Secret Online Goldmine Review: This Should Stay A Secret

Secret Online Goldmine Review Scam Or Legit

If you're checking out my Secret Online Goldmine review because you just finished watching the sales video and you want to know if this is a scam set up to take your money or a real money making opportunity, I'm really glad you did!

After all, April Collins makes some pretty wild claims of earning $100's a day for doing next to nothing…

secret online goldmine is a scam

Well, stick with me here and in this review, we're going to look at exactly what you get when you become a Secret Online Goldmine member, what you'll learn and ultimately if this is your best option.

I am not affiliated with Secret Online Goldmine in any way.

I promise to give you nothing but my full and honest opinion in this review to help you decide whether this is something you should go for or not.

Here’s what I found out:

Secret Online Goldmine Review At A Glance

About: Secret Online Goldmine is April Collin's spammy affiliate course.

Price: $47 for the front-end and $162 for 2 upsells.

Pros: Has a 60- day refund policy.

Cons: Spammy, fake owner, fake testimonials, fake social proof.

Verdict: Secret Online Goldmine is a scam based on lies. Don't trust a word they say.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Fake-Ass Advertising From The Get-Go

Did you watch the video on the Secret Online Goldmine website?

I mean, seriously, what was that?!

Hit play and within seconds you're blasted with images of yachts, wads of cash and people holidaying in the Bahamas.

what is the secret online goldmine about

April Collins claims her system is the dream opportunity you've been looking for that will show you how to make $787 a day, $5,000 a week or $20,000 a week so you can finally quit your job, take the vacation you've always wanted.

Let me be clear:

Deciding to become an affiliate marketer was one of the best decisions I ever made and right now so many people are jumping on the digital bandwagon and for good reason.

Through affiliate marketing, you can get paid to promote other people's products or services without needing to worry about creating, storing or shipping products.

Better yet, the person or company whose products you're promoting will handle all of the billing and customer care.

The costs of starting an online business are extremely low and with 4 billion+ daily internet users the potential for earning a truly passive income is huge!

There's a ton of courses out there created by self-proclaimed gurus who promise the earth but fail to deliver every time. Most of them turn out to be outdated eBooks that help you get nowhere…

By far the best affiliate marketing course I've come across is Wealthy Affiliate (link to my full review).

How will Secret Online Goldmine compare?

I decided to sign up to find out.

The Secret Online Goldmine Membership Costs

First things first, the creator of this program seems super keen to get you signed up.

Although the initial price is $47, try to exit the page and you'll see a pop-up offering a $10 discount for just $37.

Decline this generous offer and again, another pop-up gives you full access for just $17.

how much does secret online goldmine cost
reasons why secret online goldmine is a scam

Pumelled By Upsell After Upsell

$17 for a $787/day money-making seems like a no-brainer, right?

So I entered my credit card details and paid up, but before I could get to the meaty stuff in the training area I had to fight off numerous upsells…

Secret Online Goldmine has “Mega Miner” and the “Mother Lode” upsells with each promising you even more in a shorter space of time.

As you can see, you're offered lower prices each time you politely decline:

secret online goldmine mega miner upsell
upsell 2
mother lode upgrade

I'll be honest, upsells annoy the hell out of me.

Call me naive, but I think a training product that's worth its salt should be good enough without the need for expensive upgrades and add-ons.

Still, it would explain the initial low price – the Secret online Goldmine owner entices people in with a low front-end price and makes most of their money once you're in the back-end.

Enough said.

The Spammiest Training Area I've Ever Seen

Once I skipped the upsells I was finally taken to the training area that looks a little something like this:

secret online goldmine log in training area

The welcome page doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence with it's big red ‘Upgrade Now!' buttons, yet more upsells and calls to “Call your success coach IMMEDIATELY!”

(I strongly suggest you don't call them by the way, but I'll get into that here in a sec…)

On the left side menu you can see the training is split up into 4 main modules: ‘Pre-Setup', ‘Setup', ‘Make Money' and ‘Traffic'.

I was surprised to see that each lesson consists of nothing but a short 1-4 minute videos, with each lesson centred around getting you to sign up to monthly paid membership tools and sites like and

Can You Make Money With Secret Online Goldmine?

Now let's get to the real question:

If you follow the short training videos, can you actually make $1,000's per week, or in other words, does this program deliver?

Honestly, while technically it is possible, it is also highly unlikely.

