Welcome to my no-holds-barred My Hidden Pages review where we'll be asking:
Is My Hidden Pages a scam in disguise or a miracle money-maker?
They say they can give you full access to a guaranteed 6 figure income to enable you to become your own boss.
As an online entrepreneur, I'm always looking for new and innovative ways to increase my cash flow, but it's always a good idea to do your research before going all in.
That way you can avoid get-rich-quick scams and find real training that works.
After doing a bit of investigative digging, here's what I found out.
My Hidden Pages Review At A Glance
About: My Hidden Pages is a digital product created by ‘Mike' promising to show you how to generate $10,000 a month online.
Price: $97 plus $10,000+ in upsells. (Seriously!)
Pros: The main product comes with a 60-day refund.
Cons: Members report they're pressured to take out loans and max out their credit cards to pay for higher membership levels.
Verdict: My Hidden Pages is nothing more than an online portal promoting some of the worst get-rich-quick scams out there. Avoid this one like the plague.

The tactics used to market My Hidden Pages are highly deceptive and manipulative.
Pay them $97 and you're already on the slippery path of paying out for more expensive upsells going all the way up to $10,000.
The only method of making money here is recruiting others to join in return for a commission, meaning My Hidden Pages is, by very definition, a pyramid scheme.
In this review, you'll read stories of how people were pressured to take out loans and max their credit cards to ‘take their business to the next level', only to be left high and dry without a hope of ever seeing their money again.
The only saving grace is as you're reading this review right now, you don't have to be the next in line to fill this scammer's pockets.
What Is My Hidden Pages?
My Hidden Pages is advertised as a simple and foolproof system that dumps cash into your bank account on autopilot. We're told you can earn $10,000 in commissions for doing almost nothing.

If that sounds too good to be true, it gets worse.
Watch this video and a guy calling himself ‘Mike' says he's discovered a way to earn $1.8 million last year working only 4 hours a week:
He says he didn't have to do much work because the My Hidden Pages system did everything for him.
Like so many promotional videos for programs promising the keys to unlimited wealth, instead of showing you a strong and viable business model Mike tells a fake rags to riches story…
He was broke and days away from becoming homeless but after finding this hidden method he's now living in a beautiful, brand new home with his wife and children.
Then he decided to share the wealth with others. He says last year he helped 35 of his students break the 10K a month barrier by giving them full access to the My Hidden Pages system.
Now he's opening up to a wider audience and that's where we come in…
Supposedly all we have to do to become millionaires is ‘activate' the system and get one-on-one coaching which will guide you through making your first commission within 30 days of joining.
The done-for-you websites and training will enable you to earn anywhere between $500 – $7,000 per sale.
How Much Does My Hidden Pages Cost?
We're told the entire My Hidden Pages usually costs $2,000 but because we happen to be at the right place at the right time, we can buy it for a bargain price of $97.
What's $97 when you'll be making $10,000's in the next month or 2, right?!
The website promises all we need to do to live the life of our dreams is hand over $97, go through the training, set the system up then sit back and watch the results roll in.
The video ends rather dramatically with people cutting up credit cards and ripping up mortgage papers.

The narrator tells us to be quick and hit the ‘Buy Now' button (before all the position are filled up!) because he can't wait to write your first massive check.
If you think this all sounds like utter nonsense you'd be right.
As with most so-called make money online programs out there, this is all gimmicks and hype with no substance.
We're given hollow promises without any evidence or proof to back them up.
The way he explains his program is so vague and general you'd still have absolutely no idea what this system is. (But as we'll see later, there's a reason for this)
Despite everything in me telling me not to, I went ahead and entered my name and email address (so you don't have to!) and was redirected to the payments page.
But then something changed…
Now there's no more mention of My Hidden Pages at all. The payment form is for a different system entirely. It's called Copy The Millionaire and it'll cost you $97.

