Is Master Writing Jobs A Scam? This Review Will Help You Figure That Out

Is Master Writing Jobs A Scam Review

As someone who makes a living online as a writer and a blogger, I was surprised at some of the pretty wild claims Master Writing Jobs make so I just had to check this program out to find out if it can live up to its big promises.

Is Master Writing Jobs a scam or a legit way to launch your writing career?

There are writing scams to avoid like Type At Home, Paid Online Writing Jobs and Freedom With Writing.

So far, Write To 1K is the best course I've come across for learning how to become a freelance writer.

How will Master Writing Jobs compare? Let's find out!

What Is Master Writing Jobs? is a site that was launched in October 2016 that says if you pay $34 you'll be earning your first paycheck as a freelance writer in 30 minutes.

Master Writing Jobs say they can give you the step-by-step training and access to hundreds of job opportunities where you can become one of the highest paid writers on the internet, earning up to $10,000 per month.

what is master writing jobs about

The person behind this ‘work from home opportunity' (and all we know is he's called James) calls Master Writing Jobs a “groundbreaking system” where there's “hundreds of jobs available but not enough writers.”

So what's the catch?

While the site and promo video are great at giving false promises, they fail to deliver.

In truth, the Master Writing System is nothing more than a $34 eBook with the same old advice you can find anywhere online for free and most of it is completely unrelated to working as a writer.

Instead, there are recycled eBooks on how to make money as a blogger, selling on eBay and making money with Amazon:

make money master writing jobs

And the so-called ‘jobs database' is just a page with links to online content creation sites that are free to join like Upwork and iWriter. I don't see how anyone can charge $34 for this.

But this isn't my only issue… uses the same slimy tactics I've seen on many fake work from home sites, like:

1. Fake Scarcity Tactics

is master writing jobs a scam or legit

Master Writing Jobs try to pressure you into buying the $34 eBook by saying there's only a limited number of them available.

Of course, this isn't true but it is a common thing with making money online scams where they like to add a sense of urgency to get you to buy in quick.

2. Fake Media Endorsements

On the top of, you'll see the logos for CNN, NBC, Fox and Forbes. After searching all of these sites there's no mention of Master Writing Jobs whatsoever.

fake media endorsements

This is clear deception by the website owner to make themselves look more credible than they actually are.

3. Fake Testimonials

Scroll a bit further down the site and you'll come across half a dozen testimonials supposedly from happy and successful members who are earning in excess of 70k a year all thanks to this system.

fake testimonials

The only problem is these are completely fabricated…

Do a quick Google image search and you'll see there are random stock images:

fake testimonials

If Master Writing Jobs was legit, they'd be able to show us real proof of members success but of course, they can't…

4. Master Writing Jobs Don't Stand By Their 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

However, there are hundreds of angry complaints on sites like and left by users who tried to get a refund as soon as they saw what little value there was in being a member.

Here's just a couple of examples so you can see what I mean:

master writing jobs scam reviews
master jobs writing scam review 2
master jobs writing scam review 3

More Master Writing Jobs Reviews

In case you needed further proof Master Writing Jobs is not all it claims to be here are a few more reviews I've found on the web:

  • “I spent perhaps 30 minutes tops, researching Master Writing Jobs to see what I could learn. And it wasn’t tough to see they weren’t a good value, even at their current ‘sale’ price of $34 for lifetime access.”
  • “Master Writing Jobs is definitely a scam. I recommend that you stay away from it at all cost. The chances of you losing money are much higher than you make a dime.

    Although $34 is not really a big sum, it nevertheless is still a scam for the simplest reasons of giving everyone fake promises.

    $2000-$10000 every month? Yeah right!”
  • “This is one program that won’t teach you how to become a successful freelance writer. Far from it! The only thing that it will do is help make money for the owner of the website and nothing more.

    With a cost of $34 just for you to find a job, it is not even worth the investment.”

Is Master Writing Jobs A Scam?


I don't like to label a program or training course a scam unless it's fully justified but in this case I think it is.

With the exaggerated earnings claims, fake testimonials, a huge number of complaints, plus the fact Master Writing Jobs don't stand by their own refunds policy all indicated to me this is a scam.

Update: As is always the case with scam sites, Master Writing Jobs has now closed it's doors to new members and has been replaced by the Writers Work scam.

Here's the deal:

You just don't need to pay anyone to become a freelance writer. End of.

You can find freelance writing work at sites like, and – there I've just given you a ‘jobs database' for free! 🙂

You can also check out these 12 iWriter alternatives.

All the sites I've just given you are completely free to join and you can immediately start browsing writing jobs. Most sites let you select the types of topics you want to write about and what your minimum rate is.

You may have to lower your price initially until you get more of those all-important 5-star ratings but as you build up your reputation you'll be able to start charging more.

Check out this super helpful video on making your dream of becoming a freelance writer a reality:

Interested In Becoming A Full-Time Blogger?

Becoming a freelance writer can be great for getting some experience under your belt and giving you cash flow, but if you're interested in writing for yourself full-time for a business you own, then keep reading.

While I used to write for other people's blogs, I now only write on my own sites I created around topics I'm genuinely interested in and passionate about.

