What is The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Course For Beginners?

the ultimate guide to making money online

Want to know what is the best affiliate marketing training course for beginners?

Let me make this easy and summarise this whole post in just one simple sentence:

The best affiliate marketing training course for beginners has got to be Wealthy Affiliate.

Here's my full 4,880 word Wealthy Affiliate review where you can find out what they have to offer and how they can help you.

There you go.

Without reading another paragraph, you can just click here, complete your profile and start immediately with your affiliate marketing training course – specifically designed with beginners like you in mind.

In fact, it's where I learned everything about affiliate marketing and it's got me to where I now earn a passive, full-time income online. If I can do it, you can do it too!

And yes, it's completely free to join and get started.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Well, it's far more than a simple affiliate marketing training course, though, don't get me wrong – the step by step lessons will teach you all you need to know about starting an affiliate marketing business.

There's live chat, questions and answers, daily actionable steps, free website domains and hosting. But, even more than that…

Wealthy Affiliate is a community.

A community of people just like you all helping each other to achieve success online. So even if you're a complete beginner to internet marketing or have never launched a website before – you'll learn everything you need to know.

And that’s just one of the reasons why I think it's the best affiliate marketing training course for beginners.

Here are a few more…

Wealthy Affiliate Has Hands-Down The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Course Available Online

With WA there’s 5 main training modules, 13 classrooms and over 500+ in-training modules you can learn from.

WA offers you the best of the best tutorials and information about how to start your blogging business.

All of the training is current and constantly updated. Say goodbye forever to out-dated info and washed up tactics, Stop paying for “junk” that worked 5 years ago and start taking targeted action that really works.

For beginners, I recommend the Online Entrepreneurship Course to get started.

Each video lesson is accompanied with thorough lesson notes, a question and answer comments section, live chat and most importantly, daily action steps that guide you through step-by-step on building your own affiliate marketing business as you go through the training.

Here's what you'll learn in the Online Entrepreneurship Certification Affiliate Marketing Training Course:
  • Exactly how the process of making money online works
  • How to set money goals and targets for yourself
  • Learn how to find the best niche/topic for your first affiliate website
  • Crate your first affiliate site from scratch (easier than you might think!)
  • How to tell the major search engines your website exists
  • How to build your website out with high quality website content that readers and search engines love
  • What keywords are, why they're important and how to use them
affiliate marketing training course

You Get Free & Unlimited 24/7 Support From Already Successful Affiliate Marketers Within the Wealthy Affiliate Community

Once you've created a beginner account and started your training, you’ll have instant access to thousands of successful affiliate marketers who all got their start at Wealthy Affiliate.

When they first created their free starter account, like me and you, they were complete beginners to the online affiliate marketing world and had no clue as to start making real money online.

Today, like me, they are running their very own profitable online businesses.

And now they’re interacting with the Wealthy Affiliate community one with one aim: to help people just like you to be successful too.

This is vital for your future online success.

You get to ask questions and get answers, whether in the live chat, various forum areas, private messaging or various comments sections.

You never have to feel ‘stuck’, you never have to struggle alone, because we all support one another to make real our making money online dreams.


Create & Build Two Free Starter Websites

Don't worry about being a beginner. Thankfully, the days of having to know html programming code to start an affiliate site are long behind us.

As you go through the affiliate marketing training course, you'll learn how to register a free domain, come up with a topic or niche for your new website, learn how to rank in Google, attract visitors and monetise your site.

With free domains, hundreds of user-friendly templates and easy to customise options, you can build your blog in approximately 32 seconds.

(Yes I timed it.)

Important note: With the premium membership, you can also have Wealthy Affiliate host your website with your own domain. I always recommend having your own domain name because it's always best to build something that you actually own. See Are You Ready To Start A Blog? for more info on this.


All the tools and resources, support and help you need to succeed are included within the free course. I hope you're starting to see why Wealthy Affiliate is THE best affiliate marketing training for beginners!

You have everything you need to learn and become and successful affiliate marketer. All is left is for you to work hard, put in the effort and reap the rewards.

I get people sending emails and leaving comments all the time asking me “What is the best affiliate marketing training for beginners?

I can only recommend Wealthy Affiliate because it’s exactly where I got my start in online business.

Two years on, and it’s still my usual hangout – you’ll find me helping people, giving feedback on their sites and answering questions within the member's area every day.

Not to mention, you get to go through the training, build your very first affiliate website as you go at absolutely no cost to you!

So don’t just take my word for it – start the training here and see for yourself!

I'm Here If You Need Me

If you need help, hit me up. I'm serious. As I say, I’m a very active member at Wealthy Affiliate and I can be your mentor in there (if you wish).

In all honesty I could help you outside WA too (if you ask nicely ? ) But my best recommendation is just to start through the training, follow it step by step and take action on what you've learned.

I will support you every step of the way because I really want to see you make it online.


Here’s what my Wealthy Affiliate profile looks like…

…and you can test me on this.

