Funnel X ROI Review 2024: A Scam Promoting Scams?


Hi, I'm Simon and welcome to my ultimate Funnel X ROI review where we dig deep and find out if Funnel X ROI is a scam designed to deceive or a legit money-making opportunity worth investing in.

Funnel X ROI is being promoted heavily on Facebook right now and I knew I just had to check it out.

I've been a full-time internet entrepreneur for the last 6 years and I love nothing more than exposing scams and helping people like you make your online income goals a reality.

David Dekel says join his free program and you'll be “stacking your benjamins nice and high”. So-called $300/day systems rarely live up to their own hype so it'll be interesting to see how this training program stacks up.

Funnel X ROI Review At A Glance

About: David Dekel's affiliate marketing sales funnel is “A fast way to start earning affiliate commissions.”

Price: Advertised as free but the real price is $3,574.40. See the full breakdown.

Pros: None that I can see.

Cons: You'll rack up a ton of expenses before you even start.

Verdict: Funnel X ROI is several pyramid schemes rolled into one. We strongly recommend you invest your time and money elsewhere.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Right from the start, David Dekel promotes his training system as a free and fast way to start earning affiliate commissions, saying:

“Give me 15 minutes and I'll show you how to make $300.00 per day for FREE!”

It's only when you get on the inside you realise you're expected to rack up $1,000's in expenses as you're coerced into paying for numerous monthly traffic generating memberships and subscriptions.

David's cashing in his commission checks for referring you while you're in the red before you've even started.

David definitely has a lot of experience in affiliate marketing, it's just a shame he's chosen to promote online pyramid schemes like Easy1Up with memberships costing $2,000; a price you're going to have to pay to be in with a shot of earning anything.

David's done-for-you sales funnel may give newbie affiliate marketers with lots of cash to spare a slight head start, but it also means you have no choice or control over which products you promote.

With no mention of free traffic generating techniques, your only option is to risk your money upfront to pay for the type of paid traffic that never converts well.

Who The Heck Is David Dekel?

Whenever you're looking to join a possible income opportunity I think it's important to look at the reputation and track record of the guy behind it making all the promises to see if they're trustworthy or not.

In this case, David Dekel is the trainer, owner and founder who says it's his mission to get you to your first $100 day.

In 2014 he grew sick of the corporate lifestyle and working 16 hour days for somebody else so he decided to take a step of faith and make a real go of it online so he could spend more time with his family. David's been working for himself as an affiliate marketer ever since.

who is david dekel

His first training product was an email marketing course Stealth List Building Formula, an email marketing course that received very mixed reviews.

Here's the man himself telling us why he created Funnel X:

It's clear David has built a highly profitable affiliate marketing business and has a lot of experience in the industry.

What he doesn't tell us is if his earning proof is from people buying his Funnel X system.

What Is Funnel X ROI Exactly?

Head on over to and you'll an invite-only sales funnel system that's claimed to be worth $1,997.

In the sales video, David says Funnel X ROI (formerly known as Funnel X) will turn you into a ‘commission magnet' making sales day after day without much effort, even if you've never made a dime online before.

Dekel says he can teach you how to build multiple streams of income to make money in your sleep. He says you're going to get completely free access to his done-for-you sales funnels complete with proven-to-convert offers and lead generation systems.

I decided to sign up to find out if this training product delivers on its promises. Here's what the landing page looks like:

is funnel x roi a scam

Did you see that? $300 a day for 15 minutes' work is a pretty bold claim!

I answered yes to both questions, entered my email and hit continue…

funnel x roi invite

On the next screen, there's a video where David talks you through how this ready-made sales funnel will give you a way to earn consistent commissions by sending a steady flow of traffic to various preselected offers.

He goes on to say this funnel generates money for you automatically, all you have to do it follow his instructions to get it set up.

Yes, Funnel X ROI is free to join, but stick with me here and you'll see there are other associated costs involved that you need to be aware of.

How Funnel X ROI Really Works

Activate your Funnel X ROI account and you're taken through a series of 4-5 screens in order to ‘configure' the system. On each screen, David guides you through how to sign up for various paid marketing tools and membership sites in order to “maximise your future earnings”.

how funnel x roi works

Though he makes out signing up and paying for these tools is optional, the website will not let you go forward to the next screen without you providing proof of purchase.

x funnel roi scam

Funnel X is a sales funnel for various get-rich-quick programs and online pyramid schemes. While the system itself is technically free, you are going to have to pay out for these programs before you'll be able to make any money at all.

