Is Commission Code A Scam? It Definitely Is – Here’s Why!

Is Commission Code A Scam

Commission Code claims you can make over $1,200 with it in just 10 minutes of work every day. Is it a scam?

It absolutely is! For one, the claim itself is just too good to be true. All the other reasons, I’ll explain in a bit.

If you decide to give this a try, you won’t just get scammed, you’ll also be spammed!

Today I’ll go over what the Commission Code is, how much it costs, show you how it works, and do a little Math, and I’ll expose the reasons why this is no more than just a scam.

Don’t worry, you won’t be left dejected after you read this review. I’ll also tell you of a better solution so you can legitimately and sustainably achieve your online income goals.

Commission Code Review At A Glance

About: The Commission Code is an online income system using affiliate marketing and email marketing to supposedly get you $1000s in daily income. 

Price: $9 for the 1st 2 weeks then $47/month thereafter. You also have to spend for GetResponse costing $15/ month and solo ads around $1,100/month.

Pros: No pros here.

Cons: You have to spend on ads when the only one who ever makes money from this the owner and never you.

Verdict: The Commission Code’s income claims are only true for Bill. The traffic methods are costly and the funnels are shabby.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is The Commission Code?

The Commission Code is a list building-based income system posing to help you make more than $1,200 through ClickBank on a daily basis. This system is peddled by Bill McRea in the same marketplace, ClickBank, and he claims to be using the system for over 2 years. 

As you’ll understand better later, Commission Code is a lot similar to Click Wealth, 12 Minute Affiliate, Perpetual Income 365, and Passive Profit Pages

The sales page is all hype and the gist of the hullaballoo you hear there is you’ll earn $1000s daily by just working 10 minutes daily. 

A little word of caution:

A lot of the other reviews, especially video reviews on YouTube will try to pool you in with the bonuses they offer. 

They’re all good words for it and never tell you what’s not good about it because they’ll be risking the commission they’ll potentially earn if you buy Commission Code using their affiliate link.

Yes, they want you to buy it mainly to make money and not because they want to help you. If you buy Commission Code, you’ll be helping them and not the other way around. 

How Much Will You Spend To Make Money With Commission Code?

You’ll be paying for 3 things when you buy Commission Code: (1) Membership, (2) Email marketing tool, (3) solo ads. Roughly, the overall cost of using the Commission Code will be $1,162 per month. 

Here’s the breakdown: 

The Commission Code membership will cost you $9 for the first 2 weeks and after which, if you opt to continue, you’ll have to spend $47 per month on it. 

The second cost is for an email marketing tool called GetResponse. There will be a 30-day trial and later on it charges $15/month for 1,000 subscribers on your email list. 

The third cost will be for solo ads. There will be 4 sources taught in Commission Code’s training. 

A single solo ads source will cost you around $275 for 500 clicks. Multiply it by 4, you’ll end up spending a staggering $1,100!

How The Commission Code Works

Essentially, the Commission Code provides done-for-you affiliate marketing sales funnels, starting off with a squeeze to gather people’s emails in order to build an email list. 

Commission Code Squeeze Page

They’ll then be directed to a sales video page to magnetize them stronger into buying the what you offer.

Commission Code Video Page

Whether they buy or not, they’ll receive succeeding emails either to encourage them to buy the initial offer or buy other ones. 

The squeeze page and video page you see above are similar to what you get if you buy Click Wealth, 12 Minute Affiliate, and Perpetual Income 365. 

In fact, on some pitch emails, these products will also be offered. 

Commission Code Members’ Area

Right when you land on the member’s area, you’ll see a system overview video that’s almost 5 minutes long. 

To proceed, you’ll have to follow the 4-step process you can see on the left side. The training is divided into these 4 steps. Each step has a couple of videos, each more or less 5 minutes long. 

Amusingly, the first video on step 1 teaches you how to access the members’ area you’re already in at the moment. 

Commission Code Step 1

On step 2 you’ll be taught how to:

  • Make a ClickBank affiliate account
  • Create a ClickBank ID
  • Set up your payment system
  • Track your earnings
  • Lastly, add your affiliate ID to Commission Code
Commission Code Step 2

Step 3 then teaches you to get an autoresponder, a tool you use to automate sending emails to your email list. You’ll also get an explanation of why you need it and how you’ll integrate with your funnels. 

The autoresponder it promotes is GetResponse. It automates 45 follow up pitches to the emails you collected. 

Commission Code Step 3

Supposedly, this helps you get more conversions as you pitch offers, again and again, using follow up emails. 

