Real Profits Online Review (WARNING: Scam Alert!)

real profits online review

Hi, and welcome to my Real Profits Online review!

I came across the Real Profits Online website just today and I knew I just couldn't take it at face value but had to do a little more research into it.

I didn't want to dismiss it as just another work from home scam if there's actually a real opportunity here to earn some extra income.

They say you'll have non-stop cash flooding into your bank account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 356 days a year completely on autopilot.

Who wouldn't want that? If it's legit, count me in! The issue is finding out whether it actually delivers on its promises or not!

We all no there's countless number of programs out there claiming all kinds of crazy things, but unfortunately at least 95% of them never work.

So, in my relentless pursuit of new and legit online income streams, let's take an honest look at Real Profits Online to find out once and for all if this is worthwhile investing and time and energy into or not.

Here’s what I found out.

Real Profits Online Review At A Glance

About:  Real Profits Online is an Amazon-related make money online opportunity that's supposed to generate $300, $400 and even $500 income per day.

Price: The sales spiel says it's free but it will cost you $47 to join.

Pros: None.

Cons: Misleading sales page with ridiculous claims. This won't generate any income at all.

Verdict: Real Profits Online is a lousy attempt to take advantage of Amazon to make you think you're making money from a legit business. Steer clear from this.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

There is nothing real about Real Profits Online. This is an old Amazon work from home scam that keeps popping up under new names and on a multitude of websites across the web. 

Although they make grand promises of instant cash pumping into your bank account, they leave you $47 worse off with nothing to show for it. 

The more you trust this site the money you will lose with monthly subscriptions and over-priced hosting fees. There’s no such thing as a secret money-making system that will make you rich overnight. 

What Is Real Profits Online?

I came across Real Profits Online when I was looking through my emails, clicked on a link and was taken to the homepage which said:

“A new “work from home” program with Amazon just released, that will allow people to earn money from the comfort of their own homes.”

I've written here on the blog about how to make money as an affiliate with Amazon before so I'd be surprised if they had released a new work-from-home program and I didn't already know it…

Then I read the title:

“Weird Online Trick Discovered By a Mistake, Makes $300, $400 and even $500 Per Day!

When I read this I instantly remembered that I've seen something like this before, but under different website names like Prime Time Profits, Big Profit System and My Hidden Pages.

They all make themselves look like a news site and tell you about how you can get involved with Amazon to some kind of ‘secret back door'.

Take a quick look at the Real Profits Online website then compare it to the Prime Time Profits website and you can't help but notice the similarities:

real profits online is a scam proof

Here you can see their homepage and payments page. Now let compare that to Prime Time Profits:

real online profits reviews

It's definitely the same guy behind both sites right? The layout, the images, the titles are all so similar.

This is not a good soon because after reviewing Prime Time Profits, it's obvious it's nothing but a scam. The chances of Real Profits Online being a scam just shot through the roof!

How Real Online Profits Really Works

The promo video starts with ‘Mike' (not a real name) telling us a really weird story about how he saw this guy one day, sitting with a beer in one hand and a mouse in the other.

Mike watched on as this guy clicked around on his laptop a few times and ‘bham!‘ – he had a website that was instantly generating $500 a day.

Afterwards he talked to this guy to ‘get his system down' and now he wants to show us how to sell real products for real profits. The video goes on about how you can make money in your sleep, while you're at the park and so on.

If we're to believe the hype (which I don't because I've heard it all before) then this is just a matter of ‘plugging into the system' to set up your online business so that profits can be pumped directly to your bank account.

Then he asks you to take the first step by filling out your name and email…

You're then taken to second video with all the same ridiculous claims of making $500 a day or $180,000 a year.


They say they're going to set up a free Real Profits Online website for you and the profits are going to start hitting your account in a few minutes.

He says he's giving this for free, but there's a catch… apparentely this is limited to just the first 250 people lucky enough to have landed on the site. He repeats several times that we're NOT to share the video.

Click to the next page and you're told you're going to need to pay $47, so why he's saying it's free when it's clearly not, I don't know.

Can You Make Money With Real Online Profits?

No you can't.

You can make money with Amazon as an affiliate absolutely, but not with the copied and pasted site they're going to make you pay for.

With Real Profits Online all you're going to get is some very short and shallow training in the form of a few random YouTube videos thrown together.

You're also going to have to pay out for their recommended domain registrar and hosting so they can make even more money out of you in commissions.

The Amazon affiliate program has been around for years and can be a very lucrative way to make money online, but this isn't a secret or anything like that. You just have to know how to go about it in the right way.

There's free online training courses like Wealthy Affiliate that can show you how to make money though affiliate marketing step-by-step.

It works by following a simple 4 step process that looks like this:

wealthy affiliate process for making money online

You basically pick a topic, create a website around that topic then get your website to the top of Google search results so you've got a free and steady flow of visitors coming to your site.

Then you earn revenue by promoting related products or services on Amazon for example, and earn a commission for every sale you generate.

Affiliate marketing = making money by selling other people's stuff

It's great because it means there's no upfront costs (except maybe $13 for a domain name and a small investment for training), no products to buy and no shipping or inventory to deal with.

This is pretty much how I make more than $7,000 per month working part-time on my websites, so I know affiliate marketing is a legit and viable option if you're looking to work from home.

