Octane Review: Passive Income In 3 Clicks, Really Though?!


Hi, and welcome to unbiased Octane review where we find out if Jono Armstrong's latest program is a scam or legit.

The Octane program is called “A system so powerful, it should be illegal” and says this software gives you a way to ethically steal content from the internet to generate a truly passive income stream.

If this sounds a little too good to be true then you're right to be sceptical. I've seen 100's of so-called money-making systems that promise the world but end up leaving you high and dry, but will Octane be any different?

Here's what I found out:

Octane Review At A Glance

About: Octane is Jono Armstrong's new traffic software leveraging Youtube to get traffic for your affiliate offers.

Price: $27 for the front end, $528 for 4 upsells.

Pros: Has a 30-day money back guarantee, is a cheaper way to drive traffic than paying for ads.

Cons: Jono is a serial product creator.

Verdict: Octane is legit. Using Youtube videos with a Creative Commons License is legal so you can freely leverage it to drive traffic.


3 Star Rating NEW

What Is Octane?

Octane is Jono Armstrong's latest software and training program that claims to be a newbie-friendly way to start earning money online today without a website or paid ads.


By leveraging YouTube to drive completely free traffic to your affiliate links to generate commissions and sales.

Affiliate marketing is my all-time favourite way to make money online, in fact that's how I've been making a full-time income since 2015. I even offer a free 10-day make money online course showing people how to get started.

What makes Octane a little bit different is it gives you a way to create a profitable, high-traffic YouTube channel without having to create your own videos, by getting access to thousands of ready-made videos and using their beginner-friendly editing suite to make it your own.

You may be wondering:

Is it even legal to steal other people's videos?

Absolutely, because you'll only be using videos with a Creative Commons license. This means the video creators have given permission for their videos to be dices and sliced and used in anyway you want.

Octane's 3 Profit Strategies:

octane scam review members training area

Once inside the Octane dashboard area, you'll see the Profit Training has been split up into 3 main sections – Easy, Medium and Advanced:

Profit Method 1: Easy

In this training video, Jono teaches how to make money with ClickBank and Amazon's affiliate programs.

Profit method 2: Medium

This video lesson will show you how to get paid commisisons through affiliate networks like JVZoo and WarriorPlus by using a method called ‘launch jacking', a technique Jono Armstrong specialises in.

Profit Method 3: Advanced

The third video lesson will walk you through how to build an email marketing list so you can build a deeper level of trust with your buyers, and by adding value, you can make more commissions in the long-term.

How Octane Works

The first step in launching a successful and profitable video marketing campaign is to use the Octane software to search for keywords to find related videos you can use.

This could be videos on YouTube or Vimeo or any online video platform. As I say, all these videos have a Creative Commons license so it's completely legit.

You choose a video, then edit and trim the sections you want and add an outro with your own call to action using their easy video editing software.

how octane works

Once the video is rendered you can share it on sites like Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook or upload it to YouTube directly.

But Jono takes it one step further:

Rather than uploading it as a regular video, he uploads all his videos as LIVE videos, giving them that all-important extra exposure. You simply place your affiliate links in the video description and you're good to go!

Here's a full video walkthrough of Jono showing you Octane in action:

Can You Really Make Money With Octane?

I believe you can. By using the power of live streaming to rank your videos without the need for a website, your video will get daily YouTube and Google traffic.

When Jono gave a live example, his video ranked in 3rd place in YouTube results for his targeted keyword, and ranked 2nd place in Google search results within minutes.

Here, take a look at Jono's case study results:

All you need to make money online with affiliate marketing is an offer to promote and traffic – get these two in place and you'll have a steady stream of commissions and sales coming in.

Exactly how much money you'll make will depend on the price of the products you choose to promote, the commission rate and number of daily searches for your keyword.

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now Β»

4 Compelling Reasons To Give Octane A Shot

1. You Get 100% Free Traffic

With Octane, there's no need for expensive Facebooks ads, pay per click marketing or paying out for solo ad swipes that never get results.

It's not often I come across a legit traffic generation method that actually works.

The beauty of leveraging the power of YouTube is that, just like a blog, you can create a video once and that video could still be generate sales for you months and even years down the line.

That's what I call truly passive income!

It gets better though:

Because YouTube is owned by Google, it's highly likely your video will show in Google search results too – it's like you're hitting two birds with one stone.

2. You Leverage The Power Of YouTube Without Having to Create Videos Yourself

Everyone knows videos are where it's going. In 2018 Google started showing videos in their search results and this trend will only continue.

