Is Bossless Forever A Scam? It’s Legit, But VERY Expensive!


Read this Bossless Forever review and you'll find out firstly, if Bossless Forever is a scam or legit and secondly, if you can actually make money following this training.

I’m not affiliated with Amiee Ball's Bossless Forever. I only write this review to help you avoid scams and discover real money-making programs.

Bossless Forever Review At A Glance

About: Aimee Ball’s training on how to set up your own local SEO agency.

Price: Turns out this course costs a whopping $4,000. See the comments.

Pros: A genuine and experienced trainer. A powerful business model with high-income potential.

Cons: They're not upfront enough about their pricing.

Verdict: If you've got the cash to invest then this training is a legit route to starting a successful local SEO business, but there are more affordable options.


3 Star Rating NEW

With a proven track record and solid reputation, Amiee Ball is an inspiration and I don’t say that lightly. Unlike so many ‘internet gurus’ out there, here’s an expert trainer who genuinely wants to see you succeed.

If you’re ready to take action on the training, this is a very real and legit work from home opportunity that gives you a clear path to true financial freedom.

Want my honest advice?

You don’t need to pay crazy prices when you can start an online business for as little as $49 a month.

Here’s my SUPER in-depth Invincible Marketer review where I outline exactly how this training platform helps me earn $7,000+ per month.

What Is Bossless Forever?

Bossless Forever is Amiee Ball's local lead generation course that shows you how to launch a digital marketing agency and get paid by local business owners to generate leads.

Amiee also runs a web consulting company helping local business improve their websites and search engine rankings to generate more business. And before you start thinking this all sounds too technical and complicated, it really isn't.

I make my living getting websites ranked at the top of Google search results (which is why you're on this page right now!) and I am not a technical person at all.

The Bossless Forever website is a single page with the heading:

“The 3-Step Process I Used To Go Bossless Forever By Helping Small Businesses Advertise and Get More Customers”

With an invite to register for a free webinar where Amiee walks through how she was able to launch and scale her digital marketing agency so quickly so you can follow in her footsteps.

How Bossless Forever Works

Once you watch the webinar you'll be invited to book a call to talk through your online income goals, give you more details and find out if Bossless Forever is a good fit.

In the webinar, Amiee gives a 20 minute overview of her 5-step blueprint:

the 5 step blueprint bossless forever

Step 1: Niche Selection

The first step in building a digital marketing agency is choosing the right kind of business clients to work with. Amiee says need-based businesses work best.

Businesses like carpet cleaning, limo hire, tree surgeons are ideal as people usually call in for a quote or to find out more.

Step 2: Proper Due Diligence

Before approaching a potential client, Amiee recommends checking out the competition on Google search.

Do your research and call some of the local businesses and ‘pre-qualify' them by pretending to be a customer. Before promoting them and sending them leads, you want to make sure they are professional and polite.

Step 3: Traffic And Lead Generation

Amiee says her method bypasses the technical aspects of running a digital lead generation business by using – a beginner-friendly, drag-and-drop website builder, meaning you can focus your efforts on lead generation and get paid.

example lead generation website

Step 4: Prospect Clients

I really liked this idea. In the webinar Amiee shares about how she sends leads to her prospective clients a whole week before even contacting them directly.

By using a phone whisper system, the local business owner will know the leads are coming from somewhere and this lets them see the benefit of the service you can provide for them without ever needing to hard-sell them on it. Genious!

Step 5: Monetise Business Owners

Once your results have spoken for themselves, contact the prospective client to make a deal.

Amiee's philosophy is to keep it simple: you could agree a set $10 per lead or per customer acquisition but she prefers a straight-forward flat monthly fee.

That way the business owner knows exactly what his expenses are and you have a consistent, monthly income flow. It's a win-win!

At the end of the webinar, Amiee wraps things up by inviting you to join her mentorship and coaching program so she can personally guide you through how to set up your local lead generating business from scratch.

Can You Make Money With Bossless Forever?

As you go through the Bossless Forever training modules you're essentially learning how to become an entrepreneur and build an income-producing asset.

I think there's a real money-making opportunity here as there's no end of local business looking to get online and increase their customer base.