How My Hidden Pages Really Works
You probably guessed it already, but there is no ‘Mike' who turned 35 students into millionaires.
My Hidden Pages is actually the brainchild of serial product launcher Jeff Lerner.
Jeff has a long line of so-called ‘income-generating systems' behind him like:
…and at least a dozen more with new Jeff Lerner scams popping up all the time.
The fact Jeff is not coming out and publically endorsing My Hidden Pages and instead choosing to mask his identity should be serious cause for concern.
It turns out there's never been any ‘My Hidden Pages' system or training…
Weird but true.
Instead, this is just an old site loaded with recycled promo videos from other get-rich-quick scams designed to get people's email addresses and point them towards whichever program will make him the most money.
Last year Jeff Lerner was using MyHiddenPages.com to sign people up to ‘My Online Business Education' (MOBE) until they were shut down by the FTC, went bankrupt and the owner ended up in rehab.
Yeah… doesn't exactly inspire you with confidence does it?
Right now the My Hidden Pages website is being used to send people to a program called ‘Copy The Millionaire' which in turn sends you to one of 2 scams – Aspire or Jeff's 6 Figure Business System.
Neither are programs I recommend. In fact, I'd urge you in the strongest way possible to stay well away and I'm going tell you why.
Let's start with Aspire…
1. The Aspire Scam
Aspire is the first level of Digital Altitude, another company the FTC ruled against in 2018.
The main allegation was that Aspire and Digital Altitude owner Michael Force made deceptive income claims to lure unsuspecting customers into spending thousands of dollars on memberships ranging from $600 going all the way up to $30,000.
There are literally HUNDREDS of reviews and complaints from Altitude scam victims who have lost $1,000s.
Here just a couple to show you how scams like this work so you can protect yourself from internet scam artists like this in the future:

2. Jeff Lerner’s 6 Figure Business System Scam
The other program MyHiddenPages.com will promote is Jeff's 6 Figure Business System, which also goes by the name of Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle.
Both Digital Altitude Aspire and Jeff's 6 Figure System use exactly the same methods of luring you in with low-priced products upfront (usually around the $47-$97 mark) before hitting you with more expensive upgrades.
Once you purchase them you realise that reselling the system to others is the only way to recoup your losses – by very definition, these are pyramid schemes which is why it won't be long until they're shut down as well.
Can You Really Make Money With My Hidden Pages?
The only way to make money with My Hidden Pages is reselling the system and you're going to need to hand over a lot of capital upfront. It's high risk and you could very easily lose $10,000s through the scams My Hidden Pages is promoting.
Scammers like Jeff Lerner are smart; they've been ripping people off for a long time and they know exactly what they're doing…
They know if they asked people to pay $3,000 or $5,000 right away people would run for the hills, which is why they start off with a lower price first.
Then, once you're already invested they'll have their ‘success coaches' call you and push you into upgrading your membership.
Each program has 5 levels and you can only make a commission by paying the higher subscriptions fees first.
That means if you are Level 2, you can only receive commissions for when your recruits become a Level 1 or Level 2 member.
If they upgrade to Level 3 before you do, you get nothing, hence the strong incentive to ‘go all in.'

The most insidious aspects of scams like these are not only the huge amounts of debt people get into under the promise of finding true financial freedom, but that they turn scam victim into scam artist.
Members are forced to convince new recruits to join the lower ranks of the pyramid scheme to have a cat in hell's chance of clawing their money back.
Unfortunately, as this My Hidden Pages earnings chart shows, the vast majority of people LOSE money with these scams – a lot of money!

