Zap Surveys Review: Is Zap Surveys A Scam Or Legit? [2024]

Zap Surveys Review Is Zap Surveys A Scam Or Legit

Take fun surveys, make money and help worthwhile causes – Zap Surveys claim to have it all going on, but is this the truth or just a smokescreen? Is Zap Surveys a scam to avoid or a legit moneymaker?

Welcome to this no holds barred Zap Surveys review where we separate the wheat from the chaff. Not all survey sites are created equal and some are better than others so let's see how this one does.

Just so you know: I don't work for Zap Surveys and this is NOT a sponsored review.

I'm just a regular guy who finally learned how to make real money online and spend my time helping people like you to stay away from scammy time-wasters and stick to what works.

Zap Surveys Review At A Glance

About: Zap Surveys is AppsThatPay‘s paid survey app. It rewards you for giving feedback.

Price: Free to download.

Pros: Has a good review rating, pays $6.25 on the first survey.

Cons: Minimum washout threshold is hard to reach.

Verdict: Zap Surveys is legit but saying it's worth your time is another story. The minimum threshold is just $25 but is hard to reach with the limited reviews available.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is Zap Surveys, Exactly?

Zap Surveys are the latest creation of a company called AppsThatPay and it's essentially a paid survey app that rewards you for giving feedback.

They claim to offer users high paying daily surveys and instant cash outs. The app is available in the iTunes store and Google Play for free download.

is zap surveys a scam or not

The biggest unique selling point about Zap Surveys is they promise to pay $6.25 for your first survey, but what they don't say right away is you're going to need to accumulate a $25 balance before you can cash out.

Watch this quick intro video for a quick run through of the Zap Surveys app.

Zap Survey Reviews

After over 100,000 installs and 18,000 reviews, this app has a 4.3-star rating on Google Play which is pretty good, though they are a few recurring complaints which I want to dig into a little here…

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$6.25 For Your First Survey?!

You may have heard Zap Surveys guarantees to pay you at least $6.25 for your first survey, way more than your average survey site. So what's the catch?

The catch is you're very unlikely to convert that into cash in the bank.

There are tons of complaints online from members about how long it takes to reach the required $25 minimum balance required to cash out, with many experiencing technical glitches claiming this is an intentional sleight of hand by Zap Surveys to avoid paying out.

zap survey review
is zap surveys a scam or legit

Daily Surveys, Really?

Zap Surveys promise a steady and consistent flow of daily surveys but in my experience, qualifying for those surveys is not as easy as it might at first seem.

Oftentimes survey sites work with companies who are looking for information from a specific group of people, so depending on your age, annual income, marital status, whether you have kids or not and where you live you may have issues qualifying for the surveys they offer.

You're probably looking to install the Zap Survey app because it seems like an easy, fun and portable way of making a few extra bucks here and there. In reality, most of the time you'll receive new survey alerts only yo start the pre-qualifier and find out you can't qualify for them anyway.

In a nutshell:

Most users say it's easy to fill in the initial survey to get a $.6.25 balance (just enough to keep people motivated to give out their private details) but it's very difficult to reach the ridiculously high $25.00 minimum withdrawal balance.

Is Zap Surveys A Scam?

Zap Surveys use the promise of a high paying first survey to draw people in but pay peanuts after that, making it a real uphill battle for anyone hoping to get any real money from this.

Does this mean Zap Surveys is a scam? I don't think so, but it's a little misleading.

They use the feel-good factor saying every time you fill out a survey they give to charities that help stop world hunger but do they actually? I found nothing after scouring their Twitter feeds and YouTube video listings.

At the end of the day, I don't think Zap Surveys are a scam, but neither are they a legit way to make money online. The surveys I clicked on took me to other sites like Project Payday, Dollar Surveys and Survey Squad which pay out no more than $0.50 per hour.

Is Zap Surveys Right For You?

Should you sign up and use it to make some extra money? I wouldn't if I were you.

With surveys paying out as little as $0.25 it's going to take you hundreds of surveys and months of solid work to reach the magical $25 amount to actually access your earnings.

Survey apps like this always take more of your time and information than you first expect. The high levels of disqualifications and extremely low payout rates make it a real slog for very little in return.

A Better Way To Earn Online?

Online survey sites like Zap Surveys promote themselves as a fun and easy side hustle to make some extra cash. In truth, you're filling out long and tedious surveys and giving away all your personal information for less than $0.50 an hour- it's just not worth it!

There are hundreds of ways to make a full-time income online but most people don't know where to start.

Well, as promised, I'm here to help. If you're looking to build a serious online income then why not start a real online business? This free beginners training will show you how.

10 thoughts on “Zap Surveys Review: Is Zap Surveys A Scam Or Legit? [2024]”

  1. Zap app I was able to cash out 3 times with Amazon and got it all were 26 dollars each time. The fourth time is when things changed I tried to cash out someone with zap pressed on the button that the 4th time Amazon card was sent but this was a big fat lie and never got it in my email. I then sent a lot of messages to the zap contact and got no response at all. The fourth time I earned more than the first 3 times. I think someone there is either taking the earnings for themselves or too lazy to send them to the people who earned them. Zap is a mental draining app and a lot of wasted time. I now plan to do whatever I can to make sure as many people as possible knows about zap that you may or may not get anything and also it does effect you by draining your energy.

  2. I thinks as of today August 8,2019 ZAP Has stolen my hard earned money of $69.53 I have been waiting almost 2 weeks to receive my hard earned money and still waiting.. Now I’m thinking that they are fraud and fakes.

  3. Yet another survey site that is rubbish. I haven’t tried this one though have tried many before and it takes so long to actually earn any money because of their pay out thresholds.

    I think they are just in it to get your details so they can sell them on or use them to market other products to you.

    Have you ever come across a survey site that is actually worth signing up to.


    • That’s a tough question to answer Karen, 99% of them are a complete waste of time and I am still at a loss as to why sites like this are still around. I think maybe 5 to 10 years ago they payed pretty decent and had a consistent flow of surveys but now that’s changed – they’re getting less and less and companies no longer use survey sites as a medium to get customer feedback and use social media to get more accurate and direct consumer research.

      So far the best survey site I’ve come across is Swagbucks as they are the highest paying and seem to be a lot less time-consuming than most. Though you’re still working for only $1-$2 an hour. Definitely not worth signing up for me.

  4. I never like any of these “ways to make money” to much work for to little return. I much rather spend my time doing something else more beneficial. Like usual Zap is just another survey site stealing a crap ton of time from people.
    If anyone reading this wants to really make money I recommend clicking simon’s link to the free beginners training course! Great recommendation Simon! Keep up the great work.


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