There are 1000's of Google searches every month from people looking for products and services in your local area and the truth is, although most business owners know they need to have an online presence, they just have no idea about how to get started.

That's where you come in and carve out a nice profit for yourself by bridging the gap.

What I Like About Bossless Forever

1. This Is Not Some Scammy ‘Get-Rich-Quick' Scheme

Generating leads for local businesses is a proven and legit business model. 100's of small to medium-sized businesses in your area could benefit from this kind of service and that's not going to change any time soon.

I like the fact Amiee is open and honest about the fact there's going to be work involved. After reviewing countless scammy make money online training programs I've got to say this is really refreshing.

bossless forever is not a scam

The money-making potential is there for the taking, but like anything in life, you have to work before you can reap the rewards!

2. Amiee Ball Is A Down-To-Earth Straight Talker

bossless forever by amiee ball

When I was watching the webinar as well as a few videos on her YouTube channel I found myself nodding my head again and again.

Amiee doesn't hype things up and just focuses on the practical stuff that gets results.

It's clear this gal is the real deal:

Amiee has had a lot of experience, runs a very successful marketing agency and knows what she's talking about. I love her passion and her drive and I can see she genuinley wants to help people find true financial freedom.

Here's Amiee talking about the myth that is job security and why people to start a business for themselves:

Amiee is not just someone who makes money selling courses – she's teaching practical hands-on methods she uses with her own business on a daily basis.

Her knowledge comes from real-life experience and not some library textbook, so she can tell you exactly what works and what doesn't.

3. The Free Webinar Isn't Your Typical Sales Pitch

Instead of the usual hyped-up sales pitch with crazy income claims, Amiee gives you some of her best insider secrets to running a profitable lead generation business.

Amiee ends by saying if you're interested, book a call.

That's it.

It's up to you where you go from there.

No fluff, no gimmicks, no sleazy sales tactics – just practical how-to knowledge and a business model that actually works.

What I Don’t Like So Much…

1. I Just Wish They Were More Upfront About The Pricing

You're probably wondering: how much is the Bossless Forever training going to cost?

I wanted to find out too so I sent them a message via the Bossless Forever Facebook page.

Here's the response I got (they replied in less than an hour):

how much does bossless forever cost

I get what she's saying here – rather than have a sign-up form and payments page on the website, Amiee wants to pre-qualify people to make sure that first, you're a good fit for the program and second, that the program is the right fit for you.

Update: Thanks to our amazing readers (check out the comments) we've found out this program costs a whopping $4,000 to be paid in monthly instalments of $299.

While it's a solid course, Bossless Forever's high price means it's not for everyone.

Making money online isn't complicated…

This video will show you exactly how to get started. Tap to watch now »

My Personal Feelings About Amiee Ball's Bossless Forever Program

From a young age we're told go to school, get good grades, get a job that gives good benefits and job security, but I completely agree with what Amiee said in her YouTube video – job security is a total myth!

You can get laid off at any time and because you're working for someone else, you have absolutely no control.

It's not just that though, you're never going to find financial freedom trading your time for money working for someone else. You need to create income-producing assets like a business.

Then there's the choice of starting an online or offline business. That's a no-brainer:

Lower startup costs and the chance of passive income means online wins every time!

The power of residual income is you put in the work once and get paid time and time again. Follow the Bossless Forever training and all you need is 5 clients at $2,000 a month. You've got 6-figure business in your hands.

I cannot say this strongly enough:

This is a legit business model with the potential to make a lot of money. People don't go to the Yellow Pages anymore and businesses need to get online, making this the perfect time to jump on the digital bandwagon.

There is a HUGE demand for someone who has the skills to generate leads online for local businesses. It's a complete win-win.

I feel like this could be an awesome business for you if you…

  • Are passionate about supporting local businesses by giving them leads
  • Are ready to take massive action
  • Are sick of working to make someone else wealthy
  • Want to build and grow an income-producing asset
  • Are willing to take the time to learn new skills and stick with it
  • Are good with people and can build trust

All in all, this is an exciting business opportunity you could easily build to scale.

Is Bossless Forever A Scam? Nope, It's 100% Legit

I think it's pretty obvious by now that:

Bossless Forever and Amiee Ball are the real deal.

