Find Done-For-You Amazon Affiliate Websites For Sale

what is the best place to find done for you amazon affiliate websites for sale

You decide to invest your money in virtual real estate and buy a done-for-you Amazon affiliate website, so you browse sites like Flippa…

After looking at a few of the sites for sale, you’re unsure if the stats they're giving you are actually real. You don’t know who or what to believe.

And the prices! My goodness the prices!

You can expect to spend $10,000, $20,000, heck even $50,000 for some of the websites with no real proof about how much traffic and sales they're generating.

Good luck with that.

You need to know exactly what you're getting so you're sure you'll get a decent return on investment:

  • What the real traffic stats are
  • What the earning potential is
  • How you can maximise commissions generated

If you’re sick of the overpriced, crappy websites sold on sites like Flippa then stick with me here because I’m going to show you why is your best option for finding done-for-you Amazon affiliate websites.

The team over at Human Proof Designs specialise in 4 types of sites:

The best part?

Each and every website is 100% unique, complete with premium designs, converting content and a full potential earnings breakdown.

There are a wide variety of affiliate niches to choose from, all with tied-in products to promote and a buying audience. I’ve written an in-depth review of Human Proof Designs where I outline how buying one of their sites can help fast track your earnings.

My Issue With Most Websites Selling Websites

More people are turning to the internet for investment opportunities; choosing to build a ‘virtual property portfolio' instead of following the conventional real estate model.

Whether you're looking to become an affiliate marketer or are already a seasoned pro, you know a website is the cornerstone of any successful online business.

This leaves you with two choices: build a website yourself from scratch or buy one that's already done for you.

It makes perfect sense; rather than spend months learning how to get your first site set up on a niche you're not sure can be profitable or not and then waiting months for Google to acknowledge you in its search results, you can fast track this whole process and buy a done-for-you Amazon affiliate website.

If you're time-poor and have the money to invest, outsourcing your website building part makes perfect sense, in fact, it's a very smart way to go.

The problem comes when most pre-made website websites try and make as much money as they can by selling the same website to hundreds of people, changing nothing but the domain and header logo.

Yes, unfortunately, this really does happen!

You'll read stories online where unsuspecting people spend $10,000 and upwards for a copy and paste job and never see a return.

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Can you imagine? You've invested thousands into a website that's already online x50, x100, x500? Identical content, all shooting for the same saturated niche.

You don't need me to tell you a site filled with duplicate content will never see the light of day as for as Google is concerned…!

High price tag, nil value.

Human Proof Designs saw this happening and decided to step in, shake it up and lead the way.

What Makes Human Proof Designs Different?

what is the best place to buy don-for-you Amazon affiliate websites

The driving force behind Human Proof Designs is Dom Wells, a guy I've been following since I started my making money blogging journey 3 5 years ago.

Since 2012 he's been building out successful Amazon affiliate websites and making a full-time income through affiliate marketing.

Through trial and error, he learned how to streamline the process, put in effective time-saving systems and outsourced to a solid team of staff.

Dom knew it wouldn't be too difficult to stand out in the pre-built website industry – all he had to do was use his expertise to build unique, high-quality affiliate websites that he knew would make money and he would already be head and shoulders ahead of the competition.

Every website he and his team build is 100% unique. No two sites are the same.

The beautifully designed affiliate websites are created around high traffic, low competition keywords and optimised to give website visitors a great user experience which results in more commissions for you.

“Human Proof Designs exists to make starting a niche website that much easier.

With the training on the blog, the ready-made sites we’ll sell, and the custom projects we’ll do, you will find that getting started doesn’t have to be as confusing as you first thought.” – Dom Wells

Through his step-by-step training program and podcasts, he's taken hundreds of aspiring affiliate marketers from complete newbie to successful, profiting affiliate marketing pros.

As you can see in the video below, Dom has a down-to-earth style, cuts out of the fluff and only focuses on the important stuff that gets results.

He knows the road to success can be confusing when you're first starting out, but with the right know-how, the right strategy and support, anyone can be successful online.

Today, Dom is a well-known and respected industry leader in outsourcing and building ready-made websites and has recently been featured in sites like, and

Already seen enough? Buy a HPD Ready-Made Site Today >>

4 Types Of HPD Done-For-You Websites

1. Ready-made sites

Definitely the most popular choice for Amazon affiliate website buyers, these ready-made sites are built only after a detailed analysis of the niche proves it has good profit potential.

ready-made turnkey amazon affiliate websites for sale

Ideal for beginners because most of the research has already been done taking the guesswork out of it and giving you the very best chances of success.

No two websites are the same and every ready-made website is built around a website niche idea that has proven to be popular, untapped and profitable.

