Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?


Today we're looking at is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?

In my full 4,880-word Wealthy Affiliate review I go into detail about how you make money online with Wealthy Affiliate and what happens once you join.

I'm going to be going through the pros and cons here in just a bit.

But the thing is…

You shouldn't believe a single word I say. I'm serious.

Whatever my experience, good or bad (read more below), I can't tell you if it's what you've been searching for. Only you can decide that for yourself.

I accidentally came across a Wealthy Affiliate review one night back in 2014 joined, created a starter account, completed my personal profile and started with the training. I've had first-hand experience of what WA teaches and the process of making money they use.

So the question today is “Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam or the real deal?”

I get asked this question a lot. So much so, I thought it worth giving a full answer once and for all.

So if you're considering becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you'll want to read this first…

So is Wealthy Affiliate a scam? Let's find out.

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Owners: Carson & Kyle
Price: Free; $19/mo; $49/mo

What is Wealthy Affiliate all about?

The cold winter's night I joined Wealthy Affiliate, I was desperate

…desperate to change my life, desperate to find an online income so I could quit my call centre job. Desperate to take control, to see my dreams become a reality.

I'd just been conned out of so much money with scammy ‘blackhat systems‘ and I was ready to do whatever it took to make serious changes.

With Wealthy Affiliate it's free to join which is unusual I thought, but at least I didn't have anything to lose.

I was very sceptical, to say the least! I talked with a few people in the live chat area and completed the first couple of lessons, including stating your online income goals, but still, my guards were up.

I wasn't about to be fooled again and I was checking everything out to find out if this thing was legit or just another make money online scam.

I Was Surprised By How Active The Community Was

One of the first things that struck me once inside the member's area was how active the live chat and question and answer areas were.

People even added me as a friend (yes, it's just like Facebook!) and posted welcome messages to my wall.

Everyone seemed really friendly and helpful. Real people, helping real people.

I liked it…


What Wealthy Affiliate Teaches You

New members are directed to the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course to get started your online business.

affiliate marketing training course

The training is excellent. Really. Not just what they teach (I'll tell you in a sec), but how they teach it. Each lesson comes with fresh videos, written tutorials. What I loved about it was that it was step by step.

You could track your progress as you worked your way through the course and the assigned tasks at the end of each lesson mean you're building your business as you go through it.

Perfect for people like me who never had any experience running an online business.

How You Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate

Let me say off the bat – Wealthy Affiliate is not a multi-level marketing scheme or a pyramid scheme.

What they teach you is legit – the Wealthy Affiliate training shows you how to start a website (for free) on any topic you want. You then learn how to attract website visitors and turn your blog into a money-making machine.

wealthy affiliate process for making money online

When I first joined the Wealthy Affiliate program, I was only checking it out to see if it really was possible to make money online. I had almost given up hope.

Two years on, I never thought I would still be a member, upgrade to premium and be earning over $6,000 with my first website alone.

Kyle And Carson: The Faces Behind Wealthy Affiliate

Way back in 2005, Carson and Kyle, a couple of young guys from Canada started Wealthy Affiliate on a shoe-string budget offering databases of high searched keywords for Pay-Per-Click campaigns.


As successful online entrepreneurs, they saw countless people fall victim to so-called get rich quick schemes and wanted to create an online community to help teach others how to be successful by following their blueprint.

Over the years Carson and Kyle have developed Wealthy Affiliate into what it is today – an online training portal and community. They’ve already helped thousands of people just like you to be successful online.

I think it’s good to know Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over 10 years and has more tools, training and support for people serious about building a long-term successful online future than anywhere else online.

Today you’ll always see Carson and Kyle helping people in live chat, giving feedback and replying to comments. I’ve personally messaged them on more than one occasion and I always get a lightning-fast and friendly response.

Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam? What Do Wealthy Affiliate Members Have To Say?

I don't blame you for being suspicious. No, in fact, it's probably healthy.

I have been scammed so much in the past, I was highly sceptical when I first joined, but it didn't take me long to see the value of what I had just got my hands on.

Wealthy Affiliate isn't a get rich quick scheme but it is a real way to build a solid and successful (and profitable) online business.

Here's what Wealthy Affiliate members had to say:

“Wealthy Affiliate let you join for free just so you’ll have an “in” on what exactly goes down within the community before you put your money down.

