What Is The Best Email Marketing Service For Beginners?


what is the best email marketing service

Last Update 20th September, 2016.

I've been making money online, with numerous websites, across various niches, since 2014 and I use email marketing to bolster them all.

Here at The Make Money Online Blog I offer a free 7 day Making Money Online in 2016 email course.

I use my email marketing service to build an email list, gain subscribers, send out broadcast emails and to schedule my autoresponder series.

Since you're already reading this, I probably don't need to persuade you with why email marketing is vital to the success of your online business endeavours, but I just can't help myself…

I'll be quick!

Email marketing helps you build your website brand and online presence within your chosen niche or topic area.

Building an email list is having a group of people who have given you permission to contact them. You can send specific information to your targeted audience about the services and products you offer.

Email marketing enables you to build personal connections and trust with your readers, turning visitors into loyal subscribers who trust you and will act on your recommendations.

Whether you want to promote your latest blog posts and recommend certain products or services that will seriously help your readers – signing up to an email marketing service and building your list of subscribers is the best way to do this.

Okay, that's enough for now. Now let's get to the real question –

So What Is The Best Email Marketing Service For Beginners?

I get lots of emails and comments from people asking me “What is the best email marketing service to use?“, usually from people who want to start a blog or have already been blogging for some time and are ready to take the next logical step of building a list of email subscribers.

Let me introduce AWeber – by far the best email marketing service for beginners and small businesses.

Now allow me to show you why…

AWeber have, for a long time now, been the leading autoresponder service and to be honest, they don't have much competition.

They provide email marketing services for over 120,000 online companies, affiliate marketers, bloggers and basically anyone looking to build an email list.

They've been around for 16 years which is always a good sign and they have pretty much everything you need to capture and organise email leads, send out emails via their autoresponder, whether you schedule them up beforehand or decide to send an email out that day.

With AWeber it's easy to check the stats of how many new subscribers you have, who's unsubscribed, who's opened your email and who's clicked on the link within the email.


The good thing about AWeber and why I'm recommending them is that they have a 30 day free trial which means you can start collecting email addresses and and send out your first email campaigns before even paying a dime.

Start Your Free Trial Today!


8 Compelling Reasons Why AWeber Is The Best Email Marketing Service For Beginners

1. AWeber is the most affordable email marketing service out there

When I switched email marketing service providers recently, pricing was the main motivator. For beginner's especially, pricing is a big deciding factor when choosing which email marketing service to use, so let’s break it down.


Since early 2016, AWeber offer a month long free trial. After that you have plenty of options…

AWeber offers different levels or tiers depending on the size of your current email subscribers list. The chances are, if you're just starting out in email marketing then you'll fall within the under 500 email subscribers bracket.

AWeber offers month-to-month, quarterly, and annual plans for each of its tiers.

For beginners, the least-expensive plan includes up to 500 email subscribers and is just $19 per month (or $49 per quarter/$149 per year).

2. AWeber has the easiest email and opt-in form builders for beginners

The second reason AWeber is the best email marketing service for beginners is that it's not difficult to create an email capture form and add emails to your autoresponder.

You don't need to be a technical whizz because the templates are all fully customisable and beginner friendly.

You can make your emails anything you want them to be; just choose whether you're inserting an image or logo, text, links to social accounts and simply drag and drop.

You can also send test emails to yourself and edit them anytime.

3. AWeber has hundreds of user-friendly templates to choose from

The AWeber email and form builder templates make beginners look like pros.

There are hundreds of templates to choose from – over 700 in fact – or if you want to go pro then you have a have a template specifically designed for you and your online business.

It’s easy to customise your emails and web forms, simply adjust the layout, font, colour, images as you wish.

Using the AWeber email marketing service gives you more control and more flexibility over the design of your emails and web forms and it's super easy to use.

4. AWeber is the email marketing service with the easiest and most reliable autoresponders

Every email marketing service provider will offer an autoresponder service – an automated list of emails which are sent out to your email subscribers once they sign up.

