Will Wealthy Affiliate Work For Seniors?


will wealthy affiliate work for seniorsToday I'm going to give my best answer to the question: Will Wealthy Affiliate work for seniors?

Here's an email I found in my inbox this morning from a Make Money Online Blog reader:

“Will Wealthy Affiliate work for seniors like me?

I'm not too good with computers and I've never done anything like this before. 

Do you think Wealthy Affiliate can help me learn how to build a website business and show me how to make money online?”

I get asked this kind of thing a lot. Personally I don't know exactly how old you have to be before you're officially classed as a ‘senior' but…

My answer is absolutely 100% yes!

Wealthy Affiliate is and always has been my top recommendation for aspiring online entrepreneurs. Whether your 18 or 80, it really doesn't matter. The same opportunity is open to all.

So if you're looking to tap into that entrepreneurial flair you've always had or you're looking to build yourself an online income stream so you can make the most out of your retirement years, yes Wealthy Affiliate can show you how and give you the tools and support you need to make it happen.

No prior experience necessary.

Every day hundreds of beginners join Wealthy Affiliate because they're looking for a way out of the rat race, for a real way to provide for their families and to have the financial freedom to be able to create the kind of life they want for themselves.

Will Wealthy Affiliate work for seniors? Yes and here's why…

7 Sure-fire reasons why Wealthy Affiliate works for seniors (yes even you 🙂 )

1. Wealthy Affiliate has members old and young

will wealthy affiliate work for seniors or notWith over 800,000 members, the Wealthy Affiliate community is made up of every kind of person you can think of. From every continent and background. Some have been active members for just a few weeks, some of been around for 10+ years.

And everyone's motivations are different; some are college students looking to fund their studies, some are work from home mum's looking to help contribute to the monthly household expenses and others are looking for a way to help supplement their pension.

Whatever your reason for joining Wealthy Affiliate is, the outcome is the same:

You get access to the top-notch training and awesome community support that enables you to make your online income goals a reality.

Since The Make Money Online Blog was lauched in 2016, dozens of seniors have become fully-fledged Wealthy Affiliate members and I feel proud to say they are now doing very well for themselves.

Take a look at this guy for example, he found Wealthy Affiliate for this website and became a free member. He liked it so much he's since gone all-in with the yearly membership and his website business is doing very well.

will wealthy affiliate work for retired

Maike is another retieed reader who joined Wealthy Affiliate in July. When she's not RVing from coast to coast she's quietly building her online income.wealthy affiliate for seniors
Why am I showing you these profiles? Because if these “more senior” members can do it – so can you! 🙂

2. The training takes you through everything you need to know step-by-step

will wealthy affiliate work for seniorsDon't know how to set up a website? Don't know how to get that highly coveted number one ranking in Google?

Don't worry I didn't either, but I do now!

I started out as a complete newbie and I had no clue what I was doing.

But here's the deal:

Wealthy Affiliate is designed specifically for people like you and me. The interactive and thorough training courses will guide you through everything you need to know step-by-step.

There's no assumptions about what you already know or don't know and the way the training is set up, you can go through it at your own pace. You're building on a solid foundation here so there's no need to rush.

3. Your life experience means you've got a head start

Can I let you in on a little secret?

Making money online is all about helping people. That's it.

Have an interest in gardening?

You can create a website where you give advice and tips that will help people transform their tired looking, weed-infested garden into a heavenly sanctuary.

Know a lot about setting up your own sound system?

You can write blog posts that show people the best type of cables and equipment to buy and how to set it all up to get the best sound.

Whetever your area of expertise (and yes, we're all experts at something) making money online means giving answers to questions and solutions to problems people are have. Wealthy Affiliate is going to teach you how to take your area of interest and show you exactly how to to turn that into a thriving and profitable online business.

The more helpful you are the more successful you will be.

The technical aspects (though it's really not as technical as you think, see #7) are easy to learn. You watch the video and click where he tells you to click. It can easily be learned.

But your years of experience, your knowledge gained by trial and error and your ability to connect with people really does give you a head start at this.

4. You've got the patience and discipline to make it work

best affiliate marketing training for seniorsNot many people will tell you this but I will: building an online business takes time.

Setting up the website itself is the easy bit (takes just 3 minutes) but you've got to work consistently before Google will start to take you seriously. This means creating helpful blog posts and growing your site over time.

Most young people have passion but lack the vital discipline it takes to actually make it happen. They're easily distracted and if they don't see results straight away they move on to the next shiny thing that grabs their attention.

