Click Wealth System Review 2024: Big SCAM Or 100% Legit?


Hi, Simon here and thanks for dropping by my Click Wealth System review. Matthew Tang's Click Wealth System is supposedly your once-in-a-lifetime chance to make $10,000 a month online.

The name alone is trying to sell you on the idea making money online is easy and effortless, but is it legit?

I'll be honest, when I hear someone call their product a “complete step-by-step income-generating machine” I automatically assume it's a scam. It's got to be right?

In the sales video, Mathew Tang says this is for anyone who hates rush-hour traffic, is tired of working their ass off for someone else and is ready to take charge of their financial future, pay off their debts and decide what kind of lifestyle they want.

is Click Wealth System a scam review

Sounds like emotional manipulation to me.

But I don't want to jump to any conclusions just yet. All I'm saying is, at first glance, Click Wealth System looks like yet another get-rich-quick scam.

I'm going to sign up and share with you what happens because I've been a full-time online entrepreneur for 5+ years now and I'm pretty darn sure it takes more than a few clicks of a mouse to start banking profits.

In this review, I'm going to talk about what the Click Wealth System is, how it works and why I have my doubts this is your best option for making money online.

Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and there's a super-secret way I don't know about yet?

That's what we're here to find out.

Click Wealth System Review At A Glance

About: Matthew Tang’s Click Wealth System is an affiliate marketing course that promises to show you how to generate $10,000 a month online.

Price: $9 plus $397 in optional upsells (discount info

Pros: Comes with a 60-day refund option.

Cons: It's impossible to make the money they claim with the expensive and ineffective traffic methods they teach.

Verdict: Read this review in full and you'll see this is a short, low-quality course about how to promote Click Wealth system and most definitely a scam.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is Click Wealth System?

According to creator Matthew Tang, Click Wealth System is an all-in-one software that gives you access to everything you could possibly need to quickly start generating a steady stream of income even if you've never made a dime online before.

Feel free to watch the full 13-minute sales pitch again, but only if you really want to:

In it, you'll hear Tang say he discovered the ONE single method all internet millionaires use to make money and it's called “Customer Middleman Arbitrage” which works in 3 steps:

Step 1: Choose a “verified customer source” from their insider list.

Step 2: Create a website using their cloud software in less than 5 clicks.

Step 3: Become the middleman by directing the customer source to your website.

If it sounds like he's making some of these words up, it's because he is!

The method he's actually talking about is affiliate marketing; a legitimate (and recommended) way to start a profitable online business.

See my Affiliate Marketing Beginner's Guide by clicking here.

Does this mean Click Wealth System is legit?

Not necessarily, not if it doesn't deliver on its promises…

How Much Is Click Wealth System?

Matthew Tang says he could easily charge $197, $497 or $1,997, but sign up now and you can test drive Click Wealth System for a super low price of $9; what he calls a small investment to help cover the cost of server fees and 24/7 support staff.

Like 24/7 Wealth Club, Passive Profit Pages and literally every other Clickbank scam I've reviewed, Click Wealth System hits you with a bunch of upsells to click through before finally giving you access to what you paid for.

After completing payment I was offered the Profit Activator upsell for $147. Apparently, it's a plug and play software that allows you to multiply your profits by 150% through social media.

Profit Activator Upsell

Click the link to say you're not interested and you're offered a $50 discount:

Click Wealth System upsells

Say no to that and you're taken to another screen urging you to buy the Click Profit Multiplier upsell for $148.

This one's supposedly going to give you an easy way to make $1573.68 in extra affiliate commissions thanks to their fully automated yet “deadly effective” email marketing software.

Click Profit Multiplier upsell

Say no to that and despite them saying this was a one-time offer, you're offered it again but this time with a $50 discount:


Whichever way you look at it, pushing $149 and $148 upsells on a $9 product is pretty insane. It also shows us this Matthew Tang guy is trying to squeeze you for as much cash as possible.

Now we've skipped the upsells let's go ahead and actually check out the training.

Inside The Click Wealth System

Log in to the members' area and you'll see it looks a little something like this:

When You Log In To Click Wealth System Members Area

Notice the bright red Upgrade buttons in the left-side menu.

On the right-hand side is a Get Started Right section with links to embedded YouTube videos.

