I’ve known about Jacob Jans' Freedom With Writing website and writing jobs newsletter for some time now, but I just recently joined his email list for the first time and felt compelled to write an official review.
Earning an income as a freelance writer online is a neat idea that can turn out pretty profitable if you know what you're doing.
There's no end of freelance writing courses out there that claim to be able to give you the best chances of success.
Honestly, some are better than others but from what I've seen, most are just hyped-up scams or at best, give you low-quality, outdated information.
Here are some of the other writing courses I've reviewed recently:
- Master Writing Jobs (scam)
- Writers Work (scam)
- My Freelance Paycheck (legit)
- Write To $1K (legit and recommended)
How does Freedom With Writing compare?
Well, it depends on what you're looking for and what your goals are…
I'm 100% confident that by the time you finish reading this review you’ll have no doubt whether or not Freedom With Writing is a scam or legit and if they're right for you.
Freedom With Writing Review At A Glance
About: Freedom With Writing is a freelance job board made by Jacob Jans.
Price: Free to join.
Pros: Legit, runs contest where you can make as much as $5,000.
Cons: A lot of stiff competition and no guarantee jobs will be available.
Verdict: Freedom With Writing is legit but you're not guaranteed to land a writing job. Quality work and experience will give you the upper hand.

First Off: Is Freedom With Writing A Scam?
Here at The Make Money Online Blog we've reviewed and exposed 100s of scams over the years but I'm happy to report that Freedom With Writing isn't one of them.
Despite the fact the website design looks like it hasn't been updated since 1997, Freedom With Writing is a 100% legit site run by a fellow freelancer whose only aim seems to be helping people start successful online writing careers.

It's best to think of Freedom With Writing as an online magazine publication that sends out you the companies who are currently looking to hire writers (either full-time or on an ad hoc basis) as well as how you can apply straight to your inbox.
They also run various freelance writing contests throughout the month with a chance of winning up to $5,000 which is pretty neat.

Jacob Jans could easily ask subscribers for a monthly membership fee but instead, provides you with the latest job opportunities and helpful guides completely free of charge. He says his website hosting and other running costs are covered with revenue generated from advertising.

