24/7 Wealth Club Review: Read This & Never Get Scammed Again


Did you receive a ‘special invite' to make $13,127 a week as a privileged 24/7 Wealth Club member? Are you reading this review to find out what's really going on? You're in the right place!

This is the only 24/7 Wealth Club review you'll ever need to read because right here and now we're going to answer:

Is 24/7 Wealth Club a worthless scam or a truly life-changing system you should grab with both hands?

For the past few days, my spam folder has been bombarded with emails from money-hungry affiliates telling me how great and wonderful this new 24/7 Wealth Club is so I took a closer look.

Here's what I found out.

24/7 Wealth Club Review At A Glance

About: 24/7 Wealth Club calls itself the ultimate course on becoming an affiliate marketer that promises to show members how to make $13,000+ in the next 7 days.

Price: $37 discounted to $9 plus an additional $471 in upsells (pricing info)

Pros: Covered by Clickbank's 60-day money-back guarantee (get a refund)

Cons: False advertising, outdated training and zero support.

Verdict: 24/7 Wealth Club is an old scam resurrected with only low-quality eBooks on offer. You may wish to invest your time and money elsewhere. 


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Like so many get-rich-quick schemes, it seems the anonymous 24/7 Wealth Club creator spent more time making the sales video than putting the training together.

They promise a step-by-step money-making system then dump a useless, outdated eBook on your lap.

They say you can make $1,000s at the click of a button but they’re just telling you what you want to hear so you’ll give them your credit card details.

If you’re looking for a legit way to start earning online, you deserve better than this and I urge you to stay away. It will in no way help you achieve financial freedom.

What Is 24/7 Wealth Club?

24/7 Wealth Club is one of the latest ClickBank products claiming to show you how to earn $13,127 per week starting from the first day you sign up.

Go to 247WealthClub.com and you'll see an embedded YouTube video with a form to the right of it telling you to enter your email and hit the Get Started Now button to make your $37 payment:

What Is 24/7 Wealth Club

The anonymous narrator claims this is a powerful system available only for the chosen few that teaches people how to earn $13,127 per week…

That's $682,604 per year!

Apparently, these kinds of results can be achieved by anyone; students, working professionals and retirees, regardless of experience or knowledge.

One of the first red flags is the fact we have no idea who created this training because they chose to hide their real identity. We know nothing more than this guy calls himself ‘Richard' and that's never a good sign…

So how does it work and what will you have to do to get these results?

The video's pretty vague. All we know at this point is that it has nothing to do with taking online surveys or cryptocurrency and all you need is a laptop and internet connection.

To find out more I decided to sign up, pay up and try it out myself…

How Much Does 24/7 Wealth Club Cost?

We're told the original 24/7 Wealth Club price was $37 but it has now been discounted to $9, but you'll also be expected to pay an extra $471 for additional upgrades.

Inside 24/7 Wealth Club's Members Area

Once inside you'll see a left-side menu with various PDFs you can download. The whole course is based on how to make money with ClickBank through affiliate marketing.

24-7 wealth club scam or legit

There are PDFs and videos on how to find offers you can promote and how to get traffic to your websites with social media and paid traffic methods… though I found the whole training super basic.

It gives you the general over-arching ideas but fails to give you anything practical you can work with.

It's not just that though…

It's almost like someone's found a few free PDFs scattered across the web and stuck them all together and called it a course. It all seems a bit random, jumbled and not very well thought through.

Can You Make Money With 24/7 Wealth Club?

Despite 24/7 Wealth Club promising THE ultimate system to teach you how to become an affiliate marketer and earn $13,127 a week, I'm really struggling to see how anyone reading these eBooks could ever learn what they needed to reach this level of income.

Is affiliate marketing a legit way to make money online?


I make $7,000+ per month and I recently celebrated my first $1,200 day so I know it can be done, but it takes a lot of hard work and time to get there.

You make money by promoting products on the likes Amazon.com or Walmart.com, send your website visitors or YouTube viewers to the site and let them do the rest.

Clickbank.com have a wide range of products you can promote and earn a commission for each sale you generate, and all the super successful affiliates know the best way to make money with affiliate marketing is to create a niche website.

With the right training, affiliate marketing offers an enormous opportunity to build an online business and replace your income, but with 24/7 Wealth Club all you get is a mish-mash of outdated PDF files thrown together that will get you nowhere.

The best affiliate marketing course I've come across is Wealthy Affiliate because they give you realistic expectations about the time and effort that's involved as well as the right training, tools and support to make it happen.

