How To Make Your Own Website For Free


If you really want to know how to make your own website for free, stick with me because you're at the right place!

I'm going to give you access to free and easy to use website builders to help you get your website up and running in the next few minutes.

With SiteRubix It's Easier And Simpler Than Ever To Make Your Own Website Online In The Next 3

As your online business grows, you'll probably want to host your own blog, but for right now, especially if you're looking to start a blog on a tight budget, I'm going to show you how, with SiteRubix, making your own WordPress website isn’t only free; but it’s super easy and fun too!
Without any installation or downloads, technical knowledge or website building experience, your very own website can be up and running within the next few minutes.
Here’s exactly how it works:

What Is SiteRubix?

SiteRubix is today's easiest, fastest and most powerful hosting and publishing platform created for beginners. Initially created for members of Wealthy Affiliate (WA) – for the first time it's now gone public.

One of the pros of starting a free blog with SiteRubix is that it plugs you into Wealthy Affiliate; one of the top online entrepreneur communities on the web.

You get domain registration, transfers and professional monitoring to website health tools to help improve the quality and performance of your first website. (As well as live chat, question and answers and affiliate marketing training all thrown in.)

This means that if you want to transfer your free blog to your own unique domain at a later date, you can do easily.

How Does SiteRubix Work?

SiteRubix uses the open-source WordPress software to help you make your own websites and the entire process can be operated right on your internet browser – so no downloads or installations necessary.

Here is the simple 4 step process to make your own website:

1. Choose The Type of Website You Want

It's completely up to you: if you're  beginner, select the ‘free SiteRubix website’ option to get started.

2. Choose A Name for Your Website

What do you want your new website to be called? What topic will your website be based on?

Check availability and register your first domain name. Just make sure the name of your website is relevant to the main idea of your website.

3. Choose A WordPress Theme

Here's the fun bit! Select or theme for your website. A theme you pick will be the template for your site.

Don't worry too much about the colours or images at this point – all these can be changed and customised at a later date.

With SiteRubix there are thousands of completely free themes to choose from. Find one you like and with a simple click it's yours.

4. Launch Your Website

So you've picked a name and theme for your new website – now you're ready to make your website live!

You'll immediately receive a secure password so you can log in at anytime. You can change the password to one that is easier to remember.

Understanding Website Performance

Beginners who have made their own website often send me emails and messages asking me how they can check and monitor how well their site is doing, how well it's being indexed in Google or how to see how many monthly visits their new website is generating.

One of my favourite features of SiteRubix is that you can check SiteManager at any time to see exactly how well your website is doing.

Included is an easy health check score to help you make your website successful. With this you can find out what you're doing well and see highlighted areas that you could improve.

The example below is a snapshot of the ‘health status’ of my website. Let me show you exactly what you'll be able to view:

  1. WordPress version: From here I can ensure you have the latest version of WordPress installed.
  2. Monitoring: With SiteRubix it's reassuring to know your website will be protected against malware and hacking. Your site is also backed up and you can open an IT support ticket at any time. I have always received a friendly and helpful response within 3 hours.
  3. Numbers of posts/pages: You can see the number of posts and pages on my site. The more good quality content I create, the higher my Google rankings will be.
  4. Approved/Pending Comments: From here you'll be able to see the number of comments my website has received and is a good way to measure visitor engagement.
  5. Google index: SiteManager will let you know once your website is indeed in Google search engines.
  6. Site Health: Gives you a quick general overview of how well your site is doing based on the following factors:

As you can see, my website is pretty well optimised for the most part, except that I need to improve on my ‘Publishing Frequency’. So now I know, I can focus my efforts in creating more good quality content.

What If Your Website Has ‘Poor Health’?

First of all, don't panic. When you first make your own website you won't have published any posts yet, received any visitor comments or be listed in search engine results. However, with the SiteManager you can track your progress and improve your site's health.

Each of the health indicators are closely linked to some of the online training provided by Wealthy Affiliate and you'll have all the help and support you need to take your site forward.

Included within the Siterubix domains and hosting is a free step-by-step training program where you’ll learn how to:

  • Create posts and pages with high value content that connect people with the helpful and useful information they are looking for.
  • Use  free Keyword Finder Tool that will help you rank on the first page of Google search results with the content you create.
  • Get feedback, ideas and 24/7 support from the online community on any technical or creative aspects of your website.

How Much Does SiteRubix Cost?

Just to re-emhasise: You can make your very own website on SiteRubix for FREE. It cost you NOTHING to set up a sub-domain website on SiteRubix hosting.

The free version comes pre-installed with some essential plugins that are helpful for website optimization and protection. If this is all you're looking for – go ahead – get started and make a beautiful website!

But there is an additional 2nd option available for you too…

If you would like to transfer your website to your own custom domain then you'll want to sign up as a premium member.

For example, let's say you register and after a year you want to transfer your site to then this is an option.

This is something you might want to consider further down the line once your website is established and already generating an income.

If you like to build your website on a custom domain, the easiest way is to check the availability and register a new domain a name at SiteDomain, within the SiteManager area of SiteRubix.

