Can't decide if NoBSIMReviews.com is a scam or legit site?
In this review I'm going to break it down and take a look at the pros and cons to help you decide whether or not this website can be trusted.
Why do a review of a review site?
Good question! Because if you've spent any time at all looking for products and programs to help you make money online then you'll know it's often a dark and murky world full of (as one reader put it to me recently) “charlatans and shysters”.
It's just super hard to know who you can trust!
Why trust me?
Because I've been a full-time affiliate marketer for over 5 years now and I launched The Make Money Online Blog with the sole aim of helping as many people as possible to avoid the never-ending list of scams that are out there and help point them towards real money-making programs that work.
My commitment to you is to only write 100% honest and unbiased reviews based on my research and experience.
I will always put your needs first because I remember what it was like falling for scam after scam before I found my way online and you deserve the truth before handing over your hard-earned cash to any product creator.
Can the same be said of Mark, founder and author of NoBSIMReviews.com?
Let's find out!
NoBSIMReviews Review At A Glance
About: NoBSIMReviews.com is a review site for make money online opportunities. After “reviewing” an opportunity, he then recommends AWOL Academy.
Price: No BS IM Reviews is free to checkout. However, its recommended training has packages ranging from $99 to $3,497.
Pros: Reviews are short and concise.
Cons: Recommended training costs an arm and a leg.
Verdict: NoBSIMReviews is a legit review site but take his recommendations with a pinch of salt.

What Is NoBSIMReviews All About?

On the About Page we're told Mark created NoBSIMReviews in 2016 as a way to help protect consumers looking for ways to earn an extra income online.
Since then they have reviewed over 900 get-rich-quick schemes, cryptocurrency programs and investment opportunities.
With the tagline: “Keeping you safe from scams”, most people land on the site after searching for a review on a so-called money-making opportunity.
What Little Do We Know About Mark?

In fairness, not that much…
We don't have a full name or access to any of his social media accounts. We have no way of verifying his earnings claims.
All we have to go on is what he tells us on the site, which tells us:
Mark is from the UK and he likes his cars.
Read his backstory and you'll find out that he hated the 9 to 5 grind and tried many different ways to make money online with varying degrees of success, including:
- Selling on eBay
- Forex trading
- MLMs
- Freelancing
- Blogging
In 2012 he started achieving 5 and 6 figure months online and he's made $300k in the last 12 months. Mark is an affiliate marketer and a successful one at that.
What About Mark's No.1 Recommendation?
Read any of Mark's reviews and you'll see links to his “No.1 Recommendation”.
Hit the big red button and you're taken to an AWOL Academy sales page with pictures of AWOL Academy's founder Keala Keane living the ultimate laptop lifestyle.
Anyone who clicks through and decides to join AWOL will generate a commission for Mark and there's nothing wrong with that.
Mark, like myself, earns money through affiliate marketing – the single best way to make money online.
Check out my Affiliate Marketing Guide For Beginners to find out how it all works.
But the litmus test for any review site like No BS IM Reviews is this:
Are they thinking of their readers first and foremost when making recommendations?
Follow this golden rule and not only will you help a lot of people, but your readers will trust you. You'll be able to build a great online brand and reputation for yourself that will enable you to become very successful (and profitable) in the long term.
So what about AWOL? Is it really the best option out there for beginners looking to break out of the 9 to 5 and become financially free?
In short, I don't believe it is…
AWOL is short for “Another Way of Life” and it's an online course that teaches students all aspects of internet marketing.
The business model works. The training is comprehensive and will get you results. My only issue with the program is the astronomical costs associated with it…
Here's a quick breakdown of AWOL's programs and their price tags:
That's a combined total of $5,887 and is way too high for an online course!
If you want to learn affiliate marketing and build your own online business at the same time, then you should check out my Wealthy Affiliate review.
Wealthy Affiliate has a 100% free Starter membership so you can test drive without paying a dime and their all-access Premium membership is only $49 a month.
What I Like About NoBSIMReviews
The “make money online” space is still very much like the wild west with unscrupulous scammers galore. Mark's short and concise reviews have helped 1,000s, if not 10,000s of work from home opportunity seekers avoid falling foul to dodgy get-quick scams.
And for that, he deserves a standing ovation.

