Profit Robot Review 2024: A Legit $444/Day Or A Scam?


In this Profit Robot review, we'll be looking at the program calling itself a 100% newbie-friendly way to make $444.80 a day for just 20 minutes of work.

First off, let me commend you for taking the time to do your research before buying into any “automated profits system.”

This is the best way to avoid scams and find legitimate ways to make money online.

Profit Robot is a new release primed to be the next big ‘set and forget' money-maker.

YouTube and Google are rammed right now with glowing Profit Robot reviews from affiliates offering as many bonuses as they can as they jostle to bank commissions.

But does Profit Robot live up to the hype or is this just the same old scam rebranded under a different name?

I just had to buy it myself and see.

Profit Robot Review At A Glance

About: Art Flair & Pallab Ghosal’s Profit Robot offers traffic generation training and done-for-you sales funnels to supposedly make $444 a day without selling anything.

Price: $47 discounted to $12.17 plus 5 upsells costing $455, but you're also gonna need an ads budget to make this work.

Pros: Comes with a 60-day refund.

Cons: It’s impossible to make the money they claim with the expensive and ineffective traffic methods they teach.

Verdict: You'll have to pay to send traffic through a done-for-you sales funnel to promote get-rich-quick ClickBank scams. I recommend avoiding it at all costs.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Rather than being a ‘set and forget automated method for unlimited profits', Profit Robot does nothing to help newbies make any money at all.

The hyped-up income claims and snidey tactics used to promote this product are downright deceptive and with 5 upsells, this is clearly a product designed to squeeze as much money out of buyers as possible.

Get to the member's dashboard area you'll find a video training course teaching people how to make money selling to people who want to learn how to make money.

It’s going to be hard for beginners to learn everything they need to know to be successful in the affiliate marketing game in just a few short videos.

What Is Profit Robot?

Apparently, Robot Profit gives you two completely done for you profit-generating sales funnels which take just 20 minutes to set up. Then you sit back, relax and watch your income come in on autopilot.

We're expected to believe this is a fully automated, set and forget method where you get these amounts of money coming into your bank without having to sell anything.

Land on the Profit Robot website and the first thing you see is a big banner promising easy $444.80 daily earnings:

what is profit robot a scam or legit

That's $13,344 a month!


In case you haven't seen the Profit Robot sales video yet, here it is:

The video goes on to say this is a brilliant money maker for beginners as you don't need a big budget to start seeing results.

Inside the FAQ's section we're told:

“You WILL make money this week… although it’s very possible to be stuffing your PayPal with cash as soon as tomorrow.”

Can You Make Money With Profit Robot?

Profit Robot creators Art Flair & Pallab Ghosal say they are experts at creating high converting sales funnels and squeeze pages so all you have to do is send people to their way and let them do the selling for you.

Whenever anyone buys one of the many affiliate offers, you earn a commission.

This is what's known as affiliate marketing and it's definitely a legit business model. I know it's legit because it’s how I make $7,000+ per month online.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing here’s a quick overview:

how affiliate marketing works

Read: What Is Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work? [The Beginner’s Guide]

Profit Robot says they will skyrocket your affiliate commissions because they've chosen the highest converting products and written the sales emails for you.

That means the only thing missing is traffic.

How does Profit Robot say you'll find the people to send to these offers?

By using the power of free and paid traffic, or in other words; spamming Facebook or paying for advertising.

The issue here is not only are you going to have to compete against every person who has signed up for Profit Robot, but you're limited to selling get-rich-quick style products.

All we know is they convert well, but will what you're promoting actually help people?

Making sales is easy enough at the beginning while the hype for Profit Robot is high, but that won't last long. It never does. As people start to learn more about how Profit Robot works, the potential for sales will drop dramatically.

The Profit Robot Training

Since they provide the sales funnel they say 95% of the work is done for you.

Normally you'd have to find other make money online products to promote, get your affiliate links, create a sales funnel, write out email campaigns.

In that sense, it's good for newbies.

All you have to do is drive traffic to the funnel, which is the main topic covered in the 12 module video training course.

