Hi, and welcome to my 6 Steps To Freedom review where we'll be asking: Is 6 Steps To Freedom a scam or a real pathway to a financially worry-free life?
First off, let me commend you for taking a moment to do your research before rushing ahead to sign up. This is the best way to avoid scams and find real online income opportunities.
So what about Jeff Lerner?
Can he really show you how to get rich or is he just full of baloney?
Here's what I found out:
6 Steps To Freedom Review At A Glance
About: Jeff Lerner’s 6 Steps To Freedom promises to show you how to become a successful internet marketer and make $1,000s online.
Price: $47 plus more than $10,000 in upsells.
Pros: None that I can think of.
Cons: Overly hyped, too many red flags and a blatant pyramid scheme.
Verdict: An overpriced course on how to sign others up to 6 Steps To Freedom.

The slick marketing tactics used to promote 6 Steps To Freedom are highly deceptive. They promise a true road to riches for $47 then dangle the carrot of financial freedom in front of you until you've forked out $1,000's.
How do you recoup your losses?
By tricking others into joining the scheme you just joined. The whole is system is making money by signing others up to the system.
Looks like a pyramid scheme to me!
If you're considering joining 6 Steps To Freedom then I urge you to take 6 huge steps back and run for the hills.
What Is 6 Steps To Freedom?
6 Steps To Freedom by Jeff Lerner promises to be the exact system you can follow to become financially free and live life on your own terms.
Head on over to the sales page and you'll see a banner across the top claiming this program has been featured on places like Newsweek and USA Today… except it hasn't.
This is fake news and not exactly the best start!
Click the button to find out more you'll have to enter your email to watch the sales video that asks you to hand over $49.

So what are the 6 steps to freedom?
That's a great question because we're never actually told…
Instead, we're hit with pictures of yachts, cars, beaches and mansions.

You'll hear people brag about how much money they've made, throwing big numbers around like $72k, $32k and $89k.
Jeff shares his rags to riches story about how he started out working in a bar in Houston, Texas and now he's made millions of dollars from home. That's apparently when he decided to run a small test group and now he's ready to share his money-making secrets with the world.
Interestingly, this is the exact same story (almost line by line) and the same testimonials I've seen in a promo video for a program I reviewed recently called My Hidden Pages. Except in that video, the guy called himself Mike, even though Jeff Lerner created that too.
At least he's using his real name in this one.
In both videos, we get a lot of hype, but no solid information about what the business model is, what kind of work is involved to generate income, what the 6 steps are or how it actually works.
All we know at this point is Jeff says we'll learn the simple techniques he used to generate $50,000 in 5 days selling a $49 product.
How 6 Steps To Freedom Really Works
Actually, 6 Steps To Freedom is nothing new – I've seen a dozen of programs very similar to this one, all coming from Jeff Lerner.

Jeff is a serial product launcher who comes out with a ‘revolutionary new money-making method' every few months.
Each time it's the same basic affiliate marketing course that shows you how to promote the same product you just bought. The only thing that changes is the name.
This is why you'll notice odd little things like the fact 6 Steps To Freedom is promoted on a website called freedomshortcut.com and when you click on the disclaimer it'll take you to the Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle site.
Listen to testimonials in the video again and you'll see they never mention 6 Steps To Freedom directly – it's always “Thanks to Jeff” or “Jeff's program.“
How Do You Make Money With 6 Steps To Freedom?
The system is making money by signing others up to the system. There's nothing more to it than that.
While they give you some very basic training for your money, it's all focused on reselling the same product you just bought.
Does that sound fishy to you? It should!

According to Wikipedia, a pyramid scheme is:
“A business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme.”
I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself if this program matches that description or not…
Beware The Super Expensive Upsells!
My biggest problem with 6 Steps To Freedom is how much it ends up costing you. $49 is just the beginning of a sales funnel that's going to push you into spending up to $10,000.
Those personal 1-on-1 advisors Jeff talked about? Sure, they'll help you get started – by pressuring you to ‘upgrade to take your business to the next level' and hand over ever-increasing amounts of cash.
Whether you want to call 6 Steps To Freedom an online pyramid scheme or just a triangular-shaped business model, they have 6 levels of membership with a price tag attached to each step.
