Onyxx Review: A Scam Or A Real Way To Make $300 A Day?

Onyxx Review A Scam Or Legit

If you want to make money online and thinking about shelling out for Onyxx then I write this review for you.

I'm going to show you what Onyxx can and can't do, the pros and cons of using this method and whether this is your best option going forward.

Onyxx Review At A Glance

About: Art Flair's video creation software that's supposedly a shortcut to earning $300 in daily affiliate commissions.

Price: $17 early bird plus 6 upsells totalling $422.

Pros: 30-day money-back guarantee.

Cons: The sales page is deceptive, I don’t trust the creator, most of the software is useless and this is NOT how you do affiliate marketing.

Verdict: Onyxx can only be described as a scam because it doesn't give you what you're promised. The software is pretty useless and the end result is a bunch of low-quality videos that make money for no one. 


1.5 Star Rating NEW

If you’re hoping to use the Onyxx software to make $300 a day in sales, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed.

This calls itself an automated income stream where you don’t have to do anything to make money online but try it and you’ll see it doesn’t do what you were told it does because the method Art Flair is giving you here is outdated and ineffective.

Rather than help put money in your hands, with 6 upsells, this is clearly a product designed to take as much of your money as possible.

What Is Onyxx?

Art Flair's Onyxx is supposedly a push-button app that instantly puts your affiliate links in front of 100s of hungry buyers so you make $300 a day (that's $9,000 a month!) in autopilot commissions.

Onyxx promises brand new beginners and those struggling with affiliate marketing an easy shortcut to getting traffic and sales with their “traffic-sucking” video creation software.

We're told this as a way to build a thriving YouTube channel with 1000s of subscribers without the need to get in front of the camera or learn video editing.

Onyxx is just the latest so-called Youtube-busting software we've reviewed in the last few months; Easy Cash Club, YTA Method, VidZPresso and Octane all make the same guarantees of quick and easy YouTube profits.

How Onyxx Is Supposed To Work

According to the sales video, making money with Onyxx works in 4 simple steps:

1. Log in

Once you pay up you'll be sent an email with your login details and a link to the members' area which looks a little something like this:

inside onyxx members area

2. Add free images and a voiceover

Head on over to the Image-Video Creator Tool where you'll enter the title of your video, search keywords to find relevant free stock images pulled from Pixabay to create an image slideshow and select an audio track:

how onyxx works

3. Create your video

From there, hit the Create button and download your video.

4. Upload

You can either upload to YouTube directly or use Onyxx's video scheduler to set a time you want to upload.

What's supposed to happen next is your video hits Google and YouTube's first pages and you get 1,000s of visitors watching your video and clicking on your affiliate links.

Can You Really Make Money With Onyxx?

We watch a whopping 5 billion YouTube videos every single day. A decent portion of those are created by affiliates to promote some kind of product or service.

That's a heck of a lot of people engaging in content, getting help and advice and clicking on affiliate links. Without a doubt, YouTube is one of the best places to build an online business and earn afiliate income if you do it right!

The problem is, follow the Onyxx method and you'll end up with a channel stuffed with very low quality videos nobody wants to watch.

Think about it:

When was the last time you sat through a video of nothing but random stock images and an automated, robotic-sounding voiceover?

Is this really what's going to bring in the views, subscribers and sales?

I don't think so!

Success with affiliate marketing hinges on being able to get the right products in front of the right people in an interesting and engaging way.

And here's something you'll never hear these get-rich-quick marketers say:

To make money with YouTube you actually need to create your own content!

Rather than creating the crappy image slideshow videos, Onyxx wants you to, you'd be better off just getting your phone out and start talking.

Or if you're camera shy then start an affiliate marketing website and blog your way to a 6-figure income online like I did.

How Much Does Onyxx Cost?

Onyxx is available on the early-bird offer for $17. Let all get-rich-quick schemes though, Onyxx asks for a low dollar amount upfront before selling you on the higher priced products.

Onyxx has 6 higher-priced upsells, let's run through them one by one:

Upsell 1: Onyxx Advance – $47

The first upsell promises to take your earnings to the next level as you get unlimited video creation and can create videos with more than 400 words.

This obviously means they limit the number and length of videos you can create with the normal Onyxx package.

Upsell 2: Onyxx Expert – $47

Promising more earnings in a shorter amount of time, Onyxx Expert gives you the ability to rebrand existing videos (this is plagerism and definitely NOT recommended!)

Upsell 3: Onyxx DFY – $47

Pay an extra $47 and you'll get done-for-you affiliate campaigns, email campaigns, CPA campaigns and squeeze pages.

While done-for-you might make it easier to earn your first commission, be prepared to spend money on solo ads or Google ads before you can expect to see a return.

Upsell 4: Onyxx Reseller – $197

If you love Onyxx and want to promote it yourself and keep 100% of the commissions then you can buy the full reseller's license.

