Google Sniper Review: Why “Sniping” Is Obsolete In 2024


In this definitive review of George Brown's Google Sniper training, I'm going to show you why today, in 2022, this is not your best shot at online success.

Google Sniper was HUGE back in the day! I remember it like it was yesterday! Launched in 2009, it went on to generate an astounding $500,000 for the affiliates promoting it.

A few years later George revamped it and Google Sniper 2.0 was released in 2012…

Google Sniper 3.0 came out in 2014 promising to be “more powerful than ever…”

But we've heard nothing or had any new updates since.

If you want to know if Google Sniper is the best way to make your online income dreams a reality then you're in the right place because we're going to dive deep and look at:

  • What Google Sniper is
  • How much it costs (in total)
  • What you'll learn
  • And most importantly: if Google Sniper's tactics will still work for you now

You ready? Let's go!

Google Sniper Review At A Glance

About: George Brown's Google Sniper promises a complete blueprint you can use to go from zero to 6 figures online by creating small income-generating affiliate sites.

Price: $47 one-time for Google Sniper then $47 a month for Sniper X plus two upsells at $284, but registering 50 domains and web hosting add $6,650 per year to the total cost.

Pros: You're covered by Clickbank's 60-day refund policy.

Cons: Full of outdated, misleading information and bad advice.

Verdict: Google Sniper might have been a semi-decent course back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, but you'll make no money following these strategies today. 


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Do yourself a favour and unsubscribe immediately from whoever told you Google Sniper was the right way to build an online business because clearly, they're willing to tout whatever trash they come across.

Google Sniper was a lousy option in 2009 and it's even worse in 2022.

If you're bored of the get-rich-quick bullcrap and believe you have what it takes to become your own boss and build an online business, tap here to get started today.

Is George Brown A Scammer Or Can You Trust Him?

We've never stepped back from exposing get-rich-quick scammers like Anthony Morrison, Jamie Lewis and Jason Fulton and I have to say George Brown is one of them.

Here's what we know:

  • George started making money from his first niche site at just 17 years old
  • He made over $20 million from Google Sniper within the first 5 years
  • Everything he teaches is at least a decade behind what works in the present day
  • He still peddles 10-year-old videos and PDFs as “the most foolproof system out there”

George Brown has made a fortune unlawfully misrepresenting and misselling Google Sniper as the easy solution to making lots of money.

That's the exact definition of a con man!

I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a long time thinking maybe he's just a slick marketer, someone who is good at selling but now I've seen him deliberately mislead people too often…

And I'm certainly not alone in calling George Brown a scammer. Here's what Ian Pribyl of had to say:

Is George Brown A Scammer

And here's Jay of on why George shouldn't be trusted:

What Is Google Sniper And Does It Work?

Google Sniper is an affiliate course that supposedly shows students how to how to create, rank and make money with micro-niche websites. George Brown calls his Google Sniper method the simplest way to make $10,000/month online.

The sales video shows George Brown telling you Google Sniper lays out the process of earning affiliate 6-figure commissions in an easy to follow and he assures us you don't need to spend any money, at any point, to make it happen.

Except, skip to the pricing section and you'll see this is an outright lie…

We're told Google Sniper is an amazing system for 3 reasons:

1. Time – It takes only a few hours to set up each campaign and see immediate results with sales coming in on your first day.

2. Free to use – Google Sniper works with completely free search engine traffic.

3. It works“Sniping really works” and the many success stories prove it.

The training modules walk you through how to create micro niche sites called “Sniper Sites” and how to get ranked on the first page of Google to generate traffic and make affiliate sales promoting Clickbank products.

Typically a Sniper Site would have just 5-8 pages of very thin, generic content:

  • 3 or 4 blog posts targeting keywords related to the product you're promoting
  • An about page
  • A contact page
  • A privacy policy

You're told these niche site campaigns are super simple to create and pretty much run themselves once you've spent a couple of hours setting them up.

Having spent the last 4 hours going through the Google Sniper training, I can’t in good conscience recommend anyone sign up and follow these outdated methods.

Reason being, it'll actually lower your odds of succeeding with affiliate marketing.

How Much Does Google Sniper Cost?

Google Sniper sells for $47 but Sniper X is recommended at $49 a month as well as two more upsells priced at $284. In addition, registering 50 domain names will cost you $650 over the course of a year plus web hosting costs. 