As the only way to make money with 6 Steps To Freedom is having other people sign up to 6 Steps of Freedom, you'll have to become a fully-fledged $10,000 level 6 member to ensure you get full commissions.
If you don't, you'll end up losing out.
Let's say for example you're at level 1 and one of your recruits joins at level 1 – great, you'll get 50%! But stay at level 1 and they upgrade to level 2 – you'll get nothing. The commission structure is designed intentionally to get you to hand over more and more of your money.
You'll hear Jeff and his ‘success coaches' (AKA aggressive sales agents) say things like:
- “You owe it to yourself to invest in yourself!”
- “You will only succeed by throwing fear aside and going all in!”
- “Your dream life begins today with one decision!”
- “Are you really going to say ‘no' to your future financial freedom?”
They'll say and do anything to get you to hand your credit card details over!
Do that and you'll end up like this lady and so many others, desperately struggling to recruit others into the scheme to try and recoup her losses:
I hope you can see now just how so many people have ended up losing $10,000's through this program so you don't have to face the same fate.
Can You Really Make Money With 6 Steps To Freedom?
Yes, you can but this type of business model should be approached with extreme caution. It's very risky and not one I recommend.
Here on The Make Money Online Blog, we've exposed several pyramid schemes like Forsage, Profits Passport, Funnel X, Too Damn Easy and Instant Postcard Wealth. The end result is always the same:
90% of people lose money.
The crazy-high 6 Steps To Freedom membership costs means that's a lot of people losing a lot of money.
People start off thinking they're getting a complete done-for-you system for $49. It's only once you've bought in you realise you're going to have to shell out $1,000's if you want to go all the way.
On top of that, these systems only last for so long before they fizzle out and collapse. You only have to get to 13 levels before you've surpassed the earth's population:

This is exactly why so-called make money online systems like 6 Steps To Freedom get shut down. My Online Business Education (MOBE) and Digital Altitude were two make money online training programs that were shut down by the FTC in 2018.
They both worked in very much the same way 6 Steps To Freedom does:
You draw people in with promises of fast and easy cash, hook them with a $49 product and assign them a ‘success coach' who will pressure them to upgrade to the highest $10,000 level so they can then, in turn, promote the same program to others.
Can you make money with 6 Steps To Freedom?
Yes, but know this is going to take a lot of investment upfront and be sure this is the type of scheme you really want to stake your reputation on and promote.
Is 6 Steps To Freedom A Scam?
Jeff Lerner uses under-handed marketing tactics with promises of financial freedom to lure people into paying for a basic $49 course.
The true cost of the program isn't revealed until you get inside and are pushed to buy outrageously priced upsells, upsells you need to buy to have even a slim chance of making any money with this.
Look beyond the hype, flashy cars and millionaire mansions and you'll see the all-too-common story of people losing $1,000's with this – heck, even Jeff's own disclaimer says:
“You may not even recoup the amount spent on our products and services.”
In my opinion, 6 Steps To Freedom is a scam we've seen too many times before and I would strongly urge you NOT to get involved with it.
A Smarter 6 Steps To Freedom Alternative
So many people try and fail to make even a $1 online despite the amazing opportunity the internet gives us to become self-made entrepreneurs.
Because there's just so much junk out there. Google ‘how to make money online‘ and all you'll get is get-rich-quick scams and shady pyramid schemes. Then there's the 90% of affiliate marketing courses out there teaching people all the wrong stuff.
The truth is you can successfully build a real income-generating business for yourself with the right training.
I know because that's what I did.
In 2014, I finally found a legit training platform that showed me how the whole process of making money online works and gave me the practical steps to take to get there.
Long story short:
I quit my job, became a super affiliate, booked a one-way ticket to Thailand and now make over $7,000 a month.
Follow this free training so I can show you how I did it and I know whatever your income goals are, you can make it happen.
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Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.
Thanks! You just saved me ton of money and world of heartache!
That’s great to hear – you made my day!
My name is Rodney Johnson. I am currently a student of Jeff Lerner’s Affiliate Marketing program. I’ve already paid out exactly $5,033.00. since i started Dec,2021. Yes! the introduction into his program at that time was $39.00. after going through his quick training program, I was rushed to make a decision to buy into a package which cost $3,997.00.30 day money back guarantee, however, I do have an advisor, who upsaled me the idea of going to their 3-day Insite event scheduled for April 22,23,24th 2022. The cost for me is only $997.00. It actually cost $1,997.00. As of the writing of this comment, i haven’t been taught about needing a website, etc. I’m greatly concerned after reading this post. Please help me out!.
