How to Make Money Online With a Food Blog

how to make money online with a blog

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the internet, it’s that nothing’s ever certain.

This virtual world of possibilities is always moving and shifting; scraping a concrete yet indeterminable path that touches all parts of the globe.

Nobody else will tell you this, but the honest truth is; when it comes to making money online, there’s no such thing as the biggest thing to ever hit the internet.

Much like stories of your local, die-hard Legend tracking an elusive and very mythical fire-breathing beast, every soul online has been reduced to chasing after the next big thing.

This quickly turns into one of those never-ending quests that take many through some dark and unsightly rabbit holes; leaving them stranded like mindless zombies, wandering the eternal wastes in search of the next big brain.

But hey, who am I to tell you any different? I’m just a zombie nerd wandering the same accursed wasteland.

The only difference between me and all the others is that not only do I know where all the big and juicy brains are, but I can teach you how to grow your own.

After going through a record-breaking number of rabbit holes; after showing you how to make money in over 20 different ways, it’s time to make things a bit more delectable, and yes, you guessed it, make even more money.

If you’ve been paying even the slightest attention to current trends online, the food scene seems to have dropped a nuclear bomb with severe radiation levels affecting billions in the fallout.

I mean, you can’t log on somewhere without seeing hundreds of foodies posting their latest creation or addition to their ever escalating menu.

Food is all the rage lately, and some people have discovered how to turn their dinners into cold hard cash without opening a chain of restaurants.

Not a fan of food? Don’t sweat it!

It doesn’t matter if you have a fetish for sumptuous cuisine or just enjoy a medium rare steak.

Hell, it doesn’t even matter if your only relation between passion and food is the tropical fruit.

Damn it! We still don’t care if your dog won’t eat a single thing that comes from your kitchen.

Here, we’re all about making money any way you can (legally of course).

So, here’s how anyone with a mouth and stomach (or not, we still don’t care) can make oodles of money online with a creative food blog.

A 4 Ingredient Recipe on How to Make Money Online With a Food Blog

1. Pick your Poison; choose an Incredible Niche
how to make money by blogging

Before cooking up a massive bowl of success, you have to realize that nothing comes easy.

There are plenty of cuisine experts and foodies that live, breathe, sleep and post all things food every single minute of every single day.

So, why on earth would anyone pay attention to anything you have to say?

The first and most important thing you gotta do is know your niche. You don’t want to blab all day about your signature dish only to be booed and told off by millions of food savvy visitors.

As more and more people turn to blogging as a way to make money online, general topics and single-minded bloggers are quickly being made extinct.

Time has proven again and again that spreading your focus far and wide will actually do the opposite of what you hope for.

Sure, you might succeed at grabbing all sorts of food lovers, but in the long run, you have nothing to keep them interested. Some of the most successful blogs incorporate a touch of personality, taste, and a highly unique niche angle.

If you’re having any trouble settling on a topic, why not visit some of your favorite food blogs, see what makes them so damn successful and come up with ways to make yours more comprehensive and a notch above the rest?

Here's an article I recently wrote about choosing the right blog niche.

2.Prepare the Kitchen; Get a Domain Name and Web Hosting

Once you’re all decided on a unique topic to blog about, it’s time to get down and dirty.

The setup stage is where plenty of new bloggers feel a bit snowed under and almost give up.

They think the process is complicated and it's gonna cost them too much money. In reality it's relatively quick and simple and the cost of starting an online blogging business is less than a dollar a day or even lower.

Sites like Wealthy Affiliate actually offer free websites through their SiteRubix web building platform.

If you’re new to this, here’s how you can quickly host and publish your food blog.

First off, you need a unique and catchy domain name that will allow your visitors to find your blog.

After that, you will need a highly reliable web host where all your content, images and files are stored.

Finally, a blogging platform to create and add on to the existing content on your blog.

This may seem like a grueling task for most, especially when you consider some of the exorbitant fees that come with the setup stage.

Fortunately, platforms like Wealthy Affiliate and BlueHost are great options for newbies since you get free domain name registration and even free websites.

Of course, you need to ensure that your site is very eye catching.

That’s where beautiful WordPress themes like Avada come in to help with branding, logos and the overall look of your site.

3.Cook Up Some Content
how to drive traffic to your website

Just like any other blog, creating and updating regular and highly engaging content is crucial to its success.

Keeping within your selected niche to attract an even larger customer base, you need to make sure your blog is always ripe with colourful, informative and delicious content for your audience.

This means adding anything that can be added such as photos, quotes, written posts, videos, podcasts, skits, tools and even food events that we simply can’t miss.

The more content you create, the more your visitors will stay loyal.

This gives them a reason to come back every time because they know that your blog always has new and stimulating content.

Remember, you don’t have to be too original or overbearing, just find a subtle way to remain memorable and you’ll do just fine.

4.Time to Eat; Promote and Monetize your Blog

If you have been giving the people exactly what they need, then your blog should have garnered quite the following by now.

However, you will soon realize that this is not enough…

For any blog to prove successful, you need to promote the hell out of it before attempting to make any money.

There are lots of ways to attract traffic to your blog and build a targeted customer base.

Make sure you try as much SEO as possible to make it up the ranks on Google listings. Social media is also a very effective marketing platform where your pictures will come in handy.

After you reach your targeted number of visitors (hopefully millions, but a couple hundred thousand will do), it’s time to monetize your food blog in any of the following ways.

  • Selling ad space on a local level. If you’re new on the food scene but know what you’re doing, selling some ad space to local companies is an excellent way to start out.
  • Work the hell out of your affiliate relationships. Take the time to affiliate yourself with as many companies as possible. After which, your efforts should be focused on turning as many outbound links from your blog into affiliate links that actually give you cash.
  • Write and sell content and eBooks surrounding your niche topic to your visitors. Ebooks give your blog a product that you can actually sell and generate income for you.


Thanks to advancements in technology, more support from advertisers, recognition of the potential of amateur cooks and tools that help connect food bloggers to lucrative sponsorships, food lovers have never had so much opportunity before.

However, just because it is becoming much easier to make money online from food blogs doesn’t mean that getting there is easy.

But with a little research, dedication, creativity and a whole lot of patience and hard work, you too can create a blog that you will not only be proud of, but one that actually generates a sizable income.

If you have any questions at all or anythign you'd like to share about running a food blog (or any other type of blog for that matter) then do go ahead and share your comments below!

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