Inbox Pounds Review – Scam, Legit Or Complete Waste of Time?


Inbox Pounds Review Scam LegitInbox Pounds Review

Founder: Daren Cotter
Joining fee: Free
Minimum payout: £20
Overall Ranking: Not recommended

Inbox Pounds is very similiar to other survey sites I've reviewed in the past like Survey Club, InboxPays and BigSpot.

It's a free to join website where you can make a few extra pence for completing surveys, opening email and completing free trial cash offers.

The minimum amount you can withdraw is £20 which will take you a while to accumulate. I actually went ahead and did this and received my cheque in the post so they do pay out (though there are a lot of angry complaints online about not getting paid).

In theory making some extra money by completing easy tasks online sounds great, but you're going to need to invest a lot of time into this for very little reward.

Like all survey sites, they do not pay very well at all so don't expect to quit your day job anytime soon by doing this which is why a vast majority of people quit Inbox Pounds before they get any way close to the minimum withdrawal amount – probably because they got bored and realised that the amount of work it takes to earn a few extra pounds a month is really not worth it.

When you sit down and work it out, you're working for less than £1 an hour which is why I think Inbox Pounds should rebrand themselves as Inbox Pennies…

And if you're not very careful to cancel the cash offers before the end of the free trial date, Inbox Pounds could end up costing you far more than you can make.

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That being said, let's get on with the rest of the review…

What we’ll cover:

  • What is Inbox Pounds?
  • The 6 ways to make money with Inbox Pounds
  • How does Inbox Pounds pay you?
  • Is Inbox Pounds a scam or legit and is it really worth it?

What is Inbox Pounds?

what is inbox poundsInboxPounds is a rewards site that's been around since 2012 and is run by founder and CEO Daren Cotter.

They are the UK version of InboxDollars which is owned by CotterWeb Enterprises, Inc. – all their reward sites have pretty much the same layout and reward offers.

With the slogan, “The online reward club that pays!“, the basic idea is they partner with businesses who want valuable consumer feedback on their latest ad campaigns or upcoming product launches and reward you for giving your opinion.

You can spend your time earning a few extra quid for completing offers, taking surveys, opening emails and playing games.

They were featured in this BBC article as a way to earn a but of extra cash online and they claim to have paid out more than £40 million out to members, but unfortunately they don't give any information about how much the average Inbox Pounds member makes.

6 ways you can make money with Inbox Pounds

1. Get £1 for signing up and completing your account

is inbox pounds worth it reviewAs an incentive to encourage people to sign up, Inbox Pounds credits new members with £1.

I found the sign up process very straightforward, just needed to give them my name and email and create a password.

The £1 is credited once you've set up your account which took me just a couple of minutes to fill out a pre-qualification survey so they can send me surveys I qualify for based on my gender, family situation etc. (more on this in a bit)

2. Get paid for taking surveys

The surveys I saw inside the member's area ranged from 10p to 42p, depending on the time needed to complete.

inbox-pounds review how much money can you make
Hopefully you can make about £1 an hour…

I'm sure you'll be able to find some surveys with higher payouts than this but this is typically what you get with all survey sites.

You're going to have to give away of lot of your personal information and answer questions like where you shop, how many credit cards you have, number of people living in your home, what internet provider you use and so on.

This makes me very nervous – I don't want companies to know all this about me. Not just for data protection reasons, but because I know they're going to pass my information to other companies and I'm going to be bombarded with spam.

(Opening a seperate email account for this is highly recommended!)

A vast majority of Inbox Pounds complaints are from people annoyed at the fact they spend 30 minutes filling out a survey only to be told they don't qualify.

When this happens, you get no pay and 30 minutes of your time has been wasted. If it happens once it's no biggie but if it happens a lot (like I think it does) then you could end up getting really frustrated.

3. Get paid to play games

inbox pounds earn money online by playing games

One of the pros of Inbox Pounds is that they're more than just a survey site.

If you enjoy playing games online anyway why not get paid a little extra for it?

To give you fair warning though, each game you play will result in more email spam.