I'd say this weekly newsletter is best suited for people looking for online writing gigs like website content and social media posts.
If you're a fiction writer then you might also want to take a look at Jacob's sister site called Authors Publish Magazine.
You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Question #1: Do You Want To Make Money Writing For Other People?
Two great things about freelancing are flexibility and cash flow. If you want access to more writing jobs and at least one of these statements are true:
- You want to save yourself the time and hassle of searching yourself
- You need money in the immediate to short-term
- You want to learn from an experienced freelancer
Then subscribe to the Freedom With Writing newsletter without giving it a second thought. Jacob Jans created this resource specifically with you in mind. It takes just a minute to register and costs you absolutely nothing.
You might also want to browse of the ProBlogger jobs board and these 12 iWriter alternatives.
If you really want to give your online writing career the strongest start possible then be sure to check out WriteTo1K where you'll learn the proven winning strategies that can earn you up to $200-$300 per blog post.
Question #2: Do You Want To Make Money Writing For Yourself?
While there are definitely pros and cons of freelancing, one of the major downsides for me is that your potential income is always going to be limited by the number of hours you can put in on any given day.
Effectively, you're selling your time for money; you put in the work and get paid one time only. Can't find a regular flow of writing jobs or are unable to work for any reason? Your income stream dries up.
Which is why, instead of spending time writing for someone else, I write on websites and blogs I 100% own. Take the time to craft a well-written blog post today and that content could still be generating money for you 2, 3 or even 10 years down the line.
I started my first blog in 2014 and I haven't touched the site in at least 2 years, and yet, that very website still makes me a consistent $2,000 each and every month.
This is simply THE best way to earn money as a writer!
I've written a full and in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review where I go into detail about how, with the step-by-step training and support of like-minded bloggers, I make $7,000+ per month writing only for myself on topics I'm interested in.
Follow along with the course, put in the work upfront and give your blog enough time to grow and you will reap the rewards for many months and years to come.
Conclusion: Which Way Works Best For You?
If you need money in the short-term and want access to more writing jobs out there then Freedom With Writing is a helpful and legitimate resource to helping you launch your freelancing career.
There's no guarantee there'll always be jobs available; there’s a lot of stiff competition out there so be ready to apply for a lot of jobs, but be consistent and it's only matter of time until you land your first job. Invest in a good freelancing course to give yourself the best possible headstart.
If you're ready to make money from your own blog, I recommend checking out this free beginner's training that will walk you through the process.
Either path gives you the HUGE opportunity to make money online as a writer. It all comes down to whether or not you want to write for yourself or someone else and whether you need money in the short or medium-term.
Questions Or Thoughts?
Have something to add to the conversation? Have a question about Jacob Jans' Freedom With Writing resource you want me to answer for you?
Scroll down and leave a comment below! I respond to all comments quickly and I’m happy to help any way that I can.
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.
The statement “They also run various freelance writing contests throughout the month with a chance of winning up to $5,000 which is pretty neat.” is incorrect. Freedom With Writing does not offer contests.
Freedom With Writing curates lists of reviewed writing contests, similar to the full-time and ad hoc opportunity lists.
Hi, I really loved how you linked out to other resources and never seemed to be claiming all-knowing power over how the game of freelance writing works. Your ethos is very effective haha. I wonder, but I am sure I will find it in one of the links you share, how much does it *COST TO START* a self-made website/blog that gains traction passively at first, but gradually turns out more money as time goes on, like you said in your article? I’d like to start my own blog for photography and human interest journalism, but don’t have much disposable income to go around for my project(s) at the moment. Thanks for writing this, cheers! – L
Hi L, you can go the free option or the $50 a month option. Here’s my full breakdown of starting costs (with video).
Hope this helps! 🙂
This is one of the most honest reviews I have seen in a long time. I must commend you for taking your time to lay it all out in a easy way for us to understand without adding or removing any thing about this platform. I heard about the platform and Have been researching to know if it worth my time and I am satisfied that it is legit, but requires a lot of hard work and consistency to achieve one’s goal. Thanks once more.
Absolutely! It’s true – whatever freelance writing training, tools or resources you use, it will always be down to you to put them to work. That means getting yourself out there and applying, putting in the work and above all, building a good reputation for yourself online so you can have more job opportunities paid at a higher rate in the future.
I ran across your article and it grabbed my attention! I looked at all of your points, and I can see why some would want to take jobs freelance writing… for the immediate money. But, the latter just makes way more sense to me. Start a blog and write. The potential for income is so much greater taking this route. Sure… it takes a little time, but the rewards are worth it. Thank you!
Wow thanks for this nice review. I must say the rate at which everyone is coming up with different program to makes money is really amazing but one must be wary of the scam sites that are packed with it. My son is a freelancer and have just opened his own blog page. After all i have seen here about Freedom with writing, I would love to introduce it to him so he can make some money for himself. Thanks.
I was just hearing about Jacob Jans’ Freedom With Writing website and writing jobs newsletter but wasn’t sure what to think of it. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to analyze the product / service so that it’s easier to evaluate the opportunity. It’s good to see that the price is right and that there may be some opportunity with this service. It’s also good to know that it’s not any guarantee that it could work. Thanks so much for sharing!
Let us know how you get on Aly!
I also did freelancing in the past. I took a couple of trainings and I made some money too but that wasn’t what I needed. The clients were occasionally getting in my nerves with insane deadlines. So you see, it’s not always about the training but about the clients. I joined an online platform and got training about blogging. That’s what I do now and it’s been very awesome for me. It’s easy to write for oneself than to write for others honestly. Freedom with writing sounds really good for those that want to go into freelancing though. Good one to give a better alternative here.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us Henderson and you make some great points. When you’re working for someone else you are at their every beck and call – you write about what they want you to write about and when they tell you to.
Congrats on making it on your own and becoming your own boss.