More and more people are looking to for how to learn about affiliate marketing for free, so here's my full and detailed guide on how to get started.
Today we're going to take a very brief overview of what training, tools and support you'll need to not only learn about affiliate marketing, but to excel in it and become a happy, successful and income-generating affiliate.
Most importantly, I'll show you where I started my online success story and where you can too.
I learned everything about affiliate marketing at Wealthy Affiliate.
And yes, it's completely free to join.
Today I'll give a brief overview or you can check out my full 4,880 word Wealthy Affiliate review.
The affiliate marketing training is just brilliant with daily action steps. The two free websites, free hosting, free keyword tools are awesome.
The live chat and question areas are vital support channels for people just starting out.
But more than that:
Wealthy Affiliate is a community.
A community of people just like you all helping each other to achieve success online.
And that's why it's my top recommendation for people wanting to know how to learn about affiliate marketing online.
(Oh! Did I mention this is all FREE?)
If you want to skip straight to the affiliate marketing training
click here to complete your profile and get started
What does it take to start an online affiliate marketing business?
I always say in on this blog, but affiliate marketing is by far my favourite way to make money online. The most successful blogger out there earn their money not through ads, not through sponsored posts or anything else… but through affiliate marketing!
When you look at profiteering affiliate marketers and bloggers earning six figure monthly incomes, it's easy to make the mistake of thinking they just woke up one morning with the know-it-all and became an overnight success.
It's a lie. And it limits you.
They're not anything you yourself can not do.
You see, at some point these people (myself included) had some affiliate marketing training. I received coaching, learned from the best and acquired the skills I needed to be a successful affiliate marketer.
Of course they'll be a learning curve; there's a lot you need to learn, areas of thinking and practical application you need to learn. But it's simpler than you might think.
Notice I didn't say easier. Work is required. I'm not here to say that affiliate marketing is the magic click-once button that guarantees overnight success.
If you're serious about building your very own online business then you'll need to make goals, apply what you've learned, be diligent and be willing to change.
If you're willing to put the work in, get the right affiliate marketing training, support, advice and tools – you will surely reap the rewards many times over.
It's almost inevitable that you will be successful!
What you'll learn about affiliate marketing at Wealthy Affiliate
So if you don't know what affiliate marketing is, here's a brief run-through.
It seems more and more people are looking online trying to find out how to learn about affiliate marketing.
The basic concept of affiliate marketing is pretty simple, there's just a few technical skills and how-to's you need to know before getting started.

The process of making money online is finally demystified!
From day 1 you'll be choosing a website niche, creating a website, learning how to rank your site in Google and other search engines and learning how to leverage social media to attract more visitors to your site.
You'll be fleshing out your website with top quality, useful content and of course, seeing your first all important sales come in.

All this is covered in Level 1 of the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course.
I loved the training.
When I first joined up, created my account and started with the affiliate marketing lessons, I was so desperate to learn, so hungry for online success that I stayed up late into the night and did a week's worth of training that very first day.
The training is given in video format, with lesson notes, daily action steps and a question and answer section. The training is very thorough and designed specifically for people like you and me in mind.
I was quite taken aback by how active the Wealthy Affiliate community is. I found everyone really helpful and friendly.
Another thing that struck me was that it was a hype-free, scam and spam free learning environment. I had a great sense of putting the foundation blocks of my online place with each action step I took.
Click here to start learning about affiliate marketing FREE
So, by now, you're probably getting from that for people looking to find out how to learn about affiliate marketing for free, Wealthy Affiliate is best place to start.
Here's 8 Reasons Why Wealthy Affiliate is the Best Place to Learn About Affiliate Marketing
1. 24/7 Support From The Wealthy Affiliate Community
Once inside WA, you’ll get instant access to thousand of successful affiliate marketers who all got there start at Wealthy Affiliate.
When they first created their free starter account, like me and you, they were complete newbies to the affiliate marketing world and had no clue as to start making real money online.
Today, like me, they are running their very own profitable online businesses. And now they're interacting with the Wealthy Affiliate community one with one aim: to help people just like you to be successful too. This is vital for your future online success.
You get to ask questions and get answers, whether in the live chat, various forum areas, private messaging or various comments sections.
You never have to feel ‘stuck', you never have to struggle alone, because we all support one another to make real our making money online dreams.

