come to come, mindset training and introduction to getting free organic traffic on YouTube.
  • Week 2: Tools & Applications
    Setting up your W+, JVZoo and Clickbank accounts, navigating MunchEye, getting started with an autoresponder and using Google Calendar to manage workflow.
  • Week 3 & 4: Launch Jacking
    Starting with launch jacking, finding offers, getting review access and creating custom bonuses, how to rank videos and create custom bonuses.
  • Week 5: Advanced Launch Jacking Strategies
    Using paid Google Ads to drive traffic.
  • Week 6: Soft Launching
    Selling your own products to build up an list of email subscribers you can promote more products to later.
  • Week 7: Email Marketing
    How to set up squeeze pages and pixels, starting with YouTube and Bing ads.
  • Week 8: Product Launching
    Everything you need to know about course creation, from pricing to branding, writing your sales copy and running affiliate contests.
  • Week 9: Paid Traffic
    Jono shows you his Google Adwords account and walks you through how to set up campaigns. Also, how you can join the Ministry Of Freedom affiliate program.

You'll also be invited to join the Ministry Of Freedom weekly Q&A calls that are streamed via the Facebook group and run four times a week, Monday to Thursday where students get to ask questions directly to Jono and the other trainers.

Watch this one to see how they typically run:

You'll also become a part of the Ministry Of Freedom private Facebook group where members encourage, support and help each other out.

To date, there are nearly 5,000 members and it's very active:

ministry of freedom facebook

How Much Does Ministry Of Freedom Cost?

Jono Armstrong's Ministry Of Freedom course comes with two payment options:

  • A one-time fee of $1,497
  • Three monthly payments of $597

You save $295 by paying in one lump sum. If you choose the three-payment option, the first payment happens immediately and the second a month later and the third a month after that.

You'll also need to pay for a few tools to follow along with the training:

  • A webcam and microphone at around $50
  • ClickFunnels pagebuilder software at $97 a month
  • GetResponse email software at $15 a month after a free 30-day trial
  • Domain and web hosting (optional) at around $15 a month

Lastly, you'll need to pay for traffic. While weeks 1 to 4 focus on getting free organic traffic, in weeks 5 to 9 Jono recommends using Google and YouTube ads.

How much you spend on ads is completely up to you but industry experts say you should set aside an ad budget for at least $1,000 a month.

On the plus side, there doesn’t seem to be any upsells offered inside Ministry Of Freedom and you could always spend $100 on your ad campaigns to test it out if you wanted.

Ministry Of Freedom Refund?

Yes, Jono Armstrong does give refunds, but he doesn't make it easy. Ministry Of Freedom comes with a 60-day “action-based” money-back guarantee, meaning you'll have to jump through a lot of hoops.

You must:

  • Submit your refund request between 60 and 70 days after your purchase date
  • First watch all 8 modules and take action on them
  • Watch at least 3 weekly live webinars
  • Ask 5 questions inside the Facebook group
  • Launch a product on WarriorPlus
  • Keep a work diary recording your actions completed days 1 to 60

Read the full refund policy here.

Do all this and it's still at Jono's “sole discretion” whether you get your money back or not and you can't get a refund for any of these reasons:

ministry of freedom cancel refund

3 Ministry Of Freedom Pros

1. You're Learning From Jono First-Hand

Jono Armstrong is a very successful affiliate marketer in his own right

is ministry of freedom a scam or legit

That's Jono in the photo above being recognised by JVZoo as top performer of the year in 2019 and he's generated more than 32,000 sales in total.

However, the products Jono has sold to achieve this award are somewhat questionable…

2. MOF Can Help Kickstart Your Affiliate Career

If you want to master the art of promoting products on YouTube and selling your own products on platforms like WarriorPlus and JVZoo, joining Ministry of Freedom is a great way to create strategic partnerships with the other big players and make sure Jono Armstrong has your back.

As a Ministry of Freedom member, you'll find it easier to get review copies of courses before they're released. Create an offer and Jono might even send your link out to his subscribers to increase your reach.

The more email subscribers you get, the more sales you're like to make and the more opportunities for reciprocity you'll have.

3. Students Are Getting Results

Jono's way of doing things has proven very profitable.

You'll see a dozen success stories like this one on the Ministry Of Freedom website:

These aren't fake testimonials, but real Ministry Of Freedom students getting real results from applying the training.

Just keep in mind, this revenue isn't coming from selling good quality products, but by using misleading marketing to dupe people into buying make money online scams.

4 Ministry Of Freedom Complaints

Jono Armstrong is experienced, gives in-depth training and students are getting results.

