Opinion Outpost Review 2024: A Worthwhile Side Hustle?

opinion outpost review

Hi and welcome to my Opinion Outpost review where we'll put this infamous survey site to the test to help you decide if you should sign up with them or not.

I'm always looking for new and fun ways to earn a bit of extra cash online and the best survey site I've come across so far is Swagbucks (link to my review), so when I heard about this I knew I just had to take a closer look.

I'm not an affiliate for Opinion Outpost. I'm just giving you my honest opinion in the hopes of helping you find legit ways to make money from home.

Opinion Outpost Review (Quick Overview) 

full opinion outpost review

Overall Ranking: 30/100

Joining fee: Free

Minimum payout: $10

Website: www.opinionoutpost.com

As far as survey sites go, Opinion Outpost is one of the best; they've been around a long time and they definitely pay you so they're not a scam.

I can understand why the idea of making some extra cash online in your spare time by giving your opinion is exciting, but in reality, you're going to need to complete a lot of tedious surveys for hours at a time for $10 a day and it's boring as hell.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't get motivated to sit in front of a computer screen filling out surveys. My time is more valuable than that and life's too short.

I'd much rather spend my time and energy building out my affiliate websites which earn me $6,000+ a month and growing. Now, this I can get behind, not pouring my life into earning a few cents filling out pointless surveys.

If you want to make real money online, check out the free training that helped me get started 3 years ago and learn how to build a serious income for yourself.

Wanna Make Money Online But Sick Of Surveys?

What is Opinion Outpost, exactly?

Opinion Outpost is a free survey site where you get paid to give your opinion as a reward for valuable consumer feedback.

Take a look at their 30-second promo video:

The concept is a simple one:

Companies and brands want to get consumer feedback on their upcoming product releases and ad campaigns so they outsource to survey companies like Opinion Outpost who in turn, pay you for giving your opinion.

You could find yourself answering questions about where you like to go on holiday or what kind of birthday present you like to receive.

The surveys will be targeted to your gender, age bracket, marital status and whether you have children or not.

How does Opinion Outpost work?

You have to be from the United States, Canada or the UK to join and you have to walk around on this planet for at least 13 years to be eligible.

Signing up itself is pretty simple, here's a quick overview of the sign-up process:

1) Create your free account

Once I set up my Opinion Outpost account I had to answer a few questions about myself like gender, family background and spending habits (took about 5 mins).

I think this is because some companies who hire them want feedback from a particular group, maybe they only want feedback from men or women, parents etc.

2) Start taking surveys

Each survey is done online and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete but before you start each survey they'll tell you roughly how long it will take and how many points you'll earn.

After joining I've had a couple of emails every day with suggested surveys. You don't have to wait though, you can log in and complete surveys any time.

As you can see, the actual surveys themselves are simple and straightforward.

I'll be honest and say I did try and finish a survey but I kept getting bored. If nothing else, I've learned that spending my days filling out mind-numbing surveys is definitely not for me!

what is opinion outpost review

3) Cash Out

Once you get your account balance up to $10 you are able to cash out. They give you the option of getting paid via Amazon gift card or cash via PayPal.

Which leads us very smoothly onto another frequently asked question…

Does Opinion Outpost payout?

I can't think of anything worse – spending two hours of my life ticking boxes only to find out they don't even pay out!

So to put your mind at rest, yes Opinion Outpost are legit and yes there do pay out.

Exactly how much they pay you we'll get onto in a sec…

Does Opinion Outpost Pay
Nowadays it's all done through PayPal

The one thing I do like about this survey site is that they pay you in cash and you get the funds into your account pretty quickly.

I've honestly never understood those survey sites who only pay you in vouchers or Amazon gift cards. If I'm getting paid I want to be able to spend it where on want, on what I want.

As soon as you submit a withdrawal request, the transfer is really fast. Here's a real-time example from a member who got paid into his PayPal account in under a minute:

How much does Opinion Outpost pay you?

The system calculates your payments by adding up the points you accrue as you go, here's what that looks like in real terms:

1 point = $0.10

10 points = $1

100 points = $10

I've got one more video for you and I found it really insightful. In this Opinion Outpost hacks video, the lady is encouraging people to sign up and start earning money with surveys, but what she said really put me off…

Check it out and you'll see what I mean:

Did you hear what she said?

The typical survey ranges from 5 to 15 points and you're limited to 5 surveys per 12 hour period.

Let's break it down. As an absolute maximum the most you're going to be able to earn in a day is:

15 points x 10 surveys= 150 points or $15

And this is for at least 3 hours of work at $5 per hour.