2. Access To 1,000s Of Training And Video Tutorials
Learning about affiliate marketing has never been so easy!
With WA there's 5 main training modules, 13 classrooms and over 500+ in-training modules you can learn from. WA offers you the best of the best tutorials and information about how to start your blogging business.
All of the training is current and constantly updated. Say goodbye forever to out-dated info and washed up tactics, Stop paying for “junk” that worked 5 years ago and start taking targeted action that really works.
3. Two Free Starter Websites
With your free starter membership, WA offers
you 2 free websites you can use to to start your online business empire. The free sites you will get will be built on WordPress, powered by SIteRubix. (And if for any reason you decide to quit WA, you’d still own your sites and all of your content.
With free domains, hundreds of user-friendly templates and easy to customise options, you can build your blog in approximately 1.10s. Yes I timed it. Check this post to see how easy it is to create your own professional beautiful website!
4. Free Hosting For Your Blog
As I said, your free sites will always be free for you to use but if you want to have your own domain, you’re going to need to buy a domain (it costs around $4 from NameCheap) and host it somewhere.
Well if you go premium at WA (only $19 per month), then you can host an unlimited number of sites for FREE.
To put this in perspective; basic hosting usually costs $12 per month from HostGator or GoDaddy and on Wealthy Affiliate you can host an unlimited number of blogs. I have 9 running there (not all active blogs).
5. Scam Free Environment
As I've already mentioned, Wealthy is a scam-free, spam-free zone. No sparkling but hollow promises of automated overnight success at the click of the button. The ‘mystery' of affiliate marketing is completely demystified.
Wealthy Affiliate is a serious online business centre. That means no upsells, no scams and no money hungry con-artists. Just the community helping each other succeed. (I found this so refreshing!)
All you get is exactly the right training, all the tools you need to succeed and unlimited support and help from those who have already done it. All is left is for you to work hard, put in the effort and reap the rewards.
6. You Get to Learn About Affiliate Marketing for FREE
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is free to join and you can stay on a free membership (and use your websites) for as long as you wish. The premium subscription will unlock training in higher levels that will help increase your traffic and earning potential.
BUT mind you: You can still learn how to build a website, drive traffic to it and make sales with the free subscription! It's just something you can consider at a later when your free websites are already generating income.
I can only recommend Wealthy Affiliate because it's exactly where I got my start and two years on, it's still my usual hangout – you'll find me helping people, giving feedback on their sites and answering questions everyday.
Secondly, you get to see it all and do it all at absolutely no cost to you – so don't take my word for it – try it and see for yourself!
7. One-on-One Support From Me
I’m an active member at Wealthy Affiliate and I can be your mentor in there (if you wish).
In all honesty I could help you outside WA too but it’s much better if you’re a member thus I can refer you to the same training that taught me how to create my business. I don’t want to give you fish, I want to teach you how to catch fish.
I will support you every step of the way because I really want to see you make it online.
Once you're on the inside, message me, drop me a comment and we'll get building your online business together!

8. Now Is The Best Time To Start Learning Affiliate Marketing
Now is the best time to make your first step, not tomorrow, not next week. Now.
If not now, then when?
If you never take the first step, you’ll never reach your destination. I know that “starting a business” sounds a little scary, but you know what else is scary?
Scary is:
- Working for somebody that pays you a minimum wage for you to work to build their business.
- Sitting in rush-hour traffic to and from work for hours a day.
- Having to ask someone else permission to take a few measly days off.
- Seeing your family just 3 hours a day.

Just take the first step and then one more after that, than another one. It will happen for you, it's the accumulative effect of being bold enough to do something different.
Eventually just like it happened for me and all the others that put in the effort, you'll see it happen for you too.
If you’d like to go ahead and join me on Wealthy Affiliate just click on the link below or if you want to read more about about Wealthy Affiliate, see what other WA members have to say here.
See you on the inside, this is going to be great!
I’ll reach out to you as soon as you join.
Start your training
Are you ready to get started? Create your free Starter account here or ready my 7 compelling reasons why I think you should join Wealthy Affiliate.
Need a step-by-step on creating your account? See: How to join Wealthy Affiliate 5 simple steps
I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2014 and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I login into the member's area several times a day to help people just like you get started on their make money online journey and I'll help you too.
Today I can volunteer in Thailand simply because of the income I get from the affiliate marketing business I started in Wealthy Affiliate.Here's a photo from the time I spent Christmas in a refugee camp, this is what I live for!

Do you have any questions about affiliate marketing or how to get started? Drop me a comment below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.