Most people (myself included!) are at least a little bit camera shy and the idea of making videos sounds overly technical and overwhelming.

The good news is, Octane gives you a completely legit way round that.

3. You Will Actually See Results

Follow Jono Armstrong's training and you can definitely make money as an Amazon affiliate, a ClickBank affiliate and profit from any of the 100's of free affiliate programs out there.

Companies like Walmart, Sony, Samsung and eBay all have affiliate programs you can join for free. You get paid anywhere between 5 – 75% commissionn whenever somneone clicks through your link and buys something.

how affiliate marketing works

Signing up to affiliate programs and getting your unique link is easy, the hard part that people struggle with is getting their links in front of a buying audience.

Most people either start a website or revert to paid traffic sources like Google Adwords or Facebook and YouTube marketing. This can work well, but websites take a long time to rank in Google and running a paid ad campaign can be risky and expensive (especially as a beginner).

With Jono's Octane program, you now have a new, free-to-implement and highly effective option.

4. You Can Try Octane Completely Risk-Free

As octane is being sold through the WarriorPlus.com platform, it automatically comes with a no questions asked 30-day money-back guarantee so that you can try it for yourself and see if it's the right fit.

Is Octane A Scam Or Legit?

I'll be honest:

When I sat down to start writing this review of Octane I didn't expect to be giving it a thumbs up…

Jono Armstrong has released a few training products in the past, namely Secret Weapon, Ministry Of Freedom and From 0 To $100 In 24 Hours which just were NOT that good!

(I think I rated them 25/100 and 30 out of 100)

But I've got to say, surprisingly, Octane is one of the better courses I've seen so far from these guys.

Jono Armstrong has come up with a method that is simple, effective, requires a very low upfront investment to get started and is something anyone can do.

For that reason I rate Octane 84/100 and can confidently recommend this to anyone starting out. If you're looking for a way to start with YouTube marketing buy Octane and I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Give Octane a shot – try out a couple of videos for yourself and see the results. You'll be glad you did!

How I Make Money Online?

As I've already mentioned, I've been making a full-time income online since 2015 and that's all thanks to this free beginner's course that showed me exactly how the process of making money online works and gave me the tools and support to make it happen.

They cover all aspects of creating a website, launching a successful YouTube channel, choosing the right kinds of products to promote and driving traffic.

The best part is it's free to start and try out without getting your wallet out.

If this is something you'd be interested in, find out more here and get coaching and support from me every step of the way.

Questions Or Thoughts Of Your Own?

What do you think about Jono Armstrong's Octane program?

Scroll down and leave your review.

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.

17 thoughts on “Octane Review: Passive Income In 3 Clicks, Really Though?!”

  1. Hi, I checked your review here about octane and would add some thoughts.

    I actually bought the product and tried to use it several times. It is not that easy I have to say.

    I chose the right videos, cropped them and added my own image to it. This worked ok but when it comes to live streaming I had quite some problems.

    The last few tries did not submit the whole video, from my 12 minutes only the last about four were streamed.

    At first, it worked well, some videos went full length but the latest 3-4 trials were not usable.
    I also checked the ranking of these videos and they did very bad. Maybe it has to do that my YouTube channel is not yet very known but I think it is because of the duplicated content.
    Anyway, I do not recommend octane anymore, I’ll have to overwork my own https://asuperaffiliate.com/the-octane-review too πŸ™‚

    • Thanks for letting us know about your experience and the software glitches Stefan, it sounds like a real pain in the arse to use I’ve got to say. I guess there’s no short cut to producing your own video content…

      I’m seeing a lot of video software products coming out recently (Easy Cash Club by Steve Johnson is another I reviewed the other day) that all promote the idea of copying and pasting blog content and turning them into video format. I’m not sure exactly how smart Google is about that type of thing but there’s bound to be duplicate content issues sooner or later I’m sure.

      • Hi, I recently checked some review websites, done with WP affiliate machine, a copy and paste program as you probably know.

        Some use a content flipper software to change the wordings of the text, also a robot. It is hard to understand though what is written after the flipping lol.

        I think for YouTube and website content the best way to succeed in the long run is to write original and unique content.

        In the end, what reputation do you build with replicating other peoples content?

        • Sounds like content spinners for video! πŸ™‚

          Completely agree Stefan, coming up with your own original content (blog posts or videos) is definitely the way to go.