I just wouldn't recommend forking out $47 for a worthless cloned website that's exactly the same as hundreds of other sites out there because that's going to get you nowhere.

It's also not as quick and easy as the guy in the video makes out. I can tell you from experience that it takes time to build a new website from scratch and build it into an income generating asset.

You'll need the right training, website builders and support, not this crappy automated get-rich-quick nonsense.

Whoever the owner of Real Profits is, it's clear that his/her focus is more on making a quick buck out of you instead of actually teaching you how to be successful.

3 Signs Real Profits Online Is Anything But Real

I'm just going to show you 3 quick examples here of why nothing on the Real Profits Online website can be trusted

1. Real Profits Online is an old scam under a new name

The so-called Real Profits Online system has undergone so many name changes and can be found on a lot of different websites out there. It's basically an old scam that keep popping up it's ugly head just when you think you've exposed it for good.

It reminds me of that whac-a-mole game where you get one and a second later another pops out somewhere else.

It's a common tactic of online con artists to rebrand and rename and I know the Real Profits Online site won't be up for too much longer…

As soon as the complaints and refund requests start coming in, he'll just shut it down, rename it and open it again somewhere else so he can keep sucking cash out of the bank accounts of his unsuspecting scam victims.

2. ‘Mark' isn't real – we have no clue who the real owner is

Why would an honest person offering a legitimate work from home opportunity want to hide their real identity by using fake names and fake photos? They wouldn't right?

If they're genuinly helping as many people they say they are they'd proudly stand by their product….

Unless of course their lying con-artists then it's best to hide behind a fake persona so nobody can link you directly to the scam you're perpetrating.

That way when the refund requests come (and they surely will) and the complaints start rolling in there's no way of them coming back to you.

This guy just takes your money and runs.

3. Real Profits Online is fake news

There's a reason they talk about Amazon a lot – we all know and trust Amazon so it makes whatever they're trying to sell you sound more credible than it is.

In the same way, adding these news logos on their site can give you the impression at first glance that they're endorsed or have at least been featured on news channels like Fox and NBC and so on.

Whilst it's illegal to claim this, they get around it by saying “Work from home opportunities have been featured in…”, but never mention this program specifically!

Is Real Profits Online A Scam?


As you can see, nothing on this site can be trusted and I'm sure Real Profits Online is a scam.

They use deceptive tactics to make you believe this is going to be a free, instant and effortless profit spitting machine when in reality you're only going to lose money.

There are hundreds of legitimate ways to make money online but I'm afraid this definitely isn't one of them I can recommend with a clear conscience.

A Much Better Real Profits Online Alternative

If you like the idea of building your very own online business and making money through the legit affiliate marketing method than check out this training program.

It's the same training course I took when I was just starting out and as a direct result of following and applying the lessons, I was able to quit my old job and buy a one-way ticket to Thailand.

You can base your website around any topic or interest you like and when you know how to get your site to the top of search results you'll never have to worry about making sales because instead of having to go out and find customers, they will come looking for you.

Find out more about getting started by clicking the button below and if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to help you out!

The best part? This beginner’s training course is 100% free!

6 thoughts on “Real Profits Online Review (WARNING: Scam Alert!)”

  1. Hi Simon!

    Your Real Profits Online Review reminds me of some of the ad clicking scam sites which you make you click the ads for hours and they never pay for it. Moreover same as this sites they disappear and appear in a different name. I lost a lot of my precious time and interest in online marketing because of such sites until I came across Wealthy Affiliate.Thanks for your review.

    • It’s crazy – just the other day I reviewed Juan Ads, a site that promotes itself as a way to make money mindlessly clicking on ads for $0.001 a time. They never pay out. Really it’s a pyramid scheme trying to disguise itself.

      What I’m seeing happen a lot right now is serial scammers relaunching their training program every 6 months or so with a new and catchy name. They rely on the hype of a new product launch to maintain their cashflow while duping new victims into paying for the same old recycled trash.

  2. Work from home programs linked to Amazon’s name have been around for a long time. In fact, before I started affiliate marketing, these were the sites that got me interested about making money online. Fortunately for me, I joined a forum and someone alerted that I should watch out for scams and true enough, when I look up for more legit information, I couldn’t get anything. 

    I don’t think Real Profits Online is offering anything different. I just hope that more people will become more aware of this. 

    • Yep – just the same old scam rearing its ugly head time and time again, though unfortunately these internet con artists wouldn’t keep releasing these scams if they weren’t finding them profitable… so someone somewhere out there is still handing over their hard-earned money for junk like this.

  3. I’ve lost a great deal of money to a scam in the past, and it just burns me that people will try to lure naive people into believing that they can make ridiculous amounts of money in just a few minutes online.  I found the program you recommend, Wealthy Affiliate, awhile back, and it was obvious from the moment I took my first lesson in their starter membership that it was legitimate and had so much to offer.  So I second your recommendation that anyone looking to start an online business needs to check out WA!

  4. Hi Simon, I found very interesting your review about Real Profits Online. Nowadays there are a flood of online business websites and you need to be careful, especially get-rich-quick schemes are usually scams, like this one you described. I agree with you, building online business is a slow but reliable way. Very good review and explanation, thanks for sharing with us!


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