The training starts off really well. Anyone brand new to this would definitely find it helpful.

It was nice to hear Matthew Tang giving the lessons himself and I thought he gave a solid overview of the basics facts about affiliate marketing.

click wealth system training modules

But instead of going on to explain there are literally millions of online products you can promote as an affiliate on say, Amazon or Clickbank, I was flabbergasted to hear Matthew Tang admit the whole training is centred around teaching you how to promote Click Wealth System!


This changes things completely. We've gone from looking at a potentially semi-decent affiliate marketing course to an outright pyramid scheme in one fell swoop.

A pyramid scheme is a system where you make money recruiting others into the system and, I have to say it, Click Wealth System matches this description to a T.

The Costs Of Actually Applying The Training

Now let's talk about what you'll never hear on the Click Wealth System sales page:

It's going to cost you a few hundred bucks to work your way through these lessons and do everything you're told to do at the very least.

Why? Because first you're told to sign up for a $15/month GetResponse subscription to start building an email list.

Then you're told you need pay to drive traffic to your website promoting Click Wealth System via solo ads, which are expensive:

click wealth system traffic sources

Put simply, solo ads are when you pay someone with a long list of email subscribers (a solo ad vendor) to send your offer out in the hope the people on that list will click through and buy what you're offering.

Pay less than you make, and you're laughing all the way to the bank.

The issue is, these email subscribers receive dozens of spammy-looking emails offering various get-rich-quick products on a daily basis, so the chances they'll even notice your email, never mind read it, click it and take action is slim at best.

And yet, this is the number one recommended traffic source?

Doesn't make sense to me.

That is until you realise to here's one specific website Matthew Tang wants you to buy solo ads from:, a website Tang is affiliated with to make sure he rakes in 20% of anything Click Wealth System members spend on that site.

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now Β»

Daring To Ask For A Refund: A Dire Warning

One good thing about Click Wealth System is that because it's a Clickbank product, you are fully entitled to a 60-day refund, no questions asked.

Though in one of the introductory training videos, Tang warns you if you do request a refund, you will be permanently blacklisted from the Click Wealth System in order to “protect” existing members.

click wealth system refund policy

If you have already bought this product and rightfully feel like it doesn't do what you were promised, you're better off requesting a refund from Clickbank directly. That way you won't be given the runaround.

Or better yet, take my advice and don't pay for this garbage in the first place. That way you save yourself the hassle.

3 Click Wealth System Red Flags Exposed

1. Completely Crazy Income Claims

Imagine you're out and about when a random stranger walks up to you and promises to reveal a top-secret way to making $10,000 a month online if you give him $9 first.

What would you think? Because that's exactly what Matthew Tang is doing here.

Yes, the sales video shows a ClickBank earning screenshot, then an email from a supposed member making money following the Click Wealth System but is this really 100% verified proof? Hardly!

It is unbelievably easy to make these. The truth is we have no real way of knowing if this is real or not, but going from everything else we've seen, I highly doubt it.

One thing I do know is that so-called easy shortcuts to success never live up to expectations. I am all for people creating thriving online businesses for themselves but that's only ever done through good old-fashioned HARD WORK.

Can you make $10,000 per month with affiliate marketing? Absolutely! But it takes TIME to get there and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

2. Fake Scarcity Tactics

Throughout the entire sales video, you are told you need to “Act fast!” because this once in a lifetime opportunity is available for “One day only!” and space is extremely limited with “100 spots available.”

This is nothing but a ruse to try and get you to panic buy before engaging your brain. Don't fall for it. Trust me, Matthew Tang isn't going to turn anyone away.

Everybody knows this program will be around as long as people are willing to pay their money to sign up (or at least until they get shut down).

3. You're Bombarded With Way Too Many Upsells

As soon as you hand over $9 you're hit with 4 upsell screens, then hit with more upsells once you get into the members' area and then again within the training videos themselves.

It's just neverending!

Is Click Wealth System A Scam?

Yes, Click Wealth System is most definitely a scam. It doesn't come close to living up to expectations and the small amount of basic training that is available is based on how to promote Click Wealth System to others.

I've exposed a fair few Clickbank get-rich-quick scams like Cash Sniper and eCom Profit Sniper who make hyped-up claims of instant wealth, before inevitably leading you down a disappointing road of poor quality training and so-called earning methods that don't work.