4. Earn commissions by referring friends

refer friend inbox pounds earn moneyAnother way you can earn money is by referring family and friends to Inbox Pounds and earning a 10% commission on their earnings.

Of course they have to meet the minimum withdrawal but £2 for doing nothing isn't bad.

5. Earn money by searching

This sounds simple and it is. I don't really get the purpose behind this but if you search any random word or phrase into the InboxPounds search bar and you’ll earn a whopping £0.01 for every 4 searches.

If you search for 4 or more days in a week you’ll also get a £0.05 search loyalty reward.

Fans of this site will quote Tesco's tagline: “Every little helps!” but for me, I think sitting at your computer clicking buttons for a penny a time is just a complete and utter  waste of time.

inbox pounds search and earn

6. Get money back on cash offers (but be careful!)

The sixth way you can earn money with InboxPounds is by signing up to trial offers.

This could be an offer for 20 free spins at an online casino, or signing up to a 14 day trial of Amazon Prime. You can view the complete list of offers from the main menu bar.

can you really make money with inbox pounds

While the amounts you can earn by completing cash offers certainly looks more attractive than making 10p for a survey, if you're not careful about cancelling your trial offer you will be charged the full amount (you have to give them your credit card details when you sign up for your trial).

This is where this free site can suddenly start taking more money out of your pocket than it puts in. Spending £30 to earn £1.50 is not making money!

This is just my personal opinion, but I suspect this is how Inbox Pounds actually works and why they want you to sign up so badly – they get members to sign up for cash offers hoping they forget to cancel the free trial so that they can take their cut.

So there you have it, the 6 ways you could potentially earn money with Inbox Pounds.

Here's a short video from Nat at for an inside look of the member's area and giving you an idea of what kind of tasks you can expect to complete:

Does Inbox Pounds actually pay out?

After I persevered to reach the £20 mark, I requested a withdrawal of funds and they paid me out quite quickly.

They've been talking about adding more payment options like PayPal for about 2 years now but still only pay out by a cheque in the snailmail.

There are a few complaints online from people saying they never got paid, but I think on the whole, Inbox Pounds do pay out even if it takes a while to arrive in the post.

Here's a couple of people from happy Inbox Dollars members who have never had any issues getting paid and they cash their cheques no problem.

What I like

  • Inbox Pounds is more than just a survey site
  • I actually got paid
  • They're free to join with a £1 sign up bonus

What I don't like

  • They only pay by cheque
  • When you work it out you're getting paid less than £1 an hour
  • If you don't sign in for 10 days your account is closed and you'll lose your balance
  • Filling out surveys it's actually very boring and monotonous
  • It's hard to find surveys you actually qualify for
  • A '10 minute' surveys can end up taking you 45 minutes to complete
  • With cash offers you could end up spending more money than you earn

Is Inbox Pounds worth it?

Is Inbox Pounds a scam? No I don't think so – I think they're a legit company who have been around for a while and most people do get paid out.

But is Inbox Pounds worth it? This is a more difficult to answer, but it's an important one to ask.

I'm going to be straight with you and say for me, it's definitely not. After a couple of minutes I just get bored. The payout is just nowhere near enough to keep my motivated.

At £1 an hour there are just better things I could be doing with my time and it looks like a lot of people would agree with me…

inbox pounds complaints

Take this Tweet for example. This InboxPounds member is great at seeing the humour in it, but she makes a very valid point:

I understand a penny here and a penny there can eventually add up, but it could take you weeks to get to the minimum withdrawal threshold.

You're going to need to put in a lot of hours filling out mind-numbing surveys for 20p a time, your inbox is going to be inundated with spam and you're going to be giving your personal information away.

Realistically what's the maximum you can make? £2 a day?

Is Inbox Pounds right for you and how much is your time worth? Really only you can answer this one for yourself, but I think it depends on what your personal situation and what you're expecting to get out of it.

If you goal is to make a couple of extra quid a month then sure, head over to and get started.

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Thanks for reading my Inbox Pounds review, it's longer than I thought it would be! 🙂

If you have any questions about Inbox Pounds then feel free to leave your comments below and I'll always get back to you. If you have any experience with making money online with Inbox Pounds I'd love to hear from you!

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