I’ve written well over 400 affiliate marketing course reviews but a tiny fraction of them are like this Project 24 review.
I've been on a mission to help people like you find the best training programs that actually show you how to achieve online success. I always strive to be as honest as I can in my reviews and put you, my amazing readers first because that's what you deserve.
Which is why I don't say this lightly:
Jim and Ricky's Project 24 training is one of the best online marketing courses I've ever come across. Brand new beginners and experienced marketers alike will get a lot from this.
If you feel like you've been buying courses and programs that haven't got you the results you were hoping for – this review is for you.
I'm going to show you what Project 24 is, what you get and most importantly, how this step-by-step program will give you an exact roadmap you can take to launch a profitable and successful online business.
Don’t be a stranger:
Before we get into things here, I want to ask you to scroll down and leave me a comment or reach out to me directly through this contact page if you have any questions at all.
I will personally do my best to help you out because I love nothing more than helping people like you smash your online income goals.
Ready to dive in? Let's do this!
Income School's Project 24 Review At A Glance
About: Project 24 is Jim Harmer and Ricky Kessler's superb online community and training platform.
Price: $449.
Pros: Jim and Ricky are real experts in what they teach, they have a proven roadmap to success without the fluff. A lot of impressive student success stories.
Cons: It typically takes 24 months of consistent effort to start making a full-time income.
Verdict: Project 24 is a legit course where you can learn the real deal of making money online. It's a steal for the price and the money-making methods taught will get you results.

First Off: Who Is Project 24 NOT For?
Project 24 is not for everyone. I'd say if you fall into either of these categories then it's probably not for you:
- You're looking for a fast and easy way to make a ton of money online for doing nothing.
- You love Jim and Ricky but realistically there's no way you can afford the $449 yearly membership right now.
If you're in the first category then you need to break free from the ‘get-rich-quick' mentality…
Check out: How To Earn Money On The Internet – The Fast Way Or The Real Way?
I've spent the last 4 years exposing so many so-called ‘overnight profit systems' and ‘secret loophole software' that lure you in with the idea earning an income online is as easy as clicking your mouse a few times, sitting back and watching the money flood your account.
Let me tell you – it's not!
On the other hand, if you have the drive to succeed and you are ready to take massive action to build a real online income stream for yourself then you'll do well with Project 24.
If you're in the second category then I totally get it – we're not talking pocket change here.
My advice?
Check out my Wealthy Affiliate review as they offer you a free Starter membership with excellent training and a more affordable $49/month premium option to better suit your budget.
If neither of these applies to you then the chances are the Project 24 membership is really going to help you get to where you need to be.
Stick with me here as I show you exactly what Project 24 is about and what you get full and instant access to as a member.
Are Jim And Ricky The Real Deal?

Let's take a minute to consider the two ‘Idahoans' (What you call people from Idaho?!) behind Project 24:
Jim Harmer and Ricky Kessler.
I accidentally stumbled on one of their videos about six months ago whilst binge-watching YouTube one day.
I watched this video on how to write a perfect blog post in under an hour, then this video on how to earn $4k from your blog in a year:
Like many of you, I was blown away with their level of openness and honesty. I've been a full-time online entrepreneur for close to four years now, so I'm no stranger to how affiliate marketing works, yet I learned a ton of new strategies and super actionable tips.
Before you enrol though, you should know (in the best possible way) these guys are crazy!
Just last month Jim and Ricky did a YouTube live where they gave their out phone number and asked people to call in with their questions…
Every year they randomly pick one of their subscribers and fly out for the weekend to wherever they are in the world to help with their sites…
Oh, and they also gave one of their income-producing websites away for free!
Seriously, who does that?!
As I sit here today Income School's YouTube channel has almost 60,000 subscribers and I'm happy to say I am one of them 🙂

Have you ever heard the saying:
“Those who can't, teach”?
This does not apply to Ricky or Jim. The biggest reason I love these guys and why I think their channel has grown so quickly in such a short space of time is because they only ever talk from experience – successes and failures – they tell you it all so you can learn from it.
Both Ricky and Jim are successful entrepreneurs in their own right, having earned millions of dollars over the years in a wide array of niches.
How do I know?
Because they tell you straight up what their websites are and how much monthly revenue they generate – it blows my mind how open and transparent these guys are!
Here are just a few of the sites in their ever growing portfolio:

They have built profitable websites through trial and error, they've learned what works and what doesn't so you can be sure in the knowledge that they know the exact steps you need to take to build a brand new affiliate marketing website from scratch and build it into a 6-figure a year online business.
Watch this video to hear exactly how Jim went from working in a dollar store to replacing his full-time income online and why he decided to start Project 24:
What Is Project 24?
Project 24 is an online community and training platform with a growing library of video courses specifically designed to guide aspiring entrepreneurs through the practical steps of building income-generating websites and to help more experienced affiliate marketers take their income to the next level.