Upsell 5: Onyxx 6-Fig Training – $47

Buy Onyxx 6-Fig training and Art Flair claims you'll become a super affiliate.

The 3 training modules included are:

  • Instagram Traffic module
  • Google Adwords Module
  • Product Creation Module

Upsell 6: Onyxx Case Studies – $37

This final Onyxx upsell gives you 8 real-life case studies that supposedly show you the copy and paste method members have used to generate up to $500 a day in profits.

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Onyxx Pros

1. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The only pro I can come up with is Onyxx is covered by Warrior Plus' 30-day money-back guarantee so even if you ignore my advice and sign up anyway, at least you'll have the option of getting your money back.

Onyxx Cons

1. Onyxx Uses Misleading Marketing

Whether it's tonic makers claiming to cure baldness, fast food chains claiming their food is healthy or cigarette companies denying the link between smoking and cancer, misleading marketing is nothing new.

In the internet age we're faced with scammers trying to sell us on the idea you can make $300 a day online for little to no effort. It's just not going to happen!

How about instead of trying to get-rich-quick you try the real way instead by creating a real internet business for yourself?

With Onyxx we have glowing 5-star reviews flooding the search results, spammy emails and money-hungry affiliates offering a gazillion bonuses to try and get you to sign up.

The prevailing attitude is: “Who cares if it delivers on its promise to help you achieve your online income goals? Just click the link and buy it already.”

2. This Product Will Be Abondoned In A Week Or 2

Onyxx's sales page promises world-class support but that's not what you're getting.

Have a burning question or need help using the video creator?

You'll have to submit your support ticket via email and wait 24-48 hours for a response from an agent in an outsourced customer service centre who knows nothing about internet marketing.

Art Flair won't be available to help you – he's too busy creating the cheesy promo video for his next product launch.

3. Art Flair And Friends Have A Terrible Reputation Online

Art Flair knows how to create a stir and launch products. What he doesn't know is how to create quality training programs that are actually going to help people in the long run.

Not a couple of weeks go by without Art Flair and his marketing buddies coming up with yet another “new and revolutionary guaranteed money-making system”, many of them we've exposed like:

Aside from fake promises of quick and easy money, what all these products have in common is a huge backlog of complaints and ridiculously high refund rates.

4. Pretty Useless Software

Yes, the software pulls up ClickBank, Warrior Plus and JVZoo products, but why not just go directly to these sites and see the products yourself?

Seems redundant to me.

Then there's the Onyxx video scheduler feature. It's easy enough to just upload or schedule a video on YouTube directly without the need for this.

Onyxx comes with a pretty nifty image creator, but again, why not just create a free account with Canva? Theirs is way better anyway.

5. Onyxx Is A Lazy Shortcut That Doesn't Work

Instead of being the ultimate software solution to all your money-making worries, Onyxx is a lazy shortcut to internet riches that'll have people creating spammy-looking, boring-as-hell videos nobody is going to watch.

You succeed with YouTube by uploading interesting, engaging and unique videos that get good watch time and a high number of likes and subscribes.

The only thing you'll get with videos made with Onyxx is a lot of thumbs down and for good reason. You're offering no value to anyone. You're building trust with no one which means nobody will care what you have to offer.

It's an extremely poor, ineffective and short-sighted way of doing affiliate marketing.

Is Onyxx A Scam?

Onyxx can only be described as a scam because it fails to deliver what it promises. Onyxx's marketing is deceptive, its software pretty useless and the end result is a bunch of low-quality videos that make money for no one.

BY FAR the biggest reason I won’t be recommending Onyxx is that it doesn’t give you a viable way to generate an online income stream like they say it does.

Onyxx Review: The Bottom Line

I hate being the purveyor of bad news, I really do!

I wish I could tell you all you need to do to make $300 a day online is create a few short videos rammed with random stock images and affiliate links but it's never quite as simple as that and there's no such thing as get-rich-quick.

You can keep looking for shiny shortcuts or you can start investing in your long-term success by learning how to create a real and profitable business online.

If I told you I spent hours crafting and publishing 120 posts on my first affiliate website before ever reaching $1,000 a month, would that put you off starting an affiliate marketing business?

Because that's exactly the kind of grit and determination you're gonna need to make a success of this.

If you're not afraid of the hustle then Wealthy Affiliate has everything you need to get started, including the simple 4-step formula to generate affiliate sales daily:

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Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate’s step-by-step training I:

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  • Get to travel across south-east Asia
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Check out my SUPER in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review to find out more about the ultimate all-in-one training platform that will give you the tools and support you need to launch your online empire.

The training has been proven time and time again to work, but don't take my word for it, try it for free here.

What's Your Take?

I hope you’ve found this Onyxx review helpful. I'm sorry it's not what you wanted to hear but I applaud you for taking the time to do your research before signing up.

Is Onyxx worth paying $17 for or are you going to give this one a pass?

Already tried Onyxx? What are your results so far?

Drop us a comment to tell us about your experience, we'd love to hear from you!

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