Daily Profits Review: Can You Make A Lazy $2,400 Per Day?

Daily Profits Review

Hi and welcome to the Daily Profits review where we move past the hype on Gary Jenkins' sales page and take a more in-depth look at this so-called “secret $2,400 a day loophole” to find out exactly why it's not exactly the life-changing income opportunity it claims to be.

What's the bottom line?

Daily Profits is designed to deceive you into thinking $7 is an absolute bargain for a program that's going to make you “Freakin' rich!” but in the cold light of day, it is nothing more than a scummy scam.

is daily profits a scam

I am not an affiliate for Daily Profits. I am simply a successful online entrepreneur on a mission to expose the time-wasting scams that don't work and discover real money-making opportunities that do.

Shall we expose Gary Jenkins and his Daily Profits scam?

I think it's high time we did.

Daily Profits Review At A Glance

About: Daily Profits is Gary Jenkin's “complete training course”, at least that's how he describes a set of the set of outdated junk eBooks he put together.

Price: $7 for the training, $494 for 2 upsells, $299 for Shopify subscription.

Pros: None at all.

Cons: Deceptive marketing tactics, outdated training, expensive upsells, outrageous income claims.

Verdict: Daily Profits is a scam. You're promised $1000s in income yet only given trashy eBooks that will get you nowhere.  


0.5 Star Rating NEW

Let's Start With The Fake-Ass Advertising

I'm not exaggerating when I say nothing you see on sales page or in the sales video can be trusted…

reasons why daily profits is a scam

1. Fake-Ass Earnings Claims

At one point in the video, Gary Jenkins tells us he made $12,892 in one day using the exact same loophole he wants to show you, even going as far as saying he made over $3 million last year.

In reality, the guy calling himself Gary Jenkins (we have no idea who the actual owner is) makes the vast majority of his money by selling his half-baked courses to unsuspecting people by telling them they can earn ridiculous amounts of cash starting within 24 hours for just 10 minutes of work a day.

2. Fake-Ass Scarcity

Land on the website and you'll be told there's only “8 copies available”. Right away we know this is rubbish – Daily Profits is a digital product being sold through ClickBank.com and they'll sell as many memberships as the number of people willing to pay.

This is just a well-known ruse to fool you into a false sense of urgency so you hit the buy now button before thinking too much about it.

3. Fake-Ass News

Across the bottom of the website you'll see the logos of all the major news outlets giving you the false impression Daily Profits has been on the likes of Forbes and Entrepreneur, only search online and there's not a mention of this program anywhere.

Again, this is a deliberate ploy by the scammer to make his site look more credible than it actually is.

4. Fake-Ass Video Testimonials

Like any scam, Daily Profits has no real members getting results, which is why Gary Jenkins has to resort to hiring actors who will say whatever he tells them to say.

Here's the girl who told us that since implementing the secret loophole she learned she's earned $2,600 with the Daily Profits system, then here's a screenshot of her profile over at Fiverr.com where she advertises her services as a video spokesperson:

fake video testimonials 1

Remember this guy?

He says he was extremely skeptical at first, that is until last month when he tells us he's made an incredible $73,482 using the Daily Profits method.

Here's his Fiverr profile too:

fake video testimonials 2

Every single one of the people you heard on the sales page tell you they've made $1,000's following the program but in truth, they just made $5 for lying to us.

The Training: Even At $7, It's Way Overpriced

Okay, maybe it gets better inside the members area? I'm afraid not…

Take a look at the training area and you'll see there's not much to see, but let's delve a little deeper.

daily profits training area

Hit the big green download button and you'll quickly realise Daily Profits is nothing more than a set of 4 eBooks.

That's it.

Supposedly, everything you'll ever need to know about running a million dollar a year eCommerce business is contained in these pages. The only problem is I've read them and they barely scratch the surface in terms of what you need to know.

daily profits pdf

The PDF files give only a very brief overview of how to run a profitable Shopify store with only very general information. There's nothing actionable here, no practical step-by-step instructions on how to pick the right products, find a good supplier, optimise your Facebook ad campaigns and deal with customer service issues.


There's so much you need to know about running your own dropshipping business and I'd say these generic eBooks cover less than 5% of it.

I did a quick Google search for ‘free dropshipping eBooks' and found these free eBooks on Oberlo.com that probably have more useful information in them.

All you have here is a few worthless, reused junk eBooks. How Gary Jenkins can lump these together and promote them as a ‘complete training course' is beyond me.

And that infamous loophole we kept hearing about on the sales page? There is no loophole. We've been conned.

But wait, it gets worse…

Outdated, Unusable Information

Daily Profits is extremely out of date.

Take eBay Daily Profits for example that talks about running a dropshipping store on eBay, but since eBay changed its rules in January 2019 this isn't even allowed on their platform!

And support? Forget that.

Imagine with me if you will:

You're sitting there with your 4 outdated PDF files trying to build a million dollar a year business (having been told you'll make $2,400 within 24 hours) when you get stuck, have a question or read something doesn't quite make sense and want clarification, what do you do?