Now let's take a sneak peek inside the Income School member's area and look at the training courses, the community and the podcast:
1. The Project 24 Training Courses
Hit the ‘Courses' tab in the top menu and you'll see the Project 24 course dashboard with 12 comprehensive courses.
They cover a whole range of topics from how to find profitable niches, build a website and get ranked in Google to how to start a YouTube channel, create helpful content and how to build your business to scale by hiring writers.

With 123 practical lessons and 94 videos, Project 24's core training is 60 Steps To A Successful Site. As the name suggests, you'll find the exact 60 step action plan you can follow to replace your income in 24 months.
Ricky and Jim are adding new training constantly as they work with students and spot new learning opportunities to cover. As a member, you can access any of these modules through the website or Project 24 app to learn on the go.
2. The Income School Podcast
Next, hit the ‘Podcast' tab and you'll find hours of members-only real-life case studies where Jim and Ricky have gone through and recorded every step of building out a new site, from initial idea to a 5 figure per month income.
In Season 1 for example, they tell you exactly what they did to get their CamperReport.com website earnings up from $2,000/month to $8,000/month by switching some of the monetisation methods.

From a business building perspective – this is pure gold!
What you're getting with this program isn't just something that's been taken out of a textbook that might've worked 10 years ago, but practical hands-on training that actually works.
3. The Project 24 Community
I'd say most Project 24 students enrol for the training but stay for the community. I can't stress how important having the right support is when you're starting an online business!
Even with the best training there are gonna be times you get stuck, but the cool thing about Project 24 is you never have to struggle alone. Instead, you can ask questions and get answers, celebrate your wins, however big or small, with other like-minded people and get the support you need when you need it most.

You'll often see Jim and Ricky in there helping people out and with members from all over the world, the friendly and helpful community is buzzing with activity 24/7.
Watch the full Project 24 webinar where Jim and Ricky give a live demo of the member's area, explain more in-depth about what Project 24 is and how they can help you achieve your online income goals:
4 Big Reasons To Join Project 24 Today
1. Learn To Take Control Of Your Financial Future

I'm a great believer that the time and effort you invest in developing yourself will come back to you tenfold; whether it's reading books, listening to podcasts, going to conferences or taking online courses like Project 24.
If you've ever read Robert Kiyosaki's book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad then you'll know that the way to become truly wealthy is by buying or creating income-producing assets.
With Project 24 you are taking control of your own financial future by learning how to create income-generating websites and grow them to scale.
Like seriously – how many business models do you know of with such a huge earning potential where you can reach a truly global audience, you don't need qualifications or years of experience to start and have running costs of less than $500 a year?
If you really want to break free from the rat race, become your own boss and earn a passive income online then joining Project 24 is a no-brainer.
2. Project 24 Is A Steal At $449
Full Project 24 membership costs $449 for the first year and $199 per year after that for as long as you choose to remain a member.
That works out at just $1.23 per day – to have all the video training, help and support at your fingertips that you need to create a thriving affiliate marketing business.
Trust me on this – Project 24 is worth every last penny. I've seen so many so-called gurus charge $4,000+ for courses nowhere near as comprehensive as this and the only way to get help is by emailing a random help desk.
What I really like about Jim and Ricky is their integrity. Unlike so many of the courses out there, they won't bombard you with this upgrade or that upsell – it's just one simple price for an all-access Project 24 pass.
3. You'll Have A Proven Roadmap To Follow
When you're looking at going somewhere new you need a map to show you how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Imagine for a second you wanted to climb Mount Everest. Your chance of actually reaching the peak would be significantly higher with a guide who's been there before, knows the terrain and can tell you the best route to take.
It's the same for online business.
Jim and Ricky's structured 60 step action plan is your roadmap to success, it's the affiliate marketing equivalent of having a built-in GPS navigational system.

