How To Make Money Online With Niche Websites


Fiverr_93_1_FINAL (1)Last Update 2nd June, 2017.

More and more people are learning how to make money online with niche websites and for good reason..

Let’s be honest, how many times have you thought about quitting your soul-destroying job?

Just the thought of telling off your nightmare of a boss with a quick:

Asta la vista you corporate hack‘,


So long, sucker!' 

sends waves of euphoria through the hearts of the overworked masses.

Now, if you're currently unemployed, don't worry about it; you're not missing a thing.

Don’t be fooled by the magnificent skyscrapers or fancy designer suits, it’s a mad, rabid jungle out there. These days, it’s no longer survival of the fittest; only the smartest stay alive.

I mean, there’s got to be a better way of making money, right? Why should we be doomed to wake up earlier than the birds just to beat morning traffic?

Why should we break our backs day in day out working at boring, dead-end jobs; like zombies dragging their feet in the vast wilderness just looking for some brains at the end of the month? And not even the good kind. I’m talking brains with very few zeros at the end.

If you are like the millions of people who are tired of being overworked and underpaid, then it’s definitely time to change your strategy. It’s time to let the internet work for you while you sit back and watch the dollars rake in.

Passive income earning is the future.

There are literally a gazillion ways to make money online; however, none is more lucrative than the power of niche websites.

Today I'm going to show you how to make money online with niche websites.


Let's dive straight in.

What is a Niche Website?

niche-websiteYou want to start a website based around a theme or topic and provide information to a highly defined target audience.

Here, the main idea is to select a singular topic of interest, generate loads of unique, high-quality content, attract targeted traffic and then turn this into money using numerous methods such as affiliate programs, ad placements, sponsored posts, selling products and services among others.

It's possible to make money with a website in any niche imaginable. Whatever interest, whatever hobby or passion can be turned into a full-time online business.

Sounds simple, right?

That’s because monetising your niche site is one of the easiest and quickest ways you will ever make money. Here, we’re all about the big bucks so, enough chit chat.

Let’s find out how to make money online with niche websites.

Recommended reading:

How Real Niche Site Owners are Turning their Passion into a Cash Cow

I learned everything about starting a blog (it's easier than you think), driving visitor traffic to your site and making money online with niche websites by taking Wealthy Affiliate up on their offer of free training. I'll get into that in a sec…

Now, let's get into the 5 most profitable ways successful bloggers earn money with their niche sites.

1. Running Network Advertisements

This is one of the most lucrative methods that majority of niche website owners use to get paid quickly. By utilizing the daily traffic that’s already coming to your site, you can place ads from any ad network you like.

The most commonly used ad network is Google Adsense. This is primarily based on their simple requirements and easy setup; all you need is a URL and boom, you’re all set to cash in.

Similar ad networks include Izea, Site Scout, Blogher, Glam Network Federated Media, among others. Some of these networks might have an application process that requires you to have a base amount of traffic and niche requirements.

It is imperative to note that although the niche site owner has some say in what to display on the page, it is the ad network that ultimately has full control over what your visitors see upon opening your landing page.

Online space studies estimate that website owners require about 10,000 visits per month to earn something significant from the ad networks.

2. Affiliate Marketing (my favourite)

Wouldn’t it be great to make a small commission on each and every sale that resulted from visitors clicking on your site’s link?

Well, great is precisely how niche site owners feel when sites like Amazon help them to make some easy money.

Beyond owning a website, you need absolutely zero perquisites to achieve this. All you have to do is choose products that you want to display on your site and voila!

The best thing with affiliate marketing is that by choosing products that provide value to your visitors, you are able to get a higher turnaround than just placing random ads.

One of the most popular giants in the affiliate marketing field is Wealthy Affiliate.

Brand new beginners or existing niche website owners can now jump on this opportunity for free affiliate marketing and sign up here for the free Online Entrepreneur Certification Course that will take you through the steps of launching and building your first niche website.

Here's a snapshot of what affiliate marketing looks like. The example here is with an Amazon affiliate website but you could send your visitors to any of the hundreds of affiliate programs online:

process of making money online by blogging

Recommended reading:

Turn your passion into a very successful passive income earner today and learn how to turn your blog into a cash generating machine.