You can choose the time intervals of when you want your emails to be sent out and you can send a spontaneous email (broadcast email) at any time you like if you have a special promotion or important news update you need to send to your readers.

When a customer opts in via your web form and decides they want to receive your emails – you’ll want to send an initial thank you email and follow them up with a list of emails that offer useful and high value content.

Exactly what you send out will, of course, depend on what niche you are in and what your website is about. Many bloggers use their autoresponders to keep people up to date with their recent blog posts.aweber-autoresponder

As I say, it's easy enough to check your opening rate stats and number of new subscribers. You can create seperate email lists and add emails at anytime. You can choose whether to send them out immeditaely or schedule them for a later date.

Let's say you want to send one email a week on a specific day, at a specific time and you have 10 emails in your autoresponder series ready to go. When a new subscriber opts in to receive emails from you, they'll get the emails in the order you've put them in and at the times you've selected so it all runs on autopilot.

5. AWeber has the highest deliverability rate in the email marketing service industry

The fifth reason AWeber is the bst email marketing service for beginners is that they have the highest deliverability rate in the email marketing service industry.

What this basically means is your email has the highest chance of ending up in your subscriber's inbox instead of their spam folder.

Sites like Gmail trust AWeber more than any other email marketing service which is good for you because the whole point of sending an email is that it actually reaches the person it's intended to!

That’s reassuring!

6. AWeber is the email service provider with the most extensive analytics to help you keep track and maximise sales

I've already touched on this but let's go into a bit more detail here. AWeber gives you all your tracking stats at your fingertips.

You can see exactly who has subscribed and unsubscribed, who opens your emails and who clicks on your links.

This is valuable information because, as you build out your email campaigns you'll learn what types of email get the most opens and what your list responds the best to.

If you're an affiliate marketer, AWeber also give you the ability to track the number of sales and conversions which means you can split test and get the most out of your email campaigns.

With AWeber you A/B or split test your emails. AWeber. This is powerful because it allows you to split test your emails and forms, find out which one performs better and improve your click-through-rate.

7. AWeber has an award-winning level of customer service and support

If you’ve never used an email marketing service before, the chances are you’ll have some questions along the way and will need support. I know I did when I was first starting out.

Whether you're struggling with a certain email template, want to know how to optimise your emails or got a burning question, the good news is AWeber has brilliant support.

You can contact them by telephone, email or via their live chat feature to get the answers you need when you need them.


For me and my online businesses, when I need help I need it now. Sitting around for 3 days to get a reply just isn't possible for me. Especially for beginner's just starting out with email marketing – support is vital.

sascs16_gold_vIn fact, on the 10th March 2016 AWeber won the Gold Stevie® award for best Business Service Industry for Contact Center of the Year. That's got to mean something, right?

I can’t say I’m surprised – every contact I’ve had with them has been quick and superb. Any technical query or issue has been resolved immediately.

AWeber also has a blog full of practical tips and tricks to make sure you get the most out of your email campaigns.

Whether you're not sure what to write in your emails, want to know the best techniques for running a strategic email marketing campaign, knowing how to grow your business with email marketing or if you have questions about the practical use of any of the email marketing tools, you check out their blogs and guides.

Start Your Free Trial Today!

8. You can link manage you email campaigns on the go

My eight and final compelling reason why I think AWeber is the best email marketing service for beginners is that they're always pushing to make their service even better.

They're now venturing into helping you connect with people and expand your reach through social media and their new mobile app means you can manage your emails campaigns, respond to your subscribers and check your stats when you're on the go.


There they are! My 8 reasons why AWeber is the best email marketing service, especially for beginners.

Honestly, if I were to start from scratch again and go back a couple of years, I would have used AWeber when I was first starting out in my email marketing journey.

As you choose which email marketing service to use, be careful to not just think about what your immediate needs are now, but what you will need from your service provider six months from now, a year down the line and into the future.

I recommend you take AWeber up on their 30 day free trial. to see how they can help you take your online business to the next level. Setting up your free trial account takes just a couple of minutes.

Take Your FREE 30 Day AWeber Test Drive Here

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