In other words, before you can make money sending people through the done-for-you sales funnel, you are going to have to go through the funnel yourself.

Who Is Funnel X ROI For?

If you're a complete affiliate marketing newbie with a lot of money to spend then David's training could help you to make your first commission, but it's definitely not as easy or quick as he'd like to believe.

It's advertised as a free system and while it may be free to access, it's not free to implement. Be aware going into this that you will need to make a considerable financial investment before seeing any returns.

Alternatively, if you're looking to start a profitable affiliate marketing business on a shoestring budget then check out this free beginners course.

Counting The REAL Cost Of Funnel X ROI

Throughout his promotional videos, David Dekel gave us no indication of how much you need to spend before you can start to see commissions coming in. Instead, he insists his system is “free” with “no strings attached”.

Some of these offers have monthly and yearly membership costs attached and if you're new to the world of making money online then this could easily catch you off guard.

As you go through the steps to ‘configure your system' David will tell you to buy into 5 additional tools and programs. (Programs you're going to have to buy into to be in with any chance of success following his methods.)

Let's look at each one in turn so we can calculate the real cost of this ‘free' Funnel X system:

1. Easy1Up

First up is Easy1Up created by Peter Wolfing, a notorious online scammer. Marketed as a simple system to unleash the earning power of the internet, Easy1Up is, in fact, a cash gifting scam.

Easy1Up has 5 membership options, starting with a one-off payment of $25 going all the way up to $1,000:

easy1up scam

Similar to other online pyramid schemes I've reviewed like Copy And Paste Ads, Profits Passport and The Big Profit System, the only way to earn is by recruiting others into the scheme,. But it gets worse…

If you join at the $100 level and someone you refer joins at the $25 level – you'll get a commission, however, if they upgrade to the $100 Elevation Elite level, you'll still get paid, but if they upgrade to the $20 Vertex, $500 Vertex Elite or $1,000 Vertex Pro levels you won't get a penny.

Setting up the commission structure this way pushes you and the people you recruit to pay the maximum amount for the possibility of making more in commissions.

2. Now Lifestyle

Next up on the list of programs you'll have to sign up for is Now Lifestyle, a health-based multi-level marketing company led by Joel Therien where you can earn commissions by selling products or recruiting other Now Lifestyle representatives under you.

now lifestyle commission structure
Now Lifestyle Commission Structure.

Membership is going to set you back another $24.97 a month (or $100 paid yearly) or $250 per year for the reseller program.

now lifestyle membership prices

We've reviewed many MLMs like Total Life Changes, World Ventures, Sisel and Nikken but I've never seen one where you have to pay a monthly membership fee before.

3. ROI Panel

The next make money online program David Dekel gets you to sign up for is his very own product – ROI Panel!

Let's be clear here: you're paying David for the privilege of being able to promote HIS product.

What is it ROI Panel? Basically, just a spreadsheet that helps calculate return on investment (hence, the ROI) to make sure your advertising campaigns are running optimally.

It doesn't come cheap either – check out the prices of these packages:

roi panel pricing options

4. Udimi

Once you've signed up for these programs you've now got products to promote. The next step of David's method is to drive traffic to your offers in the hope of making sales.

This is where the next two marketing tools come into play. Udimi is a solo ad buyer and seller platform where you pay people with huge lists of email subscribers anywhere from $0-35 to $100 per click to send your offer out.

Udimi also has a monthly $19.95 fee.

5. Advertising Boost

Finally, Advertising Boost is a vacation incentive program that supposedly helps businesses improve conversion rates by offering them a chance to win an around the world trip.

You can choose to pay $49 per month for the Silver Plan (with a free 7-day trial) or opt for the Gold Plan at $458 per year.

The Real Price Of Funnel X ROI = $3,574!

When you add it all together, many people could find themselves paying over $3,500 for what they thought was a free system.

The expenses we've totted up so far are just to be able to promote the offers, we haven't even taken into account the advertising budget you're going to need to try and drive sales.

Here's a full cost breakdown:

ProductBest CaseWorst Case
Now Lifestyle$100 (per year)$250 (per year)
ROI Panel$197$1,497
UdimiAd fees $239.40 (per year) + ad fees
Advertising Boost$458 (per year)$588 (per year)
Grand TOTAL:$782$3,574.40

Can You Make Money With Funnel X ROI?

