eCom Hacks Academy Review: Is It Worth The $1999 Price Tag?

eCom Hacks Academy Review

Hi, I'm Simon and welcome to my full eCom Hacks Academy review!

I've been following Jerad Goetz for a while now but I just recently got inside the training program for the first time and felt compelled to write an official review.

Dropshipping is a legit online business model that's made a lot of people rich, but with so many dropshipping courses out there right now, it's hard to know which one is going to give you the biggest bang for your buck.

But before we get into the review, there’s something you should know:

Unlike almost all the other eCom Hacks Academy reviews out there, I am not affiliated with this program in any way. This review is just me giving you my honest opinion so you can decide what's the best option for you going forward.

Ecom Hacks Academy Review At A Glance

About: Ecom Hacks Academy is a dropshipping training course by Jared Goetz.

Price: $1,999.

Pros: Jared is a legit dropshipper with 5 Shopify stores, you will learn a lot from his structured course.

Cons: A little pricey and dropshipping involves a lot of work.

Verdict: eCom Hacks Academy is a legit course if you want to pursue dropshipping, though there are much more affordable options out there.


3.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is eCom Hacks Academy?

eCom Hacks Academy is an online dropshipping training program and community created by serial entrepreneur Jared Goetz.

Let's take a quick look at the 3 main elements of this program which are the trainer, the training and the community before we look at the possible the other costs involved as well as potential earnings.

Introducing Trainer Jared Goetz

Jared Goetz ecom hacks academy

Jared Goetz became a millionaire before he was 26. He's been super successful with dropshipping and currently runs 5 Shopify stores.

His claim to fame is that he had the 2nd fastest growing Shopify store in 2017 and has been featured on the likes of

He created this online dropshipping course to help others start their own profitable eCommerce stores.

He teaches dropshipping with a unique twist he calls ‘dropsurfing' – that is riding on the wave of hot trends to promote products that sell like hotcakes.

Jared clearly knows what he's talking about and I appreciate his straight-up, no-nonsense style. Check out this interview he did on First Coast News:

The eCom Hacks Academy Training

I must say, Jared's done a great job laying it all out here – the training is very thorough and takes you through everything step-by-step.

He walks you through the exact same formula he used to get his first store up and running, how to choose products and use Facebook marketing to generate $2 million-plus in revenue in the first 60 days.

The video training is broken down into 4 modules, 46 lessons in total:

Module 1: Structure (10 lessons)

In this first module, Jared will give you a general overview of how dropshipping works and walk you through how to open your first store, buy your domain, set up telephone and email customer support and payment methods.

Module 2: Setting up your store to convert (16 lessons)

With the foundation in place, module 2 is all about increasing conversion rates, setting up email sequences, adding free shipping and upselling to maximise sales.

You'll also create a FAQ's page and add a customer reviews section.

Module 3: Products (4 lessons)

With your store all ready to go, Jared shows you how he identifies the hottest products to promote through his dropsurfing method.

He'll show you what makes a good potential product, where to source products and how to add them to your store.

Module 4: Advertising (16 lessons)

In the final module Jared goes through the best ways to set up Facebook marketing campaigns. He covers things like targeting, ad design and setting budgets.

The eCom Hacks Academy Community

As a member of eCom Hacks Academy, you'll be given access to the private Facebook group so you can ask questions and get answers at any point through the training and beyond.

You'll often see Jared and his team of coaches in there helping people and giving support to members just starting out.

How Much Is This Going To Cost?

1. Ecom Hacks Academy – $1,999

You get full access to the Ecom Hacks Academy course for a one-time payment of $1,999 with no recurring monthly fees.

If setting up your own dropshipping business is something you're seriously considering then it's good to be aware of the other costs involved…

2. Shopify – $29-$299 Per Store Per Month

Shopify deal with all of the payment processing and add to cart functions for your online store.

3. Facebook Advertising – Depends On Your Budget

Jared recommends putting aside at least $1,000 for your first Facebook ad campaign.

Can You Make Money With Dropshipping?

Dropshipping or ‘dropsurfing' as Jared likes to call it is defined as:

“Where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product.”

what is dropshipping

There's definitely money to be made but it's not without risk. There are a lot of moving parts you need to get right to find and run a profitable dropshipping campaign. Pick the wrong product and you'll be doomed from the start, or underestimate the marketing costs and you'll end up haemorrhaging money.