And yet, I just can't recommend it.


Because by far my biggest problem with Ministry Of Freedom is the blatant lack of ethics…

1. You'll Be Promoting Scammy Products

Launch jacking can be an effective technique if it's part of a bigger overall strategy and you're selling useful good quality products, but that's NOT what's being taught at Ministry Of Freedom.

Most WarriorPlus courses are complete junk (and Jono is one of their biggest sellers.)

Join Ministry of Freedom and you'll end up promoting crappy make money products like:

These scams market themselves as the latest revolutionary “super-secret cash-generating machine” or “hidden autopilot profit software”, but never actually do what they say they will do.

That's why there's a lot of angry complaints on Trustpilot with people calling WarriorPlus a scam for allowing scammers to operate on their platform.

92% of their reviews are bad:

warriorplus reviews

WarriorPlus absolve themselves of any responsibility, saying:

“It is important to understand we are only a middleman between the buyers and sellers. As such, we assume no responsibility for the content of any product or how a buyer uses it. We have no liability for what may transpire between the product seller and buyer, and in fact we explicitly require you to hold us harmless in the event of problems.”

2. You'll Be Creating Scammy Reviews

It's not just the scammy products Jono and his students promote, but the scammy way they promote them.

Follow the Ministry Of Freedom training and you'll be following in Jono's footsteps and creating reviews on YouTube like this:

jono armstrong reviews on youtube
robin palmer reviews
digital daves marketing reviews

You'll have to give every trashy WarriorPlus product perfect 10 out of 10 scores, talk about how it's the answer to everyone's money-making worries and offer about a gazillion bonuses to entice people to get scammed through your link.

Not because you genuinely believe in the product. Not because you want to help people accomplish their online income goals. Not because you have an ounce of integrity at all.

Yes, you can make money doing this but I ask, at what cost?

Jesus said it best:

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

It's also a terrible long term strategy because your subscribers will be “once bitten, twice shy.”

Damage your reputation and you'll lose all credibility. Break their trust and they'll never buy from you again.

3. Jono Openly Admits He's Scamming People (But Doesn't Care)

Watch the Ministry Of Freedom training video snippet below to hear Jono talk about how all the “shiny objects” he sells and creates don't work:

But he sells them anyway because who cares how many people you scam as long as you get paid, right?

How does Jono justify ripping people off with courses that promise fast and easy cash but deliver no actual results?

He says it's just supply and demand, that he's catering to the target market and giving them what they want because they're like gamblers who need a fix.

Here's Jono again in his own words:

Welcome to the murky underworld of make money online.

You don't get much scummier or scammier than this. đŸ˜€

4. Jono's Students Get Buyer's Remorse But No Refund

Wherever you look, people who signed up to Ministry Of Freedom are desperately trying to get their money back.

Here's Zhi Wei complaining on Reddit:

“I'm embarrassed I've fallen for the Ministry of Freedom scam, cheated of $848 SGD. Jono Armstrong, the creator of Ministry of Freedom had youtube ads about his courses. The course was seemed to be very easy and “guaranteed” to make thousands every month, from “1 hour of work per day” and not everyday.

It is basically an affiliate marketing course that promotes people to sell useless softwares and courses that claim financial freedom from muncheye. In his seminar to get people to buy his course, he said about how he was a drug addict and just recovered 2 years ago, that he made 2 million dollars in a year with his methods. He even got people to give fake testimonials, an old man who made $1000 USD in a day from just after “3 days of starting the program”.

I was stupid and desperate to be financially free and could not think logically at that point of time. They refused to give a refund and tried to charge my card a second time, without my permission. I regreted paying for this useless course where it is impossible to make big money without paying even more money for ads or buying youtube subscribers, likes and fake comments illegally.

This is an honest review of Ministry of Freedom and i do not reccommand buying Ministry of Freedom or any course that claims to give you financial freedom in a matter of weeks, “earning thousands a day doing nothing at all”. The members also seems to be in a cult like state, where any negative comments about the course were be attacked and put the blame on yourself.”

When asked what excuses she was given for not being given a refund she says:

“Jono's assistant Aimee just list out these impossible terms such as 5 review videos in a month and 5 qna calls and some other stuff i am not able to do. And then when I asked for refund in the facebook group they deleted my post and blocked me from commenting.”

And she's not the only one…

“Ministry Of Freedom is a complete fraud. I asked them for a refund. I wanted to cancel because it was all bull$#!7 and way too expensive for what they said and showed on the webinar.