Is My Hidden Pages A Scam Or Legit?
My Hidden Pages is a scam you should run from like the plague. It is nothing more than a portal site redirecting people to expensive pyramid schemes that have conned people of out $10,000s.
Far from teaching and helping you to take control of your financial future, the criminals behind these programs are only interested in getting you to transfer as much money as possible from your bank account to theirs.
A Better Alternative To My Hidden Pages?
Honestly, almost anything is better than this! Pyramid scams are costly, unethical and totally unsustainable in the long-term.
Building an online business is the real secret to generating a passive income. I'm talking about creating a legitimate and profitable website that's open 24/7.
That's what I did and now I'm earning over $7,000 a month, whether I work that month or not, and yes, I even make money in my sleep.
I don't recruit or sell anything because my websites do all the work for me.
Take the same free beginner's training course I did and you'll know how to get your websites ranked at the top of Google so people come looking for you.
Did I have to put in the work to educate myself and apply what I was learning to build up my business?
You bet I did – especially in those first few months, but it definitely pays off!
How much money do you need to invest?
Very little.
The beginner's course is free so you can try it out and see it for yourself. If you decide this is definitely what you want to do then you can upgrade to Premium membership at $49 a month whenever you like.
That's it.
Training, website builders, hosting, keyword tools and expert support are all included.
Take massive action on making your online income goals a reality and you WILL make it happen. The good news is you can start for free here.
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your review on My Hidden Pages. Like many others I have also fallen victim to scam programs offering get rich quick tactics. It’s nice to know that there are people like you out there trying to save people the trouble of falling into their traps. I have learned that you can never be sure of anything on the internet but at least now I know to stay away from at least one scam with this review. Thank you again.
Hi; my Hidden Pages tells of what it intails from the very name. However, people will fall victim because no one expect a thief to be so open in the lime light. No sweat though; Thieves have upgraded their practice from being mearly a thief to be a Scammer. They are Popular online.
I was kind of shocked when I learned about Michael Force, as one of the Scammers. Reason be I had signed up with Aspire. When I found out that the assigned Coach was a scammer I spoke to Michael about her.
As he would give me a call every motrning. At that juncture, he ordered a refund to me.
Since the founder of My Hidden Pages shows strong determination to continue Scam, Thief, and defraud the innocent. I think it is now time for the FTC to zero in on him, and get the victims help to deside his fate.
Thank you for finding this person and reporting on his scams I have always thought that all they do is reconstruct the same scam and sell it over and over again under a new name! Your review is proof positive that I am correct in my assumption with finding this Jeff Lerner lerking in the darkness on “My Hidden Pages”! Pointing out to people unaware of this man is one of the best ways to stop some of these people from taking money from unsuspecting innocent individuals. Please keep up finding these criminals and reporting on them I so appreciate you.
Thank you Susan, I appreciate that. Exposing scams like these into the light is the best way to shut them down in my opinion. To find out more about staying safe online check out 13 Ways To Avoid Work From Home Scams.
All the best 🙂
Thank you for sharing with us this great review on My Hidden Pages.There are many scams out there trying to convince people that they are there to help them earn money while it is not the truth.
My hidden pages is a big scam because none can earn such amount in one month easily without scamming.
I can’t recommend people try this website.
Hello Simon, Thank you for such total analysis. Yes, your review is accurate because I was a victim of those scams before discovering Wealthy Affiliate. I lost money, But I realised quickly that it was a scheme well designed to lure anyone into spending more and more money hoping to earn more.
It is free to join Wealthy Affiliate that is a venue where anyone can learn and grow into really making money with online marketing. I am not making money yet. But to the contrary of my previous experiences, I see a promising way, and I am growing every day.
Hey Simon,
Firstly, My Hidden Pages is a BIG SCAM!!! I’ve actually joined this program thinking I would make money nut I ended up losing $97 and nothing worked. I don’t know if they offer it anymore but I’ve requested for refund and they didn’t even get back to me. The way the make money is by stealing your $97. I mean why would you even trust a program like this when the owner doesn’t even share his name? Invest your money in better ways and completely forget about this platform.
Thanks a lot for taking your precious time in writing this review. Keep up the good work Simon!
I’m sorry to hear about that, really. Their refund policy says you’re entitled to a no questions asked money-back guarantee within the first 30 days so they really should have gotten back to you.
I’m just glad it was only $97 – it could have been a lot worse. Count it as a lucky escape!
Thank you so much for your review of My Hidden Pages- You are a lifesaver! I recently read about My Hidden Pages and so I was just beginning to investigate them. I found some articles that were promoting the and all seemed good and I was still interested. Then I read your post and boy were my eyes opened! Thank you so much for doing all the research and finding out that this is unequivocally a scam. I am so happy I did not join this program.
I am now looking into what you do recommend, Wealthy Affiliate as I want to make like you, $7,000 a month even when I am sleeping. That sounds amazing. Thank you so much for the new lead!