The Ultimate Guide on How To Make Money By Blogging for Beginners


Last Update 2nd June, 2017.

how to make money online with wealthy affiliateWelcome to the how to make money by blogging for beginners guide!

If you want to start a blog and make money with it, you're definitely in the right place.

However, let me say right off the bat, if your primary motive for getting into blogging is to make fast cash with minimal work input on your part, you’ve got it all wrong: it will simply not work out for you.

If you're looking for a quick fix, or a get rich quick scheme I suggest you check out: How To Earn Money On The Internet – The Fast Or The Real Way?

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise: blogging is hard work; it calls for discipline and dedication.

It also some upfront investment on your part for domain name registration, hosting and good affiliate marketing training.

The good news is: the results are more than worth it. I promise you. Blogging has completely changed my life, you can read my story here.

Not sure if blogging can be more than just a hobby? I'm here to tell you today that blogging can become your full-time career.

I'll be sharing with you how you can get there too.

So let's dive straight in, here's some thoughts I put together from my own experience and from what I've learned at about how you can make money blogging.

Even if you're a brand new beginner to blogging and have never so much as ever hit publish on a post, this step by step guide, written specifically with beginners like you in mind, will point you in the right direction.

(Of course if you've got any question or need more help, drop your comment below).

Step 1: Choose a niche

how to make money by bloggingA niche is simply any chosen topic, narrow enough to have a sub-group of people interested in it.

The key here is to select a topic you are passionate about and build a blog around it. The more specific the niche you choose, the better.

To select a niche that fits you, consider what you read/have an interest in most.

Obviously, you will tend to be passionate and knowledgeable concerning what you read/research about most.

It could be fashion, gadgets, technology, life advice, success, health, food and probably anything else you can think of!

For help on choosing the right niche for you, take a look at:

Step 2: Get make money blogging training with Wealthy Affiliate

wealthy-affiliate-reviewI personally learned everything there is to know about making money by blogging at

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is the best affiliate marketing training community online with live chat, question and answers and the tools you need to build a successful blog.

You have the option of starting a free blog with the free Wealthy Affiliate membership or upgrading to a premium membership and starting a blog on your own domain with free hosting included.

(I personally use Wealthy Affiliate to host all of my blogs and have been a premium member since 2014.)

Once you sign up for a free starter account and complete your profile, click the green ‘Get Started Here‘ tab to start the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course (Level 1).

This top class training with video tutorials, question and answers and assigned tasks at the end of each lesson, will teach guide you though (step by step) in setting up your blog, choosing a domain name, get you rolling with content creation and teach you exactly how to make serious money as a professional blogger.

Here's a great quick review I wanted to share with you, this brand new member gives her first impressions of Wealthy Affiliate and her experience so far:

Here's what you'll learn at Wealthy Affiliate and how making money by blogging works:

wealthy affiliate process for making money online

The beauty of Wealthy Affiliate is that you have 24/7 expert support from the wonderful and helpful WA community members, many of whom have been running successful blogs for many years.

This means you never have to be stuck with any technical aspect of your blog or be unsure what's the best way forward.

Recommended reading:

Step 3: Help people by writing great, useful content

how to make money by bloggingThe funny thing about making money with blogging is that if you're only thinking about making money, you won't make any!

My point is, to build a successful blog and make this thing a full-time career, your focus has to be on helping people.

A huge mistake most beginner bloggers make is to plaster big advertising banners and links all over their site, thinking they're going to make serious money.

Don't do it.

It just makes your site look cheap and people won't hang around for long…

The most successful bloggers are those who help people the most. They are able to build a loyal readership due to the fact they add value to people's lives through the blog posts, videos and images they create.

[alert-note]“As you build out your site, keep in mind that Google’s goal is to serve high quality, relevant search results to users. So as long as you’re trying to create the most value for your users, our goals are right in-line.


So please realise, making money with your blog won't happen overnight, but by consistently producing good quality content over time, you will build an online empire that will treat you well for years to come.

