Wealthy Affiliate FAQs


How to join Wealthy Affiliate?

Creating a free starter account is very simple and only takes a couple of minutes.

Put your credit card away, all you need is an email and password to get on the inside.

Click here to create your FREE starter account.

Need me to show you? No problem.

Here's a step by step guide on how to join Wealthy Affiliate.

Is Wealthy Affiliate free?

You can sign up as a starter member and stay free forever and be successful.

You'll have access to the Online Certification Level 1 Course and you'll be able to build up to 2 websites that will always belong to you, including free domains and free hosting.

At Wealthy Affiliate you have the choice of two membership options – the Starter membership and the Premirem membership. You can upgrade from a Start member to a Premium member at any time (though there's never any pressure on you to do so).

Here's a Starter vs Premium membership comparison

Some people decide to upgrade their membership while others choose to build a successful online business with the training and free websites included within the Starter membership.

What's included with the Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership?

You can join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member with just your name and email address (no credit card needed).

As a Starter member you have unlimited access to:

  • The Online Entrepreneur Certification Getting Started Course – This training shows you how the process of making money online works, how to build a website and how to attract visitors via the search engines.
  • Two free websites – these are 100% yours and you'll have access to the SiteRubix website builders, site health and daily back-ups. This includes two free domains and hosting for as long as you like.
  • Tons of expert training, videos and tutorials – learn from expert entrepreneurs who have been running successful online businesses for years.
  • Access to the Wealthy Affiliate Community – where you can ask questions and get answers, share ideas in the live chat and comment areas.

Check out my Wealthy Affiliate review to get all the details.

What are the differences between Starter and Premium memberships?

The free Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership is superb, really. But Premium just takes it to a whole new level.

Most people join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member and upgrade to a Premium membership. It's your choice.

Here's a full Starter vs. Premium comparison

What is the Wealthy Affiliate discount?

There 3 Wealthy Affiliate discounts you can take advantage of to fast track your progress and online earnings.

See The Wealthy Affiliate Discount (+ Bonus) Guide for the full details.

Does Wealthy Affiliate work?

What they teach works, yes, but let me be clear –  there's nothing automated about making money online; it is you who must work to be successful.

The training will teach you everything you need to know to be successful and you'll have all the tools, resources and community support available at your finger tips – Wealthy Affiliate will only work if you work.

I worked and got results, hundreds of other people have done the same. You have to have the courage to try, the commitment to stick with it and the willngness to work hard. Do this and you'll be unstoppable.

Can I make money using Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes you can, but it won't happen overnight.It took me 12 months to replace my full-time income and finally say goodbye forever to the day job. For you it might be longer – it all depends on the time you can commit.

Take a look at How long does it take to make money with Wealthy Affiliate?

If you need quick money now, I would recommend getting a job to pay your bills and work on this in the evenings an weekends until you can build up your income stream.

How do you make money with Wealthy Affilate?

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you affiliate marketing and will guide you through the steps of building an authority website on a topic of your choice, building up an audience via Google and social media. You'll also learn hundreds of ways you can make money with your website.

Start the Onlne Certification Course Level 1 here

How long does it take to make money with Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a get rich quick scheme.

It takes time for Google to rank your website, it takes time to build out your site with super helpful content and it takes time for you to become an authority and dominate your niche.

How long it takes for you to make your first sale or replace your full-time income can vary depending on the niche you have chosen, the quality of your website, how much content you can post and how much time you can put into this.

See: How Long Does It Take To Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

How much money can you make at Wealthy Affiliate?

After 3 years I now earn $6,000+ per month as a direct result of my willingess to follow the Wealthy Affiliate training and take the actions steps I needed to build my online business.

The truth is, with 3.5 billion people online everyday, your earning potential is limitless, if you're ready to do the work required to make your dreams a reality.

Take a closer look: How Much Money Can You Make At Wealthy Affiliate?

Is Wealthy Affiliate worth it?

I joined Wealthy Affiliate as a free Starter Member in March 2014 and became a Premium Member less than a week later… 3 years on I'm still here. I think that says a lot about whether or not I think it's worth it! 🙂

Honestly I've never seen anyone offer as much value as Wealthy Affiliate does, and at a fraction of the cost of all these programs that never deliver results.

Read: Is Wealthy Affiliate really worth it? to see how members answered this very same question.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?

This is an easy one – no it's not.

I wouldn't have been a paid member for the last 3 years if it was 🙂

Wealthy Affiliate say very clearly – what they teach isn't a ‘secret Google-busting system‘, or a ‘get rich quick while you sleep at the single click of a mouse‘ kind of thing – they only teach REAL online business.

Right from day one you are taught that if you want your business to succeed you're going to need to work at it – just like any other kind of business.

But again, as I say, you don't have to take my word for it – you can try it out and decide for yourself.

This is what I like about Wealthy Affiliate – everything is open and transparent.

Though you have the option of upgrading to premium if you wish, there is certainly no pressure put on you to do so. In fact, Kyle and Carson openly say you can build a profitable online business just with the free starter account and your 2 free websites.

Everyone in the community is so incredibly helpful and friendly and there's been many times in the last 3 years where I've spoken to co-founders Kyle and Carson directly. You will always find them hanging around the live chat areas answering questions or helping people out.

So I can say with confidence: the Weathy Affiliate environment is upsell free, hype free and scam free.

For a more in-depth answer on this question take a look at Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?

Can I make money with Wealthy Affiliate for free?

Yes absolutely!

You can join Wealthy Affiliate as a free Starter Member, go through the training course and register up to two free websites.

As a Starter member you can also partake in the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program.

What are the most common Wealthy Affiliate complaints?

The most common Wealthy Affiliate complaint is that free Starter memberships are not unavailable in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam due to high rates of fraud and spam. Premium is still available.

(((india post)))

If I've ever had any issues or times when I've not been sure about something and I've messages Kyle (co-founder) directly and I've always found him to be genuinely helpful and sincere.

Wealthy Affiliate are registered with the Better Business Bureau and as of writing, have a 4.36 out of 5 star rating.

Do I have to promote the Wealthy Affiliate program to make money?

No, you don’t!

If you know someone who might be interested, you can promote Wealthy Affiliate and make money but you definitely don't need to.

Wealthy Affiliate is not a scammy pyramid scheme where you have to harass your family and friends or spam Facebook groups to make money online.

Wealthy Affiliate teach the process of building a real business online and members make money promoting a wide variety of products in a whole range of difference niches as far reaching as exercise equipment, dog accessories, leadership training courses and kitchen appliances.

The training shows you how to build a business around an area that interests you personally meaning you can make money with any interest or hobby you have.[/toggle][toggle title=”Are there any up-sells?” open=”no”]The thing I love about Wealthy Affiliate is it's a completely spam free environment.

As a Starter Member you will be given the opportunity to upgrade your memebrship to Premium but there's ever any pressure for you to do so.

Wealthy Affiliate is put together as an all-in-one online business centre, meaning your training, tools, community support are all in once place so there's no need to buy any other programs. With Wealthy Affiliate you already have everything you need.[/toggle][toggle title=”What is the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program?” open=”no”]If you choose to promote Wealthy Affiliate, they have one of best paying affiliate programs which is available to both Starter and Premium Members.

As a Premium Member you earn $23.50 for every referral recurring monthly.

You also have the opportunity to win an all expenses paid conference every year held in Las Vegas.Click here to find out more.

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