The key to being successful at this is to build good relationships with your suppliers and optimise your ad campaigns to ensure you end up with a healthy profit margin.

As you get the hang of running campaigns you'll learn how to track your daily sales and ad spend and make tweaks as needed.

Following Jared's dropsurfing formula means the kind of products you'll be promoting will be in demand but only for a short space of time. Think about how crazy everyone was about fidget spinners a while back – they were a very popular fad that quickly died down.

While you could make a lot of money quickly, you're going to want to make sure you always have new and trending products in the pipeline.

Dropshipping Pros

The great thing about dropshipping as opposed to, let's say, selling things on eBay is that your suppliers manufacture and ship products for you.

You can also use the money from the customer to buy the product so there's no upfront cost to you.

There's great potential to make a lot of money very quickly – it's all about finding the latest hot products and being the first to market.

Once you find a product that's bringing in more revenue than your ad spend you can scale up to double your profits. Once you've got a successful product under your belt it'll be easier to replicate your success on the next.

Dropshipping Cons

You need quite a bit of money to get started with dropshipping, whether you decide to go ahead with eCom Hacks Academy's training or not.

You're always going to need to generate sales by buying Facebook ads and if you're not careful, especially as a newbie, your marketing costs could very easily skyrocket. You're going to need to keep a constant eye on your advertising campaigns to make sure they're running optimally.

Get it right though and you could come out with a healthy 10-20% profit margin.

Another thing to be mindful of when you're selling 1000's of products is there will inevitably be issues that come up. Jared tells the story of how one of his suppliers did one over on him and sent out 40,000 fake tracking numbers and customers never got what they ordered.

This meant he had to hire extra customer support staff and pause his ads for a month while he cleared up the mess, costing him a lot of time and money.

The moral of the story is it's a good idea to put aside a portion of profits from your successful products to cover for when a product flops or issues like this come up.

If you like dropshipping then head on over to the and watch Jared's free case study video.

Jared Goetz clearly has a lot of experience you can glean from and the course is well thought out, though it does come with a hefty $2,000 price tag.

Is it worth it?

I think it could be if you have the money to spend on an ad budget. There's definitely a lot of money to be made if you get it right!

Personally, dropshipping is not something I've ever got into because I just don't like the idea of having to constantly chase sales and pay for ads.

I make money online with affiliate marketing so I never need an advertising budget and I don't need to chase sales because my websites generate around the clock traffic and sales for me for free.

In my mind this is the ultimate passive income strategy!

To become a successful dropshipper takes a lot of work and precision to scale it out and you're going to need to spend a couple of hours a day managing your Facebook campaigns and dealing with customer queries.

I'd much rather spend that time building out an income-generating affiliate website that I know is going to generate income for me for many months and years to come.

I'm still making $1,000 a month from a website I haven't touched in 3 years – that's the beauty of affiliate marketing!

Another benefit of affiliate marketing compared to dropshipping is that my expenses are very low – my sites generate an average of $7,000 a month and all I have to pay is $25 a month for my training and web hosting plus $13 a year for a website domain.

That's it!

The best part is this affiliate marketing course for beginners gives you 10 free lessons to help you get started!

It's this training and community that helped me to earn a full-time income online and for very little upfront investment and if you follow the training I know you can too.

What's Your Take?

Thanks for checking out my eCom Hacks Academy review, I hope you've found it helpful!

Scroll down and leave any comments or questions and I'll be sure to get back to you.

13 thoughts on “eCom Hacks Academy Review: Is It Worth The $1999 Price Tag?”

  1. Hello Simon,

    • I am interested in looking into : Affiliate Marketing.
    • Please contact me to discuss.

    Thank you

    • Hey Joe,

      To give yourself the best possible start, go to this page here and claim your free 10 lesson affiliate marketing course for beginners. Hit me up once you’re in the Wealthy Affiliate member’s area (my user name is SimonInAsia) and I’ll be on hand to help you out.

      Speak soon!

  2. Ouch, that’s quite a hefty price tag for an initial investment. I might consider this down the line when I feel comfortable with my own assets in Affiliate marketing to try the waters out. 