If you're ready to make your own website then click here or check the availabilty by using the domain search tool here:

Reviews: What People Say About SiteRubix

The “Site Health” feature is a helpful indicator to guide website owners on how to go about fixing their site problems.

Websites built on SiteRubix do very well in Google rankings.

Unlike other sub-domain companies, the free SiteRubix don’t restrict monetisation activities on your website.

So are you ready to make your own website? Have fun getting started in your online publishing adventure!

If you haven't done it yet – register your domain here:

To Your Online Success!

Do you have a question? Leave me a comment and I’ll respond ASAP!

15 thoughts on “How To Make Your Own Website For Free”

  1. Hi Simon,
    As you stated in your great article, today as opposed to even 10 years ago it truly is quite simple for a person to build his/her own website for an online business.

    Siterubix is a great tool to accomplish this task. You took the time to provide clearly worded and easy-to-follow instructions – thank you!

    As you said very limited computer skills would be needed and certainly not education in computer programming, coding, website design are necessary at all unlike how it was back around the year 2000. I know as I started to take a college course in these areas and dropped out after a few weeks, blown away by all of the technical jargon.

    Siterubix, (originally designed just for Wealthy Affiliate members) is also for free for anyone who wants to use this tool.

    Truly anyone wanting to start his/her own business and up until reading your article were “psyched out” about what he/she incorrectly perceived as to the difficulty in building a website, now has no excuses. Really an 8 year old can build his/her own website, as in fact with the computer courses taught in elementary school I have a feeling that many children that age already have accomplished this task!


    • “Even an 8 year old can make a website with SiteRubix” – I like it!

      It’s so true though, I appreciate you sharing your experience with us. It’s reassuring for people who are still a little worried about launching their first website that it’s user-friendly, even for brand new beginners.

      Thanks Jeff.

  2. All of this seems pretty cool from afar but how much techie knowledge do you actually need overall. I mean building a website seems like a pretty hard job especially for newbies? Did you actually use this site rubix site to build this blog the article is on now? If so, how long did it take you?

    • Thanks for your question Chris – honestly, making your own website is super easy, fast and free with SiteRubix.

      There’s nothing online, no other website builder and hosting that compare to what this platform has to offer.

      And yes… I made using SiteRubix! It took me all of 3 minutes to have the website up and running. I’m certainly not a ‘techie’ by any stretch of the imagination but with SiteRubix I don’t need to be.

      In fact, I use SiteRubix for all of my websites. It’s just really user-friendly and it’s handy to have all my sites in one place.

  3. Awesome post. I’ve been using WA for a couple of months now and I’ve found that there is a bunch of benefits that go with the platform that I didn’t even know about, and this includes SiteRubix.. I find that the biggest help there is through this platform is the watching of site health .. Keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Simon. What about hosting fees and purchasing your domain name? I’ve have free blogs before and I have never liked the lack of functionality that what a lot of websites seem to be able to do. What is the true cost associated with creating a website that you specifically own? Thanks.

    • With SiteRubix you get a free domain and you can keep this forever, and it really is free.

      You also have the option have buying your own domain, I buy mine from because they tend to be the cheapest. The only cost is the domain name itself (approx. $11 a year) and with SiteRubix it’s a simple short form to transfer everything across to the new domain safely.

      Hope this helps Sarah, all the best!

  5. Hi Simon, thank you for your review on SiteRubix. I am currently using Site Rubix right now and I really do like it a lot. I am quite unsure on Site Trust though. What governs the optimization on Site Trust? Is there something I could do to improve the percentage or do I just need to wait?
    As for the Site support, it is amazing. I encountered not being able to log in once and I panicked that I had lost all my data but the support system managed to put me back online within the half hour. So grateful to the efficiency and helpfulness Site Rubix provides.I agree that a good support system needs to be in place in case of such hiccups.

    • Hi Zinette, the Site Trust indicator, within Site Health relates to your Google rankings – Google is a little wary of brand new sites so you’ll see your Site Trust creep up gradually over the next couple of months.

      As you continue to add high quality, helpful content to your website, Google will see this and you’ll see a surge in search engine traffic.

      If I’ve ever had any issues the SiteRubix expert support team are right there! It’s reassuring to know we have good people on our side when it comes to our websites and online businesses 🙂

  6. Great review.

    I made both of my websites for free using SiteRubix and I couldn’t imagine it being any easier than this! The whole process is extremely straight forward and perfect for beginners to website building.

    I am so proud of the website that I have been building on the SiteRubix platform.

  7. I used siterubix and it is great! Easy to use and is user friendly. I transferred my siterubix website to my domain and I had no issues with it.
    I also love playing around with themes. It is fun to see how a website can change and give different visual thoughts of the website.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience with SiteRubix with us Erika! Now even people like us can have websites up and running in no time. All the best with your online endeavours!

  8. Hi Simon,

    I really like the way you explain it here about how to make a website for free here. You laid out everything on how to get started like getting on SiteRubix first then, choose a Domain, your theme and your niche. Keep posting about like this and I know lots of people don’t know yet to get started putting up a website or blog.



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