Trust me when I say steady and slow always wins the race!

So if you are going to do this, give yourself and your business time to grow. Give yourself 6-12 months where you put the work in without expecting any initial fruit. This is just the nature of online business.

There might be times you feel like you're working for free (been there, done that!) but stick with it and the time and effort you put in now will pay you back dividends in the months to come.

5. Wealthy Affiliate will show you how to support yourself through retirement

the-wealthy-affiliate-reviewSince I left school I worked as an administrator and customer service assistant in supermarkets and call centers but it never felt right working for someone else.

I love waking up each morning and answering comments from readers, helping people gettign started with their own online businesses inside the Wealthy Affiliate member's area.

I get such a kick out of seeing my business and income grow month on month, knowing that I'm working for myself to build an income-generating asset that will set me up for life.

What can beat that?

What I really like about Wealthy Affiliate is they cut the hype and the fluff and just keep to the practical hands-on stuff that will actually make a difference to your bank account balance.

They know what they're doing and what they teach gets results. The hundreds of Wealthy Affiliate success stories attest to that.

You're following a real business model that works.

6. There's very little financial investment requried

best way for seniors to start an online businessWe live in a great time. If you wanted to start your own business 50 years ago you'd need to find and hire premises with all the costs involved with that, hire and manage staff and pay their wages, pay out for stock.

And don't forget all the insurances… business insurance, contents and buildings insurance for your business and the list goes on and on.

How much would all this come to?

If you wanted to buy a McDonalds franchise in the US today it would set you back $3,800,000 – you would have to wait 20 years just to make even. That's not my kind of business model!

Compare the start-up investment needed for an online business vs. a tradition offline business and the difference is night and day.

1. Wealthy Affiliate membership – $47 a month

You can take advantage of Wealthy Affiliate's free Starter membership to get a feel for it, but when you're ready you're probably going to want to upgrade to the Premium membership to get access to the full training modules.

For $47 per month (or $359 if you go for the yearly discount) you get full access to the training and community, 24/7 support, direct access and advice from owners Kyle and Carson anytime, free web hosting for up to 50 websites, full access to the beginner-friendly website builders and keyword research tools.

Here's a comparison of the Starter and Premium membership options you might find useful.

Basically, with this you're not going to need to pay out for any other training programs or business building tools – everything you need is right here in one place.

2. A domain name – $12.99 a year

The second thing to keep in mind is you'll need to buy a domain for your website. Don't worry it's only $12.99 for the year!

That's it. Seriously.

Your website is like your very own online store that's open for business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to a global customer base. Websites don't sleep and E-commerce never stops.

The internet has really changed everything and it's made becoming a successful business owner easier (and a lot cheaper!) than ever before.

7. Starting an online business is not as technical (or as scary) as you think

is wealthy affiliate for seniorsAnd finally, Wealthy Affiliate will work for seniors because of the beginner-friendly tools you'll get access to.

You don't need to be a a technical whizz kid or a professional writer, heck I'm definitely not!

But the Wealthy Affiliate owners have gone out of their way to make starting your first online business as easy as possible.

It used to be that you needed to learn complicated coding to get a website live on the web but thanks to the Site Rubix website builder, not any more 🙂

Creating a website is really as simple as clicking a few buttons and letting Wealthy Affiliate take care of all the technical behind-the-scenes stuff for you.

Plus you've always got a whole community of helpful and friendly members on hand if you're ever unsure about anything, myself included.

So there you have it, my reasons for why Wealthy Affiliate works not only for seniors, but for anyone looking to create an online income for themselves.

If you want to check out my full Wealthy Affiliate review for more info please do so, or if you're ready, click the button below to create your free account and get started!

I'll see you inside the member's area!


join wealthy affiliate senior


Do you have any questions about getting started with Wealthy Affiliate? I am more than happy to help anyway I can. Please share below and I will do my best to get back to you quickly.

Are you a ‘more mature‘ Wealthy Affiliate member? What's your experience been with Wealthy Affiliate and does it work for you? I'd love to hear from you!

2 thoughts on “Will Wealthy Affiliate Work For Seniors?”

  1. I am glad someone has taken a look at the particular reasons why an older person might be hesitant to take part in the Wealthy Affiliate online program. I am persuaded by the examples of individuals over 60 who have worked on this program, it is encouraging.
    I would like to know, if I got started on this, what would happen when I pass away? Can I will it to my children?

    • As morbid as it is to think on such things, yes you can will the business onto your children because it’s an income-generating asset.

      Thanks for sharing Judith, are you already a WA member?


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