Recommended reading:

Step 4: Attracting Readers

how to drive traffic to your websiteAs you go through the Wealthy Affiliate course you'll learn how to attract readers to your website from two major (free) sources:

a) Social media traffic – by learning to strategically market your blog on social media, you can start to build your brand, find your audience and share your content.

b) Search engine traffic – The Wealthy Affiliate training course will teach you exactly how to target keywords with every post you publish, keywords that have a high number of monthly searches on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing but do not have a high number of competing pages.

By targeting your writing efforts, it's only a matter of time 'til your hitting the top spot on Google result pages.

This blew my mind when I first heard how simple and effective it was!

Step 5: The Making Money Bit

how to earn money on the internetOnce you're website is live and got some good quality content and you're building a consistent trickle of website traffic you're ready for the fun part!

It's time to promote relevant products and services that will help your readers and make money with your blog at the same time.

It's actually pretty simple: most companies like Nike, Amazon, Walmart, Samsung etc. have affiliate programs which are free to join.

One you join you'll receive your own unique link which you can then use on your site to direct people to the company's site.

If they make a purchase – you get a commission. Makes sense right?

Ideally you want to be recommending things that you yourself have used and can wholeheartedly recommend to your blog readers.

The commission you can earn vary widely from 4% to 75% depending on the affiliate program. Whatever your chosen blog topic, you can be sure there's relevant programs out there you can use to start monetising your blog.

This leads us nicely onto the next step…

Step 6: Build an email list

best-email-software-serviceYour email list will enable you to recommend and sell products to your subscribers as well as offer them valuable content.

AWeber is what I've used to build an email list of over 20,000 subscribers. (and growing daily)

Offer a free course, free tips, or send out your latest blog updates via email and you will quickly develop a healthy email list of potential customers who have given you their permission to contact them.

The reason email is so powerful is that it's the simplest and most effective way to build a trusting relationship, turning casual visitors into loyal readers and followers.

From my own experience, I've found the people who receive my latest posts via email are also my biggest sharers of my content by far.

Recommended reading:

The Email Marketing Software Comparison – AWeber vs. Mailchimp

In a nutshell…

Making money with a successful blog can be broken down into these simple steps:

  • Choosing a niche you're passionate about or knowledgeable in.
  • Invest into your new online business with web hosting and affiliate marketing training.
  • Fill out your blog with helpful, useful, high-value content. Always write with your readers in mind.
  • Harness of the power of social media and target easy to rank for keywords with every post to start generating a consistent and steady stream of traffic to your blog.
  • Find affiliate programs you can promote which are relevant to your blog niche and you know will be useful to your readers to start generating revenue on your blog.
  • Right from day one, start building an email list of loyal readers.

Final thoughts

The above steps are simple, but take learning a new skill set to master.

Starting a blog and making money as a full-time blogger is an option for anyone with an internet connection.

The real question, as we talked about earlier, is do you have the work ethic and stubbornness to see it through?

I've learned so much since I started my first blog in 2014 and it's been one of the hardest things I've ever undertaken, but it's also been one of the most worthwhile things I've ever done.

Truth be told, it's changed my life. Once stuck in a call centre in the UK talking about loft insulation for 8 hours a day, now I live and work in Thailand as a volunteer, living the life I always dreamed of and making a difference- all thanks to my online businesses.

Let me tell you: if I can do it, you can do it too.

The main thing is to get started and keep learning as you go.

If you haven't joined the Wealthy Affiliate community of online entrepreneurs and other like-minded bloggers yet, create your free starter account here, get started with the training and I'll see you on the inside!

What advice would you give to an aspiring blogger?

Maybe you're a successful blogger with some experience under your belt and know a thing or two about making money blogging. I'd love to hear from you!

Or perhaps you've got a question I might be able to help you with. Please be sure to drop me a comment below and I will definitely get back to you!

Oh, and if you others would find this post helpful or useful in any way, please feel free to tweet it out or G+ it. 🙂

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