Then there are the online pyramid scams like Copy And Paste Ads and Success System Revealed where the only way to make money is by duping enough people into joining the same program you just joined.

Click Wealth System qualifies both as a scam AND a pyramid scheme rolled into one.

Where Do You Go From Here?

I've built my case in this Click Wealth System review and the evidence is clear:

This is not going to give you a legit and real way to build a business online. They're great at making promises but really bad at keeping them and this isn't a program I can get behind.

But don't lose hope because making money online isn't just a crazy pipe dream. Yes, you really CAN build a passive income stream on the internet, it's just gonna take more than a few clicks of a mouse to get there.

Many would love to earn an income online but struggle with knowing where to start. 

They see get-rich-quick gurus promise instant results and sign up for some low-quality course and end up paying out for endless upsells and upgrades with nothing to show for it. This doesn't need to happen to you!

Wealthy Affiliate has taught thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs how to become their own boss through affiliate marketing.

They'll give you full step-by-step training and expert support to achieve your online income goals. Click here to learn more.

Your Click Wealth System Review

Have you bought Click Wealth System?

Whether you think it's a scam or legit, leave us your review below!

37 thoughts on “Click Wealth System Review 2024: Big SCAM Or 100% Legit?”

  1. I’m glad I researched this click into wealth. I almost hit the go button but I didn’t. Is there any good online business to check out?

  2. Simon,
    Thank you for your investigative review. Fortunately, I only lost $5 when I noticed the bombardment of upgrade ‘possibilities’ and bowed out.

    As the old adage states: ‘If it looks too good to be true…. it probably is!’

  3. Thanks for saving my time and money I’ll never get back the 20mins I was fooled into thinking my life is about to get so much better. I super appreciate your research <3

  4. I did not get my through clickbank either i think it was jvzoo but i cant even find where i purchased
    this from any reviews on the paid social rep or paid social sales sites that ive been getting a lot emails about or click N earn bc i have that one two i acutly have over 80 products from warriors plus alone that have caused me to go broke and ive not made a penny from any of them im so lost.

  5. Thank you for sharing I have been looking for work at home being a single mom of 2 young ones is hard and I thought I found a break. Glad I found your truth Thanks for your honesty

  6. Thanks Simon for saving our pockets I was really convinced to invest but good thing I found your website to expose this scammers.. can you give me a legit online job that can earn legit money for my family.. thanks and God bless keep safe as well.

    • Sure thing Steffany, just glad to help ????

      Yeah, people think “Oh it’s just $9, it’s worth a shot!”, not realising they’re probably going to end up spending over $400…

      I just finished making a 4 day video series to show people the best way to build an affiliate marketing business.

      Get It Here.

      In it, I’ll show why most junk courses out there set you up for failure and how you should be going about it instead.

  7. Hello,

    I have been receiving texts and emails from this company and decided to check with you to see if this was legitimate and I am so glad to read what you had to say. I was going to sign up but they didn’t accept my card. I am so glad that I wasn’t taken in by this scam! Thanks so much for the heads up.

    • You’re more than welcome Pernell and thank you for the kind words. You definitely dodged a bullet with Click Wealth System!

      Let me know if you have any questions about getting started and I’ll help you out however I can.

      Stay safe! ????

  8. After reading your review I took down my blog post and should have known better about putting something on my site that its credibility is no existent. I went on to do a more in-depth research about this product and the owner and have to concur with your review and assessment of the product and owner of this product. I value people’s integrity and morals of doing business online and not scamming people out of their hard earned money. Thanks again for sharing.

    • Good call Reinaldo!

      The ‘make money online’ space is in urgent need of more people willing to stand by their ethics and not sell out for a quick buck. You’ll win in the long-term as you build a solid reputation and trust with your readers.

      All the best! πŸ™‚

    • So no refund? Or no one else going to step up to take the spot,? There is like 3 of them damn things I spent money on

  9. Thanks for your review of Click Wealth System. Anything that promises $10,000 a month in an instant always raises my eyebrows. Those of us that have been making money online know that that is not possible to make that kind of money when you initially start out. Maybe, if you work super hard, in 6 months to a year. The thing with making money online is that you need a step by step program that teaches you how to build your business from the ground up. Like Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks for the review. 