  2. Octane sounds interesting. I wouldn’t use it myself, but I do see the value it provides. I’ve watched many YouTube videos that are nothing more than a compilation of other people’s videos. 

    For example, some video producers make “top 10” type videos where they take short clips from each video and make it into their own unique video. That’s a good option for some people, if you enjoy editing and don’t mind using other people’s content. 

    Personally, I’d rather make my own videos with my own unique content, but to each their own. 

    • Thanks for sharing Charles, I think at the end of the day, nothing can beat 100% unique quality videos in the long-term, but Octane could be a good short-term alternative for those looking to get started but aren’t quite ready to sit in front of a camera.

  3. I like the idea of Octane very much. The sticky point for me is the live streaming part. I do not question Live Stream videos to rank better. Seen it work. But my experience with it is YouTube is cracking down on what one could call “pre-made” videos that are live streamed.

    I believe they want REAL live content and are slowly but surely penalizing or banning YT accounts and or channels that are using the Live Stream with pre-made videos. So how do you use say a Clickbank product video, add your own live element to it and stream it LIVE for real? I’m not sure how to go about that.

    Another idea is: Would broadcasting the pre-made video as Private or Unlisted and later making it LIVE buffer you enough to not get banned? I have not tested myself. Other ideas? Curious your take on this. I think I would definitely purchase Octane for the ease of use factor but am on the fence because the Live Stream part is kind of a big deal in my mind. Thoughts?

    • Hi Ace, great question.

      I think you make a very valid point – in the medium to long-term I don’t think live streaming is going to be as effective as it is now. We all know YouTube is currently giving live streamed videos that ‘extra ranking juice’ to promote the new feature in the same way Facebook did, but this won’t last forever and as more ClickBank affiliate jump on the live stream bandwagon they will crack down on it for sure.

      Ultimately, the only way to foolproof your live streaming videos is to actually live stream them! By this I mean use something like Screencast or Screenflow to review ClickBank products in real time.

      That way, you’re using live stream to help rank your YouTube videos without trying to ‘cheat the system’. Whichever way you go about it, there’s pros and cons for sure.

      Hope this helps?

  4. As with all these types of schemes that have been doing the rounds for years, I at first thought it had to be too good to be true. But after reading your review, in which you yourself admitted being surprised by Octane, I have to agree that it’s at least worth a good read-up. I do know that there is money to be made in video sharing and advertising, and if there’s a 30-day money back guarantee then I suppose why not? As with everything, you only get out what you put in, and this would take a lot of work and hours to be put in. Very interesting, thank you πŸ™‚

    • Thanks for sharing. Video marketing is HUGE right now, especially YouTube live streaming. 

      Go for it! Do let us know how you get on πŸ™‚

      • Hello. Simon are you saying we should purchase the octane software to recreate YouTube videos please I need urgent advice. Thanks.

        • Hey Peter, I guess it comes down to what you’re looking to achieve. If you’re just starting out in affiliate marketing then it might help you in the short term, but it won’t be long ’til YouTube cracks down on this. At the end of the day it is a temporary shortcut and never a long-term business plan.

          I’d say if you already have affiliate marketing experience and a website that’s generating you a regular income and want to get into YouTube then go for it. If you’re a total newbie and looking to give yourself the strongest start then you can’t go wrong with Wealthy Affiliate.

          Please feel free to ask any more questions if you’re not sure and I appreciate you reaching out πŸ™‚

          • Hello Simon, i register an account with wealthy affiliate yesterday but have not gone for the premium, am just a newbie in online marketing and really need some advice to guiding affiliate, please should i go for the both of them ?octane | & WA ?

              • What about the Octane is it advisable to purchase it, using the Screen-cast or Screen flow to to edit the you-tube live-stream videos for ClickBank products in real time what do you think?

  5. Hey Simon, how hard is it to get approved for the Amazon affiliate program? I heard that the rules are getting stricter all the time and that you need a website before you can get approved??

    I don’t mean to be sceptical – I am just looking for help becoming an Amazon Affiliate because as you know, they have the biggest range of products you can promote but I worry about my Amazon affiliate application getting refused if I don’t have a website.

    Many thanks for your help in advance…

    • Hey,

      From my experience, getting approved is pretty easy, if not automatic. You just need to make at least 3 sales in 6 months, something that’s not too hard to do.

      Also, Amazon is just one of the 100’s of affiliate programs you can use with Octane. This will literally work for any niche and any product.

      Hope this helps πŸ™‚


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