Ecom Cash Crusher Review 2024: Why I Had To Get A Refund


Welcome to my unbiased and honest Ecom Cash Crusher review where we're going to find out if this is a legit money-making program or a time-wasting scam.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried a few make money online courses in the past with mixed results. The Ecom Cash Crusher course is being pushed as “an incredible, revolutionary new system that can earn you $40K/month”.

It's selling for $37 but comes with a full 60-day money-back guarantee, meaning you can essentially go through the entire course, decide if it's worth it, then get a refund if it doesn't deliver.

I'm grateful to the Ecom Cash Crusher owners (whoever they are) for having such a solid money-back guarantee because I ended up using it.

I'm writing this review now because I see a lot of shameless affiliates spamming the heck out of email inboxes trying to get people signed up and you deserve to know the truth.

Ecom Cash Crusher Review At A Glance

About: Ecom Cash Crusher is marketed as a newbie-friendly way to make $2,000/day through dropshipping.

Price: $37 plus $393 for upsells and $111.50 a month for a Shopify store.

Pros: None we can think of.

Cons: Send a lot of spam, hires actors for testimonials, sells your personal info.

Verdict: Ecom Cash Crusher is a scam where you lose money instead of making money. Avoid at all costs.


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is Ecom Cash Crusher?

If the sales hype is to be believed, Ecom Cash Crusher is the system stay at home mums, the unemployed and total newbies can use to make $2,000 as soon as today.

what is ecom cash crusher

With earnings screenshots and testimonial videos, the narrator calling himself ‘David' tells us making money with this method couldn't be easier, with hundreds of ordinary people already making more than $40,000 a month.

make money ecom cash crusher

Do you know what really grinds my gears?

When crappy course creators think using emotional manipulation tactics is a good way to sell to unsuspecting victims *cough* customers.

They say things like:

  • Ever dreamt of spending your days sipping rum cocktails in a hammock?
  • Imagine giving your boss the middle finger
  • You can make money by the pool or at a bar

David goes on to tell us how hard his life was before he discovered the Ecom Cash Crusher system saying he was an only child with a rusty bicycle…

It gets worse:

He elaborates his fictional story saying his mum married an alcoholic who once pinned him up against the wall by his throat. Life was hard. Then, suddenly, his life changed when he met Sandra, a woman making money running a Shopify store. She invited David to her mansion, had her cook make him breakfast and revealed all her secrets.

As you can tell, I’m a tad jaded by the typical rags to riches stories and sensationalist hype we see all too often with make money online scams…

Finally, he gets to the point and tells us what Ecom Cash Crusher is about:

Ecom Cash Crusher is a course that claims to show people how to run a successful Shopify store and make money through dropshipping.

Beware The Barrage Of Upsells

For this review, I joined Ecom Cash Crusher to see if it lived up to its bold claims of $2,000/day, but before you can access the training you've just paid for you have to push past a wall of upsell-promoting pop-ups.

Each pop-up tries tempting you into paying out more for “even more profits – faster!”

Upsell 1: Premium eCom Package – $197

The Premium eCom Package upsell offers Facebook ads training as a way to drive traffic to your online dropshipping store.

It's clear they're not afraid to use sensationalist claims to get you to buy in…

Decline this generous offer and you're hit with another pop-up offering $100 discount.

Upsell 2: eCom Cash Crusher Targeted Traffic Booster – $196

This upsell is more training on driving traffic to your online stores, this time through Google and Bing ads.

eCom Cash Crusher Targeted Traffic Booster upsell

Surely traffic generation is something that should be covered in the eCom Cash Crusher training?! It's a real pet peeve of mine when course creators try squeezing more cash out of you with these higher-priced upsells.

All it shows is that this dropshipping course isn't substantive enough to stand on its own and these self-proclaimed gurus are only thinking of lining their own pockets.

But here's the real kicker:

Once inside the training area you'll see that these upsells are included in the main menu. Accidentally click on it and your credit card is automatically charged. It's known as a ‘one-click upsell' and it's a common tactic employed by scammers to extract more cash.

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Can You Make Money With Ecom Cash Crusher?

A successful dropshipping business has a lot of moving parts you need to get right before you can expect to make a profit.

You need to know how to pick the right kind of products to sell, how to find reliable suppliers at the best price and how to drive potential buyers to your offers. Then there's the aftersales customer care and refunds to deal with.