Here's a quick overview of the video training:

Module 1: Introduction to Profit Robot (6 min 21)

Module 2: Why is this so powerful – part 1 (3 min 57)

Module 3: Why is this so powerful – part 2 (6 min 59)

Module 4: Turn your Facebook posts into free clickable ads (5 min 40)

Module 5: How to get buyer traffic for free – part 1 (4 min 33)

Module 6: How to get buyer traffic for free – part 2 (9 min 34)

Module 7: Get free social media traffic (4 min 13)

Module 8: Scaling up – get more traffic (12 min 10)

Module 9: Siphon traffic like a pro (4 min 19)

Module 10: Get even more traffic (4 min 36)

Module 11: More about high-quality traffic (2 min 39)

Module 12: Summing up (2 min 39)

All in all, the video training adds up to a measly 21 minutes and 46 seconds! 

What can you actually learn in that short time? Not much I'd say…

Affiliate marketing, whilst being a very valid way of earning an online income, is just not possible to master in such a short amount of time watching a few videos.

My top-rated affiliate marketing course has 50+ core step-by-step training lessons.

It’s perfect for beginners because it walks you through all the steps of being successful online, including how to get your first website up and running, how to get free and organic traffic and build your email list.

With all of the hype surrounding the launch of Profit Robot, I expected to find something new, fresh and innovative. Yet the basic ideas here are ones that have been taught countless of times before.

This so-called fully automated revolutionary new system is simply a list of pre-written emails and landing pages that promoting various training products within the make money online niche.

The training just shows you how to spam links across social media sites like Facebook.

How Much Does Profit Robot Cost?

The official price is $47 but right now Profit Robot is available at a discounted rate of $12.17. Members will also be encouraged to pay an extra $455 for additional upsells.

Then there are 5 upsells in total:

Upsell 1: 10x Profits Case Studies Pack – $27

Upsell 2: Done-For-You Platinum Pack – $37

Upsell 3: Unlimited Traffic Pack – $197

Upsell 4: Reseller's License – $97

Upsell 5: Mastermind + 3 Coaching Calls – $97

The good news is as Profit Robot is a JVZoo product, it automatically comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now »

4 Profit Robot Red Flags To Watch Out For

1. Profit Robot Promises Boatloads Of Cash For Zero Effort

Profit Robot, like AZ Millionaire Method and CB Cash Code and many other get-rich-quick schemes, is great at dangling outlandish dollar amounts in front of your face to draw you in.

They press your emotional buttons by promising to give you a proven system that will get you out of debt so you can finally be free to live the life you want.

what is profit robot a scam review

Add to that the claim tsunamis of fast cash will flood after just 20 minutes work and you've crossed the line from sales hype to outright deception.

Am I saying it's not possible to make money with this?


If you're an experienced affiliate marketer within the make money online niche with a growing list of email subscribers you can promote to, you could do very well with this done-for-you sales funnel.

That is, of course, if you don't mind flogging any old make money system to the people on your list regardless of whether they actually work or not.

If you’re a beginner looking to get started in affiliate marketing this course is a much better fit, but it's no get-rich-quick scheme.

To be successful online you're going to have to work hard at it and put in the effort it takes to make your online income goals a reality.

Sorry guys there are no shortcuts, but the sooner you realise this, the sooner you'll get to where you want to be.

2. Fake Countdown Timer

When I landed on the site earlier this afternoon I was told I needed to “Act fast!” as I only had an hour left on the countdown clock to claim the Profit Robot discount.

Taking a second look at the site a couple of hours later, it seems the timer has reset itself. It probably gets to zero then starts at 9 hours again.

This is a common scarcity tactic used by scammers designed to give you a false sense of urgency so you'll run and grab your wallet while you still ‘have the chance'.

3. Getting Traffic Is The REAL Issue

Let's assume the Profit Robot sales funnel is the highest converting sales funnel ever created by man. If you're not directing traffic through it you'll never make a cent.

It's not like they're teaching you how to set up a website that gets free and targeted traffic via the search engines (like I do), meaning you'll never have to pay a dime for traffic…

You're going to need to drive traffic and lots of it.

