Traffic Turbine Review 2024: An Inside Look

Traffic Turbine Review

Art Flair and his colleagues are back again with a new tool to supposedly help you rank videos better, but is it any good?

Is it going to help you rank on page one of Youtube and Google?

Will it get you tons of traffic so you're making $373.21 every day?

In this Traffic Turbine review, I’ll take you inside the members’ area so you know exactly what to expect with this software.

You’ll also find out:

  • The pros and cons of Traffic Turbine
  • If it’s a scam or not
  • And if there’s a better option

Let's dive right in!

Traffic Turbine Review At A Glance

About: Traffic Turbine is a video traffic analysis tool that supposedly helps you rank on the top of search engines to get the most traffic possible.

Price: $16.80 for the front-end system and $422 for 6 upsells.

Pros: The software tools function to some degree. 

Cons: The upsells are overly expensive and there are free tools out there that do the same thing.

Verdict: Traffic Turbine has little to no value and their claim you'll make $100s a day is absurd. Don't waste your money on this.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is Traffic Turbine?

Traffic Turbine is a software supposedly designed to help you drive “free, razor targeted traffic” to your affiliate offers and help you take your video marketing to the next level. 

Traffic Turbine was launched in August 2020 by Team Black Belt which includes Art Flair, Ram Rawat and Pallab Ghosal. 

We’re told this is the tool you need to rank on top of the first page of search results to get the highest traffic and conversions.

The funny part is:

The sales page shows screenshots of Art Flair’s videos ranking 1st on the list BUT these videos were uploaded before Traffic Turbine was even created which basically means those videos ranked WITHOUT the help of Traffic Turbine.

If you think about it, using those screenshots is quite misleading. 

But this alone doesn't mean Traffic Turbine is a scam so let's keep going…

Now I’ll run you through the pricing and show you the members’ area. 

How Much Does Traffic Turbine Cost?

Traffic Turbine’s front-end system costs $16.80 with a supposed $1,185 worth of bonuses, while the 6 upsells total to $422.

Go to the sales page and a discount window pops up offering you the software at a $4 discount, but ignore it you’ll still get the same price!

Traffic Turbine Popup Discounted Price

Well, I guess they’re just trying to get you to buy it quickly.

Anyway, let’s take a short look at the insanely-priced upsells:

Upsell 1: Traffic Turbine Advance ($47)

This upsell allows you to: 

  • Make unlimited videos with more than 400 words
  • Record your own audio
  • Add a logo
  • Make your own thumbnail images
  • Repost videos again and again for social media (sounds a lot like spamming)

What you can do with Traffic Turbine on its own is limited. It's like you’re walking in a super cramped space without the freedom to even turn sideways.

Now they're saying, buy this upsell to get the “optimum results” you were promised on the original Traffic Turbine sales page. 

Upsell 2: Traffic Turbine Expert ($47)

This upsells lets you rebrand existing videos aka steal and duplicate content that won’t rank

It also allows you to search for “hot ClickBank and JVZoo offers” which is pretty pointless as you can do this on ClickBank and JVZoo already.

Upsell 3: Traffic Turbine Done-For-You ($47)

This gets you:

  • DFY Affiliate Campaigns
  • DFY CPA Campaigns
  • DFY Email Campaigns
  • DFY Social Media Promos
  • DFY Engagement Posts
  • DFY Squeeze Pages
  • DFT Stock Music and Images

This sounds exactly like one of their other products, Wealth Machines.

And like I said in that review, there’s simply no value in offering free stock music and images because anyone can easily find them everywhere online.

Upsell 4: Traffic Turbine Reseller ($197)

The reseller's license gives you the right to sell the software on to others for 100% of the profits, that's $498 per sale.

Upsell 5: Traffic Turbine 6-Figure Training ($47)

This upsell includes 3 extra training modules on:

  • Instagram Traffic
  • Google Adwords
  • Product Creation

They sound like pretty interesting topics, but I wouldn't be buying extra training until I've proved what they've already sold me works.

Upsell 6: Traffic Turbine Case Studies ($37)

They tell us this upsell gives you 100% done-for-you copy and paste studies to scale up your income to $500 per day.

Traffic Turbine: An Inside Look

The sales page says Traffic Turbine is good at finding money keywords in under 15 minutes in just 3 easy steps:

1. Enter a keyword.

2. Generate videos and thumbnails with the keyword result.

3. Wait for the traffic and the money to flow.

Inside the members' dashboard area you’ll see an 8-minute demo video on how to use the software:

Traffic Turbine Dashboard

The 2 left-hand side tabs “Thubnails Generator” and “User Guid” immediately caught my attention because they're both misspelled!