While dropshipping can be very lucrative, Ecom Cash Crusher's training barely scratches the surface in terms of equipping you with the knowledge you need.

Each lesson contains a link to a short video and PDF file that briefly run through the steps to running a Shopify store but in nowhere near enough detail.

ecom cash crusher training course

Yes, you're shown how to set up a basic Shopify store (to ensure the trainer gets his cut of your monthly Shopify subscription), but at no point are you shown how to personalise or optimise it for maximum sales.

Then there's absolutely nothing on how to drive traffic to your store!

Seriously, not even a mention!

Because of this, I honestly can't see how any dropshipping beginner could follow this course and expect to make money.

Not only is this NOT an ‘easy and instant $2,000 a day automated money-making system', but costs can also quickly accumulate as you pay out for your Shopify store and start spending on advertising – costs they aren't upfront with you about.

Shopify fees start from $111/month for a basic store:

shopify pricing

On top of that, you need to count the advertising costs. The guaranteed way to make zero sales is to have nobody viewing your store…

Unfortunately, without adequate training on how to run profitable ad campaigns, you're going to quickly burn through your Facebook and Google ad spend.

3 Ecom Cash Crusher Secrets Exposed!

1. Money-Hungry Affiliates Use Spam To Entice New Victims

Why? Because that's exactly what the Ecom Cash Crusher owner tells them to do!

As you can see, the anonymous Ecom Cash Crusher owner and his affiliates are banking on you buying into the upsells:

what is the ecom cash crusher a scam

These affiliates earn a commission every time someone signs up through them.

How do they generate sales?

Despite Ecom Cash Crusher's strong anti-spam policy that tells members their accounts will be immediately suspended for sending spam, the creator of Ecom Cash Crushers provides his affiliates with spammy done-for-you email templates.

These are spam emails with clickbait titles packed full of hyped-up empty promises like:

  • Get RICH from eCom
  • $8,957.48 in just 7 days
  • $2,726.81 from Shopify
  • OPEN ME: If you need money

2. Fake Ass Success Stories Given By Hired Actors

Promotional videos of internet scams I've reviewed in the past like EZ Money Team, The Profit Shortcut, 30 Minute Commissions and Ecom Cash Code all feature fake testimonials given by Fiverr actors who were paid $10 to say they were making life-changing sums of money.

Despite guarantees of fast and easy cash, Ecom Cash Crusher did exactly the same thing.

Here's the girl who said she made $2,834 in just 2 days along with her Fiverr profile…

reasons why ecom cash crusher is a scam

Remember this guy? He said he made $200,000 in two months…

honest review of the ecom cash crusher course

This is not a good sign! If Ecom Cash Crusher was a legitimate training program then they'd be no issue asking members to share their real success stories.

3. They WILL Give Your Personal Details Away

Incredibly, the website states any private contact information you give them will be passed on to third parties who will then contact you with promotional offers:

reviews and complaints

Is Ecom Cash Crusher A Scam?

Ecom Cash Crusher is 100% a scam because the marketing is misleading. It is impossible to make $2,000 a day with this training and you are far more likely to LOSE money due to monthly Shopify costs and advertising fees they don't warn you about beforehand.

Can you start making real money online?

Yes absolutely.

Is signing up to Ecom Cash Crusher the best way to go?

Definitely not!

Not when there are so many better alternatives available.

Dropshipping vs. Affiliate Marketing: Which Is Best?

There are tons of ways people are earning online with affiliate marketing and dropshipping being the most popular. The question is, which is the best option for YOU?

To find out, let's compare and contrast the two. Here's a great video that will walk you through the pros and cons of each:

What dropshipping and affiliate marketing have in common is you're making money selling products you never have to handle yourself – in both cases, there's a third party dealing with inventory, storage, returns and shipping for you.

How Dropshipping Works:

Dropshipping is when you list an item for sale on an online store that you own (usually through Shopify) and once you have a buyer, you order that item to be shipped to the customer through a third-party supplier.

how dropshipping works

Dropshippers find potential customers through sponsored Facebook ads which means higher start-up costs initially, although once you get the hang of running successful ad campaigns and choosing the right products, there's the real possibility of higher earnings.

If you're interested in dropshipping check out this free web class.

