My Commission Bootcamp Review: Scammy To The Core!


Welcome to My Commission Bootcamp review, I’m Simon, your resident researcher. I’ve reviewed 700+ make money online programs and right off the bat, My Commission Bootcamp doesn't look promising… 

You see, instead of convincing you by what the training does to help you make $500 a day (that’s the creator’s income claim), you’ll be flaunted with luxury cars and houses to convince you it generates money.

Emotional manipulation of this sort is one big fat sign of being a scam. 

Today I’ll tell you what My Commission Bootcamp is, the clear bright scam red flags, what you only get from the training, and finish off by telling you of a better solution to your online income goals.

If you’re ready, let’s get started!

My Commission Bootcamp Review At A Glance

About: My Commission Bootcamp is an affiliate marketing training claiming to help you make $500 per day.

Price: $47

Pros: Nothing. I’ve looked over and under, sadly there isn’t even a speck of pro.

Cons: It’s littered with fake income proof, fake testimonials and a fake owner.

Verdict: Stay away from My Commission Bootcamp, your time and $47 is better spent on legitimate affiliate marketing training. 


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is My Commission Bootcamp?

My Commission Bootcamp is an affiliate marketing course and network launched in March 2020 and sold through ClickBetter by Chris Brant.

Or so that’s who he claims to be. 

I highly believe “Chris Brant” is just his pen name because he doesn’t even show himself, just his voice or his hired voice over’s voice. Whatever. 

The fact is, he’s not proud enough to introduce himself to people who are supposedly going to trust their money to his course. 

Apparently, Chris “set up everything for you” and all his system needs is 20-30 minutes from you every day so you can make at least $500. 

All you have to do is copy and paste stuff so money will start flooding your bank account. 

The weird thing is, he doesn’t go on to show what you’re supposed to copy and paste. Oops… red flag. 

This Chris guy was able to stack success stories for training that’s barely a year old. 

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s not possible to learn and make big money online in under a year, but realistically for a beginner, it’ll take more time to put on the experience to learn how you can make good money online. 

My Commission Bootcamp is not extraordinary enough to help you make a sustainable income is such a short span of time. You’ll understand this a lot better later. 

Ridiculously, Chris’ sales video shows screenshots of a defunct affiliate network called Clicksure. I don’t know about you but seeing a March 2020 training promoting an affiliate network that’s been shut down way back August 2018 is another red flag. 

Now here’s the thing:

My Commission Bootcamp is peddled in a marketplace infamous for selling scammy programs and training. Knowing My Commission Bootcamp is sold through ClickBetter is yet another red flag to me. 

My Commission Bootcamp By ClickBetter

My Commission Bootcamp’s Dodgy Sales Page

My Commission Bootcamp’s sales page is made up of an income claim, a sales video, a fake countdown timer, and fake endorsements of ABC, Fox News, and NBC. 

My Commission Bootcamp Sales Page

When the sales video starts playing, you’ll see a clip of an ABC news talking about working at home but never mentioning My Commission Bootcamp. 

If this is the endorsement the creator means, he’s completely disillusioned. Even if you Googled it, you won’t see any article about the big news firms talking about My Commission Bootcamp. (aside from other reviews of course)

Chris will then congratulate you for “finding this secret page” and that you are an “exclusive individual” because he only offers it to a limited number of people for a limited time. 

You’ll see a countdown timer you can easily refresh to give you more time. 

Then the latter part of the sales video is about swaying you to give your email and name so you can get “full access”. What this actually means is they’ll redirect you to another sales video. 

Again, the 2nd video is still injected with fake scarcity tactics you’ll hear on the first. 

The Lousy Things You Get From My Commission Bootcamp

My Commission Bootcamp is not magic training for a secret system so you can make tons of money online. 

This training doesn’t even come close to how Chris describes it. 

I can’t even describe it as a bootcamp. 

A bootcamp is somewhere you get trained rigorously for something. All My Commission Bootcamp provides are a few guides, PDFs and low-quality videos. You can find way better ones for free on YouTube!

To me, this it’s not rigorous at all. 

I’d describe a good bootcamp as something that will teach you all the things you need to know, allow you to do practical application, and gets you in touch with other people taking or have taken the same training as you.

Something you’d get with Wealthy Affiliate

Again, all the guides of My Commission Bootcamp are about copying and pasting stuff. Then you’ll be left in the dark to figure out the rest. 

You’ll get pre-made templates and lousy PDFs which won’t give you the solid foundation you’ll need to become an affiliate marketer. 

You see, a good affiliate marketing training teaches you what the business is all about and how you can do it step-by-step. My Commission Bootcamp doesn’t do any of those. 

It doesn’t even teach you about how to drive sustainable traffic! Who’ll see your offers then?

6 Red Flags Of My Commission Bootcamp

1. Fake Methods

Logically, you can’t just copy and paste your way into earning $500 per day working just half a n hour per day. You’ll need a whole lot of effort on your part.

You’ll have to build a niche website, pick the right offers, and drive interested people to those offers. 

Simple copy and paste won’t do the job.

