Viral Traffic Boost Pro Review: A Smart Or Shady Strategy?

Viral Traffic Boost Review

Hi and welcome to my Viral Traffic Boost Pro review!

You’ve probably come across this plugin when someone emailed you about it or when you were looking for an email marketing plugin you can use to boost conversions for your online business. 

With that said, this basically means you have to have your online business set up already. This is not for people who are just starting in making money online whether you’re into eCommerce, affiliate marketing, or other business models. 

Viral Traffic Boost Pro depicts itself as the “magic button” to help you grow your business by increasing your email subscriber list and making them convert as soon as possible. 

It even claims to help you make “4 to 5 figures per month”. 

So today, we’re going to look into this plugin and see if it can really help you scale your business. 

Viral Traffic Boost Pro Review At A Glance

About: Viral Traffic Boost Pro is an email marketing plugin that supposedly helps you amp up your online business’ conversions.

Price: Monthly payment $17. But there’s also the basic version of $12 monthly.

Pros: The tool works.

Cons: Viral Traffic Boost Pro is highly unlikely to help you make 4 to 5 figures per month. But this can be true for email marketing in general.

Verdict: Viral Traffic Boost is a useful email marketing tool you can use, only if you know how you can effectively reach out to subscribers. 


1 Star Rating NEW

What Is Viral Traffic Boost Pro?

Viral Traffic Boost Pro is a WordPress plugin you can use to capture visitor emails so you can reach them again to pitch your offers. It’s made by Omar Martin in April 2020. He’s also the creator of Freedom Sales, Funnel Boss, Rapid Profit System.

It uses the post you shared on social media or a magic button to get emails leads. 

Viral Traffic Boost Magic Button

Viral Traffic Boost Pro supposedly works with any page builder tool so you can build a list, drive traffic to your offers, and move them to convert. 

It’s easy to use but I can’t say the same about the conversions you can expect from it. 

Here’s the kicker:

I feel the Viral Traffic Boost plugin works in a sketchy way. It captures people’s emails without their consent. I’ll explain more on this a bit later. 

How Much Is Viral Traffic Boost Pro?

Viral Traffic Boost pro requires a monthly membership fee of $17. However, there is also the basic version which you pay $5 lesser monthly. 

The pro version supposedly gets you:

  • The latest Viral Traffic Boost pro plugin together with a PDF tutorial
  • License keys for 3 websites
  • 10 pre-built campaigns
  • Ongoing updates and support

If the $17 monthly fee is too much for your budget, there’s also the basic version where you get:

  • The latest Viral Traffic Boost pro plugin together with a PDF tutorial
  • License key for 1 website
  • Ongoing updates and support

Which I think is already workable if you’re just trying to test the waters or still have 1 website to work on. 

If you think this plugin doesn’t float your boat, you can request a refund granted it’s made within the 1st 30 days from signing up. 

Making A 4 To 5 Digit Income Won’t Be A Piece Of Cake

Email marketing works, not as much as it does before, but it still works. 

It can help you leverage your business but only if you know how to effectively use it to persuade people. However, if you just rely on Viral Traffic Boost pro to do the job, you’ll be stuck somewhere along the way.

Here’s why:

Viral Traffic Boost pro basically works by sharing your website content on Facebook. Once they click on that post, a pop-up window opens up to ask them to allow their account to access your website. 

After they give you access, you’ll lead them to your website where you shot them a call-to-action button and a call-to-action banner to get them some sort of freebie awaits them. 

This is what they call the “magic button” which you can design for yourself. 

What people don’t know is allowing the access gets you to capture their emails so you can add them to your subscriber list. 

This Process Has 2 Potential Problems

1. Using Facebook to get traffic will mean you need to have a big following. Unless you have one, only a handful of people will see your post and fewer will actually click on them. 

You can also join Facebook groups to share your post. But this also runs the risk of you overdoing it which will end up with you getting banned from those groups.