Profit Robot doesn’t come close to explaining how to go about this.

Sure, they tell you to share spammy links across social media sites like Facebook, but in all honesty, do you think that's going to be enough to get real results?

People are more sophisticated online now than they used to be. They don't just click on random ads on social media.

Not to mention that by sending people through this funnel you'll be putting your own name to products you've never even tried or heard of.

After writing 100s of reviews, I know from experience that 90% of make money online type training programs out there are utter garbage.

A question you've got to ask yourself is:

Is it really worth putting your reputation on the line for a quick buck?

4. Unexpected Advertising Costs

Aside from the initial $47 and various upsells they'll try to push you into buying, you're also going to need to put money aside for paid traffic.

Sure, you can try the free traffic methods they teach but then what?

Without a website or list of email subscribers to promote to, you're going to need to resort to paid advertising in order to make this work.

This could be via paid Facebook ads or Pay Per Click Google ads but either way, you're going to have to pay for it.

There's a certain knack to paid advertising and while I've dabbled with it in the past, I don't claim to have mastered it yet.

As a beginner, it's going to take time to test and tweak your campaigns until they're running profitably and you could end up spending $1000s before you know it.

Is Profit Robot A Scam Or Legit?

Profit Robot is not a scam. The product does teach a potential way to make affiliate commissions and you might even get lucky and earn a decent amount from it, but don't think you’re going to be making money in the next 24 hours without actually working.

If you’re determined to give Profit Robot a try then go right ahead. I just don’t believe it helps anyone looking to make real money online get to where they want to be.

Most products like this last just a few short months and then disappear. I guess that's just the nature of hype in the online business world.

A Better Way To Make Money As An Affiliate

The only training platform I've seen last more than a decade is Wealthy Affiliate, the place I learned how to start a legit and successful affiliate marketing business.

Join for free here and have your first website up and running in the next few minutes.

One of the great things about building an online business with free organic traffic is that you don't have to constantly chase after affiliate commissions.

Follow the same training I did, put in the hard work and the traffic and sales will come looking for you.

The best part?

You can put your wallet away because the beginners training is completely free to start.

More Helpful Profit Robot Reviews

As I said at the start of this Profit Robot review, it's hard to find real reviews online as nearly all of them are overly positive reviews from affiliates who earn commissions every time they get someone to join Profit Robot.

It also seems like the Profit Robot scammers are paying people to write fake positive reviews on Trustpilot.

I did however find a couple of reviewers on YouTube who give their take on Profit Robot:

What's Your Profit Robot Review?

Calling all Profit Robot members! What's been your experience so far?

Is $47 really worth it for a few short training videos, especially when you can get a lot more effective training for free?

Scroll down and leave your reviews in the comments, we'd love to hear from you!

16 thoughts on “Profit Robot Review 2024: A Legit $444/Day Or A Scam?”

  1. Profit Robot looks like a really interesting website with lots of benefits to it. The video is just an added bonus to it. It explains everything clearly about Profit Robot. I’m definitely going to try this out and let you know how it goes. Thank you for letting me know about this platform. It is really helpful for me now.

  2. Thanks for your honest review about Profit Robot, I was supposed to buy Profit Robot but after reading your reviews i dropped my decision. Thanks.

    • I am so happy to hear that Sameer! Pat yourself on the back, you’ve just saved yourself $47 (at least!).

      If you’re looking to learn how to make a real income online then do check out the free training I talked about. It’s a step-by-step training course and community that will really help you succeed if you are ready to put in the work!

      Hopefully see you soon 🙂

  3. Way too many upsells.  Too many programs that are promising to earn you all sorts of money for little to no effort at all.  That always sounds a little fishy to me.  I also always see these fake countdown timers like your going to miss out on something great if you don’t act now.  Getting traffic is always the issue if you are interested in affiliate marketing you do need traffic.  These programs will never tell you that there is an extra cost for advertising.  

    • Appreciate your input Shy. 

