PaySpree Review: Is PaySpree A Scam?


Right here I'm going to give you a complete rundown on what PaySpree is, how it works and ask, is PaySpree a scam or a legit online income opportunity worth investing your time in.

If you've been looking for an alternative to ClickBank to either promote your products or earn extra commissions online and you've stumbled across the PaySpree website, then my hope is that this review will help you decide whether or not this is a good fit.

PaySpree Review At A Glance

About: PaySpree is an affiliate marketing marketplace where yo can find products like eBooks, courses, and membership sites.

Price: $29 for Premium membership and $2 for a service fee.

Pros: Higher commission than ClickBank, higher exposure for product creators.

Cons: No product approval process, peddles scammy products.

Verdict: The marketplace itself is not a scam but you can come across scammy products that will harm your affiliate reputation.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What is PaySpree?

In a nutshell, PaySpree is one of the newer affiliate marketing network for digital products like eBooks, training courses and monthly membership sites in a wide variety of niches.

what is payspree review

They have a Facebook community and free membership options.

PaySpree is like a two-sided coin; on the one side you it caters for vendors and product creators who want to get their products out there and on the other you have the affiliates who are looking for products to promote and earn a commission.

is payspree a scam or legit

PaySpree For Vendors

If you're a product creator PaySpree helps put your product in front of affiliates without the need to create your own affiliate program, they will deal with all the payments, affiliate sign ups and stats for you under one roof.

If you have a product or training course you've created, you can list it in the marketplace where it can be picked up by any of the thousands of PaySpree affiliates, many of whom are very successful affiliate marketers with access to a very big audience of potential buyers.

All you need to do is create your sales or landing page, download page, enter your price and it's available immediately.

One of the stand-out features of this site is that they pay you instantly, as soon as the sale comes through. This means you no longer have to wait to the end of the month to get the money in your bank account.

How much does PaySpree cost for vendors?

There are two types of fees at PaySpree:

1. Premium membership fee

One of the great things about PaySpree is that you can list one product for free. For more than that you can upgrade to the Premium membership for a one-time fee of $29 for unlimited listings.

As a product creator this gives you the ability to have an unlimited number of affiliates all out there promoting your products and generating sales for you, all while you let PaySpree run everything for you hands-free.

2. Service fee

Whenever you successful sell a product you pay a small transaction fee based on the sale amount. Here's a rundown of the service fees:

how much are payspree fees

Every affiliate network has some sort of fees to help keep the site running and I think PaySpree's fees are pretty low. You could sell a product for $1,000 for example and just pay $2. That's phenomenal!

PaySpree For Affiliates

If you're looking to become an affiliate marketer then I think PaySpree could be a good starting point.

Unlike ClickBank which has a flat rate 50% commission, with PaySpree you can earn 50%, 60%, 75% or even 100% commissions and PaySpree put the money into your PayPal account immediately.

I know 100% commissions is almost unheard of, but it can happen if the product you're promoting has the option to buy the reselling rights to it. Obviously check out the marketplace product descriptions but this could be a great way to increase your commission payouts.

There is a large and growing number of products, training and monthly membership courses available for you to promote and because PaySpree is smaller than the ClickBank giant, it means you'll have less competition as well.

Whatever your niche or affiliate website is about, you can be sure to find relevant, high-value products to promote. You do have to be careful though, because there's no approval system for the vendors.

You do have to be careful though, with no approval process for vendors or their products, you're going to have to do your due diligence and check out the products you're promoting first to make sure they're legit.

Beware the scammy products

PaySpree's marketplace and 1000s of products to choose from and among them are lots of high-quality, high-converting products, but there are scammy low-quality products too.

I strongly believe that when you're promoting or recommending a product, it's your reputation on the line. This is why I will never promote something I don't think will actually help my readers.

Not only is it immoral, it's just not good for your affiliate marketing business in the medium to long-term. So take some time, research the product, test it out and make sure it's something you can be proud to put your name to.

payspree scam legit review
The PaySpree Product Marketplace

How much does PaySpree cost for affiliates?

For affiliates promoting one product, PaySpree is free. To promote as many products as you like, you ca upgrade to Premium for a life-time fee of $29.

The service fee works exactly the same as it does for vendors. Sales coming in under $4.99 are free, you pay $1 for sales up to $19.99 and $2 for anything $20 or more.

To maximise your commissions, take the free beginner's 10 lesson training course

PaySpree give you access to a massive amount of different products, so many that whatever your niche I'm sure you can find something that fits with your site and audience.

It's then up to you as an affiliate to build an audience, get traffic and make sales. PaySpree don't run any training themselves but they do recommend a very well well-respected affiliate training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

You can check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate here but let me just say, after reviewing hundreds of training programs they have the best online courses I've ever come across. The beginner's course is completely free to which is a bonus.

As well as a being the perfect training platform, they also have a very active community of online entrepreneurs and top-notch website building and keyword research tools.

What I like

  • Higher commission rates than ClickBank
  • Possibility for creators and vendors to get more exposure

What I don't like so much

  • No product approval process
  • Lots of scammy products so you have to do your research

Is PaySpree A Scam?

I don't believe PaySpree is a scam, but because they're open to everyone there are scammers who try to exploit the system and promote scammy products, especially in the make money online niche.

PaySpree themselves always pay instantly when they say they will and overall, provides a great site for both vendors and affiliates alike.

What Do You Think?

I hope you've found this PaySpree review helpful. If you have any questions I will always get back to you. If you're already using PaySpree feel free to share your experience with us below. 🙂

8 thoughts on “PaySpree Review: Is PaySpree A Scam?”

  1. Good morning Simon!! Im interested about affiliate marketing but, i have no idea about it.
    I want to learn about affiliate marketing, thanks for the info!

    • Hi Edina, you’ve come to the right place! Check out this page to register for my free 10 day email course where I run you from beginning to end on how to set up an affiliate website that will earn you $300 per month. Plus you’ll be given 2 free websites of your own to get started with.

      Let me know if you have any questions, here’s to your online success!

      Simon 🙂

  2. When I first heard the name Payspree, I was expecting this review to tear it apart as a scam, but I was actually quite surprised to see it was something different!

    I am familiar with Clickbank and JVZoo, but this one is completely new to me. What caught my attention is that anyone can get started earning commissions up to 100%, which is something not many affiliate programs do!

    I also like the idea of creating your own products to get put on there for the affiliates to then get it out to more people, resulting in more sales.

    What I find disappointing though is knowing that there are many products on there by frauds just looking to make fast money online but I guess that’s going to happen with any affiliate network.

    • Thanks Arie, I’d be interested to know what you think of PaySpree whn compared to JVZoo? In terms of products available, some niches offer more than others so it’s just a matter of browsing the the site and checking it out for yourself with your niche site in mind.

  3. So is Payspree specifically for digital products like courses? nothing physical? so it would be people with digital courses who dont want to advertise and get sales for themselves so the post in payspree? If the affiliate was making 100% comission also off the product the seller wouldnt really make that much off of their own product unless enough people bought their course? sorry crappily formed comment lol thanks for the info

    • Hey Ryan, yes from what I’ve seen PaySpree focuses on online courses, eBooks, memberships to paid sites that kind of thing and it’s ideal for digital course creators looking to expand their reach.

      So if a seller choose to offer reselling rights, the seller would make a one off sale for the resale rights and then you can promote or do with that product as you like and get 100% commissions.

      Thanks for commenting Ryan, glad you found this helpful.

      • That’s seems like a cool idea and yes very helpful man keep up the good work lol and I appreciate the reply, I’m sure I’ll return to check out some more of your content while I work on mine lol


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