What's included:

  • High-quality content
  • Professional, premium themes
  • Premium plugins
  • On-page SEO
  • Domain
  • Keyword research
  • Logo design
  • A full rundown of expected monthly earnings
  • Ready to go social media accounts
  • Free tech support
  • Full video training library
how to make money buying affiliate websites
Every website comes with a detailed rundown of expected monthly earnings.

A new batch of pre-made affiliate websites is released every two weeks, but if you want to be the first in the know, be sure to sign up to the Early Bird newsletter and get notified instantly when new websites become available.

I feel I should say at this point that it's easy to talk about 8,000 words here or 16,000 words there, but these are no spun, low-quality articles. Every post is professionally written and edited sales copy designed to get the people landing on your site clicking your Amazon affiliate links.

2. Custom-built sites

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Do you already have a great niche idea?

You can outsource website building and content creation to Dom and his team of professional writers and designers.

You can choose from the Starter or Premium packages and submit your site request. You'll have full access to the training modules, community and expert technical support.

Human Proof Designs also offer a high quality, affordable content creation service and keyword packages.

3. Aged sites

Perfect if you want to fast track your online earnings. Aged sites are sites that are a little bit older, are already ranking in Google so you can check their track record before you decide to purchase.

This represents the cream of the crop in terms of done-for-you, quality websites.

On top of what you get with Human Proof Design's Premium package,  you'll receive a detailed Google rankings report.

Each website also comes with a unique eBook written specifically for your website which you can use as a lead magnet to start building your email subscription list.

4. Authority Sites

The latest addition to the HPD family, authority sites are a bigger investment but your monthly commissions are that much greater too, with a lot more scope for future growth.

Why buying a done-for-you affiliate website is better than trying to build it yourself

1. You can be confident you're in the right niche

It's so much more than just buying a beautifully put together website, you're investing into an online business with a proven business model.

90% of aspiring affiliate markters fail at their first website.


Because they chose the wrong niche. Either they start in a niche that's already saturated by big players so they've never got a chance, or they choose a niche with no relevant products to promote so they don't make any sales.

You can shortcut all of this and save yourself lots of time and energy by buying into a website that's been carefully thought-through.

2. You massively increase your chances of success

I spent hours and hours churning out content for my first site and wasting time occupied with unimportant things that made no difference to my bottom line. I was a newbie and didn't know what I was doing and it took a long time for me to find my way.

I had a site that was getting 1,500 readers a day but with no concept of ‘buyer's intent' or proper product placement, I was barely making any money.

And this is where most people quit…

They work for 6 months, see no results and figure that ‘this whole affiliate marketing thing' doesn't work and commit to spending the next 40 years of their lives stuck in the office cubicle.

But you don't have to go through all of that. By investing in and owning a done-for-you-website made by professionals, you'll get the right training and know-how that will point you in the right direction and get to you where you want to be a whole lot quicker.

Quality design, useful content, relevant traffic – this is what you can expect when you buy a done-for-you Amazon affiliate website with Human Proof Designs.

3. You're not stuck trying to figure everything out for yourself

Starting from scratch is a tough way to learn. Affiliate marketing can be very confusing to the beginner trying to find his way. The internet's full of conflicting information and deceitful scammers who will tell you what you want to hear, get your hopes up but leave you high and dry every time. Trust me I've been there.

I always say this: if you're serious about becoming successful online, only take advice from people who a) truly want to see you succeed and b) know what they're talking about.

I know the people at Human Proof Designs genuinely want to help people and they're definitely professionals at what they do.

4. It gives you a blueprint to follow for future websites

For me, HPD really shines with their after-sales support. Dom has put together some brilliant affiliate marketing training, video walkthoughs and tutorials to make sure you get the most out of your new Amazon affiliate website.

Instead of wasting trying to figure out all of the small technical aspects that go into the buuilding of an affiliate site, you'll already have a working example to go from.

You'll already be see things like how they use affiliate links, what kind of keywords they go for and how to find the best ones for your website, what kind of things to write about, how a site is structured and all these kinds of things.

Again, this cuts your learning time, gives you a short cut to start making commissions and gives you a headstart.

Customer Reviews And Testimonials

You can find tons of success stories and testimonials at from people experiencing success and making money with their done-for-you sites.

What Is Human Proof Designs A Scam Or Legit
is buying a human proof designs website worth it
human proof designs success story

Your Thoughts And Questions

Have any questions about buying done-for-you Amazon affiliate websites from Human Proof Designs you'd like me to answer for you? Scroll down and leave your comment below! I personally respond to all comments and I’m happy to help any way that I can.