I guess the big question to ask yourself here is how much is your time worth to you??

Mixed Opinion Outpost reviews…

In researching my review of Opinion Outpost I've read lots of reviews and forum posts from existing members…

Most of them seem relatively happy when comparing OO to other survey sites like these:

opinion outpost reviews

But there are recurring themes from disgruntled survey takers who feel they got robbed of their time, usually because their account got froze or

I'm gonna give Opinion Outpost the benefit of the doubt here and say these people were probably trying to play the system, but I could be wrong!

It may that they rushed through the surveys (and who can blame them), but I think their system is pretty good at spotting fake answers so a thing to keep in mind here is to try and be as honest as possible when you're giving answers otherwise this could happen to you too.

What I like

  • Unlike some of the more dodgy survey sites out there, here you have the option of getting paid directly into your PayPal account
  • A low $10 before you can cash out and it's fast
  • They've been around for a long time and have a good reputation overall.

What I don't like so much…

  • Maybe it's my A.D.D. kicking in, but I just found it soooooo boooooring!
  • You have to put a lot of time into it for little reward
  • Earnings are limited
  • Though it sounds easy, it's actually quite taxing on the brain.
  • Seems like a majority of the surveys are aimed at parents with young children, so teenagers and college students might struggle to find a consistent flow of surveys.

The bottom line

Opinion Outpost is legit and safe and it's definitely not a scam. They do pay out and you can choose how you get paid, but if you're expecting to earn a full-time income, this is not for you.

I just can't see how completing online surveys can be worth the time you need to put into it. There are so many better ways to make money online in your spare time.

If you're ready to earn more than a lousy $5 per hour and if you're willing to spend an hour or so a day building up a real online business you can call your own, you might like affiliate marketing.

I've actually been making more than a full-time income online for the last 3 years now and it's a lot more fun than getting paid to do silly surveys.

I learned how to do it online through WealthyAffiliate.com where they give you full training and community support.

And the best part?

It's 100% free to get started.

Have Your Say

Thanks for reading my review of the Opinion Outpost survey site, I hope you've found it helpful. If you've had any experience with taking surveys online with them, I'd love to hear from you!

If you have any questions at all, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to help you in any way I can.

12 thoughts on “Opinion Outpost Review 2024: A Worthwhile Side Hustle?”

  1. In late 2017 my long term account with Opinion Outpost was deleted – no reason – just dumped.

    I finally got through via email to them and was told to make another account and they would reinstate my points. After months that was finally achieved in late 2018! Then I did one survey – took a break because I was sick with bronchitis and when I tried to login again – was told my new account was suspended. Wrote emails – nothing – just told to wait – and finally after writing again – got told it was suspended indefinitely and I had done something to have the new account flagged.

    They were not specific as to what I had done and since I’ve done surveys with them prior to 2017 for years without a problem I seriously doubt the charge that I was inattentive or misleading or whatever.

    They are keeping the 10 dollars they owe me and it makes me wonder – if people are dumped as a matter of routine when they are not very active. Opinion Outpost keeps the 10 dollars they owe them or whatever and over 1000s of people this adds up for them!

    I really think that Opinion Outpost, if it wasn’t always, has now become a very untrustworthy scam artist company. Do not sign up. It’s not worth the hassle. There’s so many other places to do surveys. Stay away from Opinion Outpost!

    • Thank you for the clear warning Brook. I see this happening all too often.

      Survey sites like Opinion Outpost have always been about making the owners money. They call it ‘interactive marketing’ where they get your details and send you promotions and offers hoping to make a quick commission out of you. That’s why I just don’t bother with them. From what I’ve seen you rarely make more than a dollar or two an hour.

      I’m sorry this survey site didn’t work out for you. It’s clear they lack the necessary customer support skills.

      Out of interest, in your experience what is the top survey site out there and what would you say is the hourly rate roughly?

      • The only survey site I would recommend at this moment in time is Survey Lion. It’s a no hype site. They send surveys to my email I try them and in a few minutes I know if I qualify. I might qualify for 1 or 2 out of 3 that are sent but I receive 1-4 dollars per survey so it’s a much easier and better way to take the surveys. Though having said that it’s not an earning source. The hourly rate might be higher than the 1 or 2 dollars that you calculated (which I agree and even think is high for most places!) but I only make 20-30 dollars the whole year!

        So, I would recommend them if a person wants to not really be bothered but possibly, reliably, without hype, make some pocket change every few months.

