Is List Leverage A Scam? A Full Review And Warning Signs Exposed

Is List Leverage A Scam

While having an email list is a good way to direct traffic to products, it’s not always the best option. List Leverage prides in building a “large-high-quality email list”, but can it deliver, or is it a scam to make people believe making-money is as easy as sending an email?

True enough, email marketing is an effective way to reach people because you can connect to them directly. The thing is, you should have that person’s permission to send him emails, or else you’ll just end up deleted in an instant or worse, reported. 

So in this review, we’ll find out if List Leverage hits or misses the mark on its claims…

We’ll also talk about the warning signs you should be aware of. 

List Leverage Review At A Glance

About: Matthew Neer's List Leverage is a done-for-you system for creating email lists you can promote your affiliate products in.

Price: Newbie program for $49/month and Super Affiliate for $398/year.

Pros: Offers a 30-day money back guarantee.

Cons: It's expensive and doesn't work as promised.

Verdict: List Leverage is not an outright scam but it is shady. Matthew is connected to other hyped-up schemes and I strongly believe this system won't be sustainable. 


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is List Leverage?

List Leverage is a system made by Matthew Neer. It’s not his first one though, he did tons of money-making systems including Income League. This guy has a knack for coming up hyped-up systems every now and then and to me, it’s not a good sign. 

Basically, with List Leverage, he claims on building you a lengthy DFY email list using an “innovative method” which in turn generates heaps of cash for you. 

Here’s the kicker:

The “innovative method” involves signing up for yourself and getting others to sign up too. So, in reality, his method is not as awesome as he pictures it to be. 

This email building system is blended with MLM which can sort of cause a bit of a problem. I’ll tell you more about it in a while. 

The Cost To Join List Leverage

You can choose between:

  • Newbie Program – $49(monthly)
  • Super Affiliate – $398(annual)

If you do a little Math, you’ll only pay around $33 a month if you choose the Super Affiliate option. But if you’re just here to test the waters, you can start with the Newbie Program and upgrade later on if you think it works for you. 

It doesn’t end there though; you’ll also have to deal with upsells. 

  • Pages – $97
  • Swipes – $247
  • Webinars – $497

Sadly, there’s more.

You’ll also have to pay for Traffic Authority ($200-$8,000) to send traffic to your lead capture pages and SendShark ($25 per month) an autoresponder service.

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You’ll be lumbered off thousands of dollars even before you start making some money! 

And get this:

SendShark has a very low inbox rate which means your email will land straight to the spam or junk folder. So your $25 a month fee for SendShark will be useless. 

How List Leverage Works

List Leverage Members Area

The basic idea is to refer people to become a member. 

When you become a member yourself, you’ll be required to subscribe to one of six email lists. This puts you in the sixth position and you go up a level higher as you make more recruits.

Each recruit also means a percentage of what they pay is put into your account. 

You’ll also gain more email addresses in your list when someone you recruit signs up. That person’s list will also reflect on yours. 

It can seem all too easy especially when you’re just starting out and is bombarded with a lot of hype. But the reality is, List Leverage won’t work out as you think it would. 

As I’ve told you earlier, email marketing is a great way to drive traffic and make money but not in the way List Leverage wants you to think it is. 

First of all, the “innovative method” only means you’ll have to recruit others to sign up so you’ll get more emails on your list. 

This will require you to be skilled in generating traffic and target only those in the MMO niche. You can’t just randomly send emails to anyone either they’ll unsubscribe or make it worse for you by reporting it as spam. You’ll then have to bid goodbye to your email list. 

Overall, I just see this as an MLM scheme that benefits those already on top of the list and of course the owner. 

Here’s the thing with email marketing:

You’re subscribers need to be in the same niche as you or else they’ll never get interested.

More than just asking them to buy something from you, you’ll have to provide something of value like a piece of advice so you can build rapport and trust from your audience. 

And the most important question is: are you promoting something useful or just another trashy product people won’t find any use of?

The bottom line is, it’s not just about gathering a lot of emails. It’s about getting the right emails and providing them with something of value and it will take a level of skill to make that happen. 

So Can You Make An Income With List Leverage?

Only if you have the right audience and the right product to promote. All the hype about making thousands of money from sending emails is just one strand of the picture. 

In reality, you’ll have to fork our stacks of cash and shed some sweat to make it work. Matthew Neer didn’t tell you about this part. 

If you’ll pay for all the upsells to get his system you’ll only end up aggressively sending pointless emails to get people to sign up just to cover each penny you shed. I tell you, if you do that, you’ll only end up in tears. 