29 thoughts on “Find Done-For-You Amazon Affiliate Websites For Sale”

  1. Hey there,

    Thanks for a great post! I had heard of Human Proof Designs before, and I have to admit that I was tempted to buy one of their ready-made websites… but I didn’t! I wanted to learn the process of creating an affiliate site myself, to get the nuts and bolts of it before embarking on a journey of a ready-made site. But I think this is the time to reconsider it. 

    I’d like to ask whether they could get an already built aged niche site and convert it into one of their own custom-made sites, and also, what is expected from us, the clients after we buy any website.



    • Hey Marios, there are advantages of that approach too, in fact, that’s exactly what I did. As I was starting on a shoestring budget I had to do everything myself in the beginning until my websites started generating an income then I started outsourcing. 

      If I understand your question correctly then no, you can’t convert an aged site into a custom site as a custom site is build around a niche idea you yourself come up with and obviously an aged site already comes with the niche and keyword research and content creation done for you. 

      Feel free to get in touch if you have any further questions and I wish you all the best in your affiliate marketing endeavours 🙂

  2. This is a new one for me. I’ve explored Flippa before but most of the sites seem overpriced.

    I am a beginner in this journey and a little confused about what to consider before making the purchase decision as HPD also has a lot of sites. And does the email following comes with purchasing?

    • Hey, completely agree with you on Flippa, it’s extortionate! I’ve seen a lot of cookie-cutter sites too, they’re a complete rip off.

      Great question – HPD sites don’t have email lists that come with them but you can get a custom eBook written to use as a lead magnet and authority sites come with pre-designed opt in forms so you can start building your subscriber list from day one.

  3. Thanks for this really good guide. I want to buy a site now and then, to get more money. But as you said, which is the good one and which one isn’t? I’m going to check this out, and I will let you know the results in a couple of weeks, maybe longer. Thanks a lot for sharing this with us anyway! 

  4. Wow, this post was a real eye-opener. Buying a ready made site isn’t something I’ve ever thought of. It’s definitely something I’d consider doing now!

    I’m just a bit confused with the maintenance of the site. Once I buy it, do I need to add content in accordance with what’s already there? What if the content is already amazing and I have to meet that standard?

    • The way I look at it is buying a done-for-you amazon affiliate website is like being a pre-built business – the foundation has been dug and the structure put in place and there’s already reviews and comparisons written for you, but in order to maximise your investment you’re going to want to keep adding content.

      They give you a list of optimal keywords to target and they offer article packs too. Hope this helps.

  5. Getting a pre-made website is definitely a great way to have that kickstarting boost that many newbies don’t have because of the learning curve.

    It does make sense to get a pre-made website when you have the money. It takes out the need to research a niche and time wasted testing it out.

    I have heard of Dom’s team before and knew in general what their project was. But thanks to your review on HPD, I was able to better understand what they stand for and their products.

  6. Hi there Simon,

    Thank you kindly for creating and sharing this article about DYF affiliate sites, it is appreciated.

    I actually stumbled upon your site as I am actually looking to get a custom site built for me, mostly to save time and to have good correct foundation done for me. Tend to a site built and then use their specific keywords (save me do it) and possibly also have the content written for me on an ongoing basis.

    In short, everything outsourced from start to finish and Humanproof Designs provides exactly that. And this is my ultimate goal – to just profitably manage my sites with all the work outsourced, allowing me more free time to enjoy life.

    Could you give a few more details about their training and how it differs from other well known training programs?

    • Yes I’ve chosen the custom built option before and they over-delievered for me. I just researched my own niche and outsourced everything else to them.

      HPD offer A LOT of training to help you maximise sales and get the most out of your affiliate website.

      They have video courses on all aspects of running an affiliate marketing website like SEO, keyword research, content creation, post writing and video creating campaigns. Take a look at their training page here to find out more.

      Hope this helps! 🙂

  7. I would highly recommend HPD for anyone getting the affiliate marketing. Dom and his team have been VERY helpful with my recents purchases. Very helpful and supportive and truly down to earth guy.

  8. This is really cool if you have the money to invest. Some have money but lack the time it takes to start from scratch. This service would give you a running start at a real income from an affiliate marketing site much quicker.

    Do the reports provided tell how long the sites are aged before put up for sale or how much traffic they are getting?

    Thanks for the great article, I will look into this company for sure!

    • Hey Steven, yes Human Proof Designs really gives you a strong head start and I recommend them to anyone looking to become an owner of a legit Amazon affiliate website that’s done for you. 

      Check out my Human Proof Designs review for more info and the services they provide but yes, the potential earnings available with every site comes with current number of keywords ranked and average daily traffic. Plus the training you’re given with every site will show you how to maximise your website’s earnings.

      Let us know if you have any more questions!

  9. Thank you for bringing my attention to a high-quality, legitimate service that could help me in my affiliate marketing ventures. I have heard so many horror stories of people who purchased ready-made sites and were burned one way or another. That had me scared to even think of even trying it. I love building my own sites, but this is definitely something to consider in the future.