You do the only thing you can do – send an email to a support team and wait a day or so for a response.

Not exactly the smart way to build a business is it?

Broken Links

On the left side of the training area is a menu that's supposed to show the various steps to making money with eCommerce, except the links don't even work.

This is the final nail in the coffin.

If you’ve already bought Daily Profits, go and get a refund.

BEWARE The Ridiculously Priced Upsells

Now let's talk about the real cost of Daily Profits and why it's priced so low.

Gary knows that once you're in the members area he'll be able to ambush you with upsells and upgrades when he makes the vast majority of his money.

Upsell 1: Daily Profits Elite ($297)

There's absolutely no information about what this gives you except that it promises to double your earnings and I'm not paying $297 for the privilege of finding out.

Upsell 2: Nitro Profits Method ($197)

Apparently this upsell shows you how to profit from selling products you don't own while getting other people to do all the work.

Shopify Monthly Fees ($29-$299/Month)

Right bang in the centre of Daily Profits is a banner with a video telling you to go over to Shopify.com and sign up for a package.

monthly shopify fees

This is a lot of money, especially when you think you're getting a complete income system for $7. Gary intentionally fails to tell people about the real costs involved upfront.

Can You Make Money With Daily Profits?

According to the sales video you only need these 3 things to be successful with this program:

1. A computer

2. An internet connection

3. A hunger to succeed

By now we know this is utter codswallop.

While these 3 things are of course necessary when starting any online venture, they are not the ONLY things you need – what's really pivotal to your success is a real and practical formula you can follow, not this over-hyped BS.

Running a Shopify store, though potentially highly profitable when done right, is also very risk and there's a lot of start-up costs involved. We haven't even touched on production and advertising costs,

The only person making money with Daily Profits is Gary Jenkins, at the expense of everyone else.

I hope I've shown you enough by now that you why this isn't the golden money making opportunity you were led to believe.

Anyone who buys Daily Profits will only struggle to try and turn these outdated eBooks into a profitable online business and in the end will give up disappointed this program doesn't deliver on its promises.

There are so many legitimate ways to work from home but this my friend is not one of them. I've seen so many sites like this that promise the world but leave you high and dry and often a lot more worse off than when you started.

One thing that is certain though, the Daily Profits website won't be up for long. It's only a matter of time until the complaints and reviews like this one start springing up and the truth gets out, then scam operators like Gary shut up shop and a new scam with a new name pops up in its place.

Final Daily Profits Review Score: A Measly 2/100


How can anyone in good conscience mislead people into buying a shoddy product like this?

Daily Profits fails on every possible level and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

It amazes me that Gary has found a few old eBooks online and is try to pass it off as the ultimate $2,400 a day method…

There's no over-the-shoulder video training you can follow, no community support and no expert advice that you can lean on at all.

Unlike Daily Profits, this free beginners training course from Wealthy Affiliate actually gives you solid, step-by-step and up-to-date training.

They're the only training platform that has been helping aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their online income goals since 2005.

If you have the drive to succeed then the Wealthy Affiliate community will give you everything you need to create and grow a thriving online business without the crazy start-up costs.

Definitely try out the free training. All you need is a name and email to get started so you don't even need to get your wallet out.

Time To Tell Us What You Think

Now that you’ve read my full and scathing Daily Profits review, what are your thoughts? Have you had any experience with Daily Profits (good or bad) that you'd like to share?

Scroll down and let us know in the comments, we'd love to hear from you!

7 thoughts on “Daily Profits Review: Can You Make A Lazy $2,400 Per Day?”

  1. Lots of People always wants to strike it rich, make plenty of money in the short time, but in fact it’s rarely impossible for most of us, yes there’s no doubt some of them make a quick buck easy money in some ways, but it doesn’t mean it will work for us for sure, find a good system is extremely important, not only provide a step by step learning course, but also it’s legitimate, alright I will take a look about wealth affiliate. Thanks for this nice article.

  2. Wow! This really sounds too good to be true and apparently it is. This was a great review on Daily profits, although I have never tried it I will definitely steer clear of this website. Thanks for the honest review a lot of people are looking to make money fast and they promise it for only $7. Sounds lIke Wealthy AffIlIate Is the way to go.

    Great Review,


  3. When i first of all saw the headline, i already knew its going to be a scam sites, as only scam websites or platforms promises that big as much as over two thousand bucks in a day (that is a very great red flag). Thanks for exposing such a scam website as you would have saved a life by doing this. Though i still wonder how these guys connive with real people to give fake video testimonials.Thanks a lot for this, I hope to read more reviews from your subsequent posts.Cheers!

  4. Hello

    Thank you so much for this very informative post, that’s really true. People now a days will dive into a quick get rich program and at the end of the day, it ends up noting but all the program they have joined is purely SCAM.

    This is a site that I can be proud of. Thanks.

    • Thanks Merven, all it takes to avoid being scammed is taking a second or two to sit back and think about what you’re being told and do some research like you have done. All the best!


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