Start with the Commission Academy training Rodney, it’s to the point, easy to follow and free.
With Jeff Lerner, you’re only going to get endless upsells. It’ll already cost you a fortune! Seriously, please don’t pay anymore.
bottom line they all want your money its up to you to scam the scammers get them to pay you with your promise of a bigger return for them,if you can pull this off it would change the cat and mouse game
Even if Jeff was a scam, and your product legit, the most telling aspect here is your approach to promoting your business, which to me lacks ethical character. I would never align myself with an entity that needs to tear others down to lift themselves up. That’s just bad energy. If your product has value then simply let it stand on its own. If Jeff’s product or system is trash, it will not be able to continue for long, period and point blank.
Hi Redd,
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with researching and reviewing products for people looking to buy them and absolutely nothing wrong with offering alternatives if there are better options. A lot of people search for reviews online to help them make a decision.
Thanks for the comment anyway and I wish you well!
Hey Simon. This is a great review! I only wish I had seen it before I got “sucked in” by one of “Jeff’s” videos. Now I’m out about $700 and still on the hook for another $1600. Any suggestions on how to get any of my money back or at least stop any more from being taken?
Oh man, that’s tough! Getting a refund will be nigh impossible but still worth a shot.
I’d definitely call the bank to stop any further charges being taken out. $1600 is a lot of money! This might help:
Please let us know how you get on!
One must have a zero, or lack of any, conscience to not only scam people, but scam the demographic desperate enough to try an affordable program to create extra income. A perfect example of how the 1% stay in the one. Putting aggressive xtra time into gaining the little savings the average person has worked for. Humanity is such a failure.
It’s funny how Simon Crowe, “pouch” on other business and write negative reviews about them, using keywords of legit businesses who spend 10’s of thousands of $ in advertising.
If you would write a legit review, you would not share a CTA (call to action) advertising another business, Unfortunately, that’s what they teach you at “Wealthy Affiliate”, so I dare you to post this comment, and not only select the ones you enjoy.
Jeff is 100% legit, LDI is in the past and now he only advertises education with a 100% free affiliate program. He also teaches Digital Consulting; Web agency; building your own courses; E.com, etc. So it’s not at all about only affiliate marketing, which again IT’S A FREE PROGRAM.
Dare accepted.
It always makes me laugh how people complain when I write negative reviews saying I’m biased and complain when I write positive reviews saying I’m biased. That’s why I made a decision right from the start to only give my honest opinion – you don’t have to agree with me but this IS my opinion.
And what on earth is wrong with recommending a better alternative?
I know for a fact beginners will do a lot better with Wealthy Affiliate than they will joining any of Jeff’s pyramid scams. I recommend it because I truly believe in it, if I didn’t I could easily write a fake positive review for 6 Steps To Freedom and triple my income.
I double dare you to respond 😉
they didnt
they didnt
Hmmmmmm I’m a little curious how you might give such a thorough but critical review of one program only to promote another program. We all might have to use some “critical thinking” here.
I usually look for the pros and cons of any product I review but with 6 Steps To Freedom I just couldn’t find any.
Why mention a better alternative?
Because I know it’s worked for me and many others, plus I never recommend any program you can’t try for free first. I think that’s fair and transparent.
But as far as critical thinking goes, I think we should all be a little more critical especially when it comes to make money online products. Never take anyone’s word for it and always do your research before giving anyone your payment or contact info.
Exactly, lol
First off, let me congratulate you on giving such valuable information. This is well needed. So yes, Pyramid selling is illegal, the main reason for this is that you buy a product as part of your membership.
Let’s say you pay $10. Then you have to recruit another team member by selling them the same product, but this time for, well we say $15. Eventually the product that you paid $10 for has gone up 10 times and the last person to join can not sell the product. That is what pyramid selling is.
But reading your article, it shows that this 6 steps to freedom is similar only you sell the product for what you paid for it but if you want to get ahead in this you will shell out a lot more. Thank you for this valuable information,hopefully it will save someone from losing practically everything
Thanks David, that’s a great example. Pyramid schemes come in all shapes with most of them trying to disguise themselves as something else.