    • I love building sites too, I’ve got a few on the go as we speak 🙂 But buying a pre-made Amazon affiliate site is a great way to reinvest in building your blogging portfolio and upping your Amazon commissions.

      I use the money from my other websites to outsource the content for my review sites, it’s like investing in virtual real estate! Obviously only you can know the best way forward for you right now, but this is a great option to seriously consider.

  10. Hey Simon, I think that buying ready-made unique websites is a great concept. I checked out the pricing and I think that is ok. If you hire some freelancers to build a website for you and do the tasks your offer, it will cost more than $998 for the starter option. I agree with you that a beginner will save a lot of time and effort.

    • I agree, this really can be not just a time saver but a money saver too. Every Amazon affiliate webiste comes with a premium theme and premium plug ins too.

      Dom can offer these websites at a lower cost than if you were to build it yourself because he deals in bulk so he can negotitate his own deals with these service providers and for the actual website building, keyword research, editing and writing side, he uses his own in house team who he has trained himself.

  11. Wow this is truly amazing. Honestly I’ve seen other made for you sites before and they were all pretty crappy in my opinion. Out of all 3 I am interested in the aged sites. I do have a question though, are these aged sites already making any money? How can I asses the potential earnings for these aged sites?

    • Hi Lucas, when you’re viewing the available sites, you can see an earnings estimate based on the niche, product commissions, search engine rankings.

      Because an aged website is already indexed in Google, the Human Proof Designs team can give you a more detailed and specific business strategy so you can continue to build up the site and maximise your earnings.

      And yes, you can look at the Amazon affiliate websites for sale for yourself and know these are not generic, copy and paste, thrown together sites. Each one is tailor made following an effective keyword strategy.

      I hope this helps!

  12. Hi there Simon

    Thanks for sharing Humanproofdesigns.

    I have been lucky to meet Dom and have him build me two websites and I can’t recommend them highly enough.

    The prices are very reasonable and though not everyone is in a position to buy them, still, for anyone struggling to get started online,figuring out how to build a website I`d also advise them to use HPD for website building, they take away the misery and confusion in building websites.

    • Hey! How long ago did you purchase your Amazon affiliate websites and what do the monthly revenues look like?

      You’re right, if you have the $998 to invest, buying a done-for-you Amazon affiliate website is the fastest way to start earning affiliate commissions. You’ll have your very own online business on your hands to work with and start making money from.

      Thanks for sharing 🙂

  13. Yeah, I have been following Dom since a few years back and I can say he provides a very reliable outsourcing service that makes life a whole lot easier for Amazon affiliates and online entrepreneurs.

    Currently, I am using his keyword service and perhaps when my first site starts getting more authority then I might consider buying his done for you Amazon affiliate websites to build my blogging portfolio and increase my online earnings on other new niches.

    • Thanks for sharing Maxx, yes he has a really good reputation for offering a high quality, professional service. The after care support is amazing too which is not something you normally get with copy and paste cookie cooker website services.

      For me, I build up 3 very successful affiliate websites and did everything myself. Whether you’re starting from scratch with your first website or looking to invest in building up your online businesses, buying pre-done for you Amazon affiliate websites is a smart move.

  14. Hi,

    I am looking to get into affiliate marketing to build an online income for myself and I’m looking to buy a done for you Amazon affiliate website so I don’t have to start from scratch.

    As you mentioned, building a successful website for affiliate marketing is not easy at all, especially how to get your website ranked in Google so you could get visitors to your site and then start to make some money out of that.

    I think it a very great idea to buy a website that is pre-built and already ranked in Google. That will indeed be a good idea..

    But my question is about the STARTER package and the PREMIUM package, please which of the two would you advise me to go in. I’m looking to start making Amazon affiliate commissions as soon as possible and would like to know the best option.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Stephen, thanks for your question. I guess it really depends on your budget. The main difference between the Starter and Premium packages is the amount of quality content already added to your site.

      As I said in the post, I know Dom and his team well enough to know each post is already search engine optimised so the more content you get, the more keywords you’re going to be ranking for form the get-go.

      If you prefer the Starter package, you can outsource your writing to make up for it or create the content yourself.

      I recently bought an Amazon affiliate website from Human Proof Designs and I chose the Premium level because I like the fact the branding and logos are already done for you and I don’t have to worry about the hassle of the social media side because it’s already set up for you.

      As I say, it comes down to your budget so you have to choose the best deal for you but in my opinion, both packages offer great value in terms of return on investment because you’re not buying a quality, unique website and you’ll be the only one buying the website.

      Let me know how you get and which website you decided to go for, would love to hear how you get on!


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