They provide you with 2 free websites, free starter training and tons of additional training resources and blogs. You’ll have the ability to ask any questions you wish plus you can get your hands on the 24/7 live chat access.

We all are familiar with the saying, “If something is too good to be true, it probably is.” I believe W.A. is the exception to that. Wealthy Affiliate is simply not a scam.”

– Wendy @

is wealthy affiliate worth it 2
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Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam? The Final Verdict.

Wealthy Affiliate isn't a scam. It's legit.

My experience of launching and building several website businesses as a direct result of going through the training here tells you that.

I make money online, not by scamming people or spamming friends and family on Facebook.

I make money online by blogging – blogging about things I love, topics I'm passionate about.

I love to help people and I love to make money.

With Wealthy Affiliate, I get to help people AND make money! It doesn't get much better than that!

So whatever you're passionate about, whatever hobby or interest you have, honestly, don't think about it, don't read any more reviews – with Wealthy Affiliate you already have everything you need to get started.

Tools, expert advice and help, community support, free websites and hosting, top-notch training – it's all here waiting for you.

You just need to take action.

Are you ready?

Create Your Free Starter Account Now.

Oh and just one more thing – my promise to you is this: I WILL HELP YOU personally to make your all-important first sale.

I'm ready if you are!

how to make money online

It's Time For You To Start Making Serious Money Online!

To Your Online Success!

What's been your experience with Wealthy Affiliate? Do you have any other questions about Wealthy Affiliate?

Drop me a comment and I’ll respond ASAP!

18 thoughts on “Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?”

  1. Most of the comments and information that I am finding on the internet about WA is dated.
    It is not uncommon to find old comments that were written five or six years ago.
    Most of them being favourable and supportive of WA and the way that they operated.
    I initially wanted to know if the company was a scam, fly by night operation but was pleasantly surprised to lear that they were a legit firm.
    Most of the comments were favourable whch I found to be encouraging.
    If anybody has more recent news of the company it would be appreciated.

  2. Is the offer to join under you still available. I have interests I would like to write about, but I’m not sure if there are certain things I should avoid doing or writing about. Also, I’m not sure if just writing about something I love to do will make me much money. Should I consider selling products first?

    • Hi Katrina,

      Within the first 10 lessons of the Getting Started course you’ll be walked through how to find the right niche for you based on your interests, areas of expertise and passion.

      People say right about something you’re passionate about as this’ll help you stay motivated, but of course your niche will need to have relevant products or services you can promote so you can actually make money in the process.

      Others say it doesn’t matter what the topic because once you start making a considerable amount of income from it you’ll suddenly be very motivated 😀

      Sign up as a free Starter member here and as one of my referrals I’ll be available for one on one coaching and guidance whenever you need, including picking the right niche.

      This is somethign a lot of beginners over-think and can be their biggest stumbling block before they’ve even started so don’t think too much, sit down with a pena nd paper and pick a niche in the next 15 – 20 minutes. Remember you have a whole lifetime to exploit as many different niches as you like!

      Hope this helps. See you inside the member’s area.


  3. Hey Simon! Thanks so much for this wealthy affiliate review. Everything I’ve read online about wealthy affiliate seems positive. But how much money can you realistically make after you join wealthy affiliate?

    I am wondering if you can go into a little bit more detail about your own experience is concerned. I.e. With premium we had xx numbers of sites profiting xx amount after 1 month, 2 months, 3 month etc. vs the same but with only 2 sites and free starter membership.

    • H Pamela,

      Great question! I think it’s important to know that it’s not the number of websites you create that determines how much money you will make and there are so many variables that I can’t guarantee you’ll make this much by this date and so on.

      Whatever you choose to start a website about, the amount of traffic is ultimately what will lead to sales and commissions. Obviously the more traffic you have the more potnetial for sales. This is why I always recommend that new Wealthy Affiliate members start with one site and focus their energies into that first, build it into an authority site and start making money off of it before delving into new niches.

      So much traffic can you get? Inside the Wealthy Affiliate training you’ll learn how to rank your websites in the search engines, how to start a YouTube channel and in the more advanced lessons you’ll learn about PPC (pap per click) advertising.

