4 Insider Tips on How to Start an Online Business from Home

online income stream

So you want to learn how to start an online business from home that actually makes money?

I can help you with that.

I'll show you how to start a thriving online business for less less than $400 a year.

And I’ll do you one even better; I’m going to let you in on life’s most elusive secret that’s been camouflaged for centuries and placed right in front of your eyes.

This is a crash course like no other, and it all started with the promise of an atrocious, back-breaking crash.

A while back, me and a couple friends of mine went base jumping off one of the most breath-taking areas in Thailand, Tonsai Bay.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the sport; base jumping is where you get all suicidal, get on a building, cliff or mountain, jump off and just a few seconds before kissing the ground you change your mind and pull out the parachute.

Then you do it all over again.

After getting to the top of Tonsai Wall, we soaked in the spectacular view for a while and then prepared for the thrill of a lifetime.

The first few jumps went as expected and it was smooth sailing for a while. However, at the final leap, one of my pals jumped and we could hear a loud guffaw as he hurled down the 160-meter drop like a rock.

His chute was all tangled up…

We watched helpless as he battled to take back control, but all he could do was spin in frantic circles. We knew it wasn’t going to be pretty, damn it he was just coming in too fast!

But this guy, he must have hired an angel to watch his back because, in the last few meters, his chute went into an angled rotation that saw him hit the water like a professionally-trained diving Panda Bear.

He came out all right and unscathed in the end; just a few rope grazes and cuts. But you can imagine how hard we laughed at him on the way home. This guy (Pete) is a Pro-athlete and couldn’t handle a little gravity.

In the evening though, we started to think more soberly about what had just taken place that day. I mean, one of our own almost died…

Pete kept wondering how his career could have been affected by something as small as a sprained ankle or a broken leg. He’s been a career athlete all his life and it’s all he knows.

If all of a sudden he couldn’t play ball anymore, how would he support his family, his wife and kids in school?

His entire career depends on how physically fit he is and how many games he plays. His leg goes and his career’s tanked with no way of getting paid.

Income kaput.

Then each of us got thinking too…

How would a broken leg affect your job, your income, your life?

My other friend Steve is a marketing consultant. I guess all he needs to work is half a brain, working limbs and one sweet, salesy voice (of course we let him know he was just a voice box with an arm. Even a robot with wheels could do what he did).

But even he had to admit that if he couldn’t perform, couldn’t hit the required number of sales or even got really ill for a while, he’d get fired faster than Pete’s BASE jump today.

Again, no money; income kaput.

What about you Simon? How would a broken leg affect your career?

It was my turn to answer.

In trying to come up with a response, I realised that parts of my online business are so automated that I could actually die today, and my bank wouldn’t even notice.

I could take a long, exotic holiday to anywhere on the planet and still make money without as much as a phone call home.

You could actually argue that I've retired already. I live and work in Thailand as a volunteer, for free. I do what I love because of the income my online businesses generate for me.

It’s your turn to answer.

How would a broken leg affect your income?

If the outcome doesn’t seem too rosy, I want to offer you an online solution.

Here’s how Wealthy Affiliate can turn things around for you…

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

In a nutshell, Wealthy Affiliate is a free membership site with full online business training bolstered by a strong community of helpful expert who are always on hand to help.

This step by step guide and training program takes people through the process on how to start an online business that makes money.

Watch this quick video overview to find out more:

See also:

Here’s a quick overview of the free online entrepreneur certification course and how you too can get started on your journey to automated income.

1. Take Your Time and Research on a Marketable Niche


Think carefully, dig deeply, and most importantly, pay attention to the market trends.

What you want is to land on a very sweet yet highly unexploited zone; a niche that you could single-handedly build your entire business around.

Most online gurus will give you long mathematical equations and talk jargon on all day on how to choose an interest. I’m here to tell you that it couldn’t be simpler.

As a consumer, there are lots of hobbies and interests that always have centre stage in your life. Maybe there’s a particular product that solved a lot of the problems you had, or even a service that discovered a new way to do things.

Just do what you love, have fun with it and success will follow like bees to pollen.

See also: Blogging 101: What To Start a Blog About?

2. Build, Construct, Create, Repeat


The next step in your affiliate marketing journey involves starting a blog where you can promote products and redirect your traffic.

Wealthy Affiliate makes the construction and design process much easier than any other platform out there.

The reality of the matter is, nobody wants to start building a website from scratch, then just when you think you are done, you get requests for domain names and all that nonsense.