Secret Online Goldmine follows exactly the same strategy as yet another ‘new and revolutionary method' I reviewed yesterday called 12 Minute Affiliate.

The gist of the strategy is to:

1. Choose a landing page.

2. Add your affiliate links.

3. Sign an up to an autoresponder service so you can start collecting email subscribers.

4. Pay solo ad vendors to send your offers out to their email list.

5. Hope that people click the spammy emails and make a sale so you can earn a commission.

This way of making money is expensive, high-risk, outdated and ineffective.


Because every other person who was duped into buying Secret Online Goldmine is going to be using the exact same landing pages, sending the same emails and offering the same scammy products.

Not only that, the only way you can possibly make money with this is by paying a high cost per click for these solo ad vendors to email your copy and paste email out to 1,000's of people – the exact same people getting spammed the emails from all the other Secret Online Goldmine members.

The result?

You pay a fortune, very few people open your emails and nobody buys.

1 Thing I Like About Secret Online Goldmine

When I'm sitting down to write a review I try to be as fair as I can but in this case, the only positive thing I can come up with is the fact Secret Online Goldmine is sold through the ClickBetter platform, meaning it automatically comes with a ‘no questions asked' 60-day money-back guarantee.

One I took full advantage of as soon as I realised I'd been duped into paying out for this hyped-up junk.

clickbetter refund page

4 HUGE Red Flags Exposed!

1. April Collins Is A Fictional Character

Secret Online Goldmine owner ‘April Collins' is the one who told us on the sales page that she's the one who discovered this ultra-secret income earner, yet my suspicions were raised when I got inside the member's area and found out it's a man delivering the training.

After digging a little deeper, it turns out April Collins doesn't even exist and those images you saw in the promo video turn out to be just random stock images.

secret online goldmine by april collins

What does that tell you about the credibility of the mysterious Secret Online Goldmine creator when they choose to hide their true identity?

If this was a genuinely legit program, the owner would be proud to put their real name (and face) to their product.

2. Those Success Stories? They're Not Real Either…

Again, if this was an actual money making method that got people results, they'd be a boatload of real success stories they could have shown us in the sales video.

But since this product is solely designed to make the owner money through the many upsells, there is no-one making money with this so-called system.

As a result, the anonymous person who put this program together has no choice but to head over to sites like and hire actors to read from a script.

Take a look at the Fiverr accounts the people who told you they were experiencing amazing results from following the Secret Online Goldmine system and see that the only money these people made was $5 for recording a fake testimonial:

fake success story testimonials

3. Fake Social Proof Designed To Deceive

Scroll down and you'll see what's supposed to be a live Facebook feed of the Secret Online Goldmine Facebook page. Except, you guessed it, the page doesn't exist either…

These are nothing but fake social media accounts and fake comments – unclickable and completely manufactured.

fake social proof

4. Whatever You Do, Do NOT Call The ‘Success Coaches'

Seriously, the more you trust those guys, the more money you will lose.

Why is this product creator so eager for us to call the number in the training area? Because those so-called success coaches are in reality, highly-trained salespeople whose job it is to convince you to part with more of your cash for those worthless upsells.

They'll tell you to shell out more to ‘take your business to the next level', or ‘if you are really serious about making money online'.

Do yourself a favour and don't fall for it.

Is Secret Online Goldmine A Scam?

In my opinion, Secret Online Goldmine is definitely a scam. Don't buy it.

It's not just the fake owner, fake testimonials and fake social proof that prove this site can not be trusted, it's the outrageous and completely unrealistic claim that you can make $787 a day with this system.

Even at the low $17 cost and 60-day refund policy, this just isn't worth it.

Factor in the upsells, email advertising costs and monthly memberships for the email autoresponders and landing pages and you can see how easy it is to lose money with this.

A Badass Secret Online Goldmine Alternative

When you compare Secret Online Goldmine and Wealthy Affiliate there really is no comparison. Since 2005 they've been showing aspiring entrepreneurs how to make a full-time income without needing to pay out for ads or upsells.

Follow the step-by-step training and you'll learn exactly how to create thriving affiliate websites that attract free and organic traffic by getting ranked to the top spots in Google.

Instead of having to risk your cash upfront and chasing sales, once set up, your websites will generate commissions for you around the clock.

The best part?

You can grab your free beginner's course and see the training platform for yourself without needing to get your wallet out.

