Is Four Percent Group A Scam? Read This Review

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Is Four Percent Group A Scam

Vick Strizheus is back with another online marketing opportunity. Four Percent Group is portrayed as a website where you can learn how to make money online through various business models.

While this seems to be a great jumpstart for newcomers in the online industry, the constant question you first need to ask is whether this is a scam or not.

In this review, we’ll talk about Vick Strizheus (his record will shape how you’ll view Four Percent Group), what the Four Percent is all about, its pros and cons, if it’s a scam or not,  and if it’s worth paying for. 

So let’s get started!

Four Percent Group Review At A Glance

About: Four Percent Group started out to be a sales funnel to online tools like ClickFunnels and Aweber. Later on, it got revamp as an online business training platform.

Price: Signing up is free but the courses range from $297 to $497. Joining the affiliate program is another story, you have to pay $197 for it.

Pros: Nothing.

Cons: Courses are expensive, no proven track record, the owner has a shady history.

Verdict: Four Percent Group is not worth your buck. While it can't directly be judged as a scam, the owner's shady history makes trusting this platform hard. 


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is Four Percent Group?

Why was it named Four Percent Group? Here’s how Strizheus explains it:

Out of 100 people who want to transform their lives, 80% are pessimistic, 16% will do something but are skeptics so that leaves 4%. Strizheus says this 4% will be the only people who do something and are optimistic it will work. 

Moving on to the platform itself, Four Percent Group started out as a Clickbank product that’s actually a sales funnel to Tecademics, ClickFunnels, Aweber, and Click Magick. 

Tecademics was created by Chris Record, a friend of Vick and also a member of Empower Network. Anyway, eventually, Chris dumped Tecademics and Four Percent Group took it out from its funnels.

Sometime later, Four Percent Group had an overhaul and changed from being a sales funnel to offering paid courses. They also have an affiliate program, members can earn from. 

Here’s the kicker:

Most programs like Four Percent Group offering an affiliate program actually turn out to be a shady networking system, in other words, a pyramid scheme. However, let’s not jump to conclusions and give Four Percent some more time to build their credibility. (If they can)

Who Is Vick Strizheus?

Four Percent Group Vick Strizheus

Vick calls himself a business strategist and a sales funnel developer. Plus there’s the rags-to-riches tactic injected in his story. 

What he doesn’t mention in his bio is his connection to Big Idea Mastermind, Project Breakthrough, High Traffic Academy, Global Success Club, 7 Figures Marketing School, and Empower Network.

Most of these platforms have already flunked but three of them: High Traffic Academy, Global Success Club, 7 Figures Marketing School seemed to fuse together to become Four Percent Group. 

Here’s my thoughts:

If Strizheus was an expert in what he does, why did he have to create programs over and over again which only ends in getting defunct? 

Another thing, he was involved in a scandal with Big Idea Mastermind for changing the members’ affiliate ID with his so he can make more money.

Here’s the worst part:

Not only did his program flop, but he was also convicted of theft because of insurance fraud back in 2007. He was sentenced to 3 months in jail but was able to settle for weekend jail and a 5-year probation.

If you ever started to think he’s trustworthy, I suggest you take a step back and keep your wallet away. 

How To Join Four Percent Club

I had second thoughts about including this portion because I was hoping you wouldn’t get interested so I’ll just skip to the part where I tell you what I think is a better option. 

For the sake of giving you a complete idea about Four Percent Group, I’ll tell you about this part.

It’s actually really easy, you just have to click the sign-up button and answer a few questions like your name, email address, and password.

You can then access this area where you’ll see all the courses you can take.

Four Percent Group Members' Area

Don’t see any prices? Just click on one course to access the full details. To give you an idea of what you’ll get with each course here’s a screenshot of the page where I was redirected after I chose Affiliate Marketing Academy.

Four Percent Group Affiliate Marketing Academy

Too pricey? Check out the Internet Traffic Academy course.

Four Percent Group Internet Traffic Academy

It will cost you an arm and a leg!

What Other Courses Are Offered In Four Percent Group?

  • E-Stage Software – $497

No, this is not a website builder but just a custom-made them in WordPress. I mean come one, there are far cheaper WordPress themes which are more trendy and sophisticated. The video presentation? It was like a teddy bear stuffed with hype!

  • E-Stage Academy – $297

This is a course teaching you how you can make a website in WordPress. You might think the 40-hour video tutorial is worth the price but hold your horses, you can find almost the same tutorials costing less in Udemy or even free ones on Youtube!