4 HUGE 24/7 Wealth Club Lies Exposed!

1. $37 Is Not The REAL Price of 24/7 Wealth Club

Learning how to make $13,127 a week for a small $37 investment sounds like a great deal right?

Not quite…

The low price is just the dangling carrot to get you inside the member's area so they can push the more expensive upsells and make as much money out of you as possible.

You'll be pressured into paying for 3 upsells to “get the most out of your investment” and “make more money in an even shorter amount of time”:

  • Upsell 1: 24/7 Wealth 2.0 – $197
  • Upsell 2: 24/7 Wealth Pro – $177
  • Upsell 3: 24/7 Wealth Social – $97

That's $471 in upsells! Over $500 when you add the $37 starter fee.

This type of operation is what's known as an advance-fee scam and it's exactly what the 24/7 Wealth Club owners are doing.

2. 24/7 Wealth Club Is Anything But Exclusive

The video tells you, under no circumstances, must you share the video with anyone: not your spouse, not your parents, not your best friend.

They say it's because you've just stumbled across a top-secret life-changing video that's not yet been made public.

The narrator goes on to say:

“Welcome! You made it. If you are seeing this video right now you have been selected by one of my very close multi-millionaire business partners.

Why? Because we believe you are a prime candidate to make up to $13,127 per week.”

They make it look like you've been specially chosen. This is further implied by the notice on the website that says there are only a limited number of spots available:

can you really make money with 24-7 wealth club

See what they're doing here?

They want you to think you're really lucky to be offered this amazing opportunity.

The truth is:

Anyone can view the sales video on YouTube, anyone can sign up through ClickBank and you can be sure the creator and affiliates promoting this system will be pushing for as many sales as possible.

3. 24/7 Wealth Club Is An Old Rehashed Scam

The video narrator kicks the video off by making this pretty big statement:

“I'm about to show you how to access a brand new and incredibly powerful revolutionary done-for-you money-making system.”

Okay, except I've seen these low-quality PDFs before…

24/7 Wealth Club launched in April 2019 but it's just an old program being sold under a new name.

CB Wealth was launched in February 2019 and when you compare the 2 programs you'll see that the layout, content, lessons, everything is exactly the same.

Here's a screenshot of the 24/7 Wealth Club members area:

24/7 wealth club scam

Now here's the old CB Wealth members area:

cb wealth scam

Spot the difference?

The lazy con artist can't even be bothered to make new training videos or remove the CB Wealth logo from the 24/7 Wealth Club training area:

24-7 wealth club vs cb wealth

A brand new, revolutionary new system?

More like a rehashed scam that had a lot of complaints against given a new name.

This happens all too often. Scammers find an old, outdated program, slap a new cover on it, give it a catchy title and resell it again and again to the masses. Don't fall for it!

4. You'll Get Zero Support

Hand over your hard-earned cash, get inside the member's area and you're faced with a whole mish-mash of eBooks you're supposed to piece together and make $13,000/week.

When you're serious about starting an online business, not only do you need the right training, you need expert help and support when you have questions along the way.

If this program creator really cared about your success then he'd make sure you could ask questions and get answers, he'd make sure you had access to a member's forum or a live chat area, but with 24/7 Wealth Club, you get nothing.

If you're a beginner, you're really going to struggle to try to figure it out on your own and with this program, you're not going to get help and support when you need it most.

Is 24/7 Wealth Club A Scam?

Yes, 24/7 Wealth Club is a scam because they make 100% false claims about how much money you can earn. They market themselves as an automated profit-making system when in reality all you get is a few old eBooks.

Like Job Quitter Club, Home Profit System and Secret Millionaire Bot, they promise overnight riches but fail to tell you about the time and effort that it takes to be successful online.

The training is sub-standard and doesn't equip you with the knowledge you need to make it happen and you can't rely on them for any kind of support.

Feel free to buy 24/7 Wealth Club and let us know how you get on, at least you'll be covered by the 60 day no money-back guarantee so you can always get a refund.

But if you're serious about making money online then try this beginner's crash course.

It's the same training that taught me how to build an online business that now generates more than $7,000 a month.

The best part? They're open to new members and it's free to get started.

More 24/7 Wealth Club Reviews

Your 24/7 Wealth Club Review

Are you sick of being lied to by hyped-up programs like 24/7 Wealth Club that promise you the world but give you nothing?

Do you have any questions about getting started online?

Scroll down and leave your comment and I’ll be more than happy to help.