2. Fake Owner

Chris Brant? I don’t even think he really exists, because if he does, he’ll proudly introduce his face. (well is he’s proud enough of his program)

This hiding behind a voice over scheme are hugely done by scammers who want easy exit if the scheme doesn’t work anymore so they can quickly move on to dupe more people with other tactics. 

3. Fake Scarcity

Chris says the offer and the website will only last until the last second of the countdown timer. Simply refresh it and you’ll get the time back. 

4. Sold In ClickBetter

ClickBetter is infamous for scammy programs, My Commission Bootcamp is automatically categorized as one.

They even say there’s a refund policy but if you try to process it, you’ll end up disappointed because they’ll give you tons of reasons for not giving you back your money. 

5. Fake Testimonials

A legit training won’t need actors from Fiverr to vouch for them. Knowing My Commission Bootcamp relies on these people to convince other to buy it simply means they can’t get any real person to vouch for them. 

My Commission Bootcamp Fake Testimonials

6. Fake Endorsements

My Commission Bootcamp proudly identifies themselves with ABC, Fox News, and NBC. They make it seem these new firms prove their legit when in reality there’s no proof of it anywhere. 

Is My Commission Bootcamp A Scam?

Yes, My Commission Bootcamp is definitely a scam. It uses fake endorsements, fake testimonials, fake scarcity, and is hiding behind a fake owner. All the lies you’ll see in My Commission Bootcamp is undeniable proof it’s a scam. 

Where Do You Go From Here?

My Commission Bootcamp positions itself as a shiny button to online income success. All the button ever does is lure you into a pipe dream that will leave you frustrated to the core. 

It’s not even a bootcamp at all because all it ever did was give you lousy PDFs and videos. 

Reading and watching those won’t bring you any close to earning $500 daily.

Yes, you can make money with affiliate marketing. But not the way My Commission Bootcamp presents it to you.

You have to learn how to pick a niche, make a website for it, choose high-converting offers, and drive people to you website. 

You’ll also have to experience it yourself to have full control over the growth of your business. 

Copy and paste rubbish doesn’t bring you anything good. If you’re relying on them, you won’t get anywhere.

If you learn things for yourself, you’ll be in a better position to scale your business. 

This is why I’d recommend Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll get to learn everything a beginner needs to know, get you to build your own website, and get you to work on driving traffic to your website. 

Plus you’ll also get access to other successful affiliate marketers who’ve succeeded in the training and learn tips from them as well. 

A well rounded training like this is what you deserve.

If you want to learn more about it, head on to this in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review to get you started. 

What’s Your Take?

Were you disgusted with all the lies of My Commission Bootcamp? Are you convinced it’s just a waste of time and money?

Tell us what you think in the comments below. 

4 thoughts on “My Commission Bootcamp Review: Scammy To The Core!”

  1. Thank you,

    Gut feeling on Commission Bootcamp is dead on but man was I hoping there was something positive to use.

    In all your experiences, is there something that really works that you know could really help people!
    I’m 78 and lost 3k on that Money Looper program by Click bank. Now PayPal wants to pay for the line of credit those guys took out in my name. Really need something fast!

    • $3,000?! Wow, that’s brutal James and I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through that.

      We actually reviewed Money Looper and what a scam! All you get is a bunch of lousy eBooks that weren’t much good when they were written back in 2013…

      The problem is the fake shiny shortcuts that promise you instant, income-generating solutions. It’s all fake.

      Yes, you CAN create an online business and earn income every month but it’s no different to a traditional brick and mortar business where you have to put in the work upfront. You also need the right know-how and a roadmap you can follow.

      The program that’s worked for me is Wealthy Affiliate.
      (Here’s my full review)

      I joined 6 years ago and I’m still a member to this day. I recommend these guys because I’ve met the co-founders Kyle and Carson, I’ve gone through the training and experienced first-hand the results that come with following their training.

      I also recommend them because they have a completely free Starter membership that allows you to take the first 10-lesson course, see if you like it and interact within the community (myself included). If you want to take it further, Premium is only $49 a month and gives you everything you need. Literally, the only other starting cost is $14 a year for a domain. That’s it.

      Click here to take the free test drive.

      It does take a bit of time, it’s not an overnight thing. Expect anywhere from 2 weeks to a couple of months to make your first sale, 6 months before the income grows more consistent and around 12 months to really take off.

      So yeah, that’s what I’d recommend. Let me know if you have any questions along the way and I’ll be on hand to help you out.

      • Thanks a lot, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is! I would like a legit WAH job but not a scam or having to buy things that may not sell and I’ll get stuck with. Maybe a Customer Service type job but not sure what they pay. I’d like at least $200 a day even if it takes 10 hours to make it…..

        • After 2 years of searching – I have YET to find a WAH job that wasn’t a scam. It seems they are ALL scams and blatantly falsify their “results” without any fear of penalty or legal action. Completely outrageous promises of wealth and completely bogus testimonials from ‘regular people’. I have the brains, I have the time, I have the motivation – I just don’t have money to waste on 100 different fake WAH scams until I find one that might be legit.


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