What is the Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership?


There's a lot of noise online right now about Wealthy Affiliate with a lot of people saying you can join for free – but what's the catch?

Today we'll be taking a close look at what is the Wealthy Affiliate membership.

Hopefully by the end of this post you'll be armed with enough information to decide whether or not it's for you.

For the sake of full disclosure I should say I've been a paying member of Wealthy Affiliate for over 3 years now, but I started out as a free member.

I earn $6,000+ a month from affiliate marketing and I owe all of my success to what I learned (and continue to learn) from the training courses and weekly live video lessons.

I can honestly and wholeheartedly recommend Wealthy Affiliate as the best affiliate marketing training course online.

If you're interested in building an online income for yourself or looking for a proven track to financial freedom to run on – this might just be it.

How to join Wealthy Affiliate for free

What we'll cover in this post:

  • What you get access to as a free Wealthy Affiliate Starter member
  • Why Wealthy Affiliate offer a free membership
  • How to get the most out of the first 7 days of your Wealthy Affiliate free membership

What you get access to as a free Wealthy Affiliate Starter member

1. Level One of the Online Certification Course

If you're a beginner to internet marketing you're going to love this course,  I did!

You'll be learning about how you can make money online in a legitimate way, choosing a good niche (topic) for your website and by day 4 you'll have your first affiliate website up and running.

It's designed to be a 10 day course with 10 lessons in total, but if you're keen you can go through the training a lot quicker – just be sure to complete every action step and don't skip a single lesson!

The lessons come with video training and tutorials showing you the exact step-by-step process of making money online. I love this training so much I've gone through it 3 times in the past 3 years.

By the end of the course you'll not only have a clear understanding on how to make money with affiliate marketing, but you'll already have the fundation stones of your first affiliate marketing website firmly in place.

Here's an overview of the first 10 lessons:

Wealthy Affiliate affiliate marketing training course

2. Access to the free SiteRubix website builder

what is wealthy affiliate about

The free starter membership also gives you the tools you need to apply the training, including the free version of the Site Rubix website builder.

You don't need any experience in creating websites as it's super simple and easy to use.

All free Starter members can start up to two affiliate websites of your own, with over 2,000 free WordPress themes to choose from, all with free hosting and free domains.

In 34 seconds you can create stunning, professional website of your very own.

3. The opportunity to interact with the Wealthy Affiliate community

what is the wealthy affiliate online community

Especially if you're a beginner, getting the right support, help and advice is crucial to your online success.

Wealthy Affiliate have created their training platform in such a way that's it's easy to get the help you need – fast!

Got a question? Go ahead and ask members in live chat or in the comments area.

Want feedback on how your website is doing? Ask experienced marketers for their recommendations.

Personally, I think it's a nice mix of beginners and experts all helping one another. As soon as you're inside the member's area you'll quicly realise just how friendly and helpful everyone is.


And these are just some of the things you're going to experience as a free Starter member and remember: you'll get instant access to this as soon as you create your free account.

No credit card details required!

Here's a table of both the Starter and Premium memberships so if you are seriously considering joining Wealthy Affiliate, you can choose the best option for you.

You can also find out more about the differences between free and Premium memberships at Wealthy Affiliate here.

Why Wealthy Affiliate offer a free membership

I know what you're thinking,

“This all sounds great and all, but why are Wealthy Affiliate giving me this for free? What's the catch?”

There really is no catch. The free Starter membership is your opportunity to see Wealthy Affiliate for yourself and see if it can help you make your online income goals a reality.

I honestly think, while you can make money as a free member as the first training course, it just scratches the surface in terms of driving visitors to your sites, getting top Google rankings and the ways you can monetise your sites.

The Premium membership offers 4 more levels of expert, interactive training you're surely going to want to get your hands on!

And yes, you get two free websites you can call your own and do whatever you want with and you can go through the first 10 lessons of the affiliate marketing course, but I always recommend you build your websites using a paid domain as, in my opinion, you'll find it hard to rank in Google for a free subdomain.

