The China Cash Clone Scam Review: I Just Got Ripped Off


Daniel Barber (if that's his real name) says China Cash Clone is the answer to your online money-making worries but is it real or just a scam? That's what this China Cash Clone review is all about.

He claims it will show you how to make $912,135 in the space of 9 months thanks to a “glitch on the internet”, but is this a scam or can you believe it?

You're told this has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies or pyramid schemes and making money with this system is so incredibly easy anyone can do it.

You don't need any experience or qualifications to make this work, just a laptop, an internet connection and a desire to succeed.

Sound too good to be true? You'd be absolutely right.

I’m not in partnership with Daniel Barber or China Cash Clone in any way. 

I’m only reviewing this program to help you steer clear of the get-rich-quick scams that never work and find real training that does.

China Cash Clone Review At A Glance

About: China Cash Clone is a short course on how to dropship with AliExpress.

Price: $9 plus $147, $197 and $997 upsells (pricing info).

Pros: They honour their 60-day refund policy.

Cons: With a blatantly deceptive sales page and a member’s area littered with upsells, this is a scam designed to extract as much cash out of you as possible.

Verdict: Yes, you can build a thriving online business but unfortunately, Daniel Barber’s crappy 2-minute videos are not going to help you make that happen.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

The Sales Video Is Full Of Paid Actors

The first huge China Cash Clone red flag is the product creator used paid Fiverr actors to give us fake video testimonials.

Why should this send alarm bells ringing? Because only scams with no real success stories need to resort to underhanded tactics like this.

Remember the girl from the sales video who said she spends just a couple of minutes each morning logging in to her computer to check her automatic earnings thanks to the China Cash Clone software?

She's actually a video spokesperson getting paid to read from a script:

what is china cash clone review

Then there's this guy who told us he's coming to the end of his 5th month of following the program and has already made a whopping $710,000+…

Yep, you guessed it – he's a paid actor too:

why china cash clone is a scam

So forget everything you heard on the sales page because it's all BS designed to deceive you into thinking this is a legit system when it is anything BUT.

How Much Does China Cash Clone Cost?

You can buy China Cash Clone for a $9 one-time fee but be prepared, you'll be asked to pay an extra $1,341 for additional upsells and monthly subscriptions.

China Cash Clone comes with a full 60-day refund policy that covers your initial $9 purchase but not any upsells you buy into.

Here's how to get a Clickbank from Clickbank.

A Sneak Peek Inside The Member's Area

Even with the relatively low $9 price tag I still expected more than I found inside the China Cash Clone training area. There’s really not a lot here at all…

inside the china cash clone members area

The only real training to speak of is in Step 2 where you get 5 very short videos showing you how to download a cloned website promoting products dropshipped from AliExpress.

And when I say short I really do mean it! The videos average at around 1 and a half minutes long, with the longest being 4 minutes long.

Video 1 – Set Up 

Video 2 – Customisation

Video 3 – Woocommerce

Video 4 – Aliexpress

Video 5 – Manage Orders

All 5 videos combined give you less than 10 minutes of ‘training' which barely scratch the surface in terms of arming you with what you need to know about dropshipping.

how dropshipping works

Personally, I think if you're new to online business, affiliate marketing is the smarter way to go for a few reasons:

1. Affiliate Marketing Is Easier

With dropshipping, you have to deal with customer care, but with affiliate marketing, all you do is make money promoting other people's products and let them do the rest.

how affiliate marketing works

2. Affiliate Marketing Costs Next To Nothing To Start

In fact, launching a successful and profitable affiliate marketing business can cost as little as $29 per month. See my What Is The Cost Of Starting An Online Business? post to find out how.

3. Affiliate Marketing Can Be Truly Passive

Unlike dropshipping where you have to deal with daily order fulfilment requests and answer customer queries if you have an affiliate marketing website that say, sends people to, then Amazon takes care of taking payments, shipping products and sends you a monthly commissions cheque.

I created my first ever affiliate website back in 2014 and even though I haven't touched that site in over 2 years, that website still generates $2000+ per month.