Aside from these 2, you’ll also find courses on:

Traffic Generation

  • Insta Traffic Mastery – $497
  • FB PPC Secrets – $297
  • Fan Page Domination – $297
  • SEO Mastery – $497

List Building

  • List Building Strategies – $297
  • Internet Traffic Mastery – $1,997

Sales And Conversion

  • Irresistible Influence & Persuasion $297
  • Irresistible Offer Blueprint – $297

Marketing Strategies

  • Unstoppable Momentum – $297
  • You’re Enough – $297
  • Beyond Results – $297

Money And Finance 

  • Taxes And Business Structure – $297
  • Wealth Building Blueprint – $297


  • ECOM Secrets – $297
  • ECOM Entrepreneur – $297

Persuasion And Influence

  • Creating Legacy – $297
  • The Five Laws – $297
  • The Path To Domination – $297

Basically, they’re just all full of fluff and never worth its price. Who will ever buy these courses when it’s worth a fortune? 

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Well, if there were any evidence I’ll recover the cost, maybe I’ll consider it. Sadly, there are not even income proofs on the website to somehow assure us the courses work. 

There’s another way to earn though…

Strizheus included an affiliate program where you’ll get 30% commission for any product the recruit buys. Just share your affiliate link and when someone signs up and buys, you’ll get the commission… after 45 days that is!

Not just that, you can get the money when you accumulate at least $100 total commission.

I think this calls for aggressive recruitment which many are not comfortable of. Personally, I wouldn’t risk burning bridges with friends and family. 

Vick really wants to squeeze every buck out from you. He has another tactic to get his hands on your money. He calls it the Four Percent Group Challenge.

He claims it helps you improve your mindset and motivate you to succeed. First, he lets you pay $197 to join, and a little bit later tricks you to pay $1,997 for Internet Traffic Mastery. Add the other upsells in between!

Annoying right? And very unethical to me. Why not just tell the whole cost upfront? Of course, to draw you into his money-sucking sinkhole!

Four Percent Group Dirty Secrets Exposed!

1. You Actually Have To Pay To Join The Affiliate Program

Vick never told you this at the outset. This is a really huge red flag for me, why? Because this is what most scams do! You need to pay to play which is pretty illogical when in the first place you sign up to make money not lose some.

2. Course Are Expensive

I know you know this already but I just had to put it down here to add more weight to how dirty Four Percent Group really is. Instead of helping you start making money online, their real goal is to make as much money from you!

3. No Assurance You’ll Be Successful

There’s no solid proof given, not even an income proof to show this really works. 

4. The Owner’s Shady Record

Can he really change have a change of heart? Maybe, but less likely.

It’s not the first time he did it. Plus if he really was a good business strategist he would’ve come up with a system that really works after one or two flops. Sadly, he didn’t.

He just keeps jumping ship when a platform stops making money. Now if you invest in his platform, what do you think will happen to you when he decides to abandon Four Percent Group?

Goodbye goes you investment without any ROI.

Is Four Percent Group A Scam?

Vick Strizheus is not someone I can trust. But while I can’t fully say Four Percent Group is a scam, I pretty sure it’s not worth your money.

You’ll just be paying through your nose for something you can have on another platform for a way cheaper price and even for free!

Four Percent Group Bottom Line

Personally, if I were to invest in learning the ropes of the online industry, I’d like to start small and see if it’s a right for fit me. 

If you think like me, I suggest you try affiliate marketing through Wealthy Affiliate. You can test the waters out for free by checking out 10 lessons without a cost. 

If you think it’ll work for you, you just have to pay $49/month for the training and a few more dollars for the domain and hosting so you can make start making your website.

Another great thing is you won’t only get trained, you’ll also get in contact with other affiliate marketers to help you along the way.

It’s way cheaper and you’ll really get your money’s worth. The best part is, you’ll be able to build a legit business where you can earn month after month.

You don’t have to take my word for it, you can try it out yourself.

Just remember, you don’t have to shed hefty cash to make money. 

How I Make A Living Online?

After years of working in call centres I finally figured out how to create a 5-figure monthly passive income stream and become financially free.

Thanks to the right training and a lot of hard work I kissed my old boss goodbye and booked a one way ticket to Thailand.

How I Make Money Online

So if you're serious about building a thriving online business, click here for the exact step-by-step formula I follow.

Any Questions?

Do you think Four Percent Group’s courses are too expensive? Do you think it’s worth the price? Tell us what you think!

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