Worse yet, the User Guide is completely empty!

It looks like Team Black Belt were in a rush to get this system out and didn't even check to see everything was set up right.

Welcome to churn and burn world of most so-called make money online programs. They’ll be releasing another product in a few weeks anyway… 

Moving on, to start making your “money-machine” videos you're told to hit the Create Campaign button and give it a name.

You’ll then be redirected to the Key Generator section where you type in a keyword and see which phrases you can use to rank.

There’ll be a lot of results so you can narrow it down in the final tags and click on competition analysis to see the keyword stats:

Traffic Turbine Key Generator

Interestingly, the results are very similar to what you get on free APIs like Tube Buddy and VidIQ.

The data you get with Traffic Turbine is so limited, it won’t help you narrow your keyword choices down to the best one there is.

Search a keyword on Tube Buddy and what’s supposed to be a ‘good keyword' in Traffic Turbine turns out to have a poor overall score.

Tube Buddy has a lot more information available and you can easily determine if the keywords are good or not to rank for.

Take this example, the 1st screenshot is Traffic Turbine, the 2nd Tube Buddy: 

Traffic Turbine Competition Analysis Tool Versus Tube Buddy

Next, the Video Stats tool.

This shows what videos rank for certain keywords. Sounds a lot like YouTube's search bar. The same goes for the Rank Tracker Tool, so both tools are pretty much useless. 

Now, the Thumbnail Generator. Take a look at the lousy thumbnail images they have:

Traffic Turbine Lousy Thumbnail Image Selection

The free version of Canva can do so more than this!

While it might take a little more effort to find free tools, you'll end up with immeasurably better results than Traffic Turbine will ever give you. 

Let’s move on to traffic sources. Under the Promotions tab is the Social Syndication Setup, a fancy phrase for social media traffic.

Traffic Turbine Social Syndication Setup

This tool is pretty much like the function of Youtube’s share tool. 

Sadly, this won’t be of any help. Why?

1. Because unless you have a large following, your traffic will be next to none.

2. Most social sites they incorporated are unfamiliar. I didn’t know Diigo or a Folkd existed?! So, what's the real traffic potential here?

3. Do you really want to be that annoying spammer everyone blocks? I didn't think so! 

Then there’s the Video Training section which only teaches you how to go around the members’ area and nothing more. How very unhelpful. 

At the end of it all, Traffic Turbine doesn't even teach you how to make videos.

Keywords and thumbnails are nothing when you don’t have content. How are you supposed to rank videos if you don't know how to create videos?!

No content= no ranking= no traffic= no conversions.

To make things worse, they don't even tell you what kind of products to pitch in your videos. Great!

What I Don’t Like About Traffic Turbine

1. Fake Countdown Timer

They'll tell you the price goes up every 30 minutes but refresh the page and the countdown timer resets itself. 

2. Unbankable 180-Day Refund

They promise you have 6 months to get a refund but it doesn’t say anything about it in the order details.

, plus one taker said they wouldn't give him a refund after all.

Traffic Turbing Unbankable Refund

3. Useless Testimonials

One testimonial they showed in the sales video was written on the notepad app.

Did it make me trust Traffic Turbine? Not a single bit!

Traffic Turbine Notepad Testimonial

4. Tools Are Available For Free Elsewhere

Tube Buddy, VidIQ, and Canva are just some of the free tools that are way better than Traffic Turbine in my view.

5. The Absence Of Any Real Training

The video training only shows you how to navigate the members’ area, with nothing on how to create rank worthy videos and promote high-converting products so you can make money. 

Is Traffic Turbine A Scam Or Legit?

Traffic Turbine is not a scam because you do get some basic video software but the tools are pointless and Traffic Turbine does not give you a legit way to make money like they promised.

Where Do You Go From Here?

Traffic Turbine promised to do the hard work for you but to tell you the truth, making money online requires EFFORT on your part.

So-called quick fixes always fail to deliver, so ditch the shortcuts and learn how to build a real affiliate marketing business instead.

Wealthy Affiliate will run you through how to choose a topic and make a website to get a daily stream of super-targeted traffic clicking the buy button.

You get more than the training too; you’ll also become a part of a real community of online entrepreneurs who are ready to help you achieve your online income goals. 

Head on to this tell-all Wealthy Affiliate review to get started. 

What’s Your Take?

Were you surprised with how lousy Traffic Turbine’s tools are? Are you disappointed with the lack of training?

Scroll down and tell us what you think in the comments!

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