On another site, I have a blog post I wrote 4 years ago that is still generating sales of over $500 per month – now that's what I call passive income!

So with affiliate marketing, whether it's writing a blog post or creating a YouTube video, you put in the work once and get paid time and time again.

That's pretty cool, right? 🙂

Watch this video for a full comparison of making money with dropshipping with AliExpress vs. affiliate marketing with a full breakdown of the pros and cons:

If you're interested in learning what I do to generate over $7,000 per month online (including how I recently hit my first $1,200 day) with affiliate marketing then head on over to my in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review.

You're Essentially Paying $9 To Be Sold To

There's only one reason China Cash Clone is available for such a low price: so the course creator can make more money from you in the back end.

Step 1 of 3 is labelled ‘VIP Member Workshop' but really it’s just a signup page for a different product. The owner hopes he can make more money by getting you to sign up to John Crestani's Super Affiliate System that costs a whopping $997.

the china cash clone scam review

Don't get me wrong: Super Affiliate System is a legit (albeit expensive) course, but the fact this is even in the members' area tells us a lot about the China Cash Clone creator's real intention…

It's not to equip you for success by giving you the best training possible, but to squeeze as much cash out of you as he can.

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now »

It Gets Worse: Step 3 Is Full Of Upsells Too

Click on Step 3 of the training and again, you're hit with more upsells:

Upsell 1: Cash Clone X – $197

This apparently shows you how to make an extra $100,000 per month on top of what they already promised you on the sales page.

Upsell 2: 3 Ready-Made Profit Sources – $147

Hand over more of your hard-earned cash and you're supposed to be able to increase your profits by 785%.

china cash clone upsells

It doesn't stop there either:

Pay an extra $197 for the additional training and you're told to pay a monthly ClickFunnels subscription which will cost you $97 or $297 as well as either Aweber or MailChimp autoresponder services which start off at $19 per month.

This is yet another way that ‘Daniel Barber' (or whatever his name is) shows he couldn't care less about your success at all; he's just grabbing you by the ankles and shaking you up and down like a human piggy bank the entire time you’re in the members’ area.

Where's The Traffic Training?

It's all well and good having an online store, but if you're not getting it in front of eyeballs it's just going to sit there gathering dust and you're not going to make any money.

As far as getting traffic from search engines like Google? Forget it. Because your website is a cloned copy of the hundreds, if not thousands of other China Cash Clone websites out there, there is nothing unique about your site and no reason for Google to rank you.

Cookie Cutter Websites
Done for you is not always good for you!

So what do you do? You either become that annoying spammer on Facebook or start paying for advertising which can suck money out of your account quicker than you can say “Google Ads”, especially if you're a beginner.

Unfortunately, China Cash Clone gives you nothing in terms of how to do this successfully and this is a BIG problem you're going to have to find a solution to on your own.

Is China Cash Clone A Scam?

Yes, definitely. Once you pay up and get inside the member's area you find out, like I did, that China Cash Clone is a total scam. Then you have to deal with the hassle of getting a refund.

What would you think if someone walked up to you in the street and offered to show you the secrets of earning $2 million per year if you just give him $9 first? That's exactly what we're dealing with here.

So rather than going through that whole rigmarole, do yourself a favour and avoid the China Cash Clone scam that does not live up to its own hype and fails to deliver on its outrageous promises and keep your money in your account where it belongs.

There are some excellent online training platforms out there where you can learn the skills you need to replace your income online, but China Cash Clone definitely isn’t one of them.

Don’t lose hope!

I outline exactly why Wealthy Affiliate gets my highest rating in my SUPER in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review.  

Stick to the training, put in the time and effort, refuse to give up and you WILL achieve the financial breakthrough you’ve been looking for.

So forget all the nonsense about making $1,000's overnight because success never works like that and take Wealthy Affiliate for a test drive. You'll be glad you did.

More China Cash Clone Reviews

Leave Your China Cash Clone Review

Now you’ve read this China Cash Clone review in full, have I done enough to convince you to stay away?