Before you hand all this money over you'd better be sure it's worth it! So can you really be making commissions in the shower like David says?

In theory, all you have to do to start making money is send traffic over to your capture pages…

Unfortunately, David Dekel doesn't teach you how to generate traffic, instead, he sends you off packing to the Udimi solo swap website where you pay out for every click (and he makes a nice commission of you in the process.)

Following his method, you're always going to be forced to use paid ads to try and generate sales, which is a hard, steep climb. Email swipe traffic does not convert well and most of your emails will be consigned to junk mail folders…

Solo ads can be risky, especially when you don't know if solo ad vendors are going to give you good quality traffic or not. You could easily find yourself burning through your entire ad budget with nothing to show for it.

I've made $100,000's through affiliate marketing so I absolutely recommend becoming an affiliate marketer to anyone – just not the way it's taught here. I'm a big believer in keeping your costs (and risk) as low as possible, especially when you're a beginner.

I make $7,000+ each and every month online and my total outgoings are $24.91 per month for training and hosting plus $12 per year for my website domain.

That's it!

You never need to buy a product before you can promote it and there's no need to pay for advertising because you can learn how to get websites ranked on the top spot of Google so they attract free, daily traffic on their own. This is the better, smarter way in my view!

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now »

Is Funnel X ROI A Scam Or Legit?

While I don't think Funnel X ROI is a scam, I can't say it's legit either… it's borderline.

I mean, is Funnel X ROI a scam because you're told it's a completely free system only to find out, later on, you need to spend $1,000's?

Is Funnel X ROI a scam if the owner tells you to join scammy pyramid schemes like Earn1Up so he can cash in?

Ultimately, only you can decide whether this is the right way forward for you, but I know I won't be investing any more time or money into it.

Funnel X ROI Review: The Bottom Line

David Dekel’s claim that Funnel X is a free no-strings-attached sales funnel just isn't true. As we've just seen, this could end up very costly for any aspiring entrepreneur just starting out.

David definitely knows his stuff and no doubt you could learn something, but if you’re looking for a no money down way to earn a passive income online then there are plenty of better options out there where you don't need your wallet to get started.

If you're serious about making a sizable income online then you're better off doing what I did and create your own affiliate marketing website as doing it this way means you don't have to spend a fortune on ads because people come looking for you.

what is affiliate marketing and how does it work process

Wealthy Affiliate have a 100% free beginners course that takes you by the hand and walks you through the entire process of making money online with a community of like-minded folks who are ready to help and cheering you on every step of the way.

27 thoughts on “Funnel X ROI Review 2024: A Scam Promoting Scams?”

  1. Hi All,

    Funnel X ROI is NOT affiliate marketing as claimed. but instead multilevel scam that enrichens people like Dekel and the highest host, Igor, who has invaded everywhere possible. I tried the first step or so, which was subscription to Get Response.

    Cancelling Get Response is impossible without going to your bank and filling out cancellation papers, or closing your account and changing every retailer or other you subscribe to. Get Response will NOT refund $ for false account debiting, even though pursued for months. Right!

    For those who say that constant upward investment is required, but WAIT, “That’s not all.” You’ll make monstrous money but only if you can sleep with knowing how you’ve stolen from others. You are in quicksand economically and this savior offers you a stick for pulling you out. But, the stick breaks at every chance.

    Almost forgot, get ready for your phone number to be invaded by constant solicitations and robo calls, as was mine even with minimal involvement. DO use an email other than your personal – gmail works.

    So what is possible? Throwing $ to Dekel and his admitted mentor Igor. This is simply a pyramid scheme that dodges SEC prosecution by supremely overvaluing “teaching material” and the like. This type of scam will soon be added to the automatic SEC prosecution list if not already because this is a few-step multilevel scheme, like so many others.

    Thank you Simon for posting this.

    • You are absolutely right. Funnel X ROI is nothing like an affiliate program. Anyone who makes money with this does so only because they’ve duped others into making a payment so that they in turn can receive payments. Real affiliate programs generate an income by offering real products or services to customers. Affiliate programs like Amazon or Clickbank never require you to purchase products before you can start promoting them.

      You can also get a refund.

      Dekel and Igor need to stop ripping people off with their pyramid scheme scams. The SEC or FTC is going to catch up with them one of these days, and the sooner the better in my view.