      So it goes without saying, someone who follows the training and takes the time to build out your website with quality posts and takes even small action steps every day will see more results thna someone who’s just ‘dabbling’ and hoping for the best.

      It also depends on what topic (niche) you choose to start your website about – you could choose an overly competitive niche where its hard for you to stand out or find a great untapped niche you can dominate. How to choose the right niche is covered i detail within the first free course.

      For all these reasons I don’t feel comfortable telling you you’ll earn this amount per month within a certain timeframe. I can only tell you my experiences, how much I made and remind that you that I really put in the hours because I was determined to make it work. 

      I think this is the best way to answer your question, I hope it helps! If there’s anything else you’re not sure about please reply and I’ll be more than happy to help you out. 

  4. It really is hard nowadays to really know what is a scam and what isn’t. But it seems that wealthy affiliate is a little different from other online programs that make promises of getting you rich quick. I like how active the members are and how it looks like such a great community of people helping each other. Very interested in learning more.

  5. Thanks for putting together this awesome review about wealthy affiliate. I joined just a couple of weel and decided to upgrade to a premium membership a few days later after seeing what was on offer.

    As a member I can say that this is the best online business in the world with the community backing you and the many tools that is at our finger tips. I can truly say that i have checked out wealthy affiliate and found them to be trust worthy. The are many scams that are out there but wealthy affiliate is the real deal, Thanks for sharing and all the best to you.

    • Thank you Norman, I really appreciate you sharing your Wealthy Affiliate experience. For people still not sure and understandably dubious, it’s reassuring to hear your opinion on this.

      See you in the members area : )

  6. Hello, Simon,

    You article about Wealthy Affiliate being a scam is very informative.

    I am a member of the WA community and can personally attest that everything you have written is true.

    Even having a long previous experience with websites, I have learned a lot with everyone there and am now teaching and helping my daughter with her local business website.


    • Wow that’s great to hear Caito, would love to hear how the local business site gets on. It’s something I’ve never quite got round to!

  7. You have certainly proved in this post that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. I loved your take on this company.

    I am going on to my second year at Wealthy Affiliate, and I can honestly say this is the best online company to be a member on. Great hosting, great training, great community and it is the best way to earn money from home.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience Michel, I’m sure it’s reassuring for others to know. Two years already? I’m surprised I haven’t seen you around : )

  8. I love wealthy affiliate! In my opinion it is the best work from home training platform ever!
    I have only been a member for a couple of months but have learnt a lot and have a fully functional website up and running.
    I love the huge community all helping each other out to achieve success, it’s great
    Think your site on wealthy affiliate is great. Nice review.

    • Well done Jenny on the progress you’ve made thus far! I’ve got to say, I think the lovely Wealthy Affiliate community is my favourite thing – I simply wouldn’t be where I am today without the help and support of so many people.

      You never have to feel ‘stuck’ or not sure what to do, because help is always at hand.

  9. I never felt Wealthy Affiliate was a scam, it is free to join and your not force into joining premium membership. There is a large community that is always there to help and the training is endless.

    Other programs I have seen or joined ask for an initial fee, the training is limited and for the most part they claim they are there to help but they are not.

    I personally have learned so much and wealthy affiliate brought to the surface what was already within me. Now nothing worth comes easy, Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t hand it to you but the community does provide the tools to be successful and all you need to do is work hard for what you want out of life!

    I have not been disappointed since I joined Wealthy Affiliate and I am still a happy Wealth Affiliate member!

    • It’s amazing what a supportive and helpful community of like-minded online entrepreneurs can do – keep with the training, ask when you need help and how can you not succeed?

      Wealthy Affiliate is simply like nothing else out there! Really glad to hear you’re chasing your dreams and working hard to make them a reality!

  10. Hi Simon,
    I’ve recently started using Wealthy Affiliate and I couldn’t agree with this article more. This site isn’t about getting rich quick, but it teaches you about creating long term, sustainable income.

    The support I’ve gotten since joining the site has been overwhelmingly positive. It honestly feels like I’ve joined a giant family of supportive people. Hopefully in the year to come I’ll be able to achieve the success you’ve had!


    • Rob, let me be perfectly honest with you – if I can do it – surely you can too! Keep following the training, take action on the daily assignments and you’ll have a passive, more than full-time income for life.

      I’m excited for you!


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