Once you’re on the inside, message me, drop me a comment and we’ll get building your online business together!

Are You Ready To Start Learning?


Now is the best time to make your first step into the affiliate marketing world. Not tomorrow, not next week. Now.

Just take the first step and then one after that, than another one.

It will happen for you, it’s the accumulative effect of being bold enough to do something different.

If you’d like to go ahead and join me on Wealthy Affiliate just click on the link below or if you want to read more about about Wealthy Affiliate, see what other WA members who have gone through the training have to say here.

See you on the inside, this is going to be great!

I’ll reach out to you as soon as you join! ?

Recommended reading:

How to join Wealthy Affiliate in 4 simple steps

1. Create Your FREE Starter account

Put your wallet away because you're not going to need it. You get instant access to the community and training with just your name and email.

Click here to create your free Starter account.

2. Complete Your Profile

Once you're inside the member's area you'll be guided through how to add a profile picture and a short description about yourself to tell people why you're joining and what your goals are.

get started here training

Wealthy Affiliate is the biggest community of online entrepreneurs and it won't take you long to see that everyone really wants to see you succeed.

The couple of minutes it takes to set up your profile will help when you're interacting with other members.

Once you've set up your profile, let me know and I’ll come by to have a quick peek and say hi. You’ll see that I really DO use the program and your really CAN talk to me directly.

Then you can simple get started learning about affiliate marketing with the ‘Get Started Here’ training!

I look forward to working with You!

As you go through the training, as you learn and grow and start to see the results of your efforts, I'll be with you every step of the way.

I can look you in the eye and say wholeheartedly that this training works, but ONLY if you take action on it.

Start it now. It will change your life.

I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2014 and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I login every single day to help others just like you to grow their online businesses.

Now it’s your turn. 

It’s up to you now to complete your first assignment by clicking here and creating your free Starter account.

Do you have a question before you start the affiliate marketing training? Leave me a comment and I’ll respond ASAP!

10 thoughts on “What is The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Course For Beginners?”

  1. I am so happy to have found your blog Simon. All this information is an answer to my prayers. For close to a year now Ive been considering starting a blog. I have been so confused with how to go about this. I am going to take the free wealthy affiliate course and keep you posted as I get through all that I will be learning. Thank you so much .. my heart is happy and ready to go learn :}

    • Thanks Laura, that’s great to hear. Now you’re with Wealthy Affiliate you’re going to see how easy it really it is to create a website. You’re also going to learn how to get traffic to your blog and make money in the process.

      Exciting times ahead for you! Start with Course 1 and work your way throught he lessons and you’ll be amazed at how much progress you’ll make even in just the next few days. I look forward to hearing your success story! Oh and if you’ve got any questions at all along the way, just send me a private message or leave a message on my profile within the member’s area : )

  2. Good article! I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a few months, so I agree with you 100 percent, that the Wealthy Affiliate offers the best training courses for beginners. What’s more, they offer everything the beginner needs – web hosting (one of the most secure web hosting platforms on the internet), web builder (very fast and reliable), domains, and much more!

  3. A great rap on Wealthy Affiliate! In my research on how to earn money online, I haven’t found a negative review on Wealthy Affiliate so far. That says something! The steps you’ve shown on how to start in affiliate marketing seem very easy. Time and effort are required for sure, however with the support of a community with the same goals, that has to make it a lot easier.

  4. This is a really comprehensive review of what is offered by Wealthy Affiliate. It is very obvious that anyone who is wanting to start an online business could learn from no better place!
    I am very tempted to join you there. Are you really making $6000 per month? That is very impressive, and sounds just what I have been searching for!
    Wealthy Affiliate obviously offers comprehensive training in online marketing – is there any aspect that it does not cover?
    Very many thanks for this information, it is certainly food for thought.
    Chrissie 🙂

    • Thanks Chrissie, yes I make $6,000 a month (and growing) with my websites in various niches. You’ll see I joined Wealthy Affiliate in March 2014 so it’s not immediate by any means… rather it’s something I worked hard at.

      It takes time, patience and a willingness to apply the affiliate marketing training. I’m not a technical person by any means and I’ve had to learn new skills along the way – but Wealthy Affiliate is 100% the best place to do this.

      If I can do it – anyone can!

  5. I couldn’t agree more.

    Most decent training programs online are selling for hundreds and good luck to find one that matches the price they ask. WA is incomparably ahead of them all, since you can learn so much just by registering and learning for free. If you think that is for you, then proceed to a low payment to have access to the whole pack of resources.

    I want to highlight the advantage of being able to host 25 domains for free – or I should say, for the price of your monthly membership. Though the domain registration is something you will pay apart, the hosting itself is well worth the membership – if you want to host your website on your own, it will cost you over $100 and that is for only 1 domain. WA gives you 25 + 25 other free domains, totaling 50 host spots!

    For a monthly membership, they offer unmatched benefits only with that!


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