How Affiliate Marketing Works:

Affiliate marketing is when you send potential buyers to third-party websites through your unique links and earn a commission every time they make a purchase.

how affiliate marketing works

Globe trotters might start a travel blog and mention some of their favourite places to stay or where to get the best deal on travel insurance.

Cooking enthusiasts could make money with a food blog by giving baking tips and linking to specific ingredients their readers can order.

Or you can become an Amazon affiliate and make money promoting any one of their 1,000's of products.

When done right, your affiliate website will attract a steady stream of targeted buyers who find you Google, so there's no need for an ad budget.

So, if you’re serious about starting an online and you're ready to make your dreams of financial freedom a reality, affiliate marketing is the way to go. I’ve just finished putting together the ultimate beginner's guide to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.

Get it here.

Affiliate marketing training platforms like Wealthy Affiliate (my full review) can help you get your first affiliate marketing website up and running for free.

Your Ecom Cash Crusher Reviews

I sincerely hope you've found this review of Ecom Cash Crusher eyeopening and helpful in your quest to build an online empire.

If you've gone through this product, leave your Ecom Cash Crusher reviews below, it'll really help out our readers!

Have a question about getting started that you'd like me to answer for you? Scroll down and leave your comment and I'll be more than happy to help any way I can!

8 thoughts on “Ecom Cash Crusher Review 2024: Why I Had To Get A Refund”

  1. Thanks for this informative post about ecom cash crusher, looking at this site all one can see is scam.  A lot of promises were made and alot of stories told but it lacks what it really needs to enrich our online business either through affiliate marketing or dropshipping. This company Lacks great reputable ideas to promote.

  2. Hi Simon, I think I will give Ecom Cash Crusher a very wide berth! Sorry you have had to go through that awful ordeal. I too have had similar experiences with such a scammy online business as this one. I particularly liked the way you have described your experience which has jogged so many familiar memories as I have gone through this review.Thanks also for the comparative between affiliate vs. Shopify expressed through the video. That was very helpful. For me, affiliate marketing is the way to go. Shopify seems expensive to set up, and you need to know your numbers too. Suited to more advanced marketeers.Spectacular perspective and insight. Best Wishes!

  3. Good evening Simon,

    After reading your review of Ecom Cash Crusher I must say I am happy I did not fall for this.

    High ticket upsells are always a warning sign. The same as claims of big bucks straight away. You also tell me the owner does not show his face what one does see is actors giving fake testimonials. To tell you the truth I am tired of all these scams. There are far too many.

    Regards, Taetske

    • Most so-called ‘make money online courses’ come with plenty of upsells to boot unfortunately! As I say, either it’s because the product isn’t good enough to stand on its own so you need to buy them to get the results they’re promising, OR the owner is just trying to squeeze more cash out of you.

      There are more scams being released everyday unfortunately, usually by the same group of unscrupulous individuals who make a living duping people into falling for their various ‘secret methods’ and ‘profit software’ nonsense.

      I’m happy you didn’t fall for this too! 🙂

  4. What a great review and I appreciate that you actually joined to get complete information in how the program works.  I am going to have to agree that it doesn’t seem like a good program to join.  I have joined a program before that I paid upfront and then before I could even get any information or training, they had a bunch of upsells.  I never even got into the program, because it would have just kept costing me more money.

    Are there any good training programs that you would recommend for doing Shopify?  Do you that Affiliate Marketing has a better chance for success for someone who has no previous experience?  

    Thanks for the review.  I will stay away from them.  

  5. Thanks for the highlights on how unsafe these sites were, anybody without a deeper knowledge of the sites could have fallen prey easily. I once thought dropshipping was awesome compared to affiliate marketing until I saw your analysis and now I really know am wrong. Its amazing what your post really impacted when I read it. Really helpful. 

  6. Hi Simon, very good and informative review about Ecom Crusher. I actually heard once about this program but I didn`t check out some more info about it. The concept seems interesting but after reading your review I`m not going into it. I think that every program which promises you some easy or huge money couldn`t be reliable. This program is really a scam, thanks for sharing with us!

  7. Hello Simon! You are absolutely right about trying out some courses on how to make money online. Thanks for your review on Ecom Cash Crusher. These reviews help one in making the right decision and not embarking on missions that are futile.  The target of these scammers are usually newbies (unsuspecting customers) who they use emotional words to attract. Unfortunately, some greedy folks always fall for their charming words.


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