    How often do you think this will be updated? Regularly? If feel if I don’t buy into this now (and that in itself is a hefty decision!), I’ll be gimping myself if the community is leagues ahead in knowledge because the basics covered in the package is very basic and outdated. 

    I don’t think that would be worth my investment at all especially considering the price.

    • It’s definitely not cheap, you’re right about that and it’s a big decision that ultimately only you can make. Dropshipping can work really well with the potential of making a lot fo money in a very short space of time if done right. Personally I’m sticking with affiliate marketing.

      Thanks for sharing.

  3. It has been my observation that the people who I have come to respect as web entrepreneurs do not rely on only one income source.  Brand new to online business, my focus has been on developing a blogsite and running with Affiliate Marketing, and later enhancing that with Print on Demand merchandise.  Adding drop shipping to the mix will be a definite asset to the income, and if “ecom hacks” came with a guarantee, or even supervision, the $3,000 + would be well spent.

    Your testimony on affiliate marketing is greatly appreciated, and encouraging.  

    BCNU, Rod

  4. Dropshipping is like a quick way to make money online. You can consider it short term but if you are good at it and make consistent profit then you can make it become a long term business. Dropshipping is really not for the small minded because it involves some levels of risk.

    The good thing is that you can know what is working very quick when you start running your ads and then you can decide to either go on with the ad or pause it. I have experienced the dropshipping business and if you have a good mentor guiding you through out the journey it can make your business much easier than when you go in alone.

    Going in alone is very risky because there are a lot of changes happening on a regular basis and if you are not ontop of the game you would lose a lot of money real fast. But if you are ontop of the game you can get rich beyond your widest dreams. It is pretty amazing.

    The eCom Hacks Academy from your review sounds amazing and it looks like the guy knows what he is talking about. I would definitely like to give it a try. Thanks for the recommendation.

    • Thanks Jay and I appreciate your insight. I guess the trick is to monitor your ad campaigns constantly, especially in the beginning to know if the product is a winner or not.

      I agree it’s better to follow along with a course so you can learn from the mistakes of others rather than having to figure everything out for yourself. I wish you every success in your online venture! 

  5. in my humble opinion 1000 dollars  is too much for me now and even if he teaching some thing new i am very sure i can  get it at   wealthy affilites for free,we have classroom on dropshipping hear  at WA, so what i am saying i would stick with  wealthy affilite and i will also learn about dropshipping quite comfortably

  6. An interesting article, I see you have highlighted all the pros and cons of this site and this Goetz character. I’m not convinced I trust him though, especially when he’s charging the amount of money he is for this information that I bet you could find online or far cheaper anyway. But drop shipping could be beneficial to some. So thanks for the honest review and I look forward to reading your site soon. 

    • It’s true, you can find a lot of  dropshipping training online like this eCom Insiders free course. Jared’s training is high ticket yes, but I believe it’s thorough. As I said in the review, it comes down to what your individual circumstances are and what kind of budget you have to work with.

      Thanks for your comments! 🙂

  7. Dear Simon,

    Your review is very thorough and of great benefit to those who are serious about drop shipping. I can tell you I have taken some great insights from your review post.

    I am happy to hear that this product is not a scam or under-delivers as like many of the make money online products.

    To be honest with you the pricing is huge in my personal point of view and there are few genuine programs which offers awesome training for a lot better and affordable price.

    Few of my friends are in drop shipping and earning money so for sure Drop shipping works and anyone can earn money with the proper training. As I said my only concern is their pricing and I am from India and $2000+ is a lot of money for us.

    As you mentioned I am also a fan of Affiliate marketing and the best thing with affiliate marketing is we can start it with less investment. Thanks again for this detailed review.

    Much Success!


  8. I am glad I came across your review here. I have often wondered if drop shipping is actually the thing I should be doing rather than blogging. But one of the reasons I have not dived into it first of all is because the cost of all these courses to learn about it is quite high, and then you helped me further understand that really the cost of the course is just a drop in the ocean compared to what you would likely spend. It would be right for some people who are comfortable taking high risk, and have some decent money to throw at their new venture, but for me personally, I think the creativity of blogging suits me just fine.

    • I agree with you completely – drop shipping is a high-risk, though potentially high-payoff strategy, but one that’s too volitile and risky for my liking.

      With blogging it takes time to start generating an income but it grows steadily and your blog will be a consistent source of income for a long time to come.


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