If you'd like to learn how to create a website business of your own then I honestly think you'll love the training at Wealthy Affiliate.

It teaches you how to use your writing skills to become your own boss through launching a website, getting traffic from the likes of Google and Pinterest and then monetising your site so it generates an income for you all year round.

what is affiliate marketing and how does it work process

I decided to try out Wealthy Affiliate as a free member because I wanted to become an online business owner where I put the work in once to write an article and get paid time and time again.

It's up to you whether you want to focus on building one blog into an authority site or manage a portfolio of blogs on different topics you're interested in.

What Do You Think?

Did you sign up to the Master Writing Jobs membership? Please share your experience with us in the comments below.

If you have any questions about making money with freelancing or blogging then get in touch and I'll be more than happy to help.

11 thoughts on “Is Master Writing Jobs A Scam? This Review Will Help You Figure That Out”

  1. These cheats are doing everything to scam the novice players. In the internet world, it has become a necessity to do research before taking out our credit card. And these detailed reviews provide us with deep insight. Thanks for exposing these scammers.

    I’ve also read your review of Write to $1k and they seem like a good option. One question though, do they also provide work opportunities once we finished the course.

    • These cheats are doing everything to scam the novice players. In the internet world, it has become a necessity to do research before taking out our credit card. And these detailed reviews provide us with deep insight. Thanks for exposing these scammers.

      I’ve also read your review of Write to $1k and they seem like a good option. One question though, do they also provide work opportunities once we finished the course.

  2. Good Morning Simon,

    Nice video and photos you have on your About Me page. Great to hear you have been able to fulfill your dream and now live in Thailand where you do voluntary work.

    Now to your post and find out if you recommend Master Writing Jobs. I personally hate being pushed to do something fast and to be told pay now or you miss out does not work with me.

    These people use fake media endorsements and also fake testimonials that really gives a bad impression. On top of it comes they do not even honor their refund promise, it cannot get worse I think. Thank you for the warning, I will stay away from it.

    Regards, Taetske

    • Hey thanks for the kind words Taetske, I really appreciate that 🙂

      A wise decision I think and I’m glad you found the review helpful.

      Stay safe!

  3. As someone who loves to write, Master Writing Jobs was a platform that caught my eye. Your review has clarified for me just what the service is all about that they offer, and I am glad I found your page to determine what to do. After reading about what you get for your money, it is definitely not something I will waste time on.

    The many red flags, the inability to get a refund, the training that is readily available elsewhere for free, and misleading earnings claims are enough to tell me that this is yet another scam at worst or a waste of money at best. The creators have followed what seems to be a template of other lousy programs that are sucking money from unwary would-be entrepreneurs.

    Thanks for the legitimate links to ways to earn online, and also the places on the internet where you can offer writing services and earn money from. This review costs me nothing to read through and learn likely more than if I had paid any money for the Master Writing Jobs product. 

    • I think you’re right there, I’ve just given you at least a dozen or so sites you can register with for free and start getting writing jobs right away – no need to their $34 membership fee! 🙂

  4. I think you are being too polite.
    All alarm bells should ring when lifetime access to useful content costs only $34 and the creator of the program chooses to remains anonymous. When it smells like a rotten apple it usually is a rotten apple (granny wisdom). 
    One effective way to block those scammers is to read reviews like yours to expose the fraudulent nature of the website.
    On the con artists website, they have an “Earning Disclaimer”. Here they are telling you in hazy wording (for example “FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS”) that you should not expect any useful results from their promises.
    It is the same as handing you an apple to eat or telling you, that you can buy apples in a supermarket and still charge you for this useless advice.
    Bunch of thieves.

    • I really like your analogy of paying someone to tell you where you can buy apples. As I say, there’s absolutely no need to pay for this membership site because they don’t tell you anything you can’t already find out online for free. 

      Thanks for sharing Martin, all the best to you.

  5. The master writing jobs has done a great mistake by lying about what they can offer. Many sites like master writing job are just there very desperate to lure people into their fake claims. Well, there hunger for people’s money and fame will not allow them to be straight forward. I have research about the site before when a friend introduced it me. Although,their book is unique to a reasonable extent but their false claims discouraged me from their site and I saw similar complaints about them too.

  6. Oh my… Master Writing Jobs is pure hype! For those of you who are interested in taking this product, realize that it takes WAY more work in order to average $2,000 to $10,000 per month. Chances are even slimmer especially if you’re just a newbie to writing.

    And besides, an online course can only ‘tell’ you how to do something, it’s still up to YOU whether you’ll implement what you’ve learned. Sorry to say, but there are no shortcuts even online!

    Now that you mentioned it Simon, I’m not familiar with your recommendation, Write To 1K. But when I checked your review of it, something in me wants to consider buying the course. I wanted to be a freelance writer at some point in the past, but I resisted it coz’ I’m busy.

    Anyway, thanks for unveiling the truth behind Master Writing Jobs. I hope it reaches the newbies out there so they won’t end up buying this junk program.

  7. It’s annoying when sites uses fake media endorsements and uses fake countdowns or tell visitors there’s only a certain number of positions left. I don’t know what’s worse, that or using fake testimonials. In my opinion, Master Writing Jobs isn’t worth the money. There’s noway I would MWJ a try.


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