      The reason I often point out the price of upsells as well as any other software or tools you’ll need to buy in order to apply what any training course is teaching you is to help people properly count the cost before diving in headfirst.

      And for Profit Robot this is a biggy. It’s great they give you two high converting sales funnels but you’re only going to make any money if you send traffic their way somehow and paid advertising is a tricky one, especially if you’ve never done it before. 

      It’s really important to have set budgets before going into it because as I know from experience, blowing your entire ad budget when you’re still trying to find your feet can happen a lot quicker than you think.

  4. Great review Simon! It’s very detailed and helpful for newbies who are looking for how to make money online and don’t know where to start. There are a lot of scammers out there and for beginners it’s overwhelming. 

    I know that Wealthy Affiliate is legit company, great community with amazing support, easy to use tools and tons of video trainings and tutorials! 

    Thank you so much for providing great and helpful review!

  5. Thanks for the in depth profit robot review.

    I’t new, I haven’t heard of it but the sales pitch sounds all the same as so many before. I still don’t understand why these program owners don’t use their product them selves, they would be filthy rich if they did about 10 series paralell to each other the same as if 10 customers would do it.

    That would give a steady income of $4440 a day, according to them, I think a lot more than selling products paying some $5 a piece.

    Thanks for the warning, another name on the red flag list 🙂

  6. A breath of fresh air! 

    Thanks for your honesty and great review over Profit Robot. This was a very informative review that felt like you were being honest, fair and transparent. I felt as I read your post that I could trust you. I truly enjoyed the ending of the post where you ended up reporting that you could not recommend this system, but, if people were still going to try it that they should be on the lookout for…

    Again, thanks for the honest review.

    • Thanks Todd I appreciate that! 

      I’ve seen it time and again with products like these where there’s a big pre-launch build up and affiliate competitions, which is why every other Profit Robot review out there is from affiliates simply repeating the sales page spiel and offering as many bonuses as they can as a way to encourage people to sign up through their link.

      At the end of the day I can only give my honest review and tell people what I think. After that it’s up to them to decide.

  7. I really can’t believe how many schemes there are out there for making money with minimal effort. There is clearly a market for it but I’m a firm believer that you need to work hard and there is no easy money. Profit Robot sounds like it doesn’t deliver everything that it promises.

    • I guess it’s this type of hype that sells Fiona. Believe it or not there are still people out there who are looking for the next push button system or profit spitting machine who mistakingly believe such a thing exists.

      It never ceases to amaze me that there’s a whole industry out there where people make money online by selling hyped-up get rich quick programs that have very little substance. 

      I found this out myself when I was struggling to find a legit way to earn a full-time income online and I think a lot of other people too… it’s like you’ve got to push past a wall of low quality training products and outright scams before you get to an actual business model that gives you the results you’re looking for.

  8. Hi Simon,

    Thank you for the review on Profit Robot.  These shams are tiresome for sure.  There are just sooo many websites that claim to do all the work for you with just a little investment and then you’re rich in no time.  If that was the case, wouldn’t we all be rich?  I wish there was more we could do to prevent people from falling prey to these sites.  Kudos to you for spreading the word.

    • What I try and do is educate readers by showing them how to recognise some of the most common red flags.

      One of biggest of these in my opinion is when “money” is the ultimate goal within the marketing, without giving any explanation as to how you are going to earn it. 

      We’ve all seen it; promo videos with people sipping cocktails at the beach, driving around in ferraris and taking private jets to some desert island somewhere, but there’s no explanation of what you will actually be doing to earn money. 

      Whenever you see something like this, there’s a 99.99% chance it’s a scam. A lot of the time they’re going to ask you for a small $29-$49 amount before trying to sell you on another high ticket item.

      So take note of these common red flags as they’re more often than not a good indicator of whether what you’re getting involved with is a legitimate affiliate marketing program or some kind of scheme.

      Personally I’ve always believed in being honest and transparent with your readers which is why I only ever recommend training that:

      a) I have taken myself

      b) Has some kind of ‘try before you buy’ like a free Starter account of trial before ever asking you for a penny.


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