10x Profit Sites Review 2024: An Old Scam Resurrected?


10x Profit Sites says they'll take the hard work out of making money with affiliate marketing.

In this review, you’re going to find out:

  • What 10x Profit Sites really is
  • How it works
  • What the red flags are to watch out for
  • If 10x Profit Sites is a scam or legit

To cap everything off, I’m also going to give you a better alternative

Because here’s the thing:

Most 10x Profit Sites reviews only tell one side of the story because a commission awaits them if you buy the system, whereas we are in no way affiliated with them.

10x Profit Sites Review At A Glance

About: 10x Profit Sites promises done-for-you review websites that generate $1,000 per day.

Price: 10x Profit Sites' front-end system costs $17.29 plus $372 in upsells and another $300/year for email marketing software.

Pros: Offers a 180-day refund policy but it's questionable.

Cons: They offer the same system to every member so it's hard to stand out.

Verdict: This is a low-quality product that only works well in theory. There are so many better options out there to start making affiliate income.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is 10x Profit Sites?

10x Profit Sites is an online income system claiming to create done-for-you review sites for “top-of-the-line” affiliate offers that was launched in September 2020 by Glynn Kosky.

In the sales video, Kosky goes on and on about how taxing it is to make money with affiliate marketing because you need to create your own review websites, demo videos, bonuses and struggle to get traffic.

Kosky then presents 10x Profit Sites as the ultimate all-in-one solution by saying:

“If you can’t bring all of those to the table yourself, 10x Profit Sites will do it for you in under a minute.” 

We’re told this system will create a brand new affiliate site for you, complete with product reviews, affiliate offers, professionally written articles, and video content without you having to lift a finger. 

What’s more, 10x Profit Sites echoes the hype of most low-end scams saying things like:

  • This is a 100% done-for-you system
  • No skills and experience are needed
  • Comes with 100% built-in free traffic

With 10x Profit Sites, Kosky promises you won’t need to waste time: 

  • Designing a website, graphics or banners
  • Analyzing product offers
  • Creating in-depth reviews
  • Selecting and adding value to bonuses

The system is supposed to provide the exact tools and systems top earning affiliates use so you’ll get to earn as much as them minus all the hard work. 

What's funny is Kosky claims to be a platinum ClickBank affiliate member and yet he's selling his product through WarriorPlus

How Much Does 10x Profit Sites Cost?

10x Profit Sites’ front end system costs $17.29 with 6 upsells available at a combined total of $372 upsells. You'll also need to pay $300 a year for email marketing software.

I’ll do a quick runthrough of the upsells so you can see if they're worth buying:

Upsell 1: Unlimited Upgrade ($47)

This upgrade supposedly allows you to create unlimited review sites complete with WordPress themes, email lead magnets and unlimited storage to generate more commissions for you. 

It also includes an agency license so you can get paid for creating review sites for clients plus “Premium VIP support from the USA”

BUT there's a major piece of the puzzle here – there's no mention of how to get targeted traffic. 

Personally, I’d only purchase this once I proved with my first review site that it can generate the income it promises, if not this will be completely useless. 

Upsell 2: Done-For-You + Additional Features ($67)

This upsell provides a done-for-you package of additional DFY sites and a library of DFY themes. 

These sites are said to be proven to generate traffic and sales and also boost your credibility.

Upsell 3: Automated Traffic Flow ($67)

The traffic this upsell generates supposedly comes from their previous launches, meaning it’s already been used.

Most likely, the people in this traffic flow are worn out from all the sales pitches they have to deal with in the past and directed future pitches in the spam folder. 

Plus, you’re not even given the guarantee of targeted traffic so you can end up with people who won’t even give your offer a second look. 

Upsell 4: Conversion Boosting Tools ($47)

Apparently, this upsell adds social proof to your pages. But you can only take advantage of this if you already have an established following. 

It also ads a Facebook Chat widget to your site so visitors can communicate with you plus a countdown timer to “add genuine scarcity” to your offers and pressure people to buy.

Upsell 5: Bonus Page Creator ($47)

As the name suggests, this adds bonus products to your pages, though I thought the front-end product already comes with this feature?!

Upsell 6: License Rights ($97)

This supposedly gives you a clone of the 10x Profit Sites sales page where you keep 75% of the profits. 

Making money with cloned websites is next to impossible. Your website will be buried deep in the search engine results where you won’t get noticed.

No visitors = no conversions = no commissions.  

How 10x Profit Sites Works

10x Profit Sites builds a done-for-you review website complete with product reviews and 15 “top converting” offers.

All you need to do is add your affiliate links and start counting your commissions.

Sounds simple, right?

Let's take a sneak peek inside the members’ area to see if making money with this really isas easy as it sounds:

10x Profit Sites Members' Area

On the left side is the tutorial tab. If you’re expecting a whole lot of training, you’ll be severely disappointed.

The tutorial has only 4 videos that are barely 5 minutes long and they only talk about how to navigate the members’ area. 

How do you expect to earn $1,000s with zero training?

Then there's the Affiliate Links tab where you input your affiliate link so you'll be credited for any sales. 

The prpoducts you're supposed to promote are all scammy, low-end get-rich-quick scams we've reviewed here on the blog, including:

High-converting? I don’t think so!

But here’s the worst discovery I made:

10x Profit Sites looks almost identical to another scam called CB Profit Sites!

10x Profit Sites And CB Profit Sites Similarities

They even have similar offers! What are the chances these 2 systems were made by the same creator OR one of them just a rehashed version of the other?

One thing I know, a rehashed system is a clear indication it doesn’t make money, because if it does, why the need for a fresh lick of paint? 

4 Big 10x Profits Sites Red Flags!

1. 10x Profit Sites Looks Exactly Like CB Profit Sites

If 10x Profit Sites is simply a resurrected version of an old scam then don't expect the review sites they provide to be brand new as they claim.

10x Profit Sites A Rehash Of CB Profit Sites
The CB Profit Sites' Members Area

2. The Deceptive Sales Page

The sales page says you’ll only have 30 minutes until the price goes up, just refresh the page the timer goes back on:

10x Profit Sites Fake Countdown Timer

It's just a fake scarcity tactic to get you to hit the buy now button. 

3. Questionable 180 Days Money Back Guarantee

The sales page promises you've got 180 days to decide if it's right for you and get a full refund, but there's no mention of it on the order page:

10c Profit Sites Order Details

4. Disclaimer Completely Contradicts Sales Page Claims

The giant heading across the sales page says you'll make $1,000+ a day:

what is 10x profit sites a scam or legit review

Now compare that to the earnings disclaimer and you'll see that suddenly they're feeling much less confident:

10x Profit Sites Disclaimer

Is 10x Profit Sites A Scam Or Legit?

10x Profits is not a scam because it does provide you with a website-generating software, but don't believe all the hype about how much money you'll make because these cloned websites will not generate traffic or sales.

It is possible to make money with a 10x Profit Sites website but since there's nothing remotely unique about them and no original content, Google won't rank them.

This means you'll either have to spam social media sites or pay for expensive ads to try generate some revenue.

Where Do You Go From Here? 

Stay away from this “everything done-for-you, easy money” rubbish and learn the proper way to make money with affiliate marketing instead. 

WealthyAffiliate.com offers a comprehensive training program that'll teach you everything you need to run a successful and profitable affiliate business.

And the best part?

Join as a free Starter member and you can get started without taking out your wallet!

Read the full Wealthy Affiliate review to see why it's our #1 top pick. 

What’s Your Take?

Did you think 10x Profit Sites sounded too good to be true?

What's been your experience with this program?

We're ready to hear what you have to say! 🙂   

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