By simply joining Wealthy Affiliate, you get two free websites to start you out, and even options to sign up for premium membership with domain and hosting options. Once you get the hang of it, feel free to start as many sites as possible.

3. Come One, Come All


Now that you have a decent website set up, it’s time to drive insane amounts of traffic.

Sure, there are over a hundred different ways to attract people to your site, but I’ve never seen anything work better than unique, interesting and regularly updated content.

This is because it’s cheap, helps inform and keep your visitors abreast and helps your website rank higher in every search engine.

Wealthy Affiliate will make you a traffic generating expert – you'll be exploiting social media and search engines to their full potential.

You'll also get instant access to the free keyword research tool within Wealthy Affiliate.

Don’t get me wrong, though, there is a difference between selling and attracting.

Most newbie affiliates jump the gun on this step by flooding their new websites with products and services expecting quick conversions.

Take it from me; this WILL NEVER WORK.

You have to create a loyal, dedicated and willing following. Only after you have successfully become a familiar authority in your field can you gently ease into the next step.

4. Knock Knock – Someone Order a Side of Fat Revenues?


This is the part where you take out your dictionary and put every single meaning of the word sell to good use.

It’s time to promote as many products and services from as many partners as possible. The more, the merrier.

Affiliate marketing is so easy and straightforward it should be illegal. In which other business will you get paid for selling products and service without having to pay out for upfront stock, storage, manufacturing?

This is the beauty of starting an online business.

Why does affiliate marketing receive such great success?

Simple, by promoting products that are 100% relevant to your audience, you significantly increase the chances of turning that visitor into a buyer.

Almost all the people who go online looking for products want an honest, informative opinion before they commit themselves. Make sure you give your opinion, recommend a solution in the form of a product, then let the internet do the rest.

The Bottom Line

“Despite the advantages, starting a home internet business is difficult, and most internet businesses fail. To make yours a success, you will need a clear plan, a polished website, and an effective marketing strategy.”

While affiliate marketing may seem mysterious and innately covered in dark magic, it’s only a matter of getting pointers in the right direction. Don't worry.

Before I went through the Wealthy Affiliate training in 2014 I had never as much as set up a blog before, never mind the portfolio of online businesses I have today, as a direct result of creating a free starter account with Wealthy Affiliate.

Warning: Before you venture into this you should know many people have indeed tried and failed miserably because of the amount of work involved.

Don’t let anybody lie to you; the process is neither easy nor guaranteed. It could take a few weeks or even a couple of months before you see the first fruits of your hard work.

So, hang in there, never give up and always feel free to reach out to me or the friendly Wealthy Affiliate community if you've got questions.

What advice would you give for anyone starting an online blogging business?

I’d really like to draw on the collective brilliance of the online business builders here and ask what tips or hints you would give to someone starting an internet business? Please leave a comment.

22 thoughts on “4 Insider Tips on How to Start an Online Business from Home”

  1. I am really interested in learning more about this since I have always wanted to start an online business, but have always been afraid to with all the online scams out there. It seems that wealthy affiliate is more about helping their member building a website rather than promise riches. Thanks for this!

    • As soon as you become a Wealthy Affiliate member, it won’t take you long to see they only teach people how to start online business that actually make money – there’s no scams or hype.

      This is the thing that first struck me when I joined Wealthy Affiliate coming up to 3 years ago – by following the training, taking action on the action steps at the end of each lesson and by asking for help from the amazing community when I needed it – I have built several successful online business.

      Wealthy Affiliate is your all in one online business centre – it’s got all the tools you need including domain registration, hosting, website builders, keyword research tools. It’s got all the training you need with the ONline Entrepreneurship courses, classrooms, question and answer areas and Live Chat. It’s got all the community and support you need with 24 hour technical support and the biggest online community of fellow online entrepreneurs all committed to helping each other succeed.

  2. I have recently been looking into starting up a money blog that is in the football niche – I have a lot of knowledge on the sport and I have a lot of knowledge on the the equipment. Do you feel that the wealthy affiliate system you cover here is a good place for someone like me to go to get started?

    • The formula I’ve shared with you here can work with ANY blog on ANY topic. You just need a unique angle to help you be distinctive.

      And yes, the Wealthy Affiliate training will guide you through the steps of finding your unique angle, build a solid brand and knowing your target audience so you can build a readership and start to make real money with your blog. The training, tools, community – everything you need to start and grow your online business in one place.

  3. Spectacular illustration of a situation where one’s injury could kill his chances of earning an income. Oddly enough! That’s a true event I am share below.