With Project 24 you give yourself the best chance of success because you have experienced mentors to guide you. You'll learn the most effective strategies to implement as well as the common pitfalls to avoid.
Join Project 24 and you not only save yourself a lot of hassle and headaches but you shave years off your journey.
4. You Could Be Project 24's Next Big Success Story

Did you know that 95% of all aspiring affiliate marketers call it quits within the first 12 months?
By joining Project 24 you give yourself an unfair head start on the competition and are far more likely to see it through.
Firstly, because it doesn't matter how long you've been living the laptop lifestyle, all affiliate marketers struggle sometimes and being part of a supportive community makes all the difference.
And secondly, because the structured step-by-step training Jim and Ricky layout within the training modules actually get results.
Every day you'll see members passing big and small success milestones – from getting their first website indexed in Google to their first $10,000 month.
Take this guy, for example; he followed the 60 steps to create his website 6 months ago and already it's generating him $100 a day:
If Project 24 worked for him then it can definitely work for you!
Project 24 Review Final Rating: 96/100
Project 24 is hands-down one of the best affiliate marketing courses online today. Jim and Ricky continue to over-deliver and what's clear to anyone is they really care about their students.

Like buying a gym membership doesn't automatically give you the beach body of your dreams, becoming a Project 24 member won't guarantee your success but you will have everything you need at your disposal.
From there it's up to you to set yourself a schedule, take massive action and complete the 60 action steps to make your income goals a reality.
My advice:
If you are a brand new beginner looking to get your first niche site off the ground, this program is the best way to make sure you get it right, the first time.
If you're an experienced affiliate marketer looking to ramp your business up to a whole new level, join Project 24 and your future self will thank you.
Questions Or Thoughts?
I hope this review of Income School's Project 24 has helped you decide if this is the right program for you going forward.
Still not sure about Project 24, why not? Is there a particular issue that’s holding you back? Scroll down and let us know in the comments below!
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.
Hi, Simon. I fall into the group of those who can’t do so they teach. I have had my site up about working online from home for quite a while and found that if I don’t pay for the traffic, I don’t get any. I believe there are many technical problems with my site that I just can’t get fixed in my current situation. These are SEO related (I think). This is all in spite of the fact that I get rave reviews on my posts (from fellow affiliate marketers in my group). My question to you is: can I salvage my site by going over to Income School? I am also willing to start over from scratch and putting in the work over the long haul. Thanks again for your informative post.
Hi Warren, Income School is a good option. As is Wealthy Affiliate or our very own Commission Academy (free step by step training).
With your site, how bad are the problems? Is it a WordPress site? If so, just get a nice clean and quick theme like GeneratePress and you shouldn’t have any issues. Did you focus on a target keyword for each of your posts? You might not have to start again from scratch but it might be easier depending on what the problems are.
Hope this helps.
Hi Simon. I’ve read 2 of your reviews now. Like how detailed you are. Probably just saved me thousands. With that I’m really leaning towards this project 24 from Income School. After a bit more digging to verify its legit (burnt a few to many times) I will be pulling the trigger. I will be sure to make this purchase through your affiliate link.
Just curious if you have any digital real estate training courses you have evaluated/trust. I looked at Bam marketing from Josh Osbourne. Couple red flags has me skeptical of his course. Digital real estate is more appealing to me but I’m all for multiple streams of income. Combine with project 24/affiliate websites it can become a nice retirement. Being 41 with next to 0 for retirement I need to make some moves. Lol
Hey Brad! So sorry for the delayed reply, just got back from an extended Easter break!
Your words mean a lot. We spend a lot of time going through (like really going through) and researching these courses so it’s comments like this that make my day.
I haven’t gotten on to any digital real estate courses or domain flipping courses yet but I know they’re out there and you can do really well from it.
My retirement plan is to take the money my affiliate websites generate and invest into good old fashioned, brick and mortar real estate! ????
You are right, we have to eliminate the idea of ‘getting rich quick’ to make it online but I like how the Income School teachers are upfront about the real time and work involved. Anything that’s worth doing is worth doing and it’s easy to see how being part of a community will help you get through the dry patches and keep going.
Definitely Stella, from my own experience I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help and support of an online community – you inspire and motivate each other to succeed. Yes it takes work and it’ll take a few months for Google to give your website the love it deserves, but it’s all worth it once the traffic and sales start coming in!
Wow! This is a very engaging review though it is a shame Income school project24 does not give you the option of paying a monthly subscription at least to test run what it offers before committing to it for a longer period of one year.
I have been following these guys on YouTube for about a year and learned a lot. I’m sure the training is just as good as their channel or better. Also, going by the fact that the founders discovered everything by themselves through trial and error would make it more easy for them to break the process of building the business down easily for newbies like me.
Hey there!
I hear what you’re saying about the monthly subscription but I also understand why Ricky and Jim can’t offer this – the act same reason they don’t offer refunds. Because they would open themselves up to people playing the system by signing up for a day, downloading the Income School’s 60 step action plan and then asking for their money back.
I do believe they’ve tried to keep the price as low as possible and as they often say in their videos – if you speed up the progress of your website by even one month then the course has paid for itself.