What Do You Think?

After seeing what I've uncovered in this review, do you still believe Secret Online Goldmine is legit or have I done enough to convince you to stay away?

Have you ever fallen for these ‘make fast and easy cash overnight' type scams before? Have any questions about how to start a real online business?

Scroll down and leave a comment and I'll be more than happy to help you any way I can.

28 thoughts on “Secret Online Goldmine Review: This Should Stay A Secret”

  1. I want to make money legitimately online. I do not know where or how to start. Can you show me or give me honest advice on how I can go about doing this?
    Thank You,
    Thomas McGuire

  2. I notice you are supprtive WA
    What l did not read was that WA is also loaded with upsells in membership & products. Any comment to that?

  3. Just thought I would add my findings from 17 years of researching scams and fraudulent sites trying to scam you out of your money.

    On the flip side, is good and another site called is another site to look at for an up to date look at all websites good and bad, I found them many years ago and I have taken a lot from it over the years, they promote an old friend who runs a really honest learning site called and its very good! It will also teach you from the beginning to the end how to make money legitimately no holds barred and in easy to understand baby steps. Highly recommend it and the last time I looked it was about $47 a month.

  4. I unfortunately just signed up for and now I have read about all these darn scams all connected to the above-mentioned one, my inbox got flooded with like minded scams and its amazing how many of them there are, so my guess is they are all connected somehow.
    If I went digging I am sure they will all be from the same scumbags and they will be raking in a ton of money, as some of those upsells want up to $1000 per, and it goes on and on about how much you can make. So far I have only lost $27 and $7 so I will count that as the price to learn:
    and will not cry over it.

    The lady who has lost her money and may be homeless because of it! Well, I feel very sorry for her, perhaps she and I could get together and do some webinars letting people know about online scams and how they work! I live in BC Canada just in case she is from here too.

    • I’m sorry to hear that but I’m glad you found your way to this review because, as you say, it could’ve ended up a lot worse!

      These scoundrels will promote anything and everything to you – they don’t care if it actually works or not, as long as you click their links and sign up so they can get paid.

      I’ve been exposing scams for a while now so trust me when I say new scams are popping up (and shutting down) every single day and yes, they all come with ridiculously priced upsells promising you even more money, even quicker!

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Linda and at least now your eyes have been opened!

  5. Hi, Simon.
    Thanks for sharing a honest review of Secret Online Goldmine System.
    You have been too generous to explain on the red flags which are a true time saver as well as the resource saver. In future I am going to run all such offers through your website to check their authenticity. You really worked hard to bring the truth out through Fiverr and Shutterstock portals.
    One request – I have also gone through the comments side of this review and found a very detailed comment from Maria LeBlanc, please answer her too.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

  6. Scammers nowadays are also practicing ingenuity just to prove they are one of those legit online business. Take this Secret Online Goldmine for example, it features a 60 day money back guarantee just to attract people to become their member. Thanks to reviews like this, more of their schemes are exposed therefore categorizing them as scammers in a lot of ways. This is why reviews on online businesses should be read and researched thoroughly to avoid being scammed. It doesn’t mean that you can put trust on one good thing about it. Everything they offer should be weigh enough. Identify the red flags, or better have a list of it as guide. This is what I did that’s why I landed on a Wealthy Affiliate member who introduced me to this great platform. It has no upsells, training is free and the community support is awesome. There’s nothing more you could ask for!

  7. Thank you for a very detailed review of another rag to riches program.Offering a “secret” method is the first red flag. Giving discounts when you want to exit the website is very annoying, This has happened to me recently when I bought a good product from a reputable company but before I could exit the website I was forced to watch endless upsell offers.This is happening now more frequently. Using actors hired from fiverr and stock free images from the internet are more signs of intent to deceive.It is unfortunate that many newbies will still fall for this scam. I agree with you that a much better and safe method is to get training from a world leader in internet marketing training such as Wealthy Affiliate.I want to disclose that I am also a satisfied member of Wealthy Affiliate.

  8. Thanks for your honest review Simon; I once thought of joining this gold mine platform few weeks ago, every thing about it was too good to be true, but then, I got carried away by wealthy affiliate. Who knows I would have considered it later, if not for this eye opener. Wealthy Affiliate has being so helpful to my online biz career, and the experienced community members has always being helpful.

    Thanks again.