In my opinion, the cost is not worth the system you will only end up as an unskilled pushy email marketer. 

What I Like About List Leverage

1. 30 Days Money-back Guarantee

If you feel it won’t work for you, you can get your money back if you do it within the first 30 days from when you purchased the product. 

What I Don’t Like About List Leverage

1. The System Is Worth  A Fortune

It’s too expensive for the services it offers. You’re just paying for the hype not for an actual useful system. 

2. Whopping Upsells

The pricey membership fee is not enough, the owner wants to turn you upside down and take even the last penny from you for the sky-high upsells which fails to deliver. I tell you it won’t be a wise investment to make. 

3. Doesn’t Work As Promised

The hype makes everything seem like it’s just a cakewalk when in reality you’ll have to put a huge amount of work.

Sure the bait for easy money is tempting but flooding people with emails they didn’t know they signed up for won’t get you any sale just mad furious email owners.

Is List Leverage A Scam?

Here are the facts: 

  • Matthew Neer is not bringing us near to the real score of List Leverage. 
  • He’s been connected to other hyped-up get-rich-quick schemes like Income League.
  • He’s running an MLM sort of system which is big trouble when run after by the FTC
  • You’re paying for services that fail to deliver.

If those facts don’t make List Leverage a scam, it sure does make them a lot shady. Personally, I won’t recommend it to you because it’s far too expensive without any real proof you can earn as much as they promised. 

Even their income disclosure statement can’t give you solid facts about the numbers. 

List Leverage Review Bottom Line

I’ve seen a lot of systems using legit money-making opportunities as portals to duping people and honestly it’s annoying. Some make low-end scammy courses about dropshipping like Biaheza others make get-rich-quick DFYs for affiliate marketing like VidZPresso

There are a lot of well-meaning people promoting legit systems who are taken advantage of by money-hungry scammers by selling bogus money-making systems. While these well-meaning people do what they can to promote decent money-making opportunities, scammers on the other hand are injecting pessimism.

Email marketing is as legit as dropshipping and affiliate marketing. And like both of these opportunities, making money with email marketing will require you to put in work.

Shiny shortcuts are made shiny for a reason. They’re made to dazzle you with its outside look while inside its all scam. 

If you really want to earn using email marketing you’ll need to take the effort in finding the people interested in your niche. These are your biggest potential buyers.

Don’t flood them with sales pitches, give them freebies so they won’t get bored and just ignore your emails. Build rapport, that’s how you’ll convert from traffic to customers. 

Most of all don’t fall for easy-money systems. They’re not aimed to make you rich, they’re aimed to make the owner rich. 

Affiliate marketing is also a great way to drive traffic that converts. You direct interested people to your niche-based website and give them valuable insight into the niche.

The great thing about this is people come to you, instead of you hunting them down. This way, you’ll know the people visiting your website are truly interested in making a purchase.

When you gain their trust, they’ll keep coming back to you to find reliable items. 

If you want to give affiliate marketing a try, check out this in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review to get you started.

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After years of working in call centres I finally figured out how to create a 5-figure monthly passive income stream and become financially free.

Thanks to the right training and a lot of hard work I kissed my old boss goodbye and booked a one way ticket to Thailand.

How I Make Money Online

So if you're serious about building a thriving online business, click here for the exact step-by-step formula I follow.

Question? Suggestions? Recommendations?

What do you think about email marketing? If you have experience with email marketing, share it in the comment sections below. If you have more questions about affiliate marketing, you can drop your comments there too. 

2 thoughts on “Is List Leverage A Scam? A Full Review And Warning Signs Exposed”

  1. Thanks IG

    Like with all of these other ‘Do This Quick’ or ‘Get Rich Next Week’ types of businesses, List Leverage is a ‘scamish’

    Why did I say ‘scamish’

    Well, the leads are real, but very poor quality. On a good day they can convert at 50% opens and 10% clicks

    On another day conversions can be 0% which harms your IPs reputation

    I have tested such a service by taking the emails, feeding them into a self hosted autoresponder, and mailing people

    The real conversion rates then come out. They are usually much lower than is advertised, but can still be useful if you combine the leads you receive with other people’s leads to create a huge list for yourself

    Stay away from these products if you are not a pro

    • True! You need to have email marketing skills for this to work. I’m just bummed how they blow its potential out of proportions just to squeeze some cash from people.

      This is really not for newbies especially because the cost is too much for them to handle. It can be hard to earn when you’re new because you’ll be aggressively focused on how you can make up for the expenses you put in rather than in creating a quality email that will convert.


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