Should you sign up and become a digital marketing consultant?

Aside from affiliate marketing, this really is one of the best business models of the decade and a clear, straight path to take control of your financial future.

Go to for a free webinar (they run every 30 minutes) to find out more.

A Bossless Forever Alternative

At the very least, take advantage of the Bossless Forever free webinar. You'll get a good overview of how running a digital marketing agency works.

From there you can book your call to find out more and decide whether or not Bossless Forever is a good fit for you or not.

Another viable option is Invincible Marketer, they've been helping aspiring entrepreneurs build successful and profitable online businesses since 2019.

Check out my Invincible Marketer review to find out more.

Questions Or Thoughts?

I hope you’ve found this review of Bossless Forever helpful.

I’d be really interested to hear from anyone who has completed Amiee's course on this one. Scroll down and share your experiences with us.

20 thoughts on “Is Bossless Forever A Scam? It’s Legit, But VERY Expensive!”

  1. Worst coaching program I ever purchased. Honestly, horrific instruction. Aimee let her VA design the entire program and whenever I had questions I had to ask multiple times before I got a reply. Everyone I spoke to in the group agreed. She only cared about making a sale. Absolute joke

  2. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this reviewer and If he’s a genuine reviewer (which I’m 65% sure he is) then discovering him today might have been a stroke of luck for me today, fingers crossed. I really do hope, more for my families sake that the links I’m about to click do not waste my time because I’m running out…fast! I’m giving myself until New Years, Eve, 2019 to change my life into something good, otherwise, I kiss my family for the last time and then I, erm…well basically, I will then shed this mortal coil and leave the Earth. If anyone happens to read this comment, I wish you loads & loads of success and/or luck.

    Peace & Love xxx

    • Hey, thanks for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate that. So, does that mean you’re going to give Bossless Forever a shot or did you register the free beginners training? Either way, I wish you the best.

      You’ve got 6/7 months to make a real go of it, which is ample time to achieve something. They key is taking action every day consistently and being stubborn enough to see it through.

      Do let me know if I can help in any way.


    • Hey Some Guy, just wanted to say that I hope you are speaking in jest about your new year’s ah.. resolution. If you were not, please remember that your family would rather have you here, alive, with no money than dead. I get it man, I do..maybe not your exact situation, but I’ve been there in general.

      No matter how bad things are, there is always another way. I appreciate your general kindness and wishes of success for others, that shows you to be a decent dude..

      I wish YOU success, and happiness, and I hope you find the best possible situation for you and your family. I personally don’t have much financially, I am a single mother and I do my best to get by. But my son has what he needs, and some of what he wants lol, and I am just thankful to have him.

      Looking into this as a way to be home for my son and still make a decent income, however not sure how viable a business model like this is where I live, still, it was worth looking into.

      Again, best of luck!

    • Hey Some Guy,
      Not sure what you are going through, but I am praying that you have an encounter with Christ, so you do not wish to do the unthinkable. Whatever is going on, cannot be so bad you have to take drastic measures. Make a decision that no matter what, you will persevere. This has been an interesting year, but you must write on paper your goals financially, you must wake up every day asking yourself, what have I (me) done to get closer to making my financial dreams come true? What have I done (said) to others to get it out there that I am going to succeed, no matter what! What mentors, with a proven track record, have I connected with and started to implement. You can succeed if you have the right mentor, would like to know how it is going for you.

  3. I heard about bossless forever on YouTube, went to the site to see what it’s all about.

    What bossless forever and others who hold seminars online and at hotels don’t tell people from the beginning is the cost, until contacted. I spoke with Kelly Pakota on the phone who said this program is $4000…broken down in monthly installments of $299. Generating leads online.

    After all the money paid out on this “program” it might take months to even get one lead. I noticed Kelly sounding uneasy, kept asking am I ready to get started, I said I’ll call back but I’m hesitant. Something isn’t right about this.

    • Thanks for sharing this with us Angela, it’s really useful to know and I’ve updated this review with this new information. That seems like a heck of a lot, why not just run the training online, it’s just as effective and minus the travelling and expenses.