You have product-based pyramid schemes like Amway or Herbalife – yes they’re paid for recruiting but at least they have the option of selling product too.
Then you have naked pyramid schemes… ones where literally your membership fee goes to the person who recruited you, then you have to go out and recruit others so you get their membership fees and so on. Thankfully naked pyramid schemes are a lot easier to spot and never last long before getting shut down.
This might explain why Jeff has so many websites with so many different names leading people to the same thing. If one gets shut down or gets too many negative reviews and complaints from people trying to get their money back he can just close it down and open it up somewhere else but rebranded.
In my mind I always talk about things like this as a bad opportunity. However on rare occasions I will use the word scam and in this case I think I want to use the word scam.. The scams are outrageous and Im tired of all of this.
Thank you for taking the time to help educate because the newbies like I was at one time will hopefully stay away from another terrible program.
Thank you
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone pay for a $49 product and ended up buying $10,000 more for this program. There’s a misleading perception in the make-money-online world that paying for more can lead to faster success – a trap that I’ve fallen for before.
Just this morning, I read from a forum that someone lost $1700 to an advertising scam and this is not even online. Never trust the ‘As Seen In’ accreditation. People use the logos so rampantly in product validation that it’s almost unreal nowadays.
It’s true Cathy, I see it so often. They’ll put reputable company logos on their sites to make them look more credible than they are.
Of course I searched for any news articles or posts in Newsweek, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and Success but there’s not a single mention of 6 Steps To Freedom or The Freedom Shortcut anywhere.
I must say that I don’t like this type of earning money online because just like you said, most people waste time on this and never make even a dime. I think that only experts can earn money with pyramid scheme, it is better to invest money in some training than throwing it on scam programs.
Hello Simon,
Thank you for the excellent review of this pyramid scheme. I have heard of Jeff’s other programs on Warrior plus and JV Zoo. I’ve grown skeptical of both of those platforms now and just avoid their emails altogether. They allow for all of these new launches to happen, and I found out that many of them are knock offs of other successful programs.
I appreciate you walking us through their process and upsells, because there are always upsells. I laughed out loud when I saw the chart for the Multi-level marketing. I had no idea it only takes 13 levels for it to top off. That’s incredible. I remember when MOBE got shut down, but I was not aware of Digital Altitude being taken down.
It’s just crazy to think that these scam artists can keep creating these programs and not get sent to jail. I applaud your boldness in not being afraid to call it a scam outright. Our opinions are voiced on our own platform and we should have the freedom to give our opinions and critiques just like everyone else, without the threat of a lawsuit. I hope everyone learned from those MLM schemes that got shut down.
I like that you threw in a video there to illustrate your point about people desperately trying to get their money back. That’s the only way these things make money. It’s our duty to make people aware that these schemes still come up. Keep up the great work!
I always come across excellent websites that are always trying to let people know about online scams and this one is right up there!
I read in disbelief that someone had the audacity to actually go for $10000 in upsells! After laying out tbe initial $49, I would really like to know how they get away with it without being arrested?
I dare say Jeffs rags to riches story is also not truthful !
Thank you for this informative article. It is so disappointing to see so many products that are actually just schemes trying to take your money without offering any help or any solutions.
I am however, so happy that there are people like you out there who are trying to separate the truth from the lies. Your articles are always so informative and I now always go to your website first, when I hear about a new business opportunity to find out if its for real or just BS.
I am still searching for the RIGHT real online income opportunities but I am glad I have you in my corner to keep me from signing up to bogus businesses that I will regret. Thanks as always for the guidance.
If I save just even 1 person from falling into this trap then all the research and time is worth it!
After reviewing literally 100’s of make money online training programs, some are great, some are outright scams and most are just shoddy and don’t get people results. If you’re looking to build a real income online then do check out my top-rated program.
They have a premium membership at $49/month (no upsells!) but the starter membership is completely free with no time limits so you can check it out for yourself, take the free courses and then decide what you want to do next.
I’ve been there for nearly 5 years and I’ve never looked back.
Saved me. Thanks!
Great to hear, thanks for letting me know!
Now this just makes me mad as all get out! Yet another scammer in our midst giving all of us a bad name, no wonder with all the junk around that internet marketing has become a bad word over the years. Glad to see you did your research and are doing your part in warning us of the scammers out there.