Subdomain – www.yourwebsite.siterubix.com

Paid for domain – www.yourwebsite.com

I think the Wealthy Affiliate free membership is great for dipping your toes in the water and getting to see and experience the training, tools and community support for yourself…

The reason you get instant access to all of this for free is because when it comes to making money online, there are so many scams and dodgy programs out there (trust me, I tried a few) that Kyle and Carson, the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate wanted to be as transparent as possible and give people the chance to experience it for themselves.

With just your name and email, you get your foot in the door, explore the Wealthy Affiliate community for yourself and decide whether or not it's a good fit.

But, in my opinion, if your serious about taking your business forward you're going to want to go Premium at some point.

Normally the price of Premium membership is $49 per month (36% cheaper if you pay yearly) but if you upgrade within 10 days of becoming a free Starter member you can apply the Wealthy Affiliate discount and get your first month's full Premium access for $19.

It's your choice though and no one will ever pressure you to make a decision either way. You have to pick the best option for you.

[alert-note]“When I first stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate in 2007 I had to pay the full price just so I could see what it looks like and what it really is.

This program has changed a lot in the past 9 years and you can check it out completely Free. The starter account is $0, no catch, no credit card required – so you could decide if it’s right for you without risking a single dime of your hard earned money.”

Alex @ Extra-Paycheck.com[/alert-note]

Important note: Unfortunately due to high levels of spamming and fraud, Wealthy Affiliate for India, Nigeria, Philippines and Pakistan does not have the free Starter membership option available, you can however still sign up as a Premium member and get full and instant access to everything inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

How to get the most out of the first 7 days of your Wealthy Affiliate free membership

Here's a quick video tour of Wealthy Affiliate for you with some great tips on how to get the most out of your free membership, it's definitely worth the watch:

Here's a link to Wealthy Affiliate profile

Be sure to say “hi!” once you're on the inside! 🙂

1. Complete account set up

As soon as you're within the member's only area, you'll be able to add an image to your profile and give a short description about yourself (yes it's just like Facebook but for internet marketers!)

Your photo can be anything you like but don't be shy and share a little bit about yourself as a way to introduce yourself to the community. They really are a welcoming and friendly bunch 🙂

Here's a complete step-by-step guide to creating your free membership account if you need it.

2. Start building your online business!

As soon as your account is set up, you're going to want to dive into the training and get rolling!

Simply click on the green ‘Get Started Here‘ tab on the left-hand side to access the Online Entrepreneur Certification course which will guide you through everything you need to know.

how to join wealthy affiliate3

3. Always ask for help when you need it

It's inevitable when we're learning something new that we'll have some questions along the way so please reach out if you're ever unsure of anything.

There's been so many times in the past when I've been excited to start something then hit a wall – the best thing about Wealthy Afifiliate is you never have to go it alone – there's always someone on hand to help when you need it most.

Trust me when I say, the community support has been a lifesaver for me and I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without it.

So use the live chat areas, use the appropriate classrooms, or leave me a comment on my profile and I will personally help you out anyway I can.

I have personally given advice and coaching to hundreds of my readers who are now running very successful and profitable online business and I am more than happy to help you get started too.

So what you waiting for?

Click the button below to start your Wealthy Affiliate free membership and I'll see you on the inside!

How to join Wealthy Affiliate for free

I hope this has been helpful in answering some of your questions about becoming a free member of Wealthy Affiliate.

If there's anything I've missed or would like clarification on, please leave me a comment below and I'll be sure to get back to you.

2 thoughts on “What is the Wealthy Affiliate Free Membership?”

  1. How many people actually make money after subscribing?
    Is it realistic to expect to see an income stream from this program?
    Understandably, there will be a small segment that do realize potential income, however does the majority of the subscribers see income?

    • Hi Allen, yes the community is full of full-time affiliate marketers, people who have quit their old day jobs and realising the digital lifestyle. Exactly what percentage of members go on to achieve this is hard to say, all I can do is point you to the results I’ve had myself (See my Wealthy Affiliate success story)

      The training and community support is there, the tools you need are there, but how far you will go will depend on how much you apply consistently over time. It’s not a get rich quick for sure, and you’re building your online business from the ground up – but the upfront starting costs are so low and it does pay off eventually if you stick with it.

      Would love to help you on your journey though, let me know if you’re going to give the free membership a try and I’ll be on hand as you go through the first course.

      Wishing you all the best and every success!



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