Last Updated 5th April, 2017.
I'm going to show you how to get your website ranked on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines.
Higher rankings means more visitors while the elusive front page top spot means floods of visitors which results in you making more money.
The whole area of SEO and website rankings is an area you can really get bogged down in.
People way overthink and overcomplicate Google rankings but in reality, there's just a couple of things you should focus your attention on.
Follow the two key areas I'm going to share with you today and your website should get good rankings as a result.
A quick word of caution
Before we get into exactly what those are, a quick word of caution, especially to the newbie make money bloggers reading this…
As you begin your journey to the road of financial freedom via online business, you'll be tempted at times to take shortcuts, especially when it comes to Google rankings.
- Don't ever waste your time and money buying dodgy backlinks.
- Don't ever pay out for the latest ‘Google-busting' software. Google aren't stupid. It doesn't work and can permanently damage your website rankings.
While there are no short cuts to getting your website ranked, when you boil it all down there are really only two main areas you should be focusing on:
1. Find the BEST keywords
What is heck is a keyword?
In a nutshell, keywords are phrases you want your website to come up at the top of search engine results for.
For example, if I had a website about building treehouses and I want my site to be at the top of Google for ‘how to build a treehouse' then I use keywords to get it there.
Using the right keywords can be very powerful and profitable 3.5 billion searches a day are done through Google – that's 40,000 times every single second.
And that's not even taking into account the Yahoo and Bing searches which still account for about 35% of onlie searches.
So if you can learn how to target the right keywords to to get your website at the top of Google for a good niche then you can expect boatloads of website visitors, conversions, sales and commissions every day.
Sure, you can use social media to market your website too, but by using keywords you're putting your website center stage at exactly the moment someone is searching for it and deciding whether or not to buy.
Whereas, with social media sites, they might come across your site and think it's interesting, but your reader is in a totally different mindset.

“If it isn't on Google, it doesn't exist.” Jimmy Wales
This is why using keywords in the right way can be a total game-changer for your website, blog or online business.
With search engine traffic you're getting a FREE and endless stream of people who are interested in what you're writing about and far more likely taking action on your recommendations.
I hope you're starting to see the power keywords can have on your website rankings, traffic and ultimately your bottom line.
How to find low-hanging keywords
Here's my top technique I use to find the best keywords for my websites.
Don't ‘keyword stuff'
Keyword stuffing is where you awkwardly try and squeeze your target keyword in your post – this is the LAST thing you want to do and just makes your site look spammy to Google.
The target keyword for this post is ‘How To Get Your Website Ranked on the First Page of Google‘.
Here's what you DON'T want to do:
“Today we're going to learn how to get your website ranked on the first page of Google. If you would like to know how to get your website ranked on the first page of Google then keep reading because I'm going to show you exactly how to get your website ranked on the first page of Google.”
(Dear Google, I am not keyword-stuffing here. ? )
Using keywords in the right way
- In your domain name if you can (but not as important as it used to be).
- Try and use keywords in your post titles and somewhere once within the first few paragraphs then just write naturally.
I see some bloggers writing for search engines robots when really they should be writing for their readers. This leads me nicely on to the second key area…
2. Create content that connects
Google wants to be the search engine of choice for internet users browsing the web. It does this by putting systems in place to ensure they give the best search results as possible.
So why do some websites rank higher than others?
They don't have a guy sitting at a desk somewhere deciding which website should go where. They have certain signals they look out for like:
a) how many people are sharing the content?
b) how long do people stay on your website for? Do they jump off your page just as quickly as they land on it?
c) Are people engaging with your content? Are they liking it on social media, are they leaving comments?
I can't emphasise this enough:
If you want top Google rankings you have to make the blog posts you publish and the videos you upload to be as helpful and useful as possible.
Create content with your readers in mind. Forget about self-promotion and pushing sales and give your readers what they're looking for.
Decide today to be a generous blogger.
(Notice I didn't say you need to be a perfect writer)
Answer as many questions as you can, solve as many problems as you can. Do this and casual visitors will become loyal readers who engage with your content and trust what you have to say.
The best part?
Loyal readers will be your biggest promoters and buyers.
Yes, because they trust you this means they're far more likely to take action on your recommendations.
Real people with real problems + helpful answers and solutions = top Google rankings.
ProBlogger have a great post here on how to create great blog content.
The bottom line
So to recap, if you want your website to rank on the first page of Google
- Find high traffic, low competition keywords and include them to your post title and first paragraph.
- Focus on your readers by creating the best content your brain can muster.
That's it.
It sounds too simple to be true but it really is.
There's a hell of a lot of people out there trying to complicate the whole ‘Google rankings' process. People will tell you to pay out $1000s for high quality backlinks orbuy into their over-priced ranking software but you just don't.
Don't get caught up in the next shiny program. Forget all that and just keep the main thing the main thing.
If you use low-hanging keywords and provide high value content you can get your website on the first page of Google which will lead to more traffic and more sales.
I know it first hand, I use this exact strategy myself to dominate niches and make money every time and I promise you this stuff works.
Get the free 10 day crash course
Inside my free crash course I'll teach you everything you need to know to build your own money making blog, getting tons of visitors thanks to high Google rankings and discover hundreds of ways you can make money with your website.
I'll show you the exact steps I took to earn $6,000 per month from a single website.
Ready to get started?
Is there anything I've missed? What do you think is an important factor for god Google rankings? Got a question or comment? Please share below.
I respond to every comment.
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
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Please, is it possible for me to rank national domain extension in Google search engine?
Hey, yes I’ve seen free SiteRubix and Blogger domain extensions rank on the first page of Google though I think it’s more difficult on free domains.
I have another blog I won that’s built on a “.net” domain extension and I’ve noticed no difference in ranking from that to a “.com” extension so yes, it can be done.
Great information on how to get your website ranked on the first page of google.
I think the keywords are very important, but as you have pointed out, keyword stuffing simply will not work. There is nothing worse than reading content stuffed with keywords and google will probably pick up on this.
I appreciate your information and i look forward to some of your future posts.
At the end of the day, as long as you’re using the Jaaxy keyword research tool, if you create content with your audience in mind (not how much money you’ll make or how your Google rankings will be etc.) then you’ll write good quality, genuinely interesting and informative posts then your website will get good rankings.
Thanks for your comment, see you around the blog!
Yes Google is the king, I agree. There’s so much to getting ranked high on Google but keywords are where it starts. They are so crucial to ranking your website. But finding and choosing keywords is made easier with Jaaxy. It is the best option for a keyword tool out there today. If you want to succeed with Google, then get your keywords, but I agree that you should not keyword stuff. You also need to write quality content and write consistently.
Thanks Rob, great advice! I love Jaaxy too 🙂 Since I started using it I’ve never run out of post ideas and I think it’s the only keyword research tool out there to give yu the competition metrics for a keyword search term.
I agree that consistency is important toom whether you right once a month, once a week or 3 times a day – Google really likes it when you’re consistent.
I appreciate your comments, I wrote this post because I get a headache sometimes after reading Google’s guidelines and other SEO sites… some people are absolutely obsessed with every Google update and really get focussed on every micro detail.
So how the heck is a beginer going to think reading and hearing all that SEO jargon? It can all be very overwhelming and confusing. This is why I just wanted to boil it all down 2 clear points so that anyone could understand the main underlying principles of what Google is looking for when it decides where to rank you.
Hopefully see your website ranked on the first page of Google! See you around the blog :-).