Speaking from experience, it's not easy running a review site either…
Write a positive review and people accuse you of being biased.
Write a negative review and people accuse you of being biased.
You just can't win!
Which is why the best thing you can do is be open and honest with people about what you really think about a program, regardless of whether you think you'll get flack for it or not. This (I hope) is Mark's approach when writing reviews.
What I Don't Like So Much…
As I touched on earlier, the only negative about No BS IM Reviews is that they point readers towards signing up for AWOL Academy.
While AWOL is most likely a legitimate training platform, the courses are just ridiculously expensive and there are way better (and cheaper!) alternatives out there.
Bottom Line: Is NoBSIMReviews A Scam?
No, I don't believe No BS IM Reviews is a scam. I would, however urge you to take any review with a pinch of salt. Keep in mind that anything recommended by Mark, or even myself for that matter, is down to our own experiences.
Just because AWOL Academy has worked well for Mark, or Wealthy Affiliate has worked well for me, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you.
Always do your own research before signing up to a program claiming to be the answer to your money-making worries. This is the best way to avoid scams.
What's Your Take?
Let us know what you think about No BS IM Reviews in the comments below!
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.
Thanks a lot for summarizing this amazing review about NoBSIMReviews and explanation given. I really appreciate people trying to help others. The online environment has become very dangerous and is full of fake platforms and scams that try to trick you by telling you that you can make a lot of money. Reading your article I want to say that I was attracted by recommendation number 1 to make money online. Affiliate marketing is the future.
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate since October 2019 and I want to say that I am most pleased. Here I really discovered success and how to become an entrepreneur who has his own online business. The biggest advantage is that you can easily build your own site and promote different products and earn money from commissions. All this training’s on Wealthy Affiliate will show you how to do.
Thanks again for this amazing article. For all the people who want to make some passive income, I really recommend Wealthy Affiliate!
As a reviewer/blogger Mark can choose to recommend any program he sees fit. Whatever niche you’re in, whether it’s reviewing online courses or vacuum cleaners, I think it’s vital to your long-term success though that you only promote products and services you really believe in.
This is a different approach to promoting whatever’s going to make you the most money.
I think people are very savvy nowadays and it’s easy to spot the difference between the genuine person looking to help and the guy who’s just out for his own interests.
The reason I’ve chosen Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 recommendation is because I’ve been a member myself since 2015, I’ve met the owners Kyle and Carson and the free Starter membership offers people full transparency. You can take the training, use the website building tools and experience the community support before deciding whether or not to upgrade to the $49/month Premium membership.
Hiya Simon
Thank you for your review of a review! I think it must be quite a difficult thing to review someone else’s work honestly in a way that comes across as credible but you have achieved that with this NoBSIM review article – well done!
Having read all you had to say, I came to the same conclusion that whilst the product is not a scam in itself, Mark the author, could have done more to help readers make an informed choice by providing more than one alternative besides the one he is affiliated to.
You mention that Mark does not provide enough information about himself. As an affiliate marketer, what information would you say it is crucial to provide in order to be considered trustworthy?
Thank you for your clear and helpful advice, krs PurpleLioness
Of course it’s up to Mark which products he promotes. I just personally don’t think what he’s recommending is the best option out there right now. As for me I only promote programs like Wealthy Affiliate that have a free membership option so you can try before you buy.
Hello Simon, nice to see your review of NoBSIMReviews. It’s good to know that Mark does not recommend scam products but actually ditch them to the bin and shares his number one recommendation. However, I totally agree with you that his number one recommendation is very expensive. Due to this high cost, I am very sure people like me will not be able to afford it right now. Thank goodness that there are cheaper options that actually provide more value, tools and even support at a cheaper rate. Thank God for Wealthy Affiliate.