The good news is the initial $47 is covered by Clickbank's 60-day refund policy.

The bad news is the upsells (should you choose to opt in) are not.

Upsell 1: Sniper X ($47/month)

The Sniper X upsell gives you access to George's bi-monthly webinars except they haven't run them in almost a decade so you're effectively paying $47 for the privilege of watching the old replays.

Not worth paying for.

Upsell 2: Traffic Ultimatum and Empire Module ($187)

Buy this upsell and you're told you'll get two extra training programs created by George Brown called Traffic Ultimatum and Empire Module plus four 30-minute VIP video coaching sessions with a member of the Google Sniper staff, though Empire Module is already included within the Google Sniper training so this is disingenuous at best.

Try clicking away and you're offered a discounted price of $97.

Upsell 3: Real Case Study Training ($97)

This is simply an over-the-shoulder video showing Goerge create a campaign from scratch.

Additional Costs To Consider

On top of sign up fees and upsell costs, anyone joining Google Sniper also has to consider the amount of money they're going to have to spend actually implementing the training.

As you're told to create at least 50 Sniper Sites, that's 50 domains you're going to have to register at around $13/year each plus web hosting at roughly $10 per month per site.

50 x domain at $13 a year = $650/year

50 x web hosting at $10 per month = $6,000/year

And the key point to remember in all this?

George Brown knew about these mounting costs when he looked straight into the camera and promised, “You don't need to spend any money, at any point, to make it happen.”

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now »

What You Get Inside The Training Area

Once you're a full paid-up Google Sniper member, you’ll get instant access to 3 PDFs, 59 training videos, 23 pre-recorded webinars and a few links to external recommended resources. 

I found it a little confusing at first, but George kicks things off with a welcome video giving a quick tour of the members’ area: 

Review of Google Sniper 3.0

There's A LOT of information here so let's break it down so you know exactly what you're getting if you ignore my advice and sign up anyway…

Master Manual & Process Maps (Last Updated 2014)

The Master Manual is a 108-page PDF which makes up the bulk of Google Sniper's core training and walks you through how to set up your Sniper Sites.

It's mainly text-based with a few images giving instructions on:

  • Picking a niche
  • Choose the ONE keyword you should base your entire site around
  • Registering your domain with the keyword in it
  • Creating your site using WordPress and what themes and plugins to install
  • What pages and posts should be added to build out your site
  • Optimising your posts for SEO rankings
  • Adding affiliate links and give compelling calls to action

You can view and download the PDF for free here if you want 😉

The Google Sniper Process Map is given to complement the manual as it gives you a quick overview of the entire process and how long each step should take:

Is Google Sniper A Scam Or Legit Review

7 Video Lessons (Last Updated 2012)

George added these short videos when he launched Google Sniper 2.0 and they're supposed to go more in-depth than the Master Manual.

Video #1: How To Choose What Niche To Go Into And A Winning Product

Video #2: Finding Keywords That Meet Sniper Criteria With Google Keyword Planner

Video #3: Creating The Foundations Of Your Sniper Site

Video #4: Secrets Of A 20% Conversion Rate

Video #5: Fastest Way To Cloak Affiliate Links

Video #6: How To Create Your Site

Video #7: How To Get Ranked And Gain Authority In Record Time

Bonus Video: How To Build Backlinks

what's included in google sniper method training

The Bulletproof Module (Last Updated 2014)

George added the Bulletproof Manual 2 years after Google's Penguin Update and it seems it's finally dawning on him that the days of Google sniping are over.

In this 60-page PDF, George contradicts everything he's taught in the training thus far…

Recognising thing Sniper sites built around a single keyword which only have 4-5 blog posts are no longer ranking in Google, he introduces the idea of creating larger authority sites with a minimum of 10-30 blog posts.

The Empire Module (Last Updated 2014)

The Empire Module is a 5-part video series on how to outsource the work of creating your sites and getting content written so you can supposedly scale up.

The Sniper Cash Machine Course (Last Updated 2014)

The final part of the training is all about how to make money with Google Sniper by promoting it to your friends and family.

Seriously… ????

There's a 16-minute video where George tells you to send messages to all your Facebook and email contacts with pre-written templates provided to help you tell them how great it is and why they should sign up.