I wanted to cancel after less than a month and they shut me out of all the courses and banned me from the Facebook group. They NEVER refunded me. I spent $1,497 on courses. I think they are very dishonest and they need to give me my money back.”
“I signed up and followed the instructions every single day. The support team that's supposed to issue the refund were never helpful and looked for excuses, saying things like “Oh, you weren't active on the Facebook group every single day for 60 days.”

You need to jump through all these hoops and after all that they still won't honor the agreement when you show documentation of your work for the whole two months. My advice is if you got suckered into his program, make sure you paid thru PayPal so you can file a dispute and get your money back.”

Again, let me stress:

If you are going to buy Ministry Of Freedom, take some time to read the fine print first so you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

Is Ministry Of Freedom A Scam Or Legit?

Jono Armstrong's Ministry Of Freedom course offers real and practical training on launch jacking and YouTube ads. But more people are calling Ministry Of Freedom a scam as it is extremely difficult to get a refund.


  • The course is overpriced
  • The “live workshop” isn't live but pre-recorded
  • The hyped income claims of making $10k a month in 60 days or less
  • The fake discounts and scarcity tactics used to get you to buy in quick
  • The only “success stories” are those selling WarriorPlus scams
  • It's virtually impossible to get a refund
  • Jono's track record of releasing get-rich-quick products he knows don't work
  • Students are explicitly instructed to create and promote scams promising “fast money for low effort”

In my view, Ministry Of Freedom is worse than a scam because it trains students how to make money selling low-quality products and effectively become scammers themselves.

As a result, expect more “brand new, never-before-seen, one-of-a-kind” WarriorPlus scams to hit your spam folder in the near future.

Should You Join Ministry Of Freedom? Is It Worth It?

If you are new to affiliate marketing and are looking to create a full-time online business you can be proud of, Ministry Of Freedom isn't for you.

Some students do seem to get results with Ministry of Freedom, but to earn any substantial income with it you will need to be comfortable with employing deceptive marketing tactics to promote low-quality WarriorPlus scams like Branson Tay does.

Personally, I would steer far clear of Ministry Of Freedom as it symbolises everything wrong with the make money online space. This is affiliate marketing done the wrong way.

Ministry Of Freedom Alternatives

We’ve reviewed 700+ affiliate marketing courses and there are two courses in particular, that are far better alternatives to Ministry of Freedom:

1. Commission Academy

This is the best free affiliate marketing crash course I’ve seen that teaches you how to get free traffic from Google. It takes longer to earn income with free traffic, but it’s also much cheaper.

Read my full review of Commission Academy here »

2. Invincible Marketer

This is the best course I’ve seen for paid traffic. Worth considering if you’ve got a bigger budget and want to start generating income as quickly as possible.

Read my full review of Invincible Marketer here »

More Ministry Of Freedom Reviews

Your Ministry Of Freedom Review

Think Ministry Of Freedom is the best thing since sliced bread or the worst make money online scam we've reviewed since My Mobile Money Pages?

Either way, leave us your Ministry Of Freedom review below! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Ministry Of Freedom Review 2024: Is It Really Worth $1,497?!”

  1. I joined the Ministry of Freedom a couple of years ago. Jono Armstrong lies all time. He said we could make money using other people’s videos, and there was no need to produce our own videos. This was in the 2-hour sales pitch. As soon as I paid my money, the whole story changed! There was another lady who didn’t want to appear on camera, and we disputed what he said, but we didn’t get a refund. Now I see he is trying to promote Infinity to Elderly people. Shame On You, Jono

    • I agree that this chump is a scammer. After less than 24 hours I requested a refund. I expressed that I recently had surgery, was not a good fit, and needed that money back. I had not signed the contract because I felt that I would be conned. Then after days of getting a response he claimed, if I signed the contract then I could be eligible for the refund. What a complete dirt bag. Using his story of how he used to be addicted to drugs and how he overcame all this crap to convince us of pure bull! None of the bots were responsive. I messaged back to back for my refund and I really hope this piece of crap gets shut down. Using his female or wife or whatever the hell she is as a piece in his game to scam people out of their pockets so they can continue to travel to Thailand etc. What a scumbag! He doesn’t care what your circumstances are and lies profusely through his garbage teeth. I pray all of this catches up to him and this whole “ministry of freedom” binds him and tears him down, as it rightfully should.

  2. Ministry of Freedom will take your money and refuse to give you a refund. Don’t be taken to the cleaners by a bunch of bs, any questions?

  3. Ministry of Freedom will not refund your money so do not sign up. The video audio is difficult to understand as well. Save your money don’t let them take you too.

  4. Thank you very much for this comprehensive analysis. It confirms what I suspected after talking to a friend who is completely “indoctrinated”.


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