        I don’t want to show my age but I remember when people stood in malls and asked you if you wanted to do a survey back in the 1980s and 1990s. You’d say yes or no and if you went to their offices in the mall for the survey you might be there 20 minutes and get paid 3-5 dollars. That would amount to around 9-15 dollars per hour! And considering in todays money 15/hr then is the equivalent of 30/hr now – and the companies had to pay for surveyers – a wage of some sort and premises – what is going on with the marketing now that people are paid 50 cents – even 1-4 dollars – do sit at their computers – their homes – no cost to the company – and do the surveys. I tend to think these companies are not only scamming by getting people’s info but also some kind of twisted greedy corporation. I know the economy is different now – worse – but 30/hr compared to 50 cents with no overhead – there’s a whole new level of corporate greed here. Personally I’ve decided to pull out and just let them all go – sometimes your values and principles have to wake you up to the kind of people you’ve been giving your energy to.

        I think that applies in personal as well as business relationships.

        Hope that answers your question. : )

  2. I know everyone is saying this but I’m still going to say it: today I spent over 4 hours trying to get $10 and I finally got there. I was really happy and started to think Opinion Outpost was a legit webste. Then when I tried to withdraw money via PayPal, my account was automatically frozen. The customer support phone number on the site doesn’t work and the email isn’t active. When I wrote an email it just got sent back. Soooo frustrating!!!! Don’t know what to do now.

    • Hi Kelli, thanks for sharing. You’re not the first and definitely won’t be the last to go through this. The only contact number I can find for Opinion Outpost is 1.877.254.1234  is this the one you tried?

      I hate to say it but you might just have to write it off as lesson learned. As I say, so many issues with this site and members not getting paid out. I totally understand your frustration and I hope it gets resolved for you. 

  3. I tried the survey thing and i never qualified for any surveys. It is so annoying that they ask you so many questions and take up so much time and not even get to get paid. I agree with you in this article its not worth the time.

    • Hi there, thanks for sharing your experience with Opinion Outpost.

      You’re definitely not the only one, I’ve heard from lots of people who have done the same as you – fill out all the pre-qualifying surveys only to find out guess what? They don’t qualify. But they’ve still got a hold of your personal information.

      If this happens once, fair enough, but 5 times in a row and you’ve just spent 2 hours and not made anything. It’s time-consuming, not worth the bother and you’re giving your personal details to a company who will sell it on to others, so you can expect A LOT of spam.

  4. I just joined Opinion Outpost a couple of days ago and I’ve got to say after wading through countless surveys I didn’t qualify for (I guess not many companies really want to hear from an 25 white american who doesnt drink and doesnt have an iphone or tablet…)

    I reached 100 reward points which is the minimum amout you can withdraw via Paypal but I had a problem when trying to withdraw funds and apparantely they can only deposit in Paypal accounts that are verified. But my Paypal is already verfieid so i really dont understand what the problem is. 

    In the end I just went for the Amazon gift card but i honestly hardly ever shop on Amazon. Not a great first experience to say the least, im not gonna totally give up on Opinion Outpost yet but i am looking elsewhere for other ways to make money. I don’t expect to be a millionaire but i do actually want to earn money!

    • Hi Andrew, thanks for sharing your experience and I’m sorry you’re having issues. You’re definitely not the only one having problems trying to redeem your reward points as many others have pointed out.

      If you haven’t already, I think you might really like to check out my Wealthy Affiliate review because I cover how you can start to make money from home. It’s free to start and might be what you’ve been looking for.

      Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions and I wish you all the best.

  5. I have tried before some surveys sites before. But I see that you cannot make real money.

    I would happy if I could make at least a part time income but it seems unlikely.

    You recommend a program on the end of the article. Can you make a part time income with Wealthy Affiliate?

    • Hi Ilias, I can’t see anyone making a part-time, nevermind full-time income with survey sites like these, but I guess they never claim to do that. As long as your expectations going into Opinion Outpost is to make a bit of extra cash and you’ve got lots of spare time on your hands then this might be for you.

      To answer your question, after reviewing hundred of make money online programs and systems, Wealthy Affiliate is still my number one recommendation for anyone looking to earn real money online. You can read my Wealthy Affiliate success story but basically I replaced my income after 12 months and 3 years after becoming a member I earn $6,000+ per month.

      Wealthy Affiliate teach you how to build websites on any topic you’re passionate about or interested in, how to get traffic to those sites and make money in the process. I have 4 websites on the go at the moment and I love it! 

      If you want to find out more, check out my 4,880 word Wealthy Affiliate review. I’m not going to say it’s automatic or easy, because you’re building an online business so you’ll have to put the effort in, but when you do it pays off time and time again.

      Hope this helps 🙂



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