3. Sponsored Posts

The classic two birds, one stone scenario. The only difference here is that your stone has the ability to reach out to millions of specifically targeted people. A sponsored post allows you to inform and educate your target audience on any topic or product, and still make money for doing something that you would have done anyway.

The number of offers your site gets from sponsors will depend on your topic area as well as the popularity of your niche site.

Agencies like Social Spark, Mom it Forward, Tap Influence, Sponsored Reviews among others are ideal for starting out.

Please note: It is important to stay faithful to your message. I've not done this myself as I don't want it to warp my message or purpose of this site. Offering high quality content, and honest and helpful solutions to your website visitors is the key to building a successful blog. To maintain the integrity of your niche site, try not to sell out so much that every post is sponsored. Just keep this in mind : )

4. Build a Members Site

Membership sites are not only an excellent way to offer your visitors extended value, but they also help identify and target the most serious people who are curious to receive your insight.

To achieve this, niche site owners use a myriad of techniques. They include an updated forum community, training courses, webinars, past interviews or any other premium and exclusive content to draw in the members.

Once the members sign up for a small fee, the key here is to optimize your earning potential by charging on a four-week basis as opposed to monthly.

This will guarantee you a full month’s bonus on your earnings.

5. Podcast Commercials

Did you know that there were more than a billion podcast listens on iTunes alone last year?

That’s right, if you own any kind of website, this is what you need to be doing.

Much like ad placement, niche site owners can also have commercial pricing strategies for podcasts that earn money for every download. This is wholly based on the number of listeners you attract as well as predicted growth in your media kit.

Niche site owners can sign up for several podcast networks such as Wizzard Media ond Podtrac or better yet, sell commercials directly to businesses!

If your niche website receives a steady growth in traffic and contains great information value, podcast commercials will definitely do your bank account some good.

Bottom Line:

The above methods work brilliantly for most people, but they are just a small tip of an ever increasing iceberg.

With all the diverse ways you could go about earning money from your niche website, make sure you try more than one to ensure you’re earning both active and passive incomes round the clock.

If you'd like to learn how to make money online with niche websites check out the completely free training at Wealthy Affiliate.

(Here's my full 4,466 word Wealthy Affiliate review).

It's where I personally got my start and got me to the point I am today making more than $6,000 per month from my niche websites. Want me to teach you? Take the free make money with niche websites course.

If I can do it, you can do it too. So go ahead; make your website work round the clock for you.

What else do you need to know to start making money with niche websites?

I’d really like to hear from bloggers already making money with their sites. Do you use any of the monetisation methods mentioned here or am I missing something? What do you think is the best way to make money with your site and can you implement these in any niche?

Go ahead and let us know in the comments below!

6 thoughts on “How To Make Money Online With Niche Websites”

  1. I’m loving to navigate this website. What a great find!

    I perfectly understand the difficulty of finding a niche around which to build your own website, but once you find it there are so many ways to collect the cash.

    I think Simon you gave very good examples on how you can make it, but I just wanted to add one piece of advice – find a niche which you enjoy yourself. It will make it much easier for you to write about it and market your products.

    Cheers, everybody!

  2. You really break it down in a way that’s easy to understand… now that I’ve decided to go ahead and started in affiliate marketing. I love the way you offer other ways to make money. It is extremely well thought out and can help just about anyone.

    I’m going to take you up on your advice as I start building my first niche website – I think I’m going to focus on monetising my site through affiliate marketing links first. I dont like the idea of having too many advertisements on my site.

    Thanks again, I’ll be following the money making online blog and looking forward to getting your email updates. x

  3. Hi Simon,

    I really like your blog.

    I find it fun looking for niches! There are just so many.

    I’m glad to see your living your dream and you were able to quit your call center job to pursue it. Very inspiring.

    Its also nice to see that because of your success building niche websites you can now help the less fortunate!

    Good luck in your adventure!

    • Thanks Chris – it’s so true! There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a niche. People always ask me how do you know which niche is the right fit? In What to Start a Blog About? I talk about why it’s important to start a niche website based on something you can get excited about.

      You might also want to check out 10 Hot Money Making Niche Ideas for 2016/17 for more potential website niche ideas and inspiration.

      Thanks for the kind words Chris – with hard work and due diligence you can accomplish pretty much anything : )


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