Here’s the sneaky part:

  • The emails you will send will be in Bill’s name, not yours. 
  • The links on the emails you send contain Bill’s affiliate links, not yours.

Basically, you’ll be paying for this tool for Bill’s benefit!

Every email you send to your list will be promoting random ClickBank offers. The sad part is, when subscribers click on the email’s link, Bill makes the commission, not you. 

Frankly, Bill just trickily gets you to pay for an email automation tool and pay for ads, but he gets all of the commissions. 

The only way to get the emails in your favor is to go to each email and change the affiliate to yours. 

But if you knew this in the first place, you won’t be needing Commission Code at all!

Commission Code Traffic Sources

Where do you get initial traffic?

Step 4 will teach you about it. It’s pushing you to pay for solo ads. 

One of the most important elements in getting you to supposedly make money, traffic, is generated in a very poor way. 

Things will get murky here: 

Commission Code Solo Ads5

The 1st traffic source, has a reputation for bad opt-in rates.  Honestly, you’ll hardly get anyone to convert in the email list provides. 

The 2nd traffic source is MLM Traffic Center. If you purchase 100 Commission Code clicks, you’ll pay $0.59 for each. Quite cheap if you think about it, 100 clicks are not enough. You’ll need more clicks before you find anyone interested enough to check your offers out. 

The 3rd traffic source is solo ads from Wayne Crowe. Although he’s a great tutor, you still aren’t sure where he gets the emails he sends the pitches too. There’s no guarantee they’re targeted buyer traffic. 

The last traffic source is Udimi, again, no guarantee you get targeted traffic. 

Overall though, solo ads are bad traffic methods especially for beginners with a tight budget. 

You’ll need to learn more about email marketing before you get good conversion rates or the number of visitors who buy your offers. 

One key fact with email marketing:

Offer value first and build a relationship with your subscribers before you go and start pitching your offers to them. 

With solo ads, since you want to “maximize” your chances in pitching offers, you won’t think of sending an email without a pitch. 

Solo ads won’t incline you to build relationships and ultimately, it won’t get you to generate sustainable commissions. 

Another point:

Solo ad vendors’ email lists are overused lists. Tons of people have paid for it before so the subscribers will receive multiple pitch emails almost every day. 

Most likely, since they get annoying emails over and over again, they probably transferred it to the spam folder already.

All the succeeding emails they receive, will land not on the inbox, but in the spam folder, the place where you pitch won’t be read until eternity. 

The bottom line, you’re supposed traffic won’t get to even know about your offers. You won’t get people to check your offers, so you won’t make conversions at all. 

Now let’s do a little Math.

Let’s just assume you changed the affiliate links in the emails to yours and you’re supposed to get $4.50 each time a visitor buys an offer. 

If you spend $1,100 per month to get the system going, logically you have to make more that $1,100.

You’ll need at least 250 people to buy products. 

250 X 4.50= $1,125

250 people just gets you $25!

Here’s another thing to consider: 

Click rates are just 5%-10%. 500 leads mean 25-50 click on your pitches. 

To get 250 people to click on your offers, you’ll need 2,500 leads. Imagine how much it costs!

And it’s not even guaranteed they’ll actually buy anything because we’re just talking about clock through rates here

The bottom line here is you’ll just be spending without any hope of earning anything. 

Is Commission Code A Scam?

Yes, Commission Code is definitely a scam because it claims to get you a sustainable income when you really don’t. If you get a system that doesn’t deliver its hyped-up promises, it’s safe to say it’s a scam. 

To pin down my point, here’s another sneaky thing about Commission Code:

Bill hired someone to make fake testimonials. Legit systems do not desperately turn to paid actors to convince people!

Commission Code Hired Actor

Where Do You Go From Here?

This review won’t end with you downhearted and hopeless. 

Instead of relying on quick fixes like Commission Code, learn the ropes of how you can really make money with affiliate marketing through Wealthy Affiliate.

Here, you get the real over-the-shoulder training every beginner should get. You’ll be taught everything from scratch, from building the foundations of your online business down to sustaining it for the long-term. 

You’ll even get proof of how effective getting the right training is because you’ll come in touch with other successful marketers who learned from the training themselves.

You don’t have to take my word for it, you can head on to this in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review to get you started in building a real sustainable business.

What’s Your Take?

Are you outraged by the trickery Bill tries to use on you? Did your jaws drop knowing how expensive this is? Drop your thoughts in the comments section below. 

2 thoughts on “Is Commission Code A Scam? It Definitely Is – Here’s Why!”

  1. Thank you for this honesty and these cons, you pointed out. We all know that making money is not easy. It is amazing how many scammers and crooks are out there.


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