14 thoughts on “24/7 Wealth Club Review: Read This & Never Get Scammed Again”

  1. Wow, thank you so much for this in-depth review of 24/7 Wealth Club! I was considering investing with them, but after reading your post, I’m much more cautious now. Your warning about the red flags was really eye-opening and I appreciate your honesty. I’ll definitely be taking a closer look at other options now.

  2. I read your blog post 24/7 Wealth Club Review and I really appreciate the advice. I have been scammed before and I learned my lesson. I will never let that happen again. Thanks for the advice.

  3. Last year I bought a similar program for 37.00 call 5 Minute Profit Sites. They did not send me email but rather it was referred to me from a guy who’s email list I am on. I never set up my account because I don’t feel safe giving them my social security number even though they claim it is for tax purposes only. They also don’t claim you can earn nearly the amount of money 24/7 Wealth Club does and the never prompted me to pay any additional fees either.

    But my only question to you is: To the best of your knowledge, can you actually make any money at all even if only $200 a month? There are scores if not hundreds of programs like this and they all have the exact $37 fee.

    • Hey Mark,

      Yes I’ve come across 5 Minute Profit sites but haven’t got round to reviewing them yet. I’m surprised they asked you for your social security number, that does seem odd…

      24/7 Wealth Club do have 3 additional upsells, check out their affiliate page and you’ll see what I mean.

      Honestly Mark, all you’re getting here is a few random second-rate eBooks pulled from across the web and chucked together and they read like a Wikipedia page. Did you register for the free online training course yet? If not, here it is. You’ll learn more in those 10 lessons than you ever will from this.

  4. Wow! Thank you very much for this great review. I strongly believe the best way to distinguish a scam site from a legit one is by doing a thorough research on the site before signing up. Lots of scam sites her online and hence the need to be extra careful when giving out our details.
    Thank you once again for this great review.

  5. Obviously, this a scam, with all these mouthwatering bonus. It’s too much to be real. There are many affiliate programs out there that are scam, only wealthy affiliates prove to be legit because they didn’t promise any mouth watering bonuses. You will sure work for your money. This a great piece, just an eye opener. Thanks 

  6. I have taken my time to read alot of reviews on 24/7 Wealth Club, and none of the reviewers including you has anything good to say about the online money making scheme. 

    Making over $13000 per week is a sure, plain old lie. Especially for the fact that you are told that you get to make sure amount by doing hardly anything and making it at the snap of a finger. 

    I would not recommend this obvious to anybody, I would rather advice that wealthy affiliate be tried out, I am a member and I have mostly good reports about the platform. 

    • Thanks for sharing and I could not agree more – these scammers make money from people looking for shortcuts who still believe there’s a secret trick of magical code that will make them rich overnight when the reality is, while the potential for earning online is enormous, the right training and know-how combined with a lot of hard work is the pathway to success.

      I wish you all the best with your online journey!

  7.  The name sounds really dodgy. It is very clear from the review that there are some good points, but not enough to overcome the hatred i have for the platform because i lost many thoisands of dollars.  There are certainly better programs out there for making money online.This isn’t recommendable whatsoever

    • You’ve lost $1,000’s through ClickBank products? I’m sure you’re not the only one. 

      I’d say at least 95% of digital products sold through ClickBank are either outright scams or just extremely low quality and a lot of it is recycled by serial product launchers who use hype and spam emails to make a living.

      • But the beauty of all scams sold through Clickbank is Clickbank requires them to allow you to cancel for a full refund of the fee as long as you cancel within 60 days. Though they host mostly scam products Clickbank itself is legitimate.

  8. The fancy titles like this for the making money online products online market niche automatically get my red flag filters up. The name 24/7 Wealth Club just does not sound like a legitimate product. Like you, I too was bombarded with emails to the point I decided to do some research, and here I am!

    Right away, the mention that the owners are hiding behind anonymity on top of the stupid name was also enough for me. The last straw is them claiming that you can make 1000s of dollars at the click of a button. There is no legitimate business where you can do that.

    The rest of your review confirmed what the first three red flags indicated, so your final recommendation to stay away from the 24/7 Wealth Club is right on target in my opinion. Thanks for saving me the trouble of watching their sales pitch and looking through their sales page. There are a lot of legitimate ways to make money online, this is not one of them.

    • When I sit down and write a review I always try to do so with an open mind, but you’re right. The name is a bit of a giveaway. After reviewing hundreds of so-called ‘money making programs’ you develop a hunch that normally turns out to be right.

      I’m glad you found this help Dave, looks like you’ve just saved yourself $37! 🙂


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