If there’s anything else I can help with or if you have any questions you'd like me to answer, I really would love to hear from you! 🙂

7 thoughts on “The China Cash Clone Scam Review: I Just Got Ripped Off”

  1. I actually purchased china cash clone the other day. It was promoted to me through an email I only purchased it so I could review it.

    I only paid $9 not from ClickBank but this person was promoting it from a marketplace called clickbetter.

    The thing is though I didn’t get the product you are talking about. From my research somehow I got the upsell which is china cash clone x.

    Because I got courses on dropshipping, SEO for a blog, ClickFunnels Training, email marketing, link building 2019.

    I already knew all of the stuff he talked about besides the dropshipping bob
    Since I am not interested in it.

    The person who teaches the courses is a guy by the name of Alex Genadinik. He also teaches another program which I went through so I could review I believe you have already bulletproof profits.

    Now the training I got in china cash clone the videos were really short. All in all I got well over 60 videos. They were short though most 2 minutes some a little longer.

    I wouldn’t say what I got was a scam since I got did get a lot of training. But it was nothing special though.

    The SEO stuff websites and what no WA and other sources helped with that.

    All in all if someone wants something worth their money WA is a good place for the newbie

    • Thanks for sharing your take Matt, yes this product is being sold through ClickBetter, I haven’t seen it on ClickBank but it still comes with a 60 day money back guarantee.

      Yes I saw the China Cash Clone X training which is why I mentioned the ClickFunnels and email autoresponder costs. I was a little confused by that too – why try getting people to pay an extra $197 and then give it for free? Also, the sales video is narrated by someone calling himself Daniel Barber but then the training is given by Alex Genadinik.

      Yes I did a thorough review of Bulletproof Profits recently.

      Thanks for recommending Wealthy Affiliate, I completely agree it is the best place for beginners to learn about affiliate marketing.

      All the best!


      • You’re welcome anytime WA is a program I would recommend over this china cash profit and Bulletproof Profits mayday of the week.

        The biggest things I can’t stand about the sales pages. Is all of the hype and how easy they make it seem it is to make money. Plus all the fake actors hired from fiverr or other outsourcing platforms.

        You would think if they actually got real successful people with their training. That they would have real people but nope it is sad.

        The training itself isn’t all that hey at least the training wasn’t just a few PDF’s. There are a lot of those programs out there.

        Like one program that comes to mind called cash sniper.

        I have noticed a lot of programs like to put the John Crestani webinar to his super affiliate system he has. If someone buys the promoter gets that commission.

        The sign it shows me is like you mentioned they want more money. Luckily blogs like yours and others are exposing programs like his though.

  2. It is still unbelievable to me that constantly people are ripped off by these types of scams. I love that people continue to review them and make sure that everyone knows not to give them money. I also love that they continue to think that people are stupid and that we can’t research to see that they hired actors.  Great review and thank you for sharing

    • Tell me about it Coralie, the acting is just cringeworthy bad! 

      Entirely my pleasure and I’m glad you found this review helpful, thanks for stopping by 🙂

  3. Simon, After reading your review, I am absolutely staying away from China Cash Clone. Your review is enough to convince me, and I hope it will convince others as well. You know so many people are sucked into these types of scams because they want to make money fast. And all they do is lose all of their hard earned money. 

    I have heard of dropshipping. I heard it is hard to control customer satisfaction because the person promoting the product has no control over when the item is shipped. Have you heard this concern also?

    • Hi Laura, you’re completely right. The idea you can make fast cash online overnight putting in no effort is the reason scammers like this still exist.

      I’ve never done dropshipping myself personally, customer care is a huge concern, especially as you grow your business. I know many dropshippers outsource this and hire a virtual assistance to deal with customer queries because it can really become a full-time job, especially if you have issues with your supplier. 

      Finding a good, reliable supplier can be difficult and I’ve heard stories from people saying they lost hundreds either because their supplier just vanished off the face of the earth or they had to refund customers for late orders or out of stock products. It all sounds like a big headache for me which is why I much prefer to let third-parties deal with it!


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