    • i dont understand this program, they always talk about how much money they made and its into hundred of thousands ,then it go’s on to say its not garenteed. i can understand that, but it always looks to me the people making these testimonials are always garenteed there hundreds of thousands of dollars. because they always get it. .its just a selling program , i say beware.

  2. Hi Simon,

    I almost went for this! I live in Canada so fees have a different price right away
    I have become very skeptical of everything promising an easy or fast way to
    make money online, everything carries an additional expense. I’m disabled now
    so money is something I just can’t throw around. I’m just looking for away to
    make some extra income to stay ahead on expenses. People that market things
    like Funnel X ROI should have consequences for doing that!

    I’m going to check into the Wealthy Affiliate program and the Get Free Training program. I thank you so much
    for your information. It saved me from losing money that I cannot afford to lose.

      • If you are with WA than you spend more then you stated above… i.e. the monthly or yearly charge once you upgraded. I’m just pointing this out. You explained your cost monthly (not mad just stating a fact)

        I must agree: Deckel should not be able to fool people. It’s not really training just buy to resell for him to make more money.

        • Hey Jason, I said my total monthly outgoings for all my online businesses (currently generating $7,000+ per month) work out at $24.91 per month and this is true.

          But you’re right…

          I pay for this yearly so it’s discounted compared to the usual $49/month rate. Also, I’m locked into the Black Friday deal for a further discount meaning instead of paying $359 a year, I pay just $299 a year.

          I pay $12/year for my domain and $259/year for my Wealthy Affiliate membership which includes hosting, training, community support and everything else. I hope this helps clarify things.

          The point I’m trying to make is you don’t need to pay half a dozen or so outrageous membership fees to make a full-time income online and there are definitely tons of better alternatives to the Funnel X scam.

          See also:
          How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

      • I purchased Funnel X I’ve got the $600 one for half the price 298 I need to get it running can you help me, please.

  3. As a person struggling to make ends meet I could have fallen for this type of scheme and cost me a ton, I was thankful I found your blog now I know what to steer clear of.

    • I hear you Ariel, it’s easy to get sucked into their sales page telling you you’ll learn how to earn $300 a day for free but as I hope I’ve demonstrated in this review, not all is as it seems. Funnel X ROI is the type of scam where people only lose money and end up far worse off than when they started.

      Did you register for your free training yet? If not you can do that here.

      Thanks for taking the time to share and I’m happy this review helped open your eyes to the reality of what’s really going on with this.

      All the best,


  4. Hi Simon!! First of all – what a fresh looking website you have here! so easy for me to navigate to find all the information I want in one place. You really satisfy my thirst for when it comes to my desire to learn a whole lot more about making money on line wooHOO!

    So I found your blog when I was searching the google machine for an honest review about FunnelX ROI after all this hype on social media and wowzers Simon am I glad I found you! Imagine the expense I would have racked up with all these sneaky subscriptions that I wasn’t expecting to have to invest in… Makes me wonder how this guy Derek sleeps at night. I would have been crying myself to sleep losing money on his recommendations that are likely not to show me much profit at all. Listen, you really did your work at showing me the real Derek, long term experience or not – just that photo of him with the yellow lens glasses reminds me of ‘fear and loathing in Las Vegas’ makes me wonder if I’ll be fear and loathing making an investment in this program…

    I certainly don’t have cash to burn to I’ll admit – I was enticed by your recommendation in the Funnel x ROI vs Wealthy affiliate – the amount of red crosses against FunnelX ROI tells me what to do! Go green! 

    WA all the way – I followed the link and signed up for a starter membership – I must say I’m impressed with the look and feel of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

    Thankyou for your thoughtful review and recommendation !! You made it very easy for me Simon! Thankyou soooo much!!!!

    • Wow Karsha, I wish I woke up to comments like this every day! 🙂

      No problem at all, I’m glad you found this review useful and it sounds like you made the right choice. 

      How does Derek sleep at night? He doesn’t care because he’s making his monthly commissions 3 or 4 times for each person that dares to enter his bank account draining sales funnel.

      I’m glad you’re like Wealthy Affiliate, as you know by now, everyone is super helpful and friendly and if you stick with the training you will do well!

      Here’s to your success!


  5. Personally, I have been using Udimi for several years now. Udimi is a great place to buy solo ads. I always choose only proven sellers, they will deliver targeted traffic for the niche that I need. For example, I bought 300 clicks and got 64% opt in and 18 sales.

