5 Minute Profit Sites IS A SCAM Beyond Any Doubt [2024]


5 Minutes Profit Sites is a scam that should definitely be avoided.

Yes, that's right I said it.

Not convinced yet?

Don't worry, you will be.

Right here, right now my job is to present my case, provide you with the information and evidence you need to make an informed decision about whether or not to buy this program.

If you have any questions or comments, be sure to share them below this review 🙂

5 Minute Profit Sites Review At A Glance

About: 5 Minute Profit Sites is a point and click make money online opportunity promising $519 in daily income.

Price: Says it's free but you then have to pay $37 and $655 for upsells.

Pros: Nothing at all.

Cons: Fake scarcity tactics, a mystery owner, statements are contradicting, part of a scam franchise, expensive upsells.

Verdict: 5 Minute Profit Sites is a hyped-up scam that doesn't deliver. Avoid at all costs.  


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Exactly why 5 Minute Profit Sites is a scam

The software is free – where's the catch?

We have no idea who the con-artist is behind this scam but we do know they claim to offer you free access to a point and click software that's completely new and unseen that means you'll start making affiliate sales within 5 minutes of accessing the training.

Last time I checked, ‘free‘ means ‘free‘, but go ahead and try to download and you'll be asked to hand over $37 PLUS $655 in expensive upsells.

The promo video narrated by a paid voice actor calling herself Sam Smith is full of all the usual sales hype and bogus earnings proofs, but as you'll find out in this review, 5 Minute Profit Sites can't even hold up against its own promises.

You will not make a single cent but you could lose $100's with this program.

Oh, they know exactly how to manipulate you with promises of easy and fast cash with their automated, never seen before system, but the truth is the only people making money are the owners themselves.

The numerous upsells are designed to con you out of as much money as possible before you realise what you've got yourself into and it's too late.

You don't get a website – instead, they just give you a copied and pasted landing page (the same as 100's of others exactly like it) scattered across the web which you can use to spam links across social media. There's no training offered on how to get people to actually visit your site and make money.

The thing is, lots of people make money with affiliate marketing every day, but you've got to go about it in the right way.

All successful affiliate marketers have these 3 things in common:

  • Build their own websites on their own domains which they 100% own
  • Know how to use Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines to generate thousands of visitors to these sites
  • Make commissions from affiliate products they've tried and tested and know they work.

The good news?

There are free affiliate marketing courses for beginners available online that teach you exactly how to do this in the right way, step-by-step and with tons of community support, advice and the right tools you need to make it happen.

If this is something you'd be interested in, be sure to click the button to check out the highest-rated make money online program I've come across so far.

What is 5 Minute Profit Sites and how does it work?

what is 5 minute profits sites

Five Minute Profit Site claims to be some kind of revolutionary software that makes it easier than ever before to make money through affiliate marketing.

According to the Five Minute Profit Sites website they've found some kind of loophole to making millions in under 5 minutes and 17 clicks.

And guess what?

You can have it all for just $37!

is 5 minute profit sites a scam

If you think all this sounds too good to be true, you're right. In sharp contrast to the ridiculous and frankly laughable claims, the harsh reality is all you're getting with this scammy system is a single lousy landing page to promote this same site to others.

Once you're inside the member's area and click on the Training tab you'll see this 3 step process they teach:


Let's go through easy one of them so you can see exactly what you're getting yourself into here.

Step 1. Connect with ClickBank

This is so you can promote the 5 Minute Site profits scam to others in the hope of making some of your money back.

ClickBank.com  is a legitimate online platform where course creators can offer their courses to affiliates who can then promote them, generate sales and get a commission.

I've written before on here about how you can make money with ClickBank but you do have to be careful; there's a lot of scammy stuff on their too.

I've reviewed dozens of ClickBank scams like:

Sure, some people will promote anything to anyone to make a quick buck, but as I always say: you're only going to make money in the long-term by promoting legitimate training that actually helps people.

This is why I'll only ever recommend training programs that I've personally tried myself and I know they work.

Step 2. Get your domain

This is where they automatically create a landing page for you and give you a link. It's then up to you to share the link on places like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to try and get traffic.

Step 3. Add an email service

After that you'll have to sign up and pay for email marketing software like AWeber to start building a list of email subscribers.

To their credit, 5 Minute Site Profits does teach you one traffic generation method which is to rent someone else's email list. This is where they send out your offer to their list of subscribers.

There's a reason this isn't very effective. First off, it's VERY expensive and secondly, the people just aren't warmed up to you at all. You might get lots of clicks but you'll get no sales.

That's it!

This is as far as this program goes – no other training or help given (except in costly upsells which we'll get onto in a minute).

What happens to the vast majority of members is they pay for the course, apply the training steps and then wait for the money to come… but it just never does.

That's because what they teach you doesn't work. Not in 5 minutes, 10 days or 12 months.

Is 5 Minute Profit Sites A Scam? 5 undeniable reasons it is

I'll say it again: I do NOT recommend 5 Minutes Profit Sites as a legitimate way to make money online. I can only see you losing money with this.

See past the lies and deception. You'll never make $519 a day doing this.

In case you think I'm being too harsh, here's another honest reviewer who says the same thing:

Here are 5 reasons 5 Minute Profit Sites is a scam:

1. They use fake scarcity tactics to make you think this is an elite club

Watch the sales video and you'll hear things like:

“…If you manage to get unique access”

“Top secrets revealed to you alone”

“This is a private video – don't share it with anyone!”

5 minute site profits legit or scam

There's also a countdown timer in the bottom of the screen.