  9. The video, right? I find that this is a desperate attempt to get people to believe that the yachts and the cash is just a click away.If we could make the over $700 as claimed for doing nothing! It is not even right for them to try and bargain with you. First pay $47, then no, pay $37, then, ‘how about I do it for you at $17’? 

    This type of negotiation should be the first red flag!

    Thank you for taking your time and resources to find out what this program is about. 

    You’ve helped us avoid it. And thank you for pointing us to the right direction too!

    • No problem Carol, that’s what it’s all about. At least now you know the typical scam signs to watch out for. Stay safe!

  10. Thank you for the review of Secret Goldmine and for exposing this scam. Hopefully, when there are more reviews like yours the scams like the Secret Goldmine will be gone. 

    It’s unfortunate that some affiliates promote it for affiliate commissions, even they probably know that it’s a scam.

    I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate too, so I agree with you that there’s no comparison of the genuine affiliate community like WA and the scam like the Secret Goldmine.

  11. I am sending this out to everyone with whom I communicate on a regular basis.To people like yourself ,that I believe are not part of any scam. That means I trust you. And I need your advice. I am in a real moral dilemma. I’ll tell you the whole story. (I promise I’ll get to the moral dilemma part as quickly as possible)

    I recently, in the last four months, decided to set up an online business of some kind. (I can’t live on the $1100 a month I get from Social Security.) I have about $50.00 a month left after I pay my rent, power, and phone bills.)

    That set me up for scam #1. I received a link for The Money Sucking Website.

    It was and it did. . Only the only money it sucked was mine. I have a website floating around out there that I can’t edit the way I want to and it never did have a magic button to push that would send tons of affilliate marketing money my way. I do, however, Have a domain name that I got for it from a separate company than the one they wanted me to use. I had a hell of a time setting it up and it doesn’t work the way it’s suppoesd to. I asked for my money back but kept getting encouragement to keep it up. The up-sells were horrendous and I knew I could never afford to send traffic to it . So I turned my attention elsewhere. It cost me $47.00 of my 50 for the month

    That’s when I got hit with Scam # 2 The Home Income System

    I didn’t have the 97.00 but I was convinced. So I borrowed 50.00 .Now I’m down $144. I tried to get a refund but have been unsuccessful. I still didn’t realize I’d been scammed, but as soon as I got it I realized it wasn’t a fit for me and I could uses the money for something like food or houshold necessities. So I called the number on their page and told the “nice young man” I wanted a refund. He said, “ No problem!” So I happily waited at home for the refund that never materialized. I called and called and e-mailed but never again did I hear from them.

    I was pissed, but I wasn’t about to let a little dissapointment get to me.

    Then came Scam #3 The Instant Email Empire I could see it would only make a little at being paid 20 cents a click but at least I would be making some money. I didn’t have money for their upsells, but I did clone their site and bought 100 subs. for traffic (I think ithey got caught in grid-lock) to it for another $47.00 after the original cost of 47.00 to use their server to send the emails. At that point their commission counter showed I was at about $120 and I figured at least I was ahead of the game.I haven’t gotten any responses from my support tickets, but I just figured they were busy and kept merrily sending my emails every day. .

    But now I’m $238.00 out of pocket all together, a fortune for me. But I would make it back. I purchased a few other things that I believe are totally legitamate, but I finally realized that when you buy “things” You have to buy other “things” to make them work. But as a result Ive learned a lot and I know there is money out there and legitimate people who really want to help me set something up.

    Now Im ususally very level headed but it didn’t occur to me to investigate before I made these purchases. I was so excited and happy. Well, now I’m broke and I will be homeless in two weeks Social security has cut my benefits so I won’t be able to afford my rent and I have nowhere to go. . I’ll be living on the streets. I’m going to leave before the embarassment of not being able to pay my rent this month hits the eviction stage. I have one product I’m trying to set up to work for me now and haven’t read any bad reviews so far. I’m just having a hell of a time with it, partly because I’m so overwhelmed with everything and partly because my computer isn’t very powerful.

    But here comes the moral dilemma part. When I send out the emails (my counter says I’m at around $200 in comissions) I have the choice of sending them to any website I wish. I did’nt realize it until the other day.(more fine print.) Usually they go to Click Aggregators who pay the click commissions. And they, I assumed , sent them out with whatever offer they wanted to promote. The commission for signing people up comes from Click Bank Anyway the other day I sent them out with the link to my cloned website. I now have 2000 subs. Normally they go into queue and are sent out immediately. But that day it took 6-7 hrs pending approval. And that day I didn’t get any clicks.So I decided not to do that anymore.

