Resell Bots is posed to be a “brand new and fully-automated system” that’s going to do all the heavy lifting so you can make money online. It claims to provide you product offers, buyer traffic, and everything in between to make commissions. BUT there are loopholes and in this review, I’ll reveal it to you.
Sales pages are always up and above when pitching offers. This is why I advise you to take it with a grain of salt and do additional research.
The good news is, this unbiased Resell Bots review will let the cat out of the bag so you can make a better judgment of whether you should spend on this or not. I’ll tell you what Resell Bots is, how much it costs, how it really works, and if you can really make easy money with this as promised on the sales page.
I’ll then finish off by letting you on a better alternative IF Resell Bots turn out to be a shabby underwhelming system.
Resell Bots Review At A Glance
About: Resell Bots is an income system promising to get you your own website, products, and buyer traffic to earn a commission.
Price: Both the Lite and Pro versions costs $47. You also have to spend at least $600/year for an autoresponder and $208 for upsells.
Pros: Comes with a 30-day refund option.
Cons: Done-for-you websites do not rank and targeted buyer traffic is not guaranteed here.
Verdict: Resell Bots is a low-quality software that’s not built to last. It's better to learn and invest in a more sustainable method in affiliate marketing.

What Is Resell Bots?
Resell Bots is an online income system sold on ClickBank by Rich Williams and Chris X, launched last August 20, 2019. It is said to be a cloud-based software that provides 9 pre-loaded products generating more than $400,000 in revenue, a website, and an email list.
Chris says Resell Bots does all the hard work for you. You won’t need to worry about making your own products, creating a website, and spending on domain and hosting.
The problem is:
These claims can only be taken seriously if its creator has credibility. Rich and Chris are infamous to be serial product creators launching several products each month, all overly hyped but always fall short in delivering.
Now if you tell me, “Hey, there are a lot of positive reviews about these guys and their products”. Here’s something you should know; marketers like Rich and Chris have an army of affiliates ready to back them up no matter how awful their products are.
If you go back to those “positive” reviews, you’ll realize each one of them is urging you to buy the product so they can earn a commission. Why else will they compel you purchase it?
Getting your own set of products, websites, and traffic can seem like the perfect way to make easy money online. The truth is, these done-for-you systems always have a catch.
One-click and you get commissions flooding your way? Mere wishful thinking. It’s not how making money online really works and you’ll find out why in a bit. Resell Bots will just make you confused along the way pretty much like what this says:

How Much Is Resell Bots?
On the sales page, you can choose between the Lite version priced at $26 while the Pro version is just at $23.50. However, when you click on the buy buttons of both, you’ll see it’s sold at $47. You also have to spend $208 for upsells and $600 per year for an autoresponder you will need for your email list.

Quite misleading if you ask me and the price confusion doesn’t sit with me well. Another thing I don’t like about is putting too much value on the bonuses which are said to be worth $23,281 in total.
Think about it:
Will a valuable software be priced way lesser than the bonuses? This is just a clear indication of how useless the software really is.
How Do Resell Bots Work?
Essentially, you’ll be provided with a done-for-you online store, a clone of the Chris and Rich are earning from, and then taught about Traffic DB as the main traffic source for your website which you will supposedly earn from.
On the sales page, Chris says you can make money in just 3 steps:
1. Enter your affiliate link to get commissions directed to your account.
2. Launch your cloned, self-hosted ecom store.
3. Integrate with an autoresponder to pitch more campaigns to people who visited your site.
However, when you get inside the members’ area, you’ll realize it’s not as easy as following the 3 steps on the sales page.
Inside you’ll be provided with videos on how to use the software. The first one will teach you to launch the 9 done-for-you products (which they also created by the way). They will then show you how to add more products to supposedly increase revenue.
Which by the way is not proven to be high converting.
You will then be taught to use Traffic DB to get visitors to your website. It is said to contain 1000s of internet marketing sites you can get traffic from in just one click of a button.
The problem is:
Automated traffic is not as amazing as it sounds.
1. Legit automated traffic always has a cost.
2. There’s no guarantee you’ll get targeted traffic with Traffic DB.
3. If you do get targeted traffic since this source is taught to everyone, the people from this source will have been dead beat from all the marketers sending them pitches every second of the day. You’ll only get them annoyed, not interested.
Other than Traffic DB, Resell Bots also teaches about using Google ads and Facebook ads to get traffic.
This can work ONLY IF:
1. You are an experienced marketer.
2. If you have $1000s to burn.
Unless you do, the trial and error you will have to go through to get the perfect campaign will rip your pockets off.
Remember, Resell Bots is a self-confessed clone of an existing website. This basically means the website you have won’t get ranked because Google doesn’t favor duplicates.

If you don’t get ranked on search engines, people won’t see you in organic searches, so you’ll have to keep relying on Traffic DB or paid ads to get visitors.
You’ll end up spending more than you’ll make.
Frankly, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. But how to really make money from it is not thoroughly taught by Resell Bots.
Done-for-you websites won’t rank and the traffic sources won’t get you visitors. If no one visits your site, you won’t make money.

If you want to know how affiliate marketing really works, Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how.
6 Cons Of Resell Bots
1. Overhyped Claims
You won’t make $400,000 with Resell Bots with the done-for-you websites they provide and the useless traffic training it comes with. I don’t even think you’ll make $1000 a day from it.
2. Not Everything Is Really Done-For-You
If it is, you won’t need to work on traffic yourself. But as you’ve read earlier, you’ll have to scavenge for website visitors yourself for it to work. It can even cost you to do so!
3. Expensive
You have to spend for upsells, an autoresponder, and even paid ads if you follow what they say.
4. Misleading
The sales page says the Lite version costs $26 and the Pro version $23.50, but when you click on it, the real price is almost twice what is shown on the sales page.
5. Disclaimer
The disclaimer disproves every claim made on the sales page. You won’t generate a great amount of buyer traffic and earn $1000s in commission.

6. No Control Over Your Investment
Since everything is done-for-you, (almost all), you have little to no control when Chris and Rich decide to shut it down. Your investment will then go down the drain.
Is Resell Bots A Scam?
Resell Bots is not a scam, but almost. It does give you software, but it overall fails to deliver what is promised on the sales page because even the traffic sources won’t work. Making money from this is next to impossible.
Where Do You Go From Here?
Resell Bots offers an instant solution to your online income goals but how they portray is just too good to be true.
1. You’re not sure the products you’ll pitch will interest people.
2. You’re not even sure if a single person will realize your website exists!
Resell Bots being a quick fix is an utter failure.
The truth is, there is no elevator to online success, you have to take the stairs and learn everything yourself.
If you keep relying on shiny shortcuts, you’ll get nowhere. But if you learn how affiliate marketing really works, you’ll have total control with YOUR business, and you can even do your part to scale it.
“How do I do that?” You may ask. The answer is, Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t only teach you everything you need to learn about affiliate marketing, you’ll also be able to get in touch with other marketers who are ready to help you and your business grow.
You can even try the 1st 10 lessons for free to get a better feel of it before taking your credit card out.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can grow a step closer to reaching your online income goals, head on to this tell-all Wealthy Affiliate review.
What’s Your Take?
Did you also feel the sales page was full of baloney? Were you disappointed at how useless the traffic training is? Share what you feel, the comments section is ready to hear you out.
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.