What To Start A Blog About To Make Money?


Where is the best place to buy a domain name?After deciding to start a blog, choosing what to start a blog about to make money is the first step in making money online.

I learned everything I needed to know about building a profitable online business at Wealthy Affiliate (here's my 4,880 word review).

Before I joined the affiliate marketing community and started the free training, I knew nothing about starting a blog or how to make money with it.

If you're serious about making money with your blog I strongly recommend you head over to WealthyAffiliate.com, it's completely FREE to get started.


Starting a Blog is Easy

Starting your own blog might seem like a daunting prospect, especially if you're a beginner with no previous experience, but it really doesn't have to be.

The veil on blogging has been lifted permanently Gone are the days when you needed to become a programming expert before you could publish your first post.

Blogging platforms like WordPress and SiteRubix have made blogging a universally available option. Anyone (yes, even you!), can have a beautiful site online up in minutes.

See my recent post: How To Start A WordPress Blog From Scratch.

Thanks to platforms like WordPress, creating a blog is now the easy part.

What to Start a Blog About?

The thing I get asked the most as I mentor budding entrepreneurs through building their first online business, the question people ask me through email and comments more than any other is:

What can I start a blog about?

Knowing what to start a blog about seems to be a major stumbling block for most, before they even begin… and it's a good question.

A good and simple answer would be just to write about your favourite subject. Choose a topic that you're interested in and passionate about.

As you read this, hundreds of millions of people are browsing the internet, looking for answers to questions, solutions to problems.

Whatever your blog is about, it'll be successful if you're offering helpful, practical and genuine insight, you'll have engaged and loyal readers who find value in what you're blogging about.

If you start a blog with your the intention of helping you're readers then your success is almost guaranteed.

Some Profitable Niche Ideas

Still stuck for blog topic (niche) ideas? You can start your blog about absolutely anything… here's a few suggestions on what you could start your blog about.


You can be successful and profitable in absolutely any niche. It really doesn't matter.

Here's some more food for thought: most affiliate marketers and blogging experts agree that certain niches are most profitable than others.

Here's a list of some of the niches that are popular right now:

Money Making: People want to know how to make money online. That’s probably the biggest trend of the decade. Of course this means you'll need to have some online success already.

If you people exactly what you did to make money and help them to do the same, you can enjoy tremendous success. Making money online includes how to start a freelancing business, how to leverage social media for your business, email marketing and online business blogs.

Some of the best money making blogs are ProBlogger.net, SmartPassiveIncome.com and of course TheMakeMoneyOnlineBlog.com, to name a few.

Drones: Taking the market by surprise in 2015, drones give no sign of stopping in 2016. Starting a blog about drones could be a very exciting project this year. As drone sales continue to be high, why not hop onto the drone scene and make a name for yourself?

Gaming: Even though gaming may be a specialised niche, it's becoming more mainstream again. More and more people of all ages are becoming addicted gamers. Whether it’s computer, console, mobile or social games, gaming is a niche you should consider exploring in 2016.

Health & Fitness: This is a niche that has been big for years, and will be for years to come. People always want to learn how to live healthier and longer lives. Whether it’s about losing weight, packing on muscles, getting ripped fast taking care of your skin or staying healthy, the health & fitness niche could prove a real gold mine for you.

Fashion: It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, if you're interested in fashion, starting a fashion blog could be the right option for you.

Day by day, millions around the world are looking for ideas on how to dress and accessorise. You can take advantage of all that traffic if you think you have something you can share.

Recommended reading: 10 Hot Money Making Website Niche Ideas for 2017

Choosing What To Start A Blog About

Choose what to start your blog about can be a big decision. After all, you'll be writing a lot about the subject you choose. That's why it's important you choose a niche that you know something about or you want to learn about.

There are several factors you have to consider when determining what you should start your blog about. Here are 5 keys to consider when choosing your target niche.

1. Know your Target Audience

The success of your blog will depend on building a loyal readership. Always remember that you're communicating with real people – people with real needs and questions. Always be as helpful as you can.

You don't want to start a blog with a vague or unclear topic – choose a specific audience you are going to cater towards. Make it clear what your blog is about.

[alert-note]”What do people get frustrated about? Do you have a solution? This is how my blogging took off.”

– AmyLynnAndrews.com[/alert-note]

2. Will this Topic Still be Hot in the Future?

When choosing what to start a blog about, try to pick a topic with longevity.

Will your blog still have relevance in 3 years? 5 years?

If the topic does not have long-term appeal, or if it’s a topic that has a short lifespan, you should probably avoid it.

People will always be interesting in learning how to be healthy, make money (or save money), will always be interested in fashion, dieting or even gaming in one form or another. These are topics that are here to stay.

Try and avoid sudden rise and fall interests and stick with something that you can start a blog about and be successful for years to come.

3. Check Out the Competition

Starting a blog about a specific niche is always the best way to go because there's less competition and more chances of you standing out from the crowd.

With your blog topic in mind, check out the competition within that niche.

Read the top blogs, YouTube channels and Facebook pages to determine if the competition is too fierce.

If the niche is over-saturated, you should probably go with something more specialized.

For example, instead of choosing ‘health' as a website topic, you could narrow it down to something like emotional health issues, stopping smoking, living on a vegan diet etc.

4. What Can You Bring to the Table?

I'm sure I'm right when I say you want to start a blog that is different and different.

What gaps can you see in your niche? What can you add that's not already been done, what can you say that's not already been said? Let your unique personality shine through your writing.

If you want to be successful with your blogging in 2016, it is important to break new ground in your niche.

Your content needs to be more appealing, engaging, interactive and entertaining that other type of similar content on the web.

Are you up to the challenge?

5. Pick Something You Love

I've already said it but it's worth saying it again – the best advice I can give you is to start a blog about something you love.

Can you see yourself still blogging about this topic in 6 months' time?

If you don't choose a topic you're not excited about, pick something else.

Start a blog about something you love and you won’t run out of ideas and it is less likely that you will abandon your blog in the near future.

If you write about topics you are passionate about, this'll come across in your writing. Your blog will shine with a contagious enthusiasm for the subject at hand.

Still Don't Know What To Start A Blog About?

I want to make sure you enjoy success with blogging in 2016. To give you the best chances of starting a successful and profitable blog, I'm giving you FREE and INSTANT access to the best make money online tools, training, resources and community.

Today you can take advantage of Wealthy Affiliate and start building your online blogging empire.

Try it for free and you won’t regret it.

Don't know what to start a blog about? Do you have a question before you start your blog? Leave me a comment and I’ll respond ASAP!

2 thoughts on “What To Start A Blog About To Make Money?”

  1. Hi Simon,
    Loved the presentation. Blogging is one the hottest home based business.Many people are choosing the blogging as a full-time career, we can make multiple ways with a single blog. Helpful guide for the beginners. Thanks, Simon! sharing your knowledge

    • That’s a great point – there’s so many different ways to make money with your blogging business, dozens of which are taught within the training at Wealthy Affiliate.

      Your blog is simply your online business platform and there are lots of approaches you can take to earning money with them. Again, if you keep your helpfulness to readers as your number one priority you will do well.


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