    Then Yesterday I started reading the reviews and how thoroughly I’d been scammed. I’m not going to get paid. I’m sure my monthly server fee will come due long before the 1000 they say I have to have before I can get paid. So here’s my dilemma. I decided if I’m not going to get paid anyway, I’d just send them to my link and forget about the clicks. But if someone signs up, am I guilty of scamming? Why does Click Bank even handle this account? I don’t know what to do.

    I’m so sorry this was so long. I don’t even know if any of you will get this. But I’m going to hang in as long as I can. I think I can make it even with my laptop set up in a homeless camp. I’ll have more money since I won’t have to pay rent, but I won’t purchase anything without checking it out first and running it by those of you thatI trust, first. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Yours truly
    , Maria E LeBlanc
    .PS I’m going to send a copy of this to Click Bank

  12. Wow thank you for warning many people who are looking to buy online course like this one. I was attracted by the low price tag of $47 at first. Luckily, I have found out what ‘Secret online goldmine’ really is about through your in-depth review. The amount of upsells they have is crazy and it can drive the cost up really quick. I agree with you about everyone in the program will be using the similar landing page and I don’t think it will convert so well after that. The fact that they use stock photo as advertisement also disgust me. Anyway thank you for composing this review. Keep up the good work!

    • No problem Jayden, I’m glad you found this review useful. I still think $47 is too much for this garbage.

      Oh and don’t worry I will – tomorrow is a new day with new scams to expose! 🙂

  13. I too have come across a spammy training area recently in a program that I thought was legit. In the member’s area, there were banner ads to another vendor and the so-called ‘bonus tools’ area are in fact ads link to other money-making opportunities that this program creator is affiliated with. In less than 1 minute of joining, I was already sucked up by all these shiny objects and if I haven’t known any better, I would have signed up for more programs without knowing what I am getting into. 

    I don’t see how Secret Online Goldmine is any different, but this is the first time I am hearing about Clickbetter. Is it associated with Clickbank by any chance?

    • Hey Cathy,

      I know what you mean, nothing screams “I’m only interested in your money!” more than a members area littered with upsells – one-click upsells too, so if you click one by mistake, you’re done for. is the cheeky name of a newer ClickBank competitor – it’s an affiliate network just like ClickBank but they promise lower fee and higher commission rates.

  14. Awesome Review, Simon. Honestly speaking, the logo of “Secret Online Goldmine” is too catchy and the name is very powerful, it is very easy for a newbie to get started with this program by seeing their refund policy of 60-long days.

    I’m glad that you wrote its detailed review. I can clearly sense their power to hypnotize new people. But, your analysis is in-depth, I’ll suggest everyone to read your review before falling into Goldmine’s trap. That’s cool that you also have suggested your No. 1 recommendation.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this very useful review. I’m going to share it on my social media page.

  15. Holy man,

    I can’t believe that people actually sign up for this type of thing.  The front home page looks so scummy. I understand everybody wants to work from home and make money, so sadly that makes people vulnerable.

    I am glad that you decided to do this review, it is really important to continue to lift the curtain on these types of GRQ schemes to hopefully stop at least a few people from being sucked in.

    Great review and great job.

    • Thanks, I really appreciate that. If this stops even just one person from maxing out their credit cards to pay for solo ads that don’t work, it’ll be worth it.

  16. Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing about Secret Online Goldmine.The way you laid it out is perfect. From your review it’s obvious that this is another one of those get-rich-quick schemes that lures you in with a cheap entry price but then jacks it up with tons of upsells.

    Their “secret” really isn’t a secret at all and as you’ve said their method is very outdated and ineffective. I gotta believe that my money is better spent elsewhere. Glad you got your $17 back though. Are the upsells refundable as well?

    • Thankfully I’ve seen enough of these types of scams not to go for the upsells, but no, they are not refundable. Another thing I don’t like is that they use what are called ‘one-click upsells’ meaning you accidentally click any of the many upgrade buttons on the welcome page or training menu and you’re automatically billed.

      Yeah, you’re right – you’re basically paying between $47 – $17 to be upsold to. No thanks!


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