      Thank you again, I really appreciate you sharing this with us.

  4. Hi Simon,

    Just curious, if the program is so great and 100% legitimate, why didn’t you buy it and complete it? Would be a more credible review if you actually used the system and could reflect how wonderful it is with a bank statement. Right?

    • Hi Tera, you ask a good question.

      The reason is I already run several successful online businesses and though this is a legit business model, I simply don’t have time to pursue it. The purpose of this blog is to help people differentiate between the scams and real online income opportunities. You know as well as I do, there’s all kinds of hyped-up claims and pure BS out there and it’s hard to know what’s true and what isn’t, especially as a beginner.

      Please don’t believe every bank statement you see online, these are easy to make and prove nothing. Feel free to go with Bossless Forever or not, I’m just giving you my take is all to try and help you decide.

      I wish you every success online, whichever route you choose to take.

      All the best,


  5. Thank you for sharing ¨Is Bossless Forever A Scam? Why It´s 100% Legit¨.I´m weary of getting into a program when I don´t  know  what I´m paying. You said it costs Starbucks /day, well you could be paying $55.50 or $157.50 per month, a difference of 282%, depending if you have a freshly brewed coffee at $1.85 or a toasted graham latte at $5.25 or a salted caramel mocha for the same price. What about if you want to order a snack to go with?. What´s the problem in being transparent with your fees?Once I get suspicious of the price tag, then credibility vanishes. That’s my nature. Most affiliate programs offer a free trial, so Bossless Forever is no different. I would need to have testimonial from various people to find it credible. I haven´t found them yet

  6. Hi Simon, 

    That’s a very comprehensive and well-written review. In my search for making money online, I haven’t come across Bossless Forever until finding myself on your website. I like your honest opinion on the product and I’ve gotten in-depth knowledge about the program now. 

    However, as a newbie in make-many online world checking your alternatives will be my decision now while I keep Bossless Forever in mind as I go forward. Thanks for the information.

  7. Dear Simon,

    Thank you very much for spending time and selecting the best program for us. Nowadays, it is hard to find reliable online business program.

    The Bossless Forever sound a straightforward program. The 5-step blueprint is well defined and is similar to the Wealthy Affiliate program I participate now. I think we could also employ Wealthy Affiliate program for local business, right?

    I agree with you that Bossless Forever does not provide price for the program, which is a drawback.



  8. Hi Simon, 

    Thanks for the recommendation on the Bossless Forever program. I with have more faith in a program that allows you to see exactly how they make their money before you send them money.Did you actually find out who pays for the ads to generate the leads for businesses, or is she using organic SEO? I can see this would be some work, getting up and running and then scaling it out. But, finding 5 customers willing to shell out $2,000 a month to make 6 digits a month, might be hard for me in my small town.Thanks again for presenting this opportunity!


  9. Super informative and easy to understand article. You had a very nice lay out that makes it easy to read and comprehend. The video was very motivating and made me want to be, Bossless Forever! Sparked my interest in making money online for sure. That list you provided that is not recommended, was also very informative. I have heard about some of those and always wondered if it was worth it. Thanks for clearing that up for me.  Thank You

  10. I must be frank. I love products like bossless forever. It builds you up and enables you become the right person you have always wanted to become. When you purchase a product or a program that enables you be your own boss, yes such feels good and it is worth every time you spend on it.

  11. Hello Simon, Thanks for taking time to explain the review of if Bossless Forever is a scam or legit. I’m going to mosey on over to your blog and take a look under the hood. I’m sure it will be as good as this post. This is exactly what I like about articles like this one. It brings awareness of stuff I wouldn’t have found otherwise

  12. Hi Simon, thanks so much! I must admit, it is nice to see a review highlighting a training or assistance program that seems to be actually any good.  There are so many shonks and false prophets out there it is really hard to know what you are getting into.  I love the quick overview also, really made me want to read on.

    I am about to look at kicking off another site and I think the Niches selection and traffic and lead generation assistance in this package might be just the ticket for me.

    Thanks again


    • That’s great to hear Paul. As I said in the review, it’s very rare to find a legit training program that delivers on its promises and I think this is a brilliant business model to go into.

      All the very best of luck! 🙂


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