    • You’re absolutely right, I think 6 to 9 months is a realistic timeframe when you’re starting out with an affiliate marketing website thanks to the Google sandbox effect.

      It’s gonna take time to gain trust with Google and for them to start giving you real traction in the search results, but stick with it, keep pumping out that awesome content and you’ll experience that hockey stick surge in traffic and sales.

  10. I keep on receiving emails from different people stating that I now have an account approval ID #29489 and a link that takes me to the intro video and then the $9 access page. It seems that this is a join and then spam others with such emails.


    • Yes Ansie, I would definitely unsubscribe from anyone who is recommending Click Wealth System as a legit program. Clearly, they can’t be trusted and are only thinking about their own pockets.

    • You’re welcome Dion, I’m glad you didn’t fall for this one, it would have got you nowhere fast.

      Did you take a look at Wealthy Affiliate yet?

      They have a full 70 lesson course that runs you through everything you need to know to start earning online, plus an amazing community of super helpful and friendly members ready to help you along the way (myself included).

      It’s completely free to start the training and could have your first income-ready affiliate website up and running in the next 30 minutes.

      I look forward to working with you!

  11. That part of not being able to ask for a refund because it will “scare” current customers just doesn’t make sense at all. I don’t think people are going to know if you do, in fact, ask for a refund. You’ll be paying hundreds of dollars for a program that doesn’t do what it claims to do and on top of that you can’t even ask for your money back if you’re not satisfied with the platform? That doesn’t sit right with me. It’s not worth the time, energy and your investments. 

    • Completely agree Stephanie, scare tactics like these are a little below the belt if you ask me. It doesn’t make sense either, it’s not like anyone getting a refund is going to want to go crawling back!

      Anyways, just remember if you ever do find you’ve bought into a scam, it’s best to get a refund from Clickbank directly. πŸ™‚

    • Actually after reading it closer, he isn’t saying that you can’t claim a refund. All he is saying is that if are claiming a refund, he doesn’t want you to purchase the product again in the future. Which is very common for alot of other digital products.

      • Hi Thomas, yes it’s a not-so-subtle threat to try and put people off asking for a refund instead of investing his time into making this a real and legit training program that helps people get results. He’s clearly had issues with high refund rates or why bother mentioning it at all?

        The truth is you have every right to request a refund from Clickbank if you feel the product doesn’t meet your expectations. Interestingly, there’s no way he can enforce this as the product is sold through Clickbank, unless he’s manually going through members’ email addresses and checking them against some kind of ‘blacklist’ he’s created which I very much doubt!

  12. I went ahead and signed up because I wanted to make some extra money even though I knew it sounded too good to be true. Paying $9 to learn how to make $10000 a month just doesn’t sound right…

    I tried going through the lessons but I don’t have the money right now to start paying out for email ads, I just wish we would have been told about that upfront.

    Thank you Simon for finally exposing the truth behind scammers like these. I’m just sorry I read this a little too late. Stay safe out there people… I have been caught in many a scam.

    • Hey Justin, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us and there’s absolutely no shame in falling for a scam, most of us have done it. Remember, these guys are experts at emotional manipulation, telling you what you want to hear and they’re very well practised at it. 

      I am sure your story will serve as a clear warning to others!

      • Hello, Mr Simon my name is Lorion. I am living in Jamaica and I used to work as a waitress but due to Covid my hotel is closed and I am currently unemployed I’ve always wanted to try working online but don’t have the knowledge or training to do so.

        I was caught up in this get rich quick scheme I have paid over 300 US dollars for. One of these programs is called infusion first, they tell you to pay a small fee and I thought that was it, just to realise you have to keep paying more to get access. How can I get my money back?

        • Hi Lorion, I’m sorry to hear about your work situation. I think a lot of people are in the same boat right now with all the uncertainty going on surrounding Covid-19. I have no idea how long this is going to go on for and can only hope we get back to some kind of ‘normal’ soon…

          Unfortunately, I hear a lot of stories like yours. Many programs will set their front-end price at a low $7 or $9 just to get people in before pounding them with neverending and expensive upsells. It’s just sneaky and unethical.

          I tried searching online for Infusion but can’t find it. Check out their refund policy and see if there’s a cooling-off period. If it’s sold through Clickbank you get 60 days. If it’s sold through Warrior Plus it can vary from 30-90 days.