In other cases, when you get so caught up joining as many groups as possible without reading the page rules, you’ll fail to see the guidelines on what you can only post. Many pages won’t allow you to plug offers and failing to notice this will also get you banned. 

2. The pop-up page asking the potential visitor to allow his account to visit your website won’t directly divulge that the permission will also include you capturing their emails. 

That’s right. People won’t know you’ll get their emails. 

To me this is sketchy. You’re basically not asking permission from the visitor if you can send them emails. 

This strategy won’t go well for you. If people get unexpected emails, more often than not, either they ignore and trash it immediately or your address will be sent to the spam folder so all other emails from you will directly there. 

This means no matter how many or how good the emails you send people are, it’ll end up useless because they’ll never be able to read it. 

The Problem Doesn’t End There…

Even if you successfully get subscribers to read your email, you’ll run into the danger of losing credibility right from the start.

Of course, people will wonder how you got their emails without them giving them to you. Once they realize you get it in an unethical way, you’ll ruin their trust in you and your offers. 

But what if they don’t become suspicious? Does this mean the problem is over?


With Viral Traffic Boost pro, you only get a PDF tutorial on how to set up your buttons and banners. It won’t teach you how to effectively for email marketing, the focal element in getting people to convert. 

If you know nothing about email marketing, the tendency is, you’ll bombard them with sales pitches every time you send them an email, a sure way to get IGNORED.

You won’t know you’ll need to provide them value before putting out an offer. You won’t know you’ll have to build a relationship with them first so you can get them to build trust in you. 

Doing email marketing the wrong way will surely land you your ticket to the spam folder, the online email grave no one dares to dig up. 

Is Viral Traffic Boost Pro A Scam?

No, Viral Traffic Boost pro is not a scam. Paying the monthly subscription for it does get you the plug in to capture emails. However, I’d say its borderline scam for 2 reasons.

1. The email strategy it gets you to do is unethical. You don’t ask for people’s consent to get them added to an email list, you add them without them knowing at all.

2. The “4-to-5-digit income” claim is misleading. Yes, email marketing can help you with this goal, but I can’t say the same for Viral Traffic Boost pro. The claim misleadingly gets you to think it’s about the plugin when in reality it meant email marketing in general. 

Email Marketing Vs Niche Website?

I’m really not fond of email marketing, to begin with. As I’ve said earlier, this marketing method is not as effective as it used to be, especially with how Viral Traffic Boost does it. 

In many cases, you get people on a list who aren’t guaranteed to have the level of interest that would move them to action, in other words, you don’t always get targeted traffic with email marketing.

Especially so for Viral Traffic Boost because they never signed up for it in the first place.

On the other hand, if you have a niche website, where you talk about your offers, you’ll have a level of certainty that the people who visit your website are interested in the niche and in the products surrounding it. 

This means a way better chance for getting people to convert. 

I’m not saying email marketing is bad, but there’s a better way to drive targeted traffic nowadays. 

If you’re interested in knowing more about how you can drive traffic to a niche website, Wealthy Affiliate’s training can teach you what you need to know. 

As you can see from the training’s title, it focuses on affiliate marketing. If you’re thinking of pursuing this business model, this training gets you to hit 2 birds with one stone. 

You’ll learn about affiliate marketing, plus you learn about driving traffic to niche websites. 

However, if you’re planning to do eCommerce, you’ll still find invaluable training in Wealthy Affiliate about how to the right traffic to your website. 

I’d suggest though you give affiliate marketing a shot, this business model gets you more focused on driving sales to your offers. Unlike eCommerce where you have to deal with inventory and customer services, affiliate marketing gets you commission without those hassle.

If you’re interested to know more about Wealthy Affiliate, reading this comprehensive Wealthy Affiliate review will get you the background you’ll need before signing up.

What’s Your Take?

Did you feel Viral Traffic Boost pro was an unethical plugin to use? Do you think a niche website is better at driving traffic than email marketing? Tell us what you think in the comments below. 

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