    I came across a person begging in the street and having one leg 2 days ago. And right next to him I had a 9 year old boy standing in front of my car and selling toys. I pointed out towards the boy and asked that man as why he could not still do a job? he said that no one would offer him anything due to his physical condition. And that’s among the horrors of the society we live in.

    • Unfortunately here in Thailand that’s something we see far too often too.

      Everywhere lots of people are unexpectedly out of work for whatever reason and you can’t rely on the government or insurance to take care of you. Having an online business is one of the greatest ways to provide an income for your future, replace your full-time income or supplement your pension.

  4. I have never really sat down to think what would happen if I broke my leg. You really put in perspective how I should be thinking. My question for you, though, is where do you find marketing trends? Also, what is the one key strategy to obtaining the traffic you need for affiliate sales? Thank you for your article.

  5. Thank you for the concise article about how to make real money online. I have been with Wealthy Affiliates for almost a year now and I couldn’t agree more with your comments. The opportunities are endless, just choose the right niche and make it happen. If you fall down, get back up again and choose another niche.

    I might add to your comments and say that the support at WA is amazing. Their online training is superb and the few times I have needed technical support (usually with a new plugin) the support team has been responsive and effective with their solutions.

    I also agree that this business is not for everyone and there are no guarantees. It looks like you are well on your way to a successful business with the right attitude.

    • Hey Keith! Thanks for checking out this blog, I’m always seeing you around the member’s area of Wealthy Affiliate.

      I agree – the support is superb, not just from the other like-minded online entrepreneurs but I don’t know any other program where you can contact the owners directly and always get a prompt and helpful reply. WHat we have a Wealthy Affiliate is really second to none.

  6. With all the scams out there online, its great that you wrote an honest review of how to start an online business and start making real money. As a member of the wealthy affiliate community people need to realize the patience and work involved needed to make a profitable business. Great work. Cheers!

  7. I like your introduction story, I have watch your sport several times on TV and wondered what madness would possess some not risk their life like that, perhaps you can explain what kind of High one gets. My presence at WA was partly due to fear of not being able to work as a ceramic artist and sculptor after a stroke.Stating that WA is a free membership platform can be misleading without further explanation.Thanks for sharing. Are you still jumping? Best wishes.

    • Thanks Courtney, I had fun writing this one! I’m thinking about taking a short break from jumping for obvious reasons : )

      All the best Courtney, with Wealthy Affiliate you have everything you need to start a successful and profitable online business. Happy to help if I can.

  8. We live in a cruel world. In Chinese there is a saying, when your hands stop moving, your mouth stops eating. In other words, if we get injured or have something fatal happen to us, then our families will suddenly lose all kinds of financial aid and possibly starve to death.

    I believe in making money in an online business too. If your friend has died in that accident, definitely no one will remember him. Why not take control of your life and let your website make money for you while you can spend more time with your family. Love your story.

    • Thanks Blame, the thing I love about starting an online business is that you put in the hard work initially but you earn money from the hours and work you put in, not just once, but time and time again.

  9. Hi Simon,

    I must say that I am very very impressed with your blog and if I wasn’t already a part of Wealthy Affiliate then I would have probably signed up right there on the spot for it through your site.

    The thing that did it for me was just how thorough and candid you were. You made it real because you told your own personal story which made me trust the fact that this was coming from a real person who meant what he said.

    Great work! Looking to read more from you soon!

    • Thanks, I really appreciate that! I always try and be as helpful and honest as possible. See you around the member’s area Alec : )

  10. Hey, Simon!

    I am with WA for a few months now and you are right when you say that it requires a lot of effort and focus on the tasks involved. This is not a get rich quick thing and your success depends on your will to learn and put in practice what the program offers.

    I am loving it as I have learned so much about affiliate marketing – something I never knew before – and how to create my channels to display my affiliate referrals. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  11. Great article. Base jumping is not for me hate heights. It is true if you are seriously injured your career could be over and your income gone. A boss would not care, best to have your own income sources, not just a salary. Having an online business is as you state great. It works for you 24/7 and puts money into your bank. Bills are paid and everything works fluently.You have freedom, that a job does not offer. Wealthy Affiliate as you state is a great way to build your own passive income and work for yourself not someone else

    • I remember reading Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” ten years ago when I was in my early twenties and it made a lot of sense, he said – “Why work hard to climb the someone else’s ladder when you can OWN the ladder?!”

      Building affiliate websites and creating an asset for yourself which can provide an income for you passively in the future. It’s the online business model that’s legitimate and long-term.

      It doesn’t mean it’s not difficult or doesn’t take time, but it is definitely worth it. And the internet is only growing.


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