3 Reasons You Won't Make Money With Google Sniper

Google Sniper, unlike legit training courses like Invincible Marketer that will equip you with the up-to-date knowledge and income-generating skills you need to build a passive income online, will only hold you back from achieving online success.

Let's quickly recap the Google Sniper Method:

Step 1: Pick a Clickbank product to promote

You're told to look for products on Clickbank with the best gravity score then find a low-hanging keyword plus 4 related LSI keywords to create content about.

By the way, this isn't how you choose your niche – a niche is a group of people with a common interest and NOT a product category.

But I promised a quick recap so let's move on…

Step 2: Create your Sniper site, add affiliate links and build backlinks

Next you're told to create your Sniper Site with your main keyword in the domain, create an about page, contact page and privacy policy page and add 4 blog posts targeting the related keywords.

Then you go about buying backlinks to artificially push your site to Google's the #1 spot.

According to the Process Map, this should take you just under 3 hours.

Step 3: Sit back and relax as traffic and sales start coming in

The idea is each Sniper Site is “set and forget” so once you've created it you just wait for it to rank and for the traffic and sales to follow.

You might be waiting a while…

Waiting For Website To Rank On Google Meme

Step 4: Repeat this process until you have about 50 Sniper Sites

If your first site is making money why not create more? It makes sense if 1 site generates you $300/month then 10 sites will generate you $3,000/month.

George tells his students to aim for 50 sites…

And this is where Google Sniper members go out and buy up 50 domain names and pay a hefty web hosting bill every month, which isn't so bad if your sites are making money, the only problem is this strategy might've worked pre-2010 but it's completely useless now.

Here's why:

1. You're Taught Insanely Obsolete Methods

If affiliate marketers called GSniper outdated 9 years ago, imagine what they'd say now?

Google has changed dramatically in the last decade and not just the logo…

Google then vs now

There have been hundreds of Google updates since George last bothered to refresh the training and this is a real problem in the world of SEO where getting sites ranked is evolving at such a rapid pace.

It doesn't matter how determined you are, follow these outdated training modules and your websites will never see the light of day.


Keyword Rich Domains

On page 29 of his Master Manual and throughout the training, George emphasises the need to have your target keywords in the domain name:

Google Sniper Training keywords in domain

Here's what Google says about keyword domains today:

“…just because keywords are in a domain name doesn’t mean that it’ll automatically rank for those keywords. And that’s something that’s been the case for a really, really long time.”

You can watch the full Google Webmaster Hangout here.

Micro Niche Sites Just Don't Get Ranked

There was a time when it was possible to knock up a website in a couple of hours, get rankings and make money fast…

And a lot of people did very well, making $1,000s a month until Google's Panda update in 2011 wiped out their traffic and earnings overnight.

The update was released with one sole purpose: to stop “low-quality” or “thin sites” from getting the top spot of Google search results and they've continued to crack down ever since.

Nowadays, there's just no way a Google Sniper Site would ever rank on page one of Google or anywhere near, and you know what they say…

Google Sniper Sites Don't Get Ranked
Or on page 1 of Bing…

2. You're Given Seriously Bad Advice

At best, Google Sniper's training is ineffective and unhelpful. At worst, it will severely impede your affiliate marketing efforts, thanks to lousy recommendations and instructions no one should follow.


Buy Backlinks

George says if you're serious about getting more traffic to your sites then you need to buy backlinks from sites like ???? 

Buying or selling links is a direct violation of Webmaster Guidelines and will inevitably result in a Google penalty and your website being permanently deindexed.

Don't Buy Backlinks

Spam Family And Friends On Facebook To Promote Google Sniper

Seriously, inside the members area you'll find George's Sniper Cash Machine Course where he tells you to spam Facebook groups and Twitter feeds to promote his course.

Here's the icing on the cake though:

He says if you really want to make over $400 per sale then send a direct Facebook message to your family and closest friends because they trust you so they're “more likely to buy.”

3. What Google Sniper Doesn't Teach

Sign up as a Google Sniper member and you'll learn nothing about:

  • How to build out a real authority website
  • How to do keyword research properly
  • How to get Google rankings in 2022
  • How to do email marketing (George is just “too lazy” to do it)
  • How to leverage YouTube to get traffic and sales
  • How to create genuinely helpful content that converts
  • How to find the best affiliate offers to promote
  • How to track and optimise conversions
  • How to run PPC or paid ads to scale up

These are key, fundamental concepts affiliate marketing beginners need to understand.