          Wealthy Affiliate is the best place I’ve seen so far that will teach you how to work full-time online because they have full step-by-step training and amazing support and their pricing is very transparent: join as a free Starter member to check it out for yourself and upgrade to Premium for $49/month if and when you’re ready.

          • However, i found out that, unless you’re a genius ( and most are not) it can & will take a long time to get all the critical moving parts to even get started then you have a million things to remember and if you are a newby like me…it can & will mentally drain you and especially if you dont have a good paying job everyday, you will endup having a hard time paying out those monthly autoship payments on your paid premium membership and for your Autoresponder Subscription plus once you get to having to purchase your website hosting & domain name service plus your own Wifi & Mobile service subscription (oh and youll absolutely need all these things to ever making any real progress to getting up with having an actual chance! Then you have tons to learn about getting your traffic and also Google Adwords traffic clicks…now you know why not everybodys jumping into this Internet Marketing activity!!!?
            I have personally spent over ($17,000) on nearly every shiny object that was pitched to me since my girlfriend bought me my first “accer” laptop for my birthday in Bangkok cost her about ($1900) for it brandnew and she got it for me to receive emails for my gigs. It took me nearly 6months to finally get thecourage to actually open it up and turn it on and when i did i was afraid to touch it thinking i may be doing something wrong! Anybody else ever had that same reaction to your first approach to the amazing world of computers? Anyway, what i finally first did was to become an Affiliate Member of nearly one hundred website offers..especially Clickbank Products and simply drop one of their links with my affiliate id attached. However, i finally had to locate many solo ad services and still purchasing as many cheap solo ad services that i can get my hands on oh and i already have subscribed to atleast 20 so far and soon i will try to start sending out email ads from their servers and websites..i find it is a better & more fun to try doing things this way without having to actually build my own difficult website and endup having to buy hosting & domain services AGAIN however, i still believe getting an Autoresponder service an absolute must if youre going to deal with all the emails and getting folks names & email address info to help start building your own critical “List” as it is actually This List that can & will help bring you Future Online Marketing success “if done” correctly..however, im finding out now that, if you are expecting any level of long term marketing success.(with or without) your own website…you absolutely MUST take your time and get your “List” of real folks, to get to know you & your intentions and value you “should” bring to them and incidently allowing them appropriate time to gain a certain level of confidence & trust in YOU that eventually when you finally send them an email on a promotional product you want them to consider, youll eventually enjoy anywhere from 15/25/35/40 and maybe even 60% buying clients nearly every time you send your emails. But from what i now know, you must firstly only try promoting real quality products &/or services that actually deliver on promises that YOU had recommended! Next Only send information headsup emails to your list atleast once/twice per week without fail and ONLY really try pitching or “Suggesting” one of your product click through links ONCE per week and absolutely must NOT overwhelm their inbox with sell sell tactics as you will absolutely “BurnOut” your list that you would have had worked so long & hard to harvest and lose everything (“Their Confidence in YOU”) if you employ this greedy tactic!?? Ok yes, i actually know nothing about affiliate marketing..just saying this is how i actually look at it and how it may workout for me this time around? One can only hope! Ha ha(@@) Thanks for reading this comment blog.

            • Hi Robert, thanks for sharing your experience and I totally get where you’re coming from. It sounds like you’ve picked up different bits and pieces from different places and I understand why it’s confusing. Try not to overthink it though.

              Earning commissions online via affiliate marketing is as simple as starting a website, creating content (that gets free traffic from Google) and recommending relevant products. Do it this way and you never need to ever pay for ads. I wouldn’t even focus on building an email list until your site is picking up. You can do all this for $50 a month. See my cost breakdown here.

              I’m so sorry you’ve spent $17,000 trying to figure this affiliate marketing gig out. It should never have been allowed to happen and it puts a bad light on everyone in the industry.

              The best advice I can give you? Clear the board and start again from scratch. Take the free Commission Academy Fast-Start training or check out my Commission Academy review first and I’ll be available personally to keep you on track. You can totally do this!

      • Thank you so much, brother. For exposing this scam artist who preys on the poor, desperate people. I am so glad that I have learned to listen to that first small voice that said no. I have learned that if it’s too good to be true then don’t believe it. We need more people like you in our lives.


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