  6. I have had just had the same thing happen but it was a different one and I was hacked and I loosing my home just lost my wife to cancer after a three long years of battling cancer I was just thinking this was a good opportunity to catch up on things and save the only thing that I have left is the house we built so I will be homeless broke no where to go our memories gone to have trust in the Lord and savior that he will do unto them before I get there I want to thank you for sharing. These demons

  7. Hello everyone and thanks for the honesty. It seems to me that there systems are built to Target the suffering by leading them with false statements. When one thing is constantly repeated such as “absolutely free, or no cost no risk” to find out shortly after that it will not only cost but can cost as much if not more what the person is actually trying to achieve.

    I have watched the first two videos. I even filled out the membership. When it went from free for a short time to pay $25-$1000 I decided to shut off my laptop.

    People today are struggling to keep what little they have already so for David Dekel to state it is free when ultimately it will cost the person an entire months wage, to me this is false advertising and seems to be just another Susan Crane and Mary Nash scheme.

  8. You can click all the way through without paying a penny – I did!

    You simply click though the blued out choices at the bottom of each stage “No I don’t want to make thousands of dollars (not recommended)”.

    It technically is free as you can choose to just send referrals. If you already have a list, that costs nothing.

    If you don’t though, you will need to drive traffic to the link via solo ads.

    They have a co-op through which you can jointly by traffic in bulk. I paid 500 dollars for 440 visitors which built my list by 200 – just under 40% conversion.

    Not bad. Even if I never make a sales I will have a list of email opening and clicking bus opps seekers at a CPA of around 2.50 per name.

    If I can’t make my 550 back a few times over, I wouldn’t be much of an internet marketer!

    • Hey Mark, thanks for sharing. That’s a great find! As I said in my review, it wouldn’t let me continue on to the next page without confirming my opt in details for some reason, perhaps it’s been updated now though.

  9. Firstly, thank you for this honest in-depth review. over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been seeing ads on this Funnel X ROI and I was always been skeptical of the ridiculous profits they promise (with good reason).

    It is utterly disgraceful how some people are willing to neglect transparency in order to dupe people out of their hard earned money with the promise that they can make more money knowing very well that the odds have been always stacked against the unsuspecting person.

    It is painful to know that some people will be sucked into the funnel and end losing money because they were sold on an idea that isn’t what it looks like. 

    • I honestly could not agree with you more!

      So it’s a sales funnel you have to buy into before you can promote it to others (like a pyramid scheme), at least be upfront and honest from the beginning and don’t call it a free system when it’s clearly not.

  10. Hi Simon, I almost went for this course until I thought I’d better check it out first to see if it was legit. Your review of Funnel X is very thorough and I’m grateful for that. I just have one question if that’s ok…?

    When you are going through the set up process, do you know how many times you would have to pay for each stream of income?

    For example, if I decided to buy into the $250 Vertex level would i have to pay another $250 to go up to the next levels? And do you know if the yearly fees are renewed automatically?

    Many thanks in advance

    • Hi there Jamiro,

      It varies on the income stream so as I laid out in the breakdown of costs, Now Lifetsyle has a monthly and yearly option (I assume these would be renewed every 12 months until you cancel), ROI Panel has a one-off fee,

      Udimi has an optional premium monthly option but otherwise you just pay for per campaign with ad vendors setting their own prices. Boost Advertising has monthly and yearly options.

      With Easy1Up you buy in at whatever level you want to, so Elevation is $25 with a $5 admin fee. If you want to move to Elevation Elite to qualify for commissions on that level, you’d need to pay $100 and the admin fee.

      But if you went straight in at the Vertex Pro for example, you’d pay the $1,000 plus $50 admin fee and qualify for all levels. They payments are just a one-off fee for lifetime membership.

      Hope that helps! 

      • Thanks Simon, I’m looking for people to teach me right now to learning how to make money online for free since I have 0 cash to spend and work my way up to teach and help the poor to start from scratch to become wealthy. I don’t have a website yet but I’m working on it.

        • If you want to build a proper business online and have the support when you need it, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate. You will be able to access me personally within WA and get help with your business, as well as help within 10,000’s of other community experts that are active daily.

          I recommend getting a free Starter membership at Wealthy Affiliate and you will literally be up and running with your own niche website within the first 4 lessons.


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