There are HUGE gaping holes in the training and a ton of stuff that are crucial to your success that you're never told.

Big things like how not having an affiliate disclosure can get you in trouble with the FTC

Is Google Sniper A Scam Or Will It Make You Rich?

Google Sniper is an old and tired scam that needs to be put into retirement. What were once winning strategies are now outrageously outdated, ineffective and downright dangerous.

Buy Google Sniper today and the only person getting richer is George Montagu Brown.

Google Sniper has made George and his army of affiliates a lot of money, though I think this says more about their marketing skills than the effectiveness of the methods taught.

Dozens of copycat scammers have since tried to replicate Google Sniper's success and get their slice of the action, coming out with get-rich-quick junk like:

These are all promoted using misleading marketing, tacky ads, hyped up income claims, aggressive sales videos, spammy copy-and-paste email templates and almost all lead their members down a downward path of endless upsells.

Here's the point though:

Not only is it NOT going to help you make money, but it will also actually thwart your success.

  • The training is filled with misleading claims
  • The training is riddled with bad advice
  • The training is shallow and unorganized
  • The training hasn't been updated since 2014

That is to say, if you're a beginner to online marketing, your chances of success skyrocket when you decide not to buy this product.

GSniper Misses The Mark And You Deserve Better

Between 2009 and 2012 Google Sniper was all the rage with 10,000+ people visiting per day. It is still one of the all-time top-selling courses on ClickBank.

(That says everything you need to know about Clickbank, don't even get me started…!)

Given its popularity, I had high hopes for Google Sniper as a way to make money online.

And I ended up extremely disappointed ????

Seriously, don't waste your time or hard-earned cash trying to follow Google Sniper's antiquated methods. You'll get nothing out of it except a banging headache.

If your goal is to start making real revenue online then you need the RIGHT strategy:

  • A cutting-edge strategy that works today
  • A strategy that's going to get you reliable results every time
  • A solid strategy you can build your financial future on

That’s why we want to offer you a proven system that’s helped thousands of students earn tens of thousands of dollars a month — for FREE.

You’ll discover:

  • The exact 3-step strategy you need to finally escape the rat race
  • How to build a 6-figure business by doing the opposite of what the gurus tell you
  • The technique that'll mean you make 5x more than 90% of affiliate marketers
  • And much more besides!

Love Or Hate Google Sniper? Leave Us Your Review!

Have you had any experience with Google Sniper? Do you think it's legit or a scam?

If you've ever created a Sniper Site as per the instructions in the training, let us know if they got ranked and if you made any money. 

We'd be really interested in hearing your feedback! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Google Sniper Review: Why “Sniping” Is Obsolete In 2024”

  1. Thank you for warning us that Google Sniper is extremely outdated. Yes, I know Google has changed so much. And that is a trend that seems to continue on. I just imagine search with voice commands taking a prominent place. So we should learn from reliable and up to date sources. The problem is that when we’re getting started, we don’t know what’s outdated and what’s current. So, thank you for your help on this.

    • Sure thing Ann,

      I remember how confusing it was when I started out so I totally get it with the conflicting info out there and it’s hard to know who you can and cannot trust.

      You make a great point about voice search and it’s just another example of how the business of getting websites ranked in the top spots of Google is constantly changing. 

      If you’re a beginner learning the ropes then it’s VITAL you get the most up-to-date, current training. I think I stressed this point enough in the Google Sniper review that that’s not what you’re getting here. 

  2. The first red flag for me about this site is the pie in the sky promises. I have been marketing for a while and would never promote a company that makes these promises. I am very glad that there are people like you who do reviews. I almost always check  a review before I sign up for anything. I fell for a few shiny objects back when I was just getting started in marketing. Thank you and keep putting out the great reviews

    • You’re right Tom,

      I think George promises anyone who joins will earn $2,000 a day from day 1. Yes, some people did make money with it 10+ years ago but that’s a crazy claim to make and one that (as with all these scams) is totally debunked by their very own earnings disclaimers. 

      Good on your for doing your research before signing up for any program, especially in the make money online space. That’s the best way to avoid scams and find real training that works.


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