This is all an elaborate plan to fool you into thinking this is somehow a limited ‘today-only' opportunity that you don't want to miss.

In truth, the 5 Minute Profit Sites scam has been duping people into parting with their hard-earned cash for years. This is a common scamming tactic – don't fall for it!

2. The unknown owner hides behind a wall of anonymity

The sales video is narrated by Sam Smith who claims to be the spokesperson for 5 Minute Profit Sites but just like everything else, this is fake.

make money with 5 minute site profits

In typical scam-like fashion, we are given no information whatsoever about who is behind this program. If this was legitimate money-making software the owner would proudly stand behind it. Heck, they'd be an internet superstar!

So why hide your true identity? Because they don't want to be tracked down when scam victims start to realise they've been duped and start asking for refunds.

3. Then there's blatant contradictions galore

Another huge red flag is the fact there's so much conflicting information. The video tells you the software is completely free and there's absolutely nothing to pay.

5 minute profit sites reviews complaints

But of course, this is a blatant lie to get you to relax and put your guards down.

We know the software isn't free at all, try entering your email and click download to get the free software and you'll be asked for your credit card details.

4. This is part of a bigger scam franchise

You'll find the same scam on many different sites as scammers try to cover their tracks and avoid getting caught. As one site gets shut down, another one just pops up in its place. This is exactly what's happening here.

what is five minute profit sites a scam review

So far I've come across these sites, one has already been shut down but there's bound to be more out there we don't yet know about:

  • http://fiveminuteprofitsites.net/
  • http://five-minute-profit-sites.net

If you know of any more please let us know in the comments!

5. They'll try and squeeze an extra $655 out of you with expensive upsells

5 minute profit sites upsells

5 Minute Profit Sites starts by calling itself ‘free software' right before asking you to pay $37, but what most people don't realise is that this is just the beginning of an expensive sales funnel.

Many scams do this – they ask for a small fee to begin with just to get you to buy in and feel invested before offering you higher priced upsells that will help you get profits faster (as if 5 minutes wasn't fast enough) or get you more profits etc.

There are 4 upsells in the sales funnel:

Upsell 1: FMPS Faster Profits – $197

Upsell 2: FMPS Double Your Profit Sites – $187

Upsell 3: FMPS Double Your Profit Sites – $137

Upsell 4: FMPS Traffic Tsunami – $97

That's a total cost of $655!

Why you won't make any money with 5 Minute Profits Sites

I said in my introduction to this review that you won't make a single penny back following this training program and I meant it. Let me show you why.

1. You have no control over the sales page they create for you

Unlike my websites which I fully own and control or these done for you Amazon affiliate websites which 100% belong to you once you've bought them, the single landing page they generate for you is not yours.

You own nothing, you can't change a thing on it and they can shut it down at any time.

We've already seen them shutting down websites and cloning new ones. The fact is scams like this don't last for very long. You could invest all of that money only to wake up one morning and see your landing page is no longer online… and there's not a thing you can do about it.

Is this really the rock-solid foundation you want to build your future financial success on?

I think not!

2. A website with no traffic will generate no money. Simple.

Affiliate marketing is a legit business model and you can definitely make money from it, but it has to be done in the right way.

WealthyAffiliate.com (highly recommended) is a brilliant online training site and community of entrepreneurs where they teach you a 4 step formula you need to follow to have a profitable and successful affiliate marketing business.

Here's a quick overview:

  1. Choose a passion or interest
  2. Build a website (that's actually yours!)
  3. Attract visitors (traffic) to your site
  4. Make money! My favourite part 🙂
wealthy affiliate process for making money online

If step 1, 2 or 3 is missing you'll never get to the all-important step 4!

With 5 Minute Site Profits, you get a lousy landing page with only one expensive way to get traffic that won't lead to any sales. So what's going to happen?

You'll pay out all this money only to have this single page sitting there doing nothing – no visits, no clicks, no sales and no money.

Is 5 Minute Site Profits right for you?

I hope I've done enough to convince you to stay away from this one – it's clearly just another get rich quick scam aimed at pulling on the heartstrings with big promises of fast and easy cash, but in the end will leave you high and dry with nothing.

Affiliate marketing is a legit way to make money online but as I say, only if you do it the right way and follow those 4 steps I showed you.

If you're serious about earning a substantial amount of money online through affiliate marketing then check out this free beginners training course from Wealthy Affiliate that will show you everything you need to know in a straightforward, no hype kind of way.

What's your take? Ever had any experience with 5 Minute Site Profits that you'd to share with us?

Got any questions about getting started earning real money online? Add your comments below and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

2 thoughts on “5 Minute Profit Sites IS A SCAM Beyond Any Doubt [2024]”

  1. Hi Simon,

    Thanks for doing this review. 5 Minute Profit Sites does look particularly scammy doesn’t it? I’m glad I didn’t fall for it, though it is on Clickbank so you might’ve thought it’s been looked at, verified, and it’s an ok system.

    Thanks for pointing out the inconsistencies in what it says on the site. It’s clear that people should not be duped into thinking this is legit and should stay well clear (myself included).

    All the best,


    • Hi Julia,

      If I’ve done enough to convince even just one person not to fall for the 5 Minute Profit Sites scam than my work here is done!

      Unfortunately ClickBank does very little in terms of regulating the products sold through their platform. They’ve been around a very long time (at least 15 years) and done nothing at all to stop the facilitation of countless get rich quick schemes and work from home scams running through their network. More should definitely be done on this for sure.


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