Human Proof Designs Review 2024: Is It Worth The Money?

human proof designs review

Hi, I'm Simon and welcome to my Human Proof Designs review, where together we'll figure out if buying a ready-made affiliate website is the best option for you going forward.

Rather than go through the often long and painstaking process of trying to create one from scratch, many aspiring online entrepreneurs now look to Human Proof Designs (HPD) to create income-generating websites for them as a way to kickstart their online earnings.

I guess it's like trying to build a house from the ground up when you've never built a house before. If you haven't the first clue about how to dig a foundation, wire electrics or install water mains, it makes perfect sense to call in the professionals.

In the same way, the process of building a website that actually makes money takes knowing how to choose profitable niches, target the right keywords, design layouts and create content that converts.

You could have a crack at doing it yourself, and maybe you'd come up with something half decent, but why not leverage the knowledge and experience of experts who have the right technical knowledge, skills and know-how to get the job done well and in a fraction of the time?

That's certainly the big idea here. After doing a bit of research into Human Proof Designs here's what I found out:

Human Proof Designs Review At A Glance

About: Human Proof Designs is a done-for-you affiliate websites provider.

Price: Starter Package for $998 and Premium Package for $1,298.

Pros: High-quality unique websites, provides an array of custom-made sites, saves time and money, solid reputation.

Cons: Expensive, sells out fast.

Verdict: Human Proof Designs is a great outsourcing option if you're looking to start an affiliate business. They handle all the headache of building a website and fast track your success.


4 Star Rating NEW

What Is Human Proof Designs?

Human Proof Designs specialise in creating high quality, 100% unique affiliate websites. They have one clear mission statement:

To help as many beginners as possible get started with affiliate marketing and help our experienced audience make even more money from their websites.

With a team of 100+ website design experts, copywriters, keyword and niche researchers, their sole aim is to help you build successful and profitable websites that fast track your online earnings.

Before HPD came onto the scene buying a website was a risky business. Those looking to invest in virtual real estate were forced to browse sites like Flippa where it's not uncommon to see souless sellers duping unsuspecting buyers by selling the exact same copy-and-paste sites many times over.

These weren't cheap either; you could easily pay $2,000+ for a worthless website that made no money whatsoever!

In sharp contrast, order a HPD site and you get a professional site with premium themes and plugins, packed with original high quality content.

human proof designs stats

These guys know how to get sites ranked. They know how to write content that converts and most importantly for you, they know how to turn casual website visitors into buyers.

Dom Wells: The Human Behind It All

human proof design owner dominic wells

Dom Wells started Human Proof Designs in 2013 after learning how to build affiliate websites the hard way.

After a few flops he eventually learned what worked and what didn't.

Once he had a few successes under his belt he started showing others how to use affiliate marketing and Human Proof Designs was born.

Since then Dom has built a solid reputation and quickly become a leader in the internet marketing space. named him as “a successful entrepreneur you should be following.

He's also been featured on the likes of NicheHacks, NichePursuits and

Here's a video from the man himself talking about how he's already helped hundreds of people launch successful affiliate marketing careers and how Human Proof Designs can help you reach your online income goals:

In a recent interview for TheMakeMoneyOnlineBlog I asked Dom about the pros and cons of starting with a HPD site vs. going out and doing it on your own.

Here's what he said:

“The cons of building your first affiliate marketing site from scratch are that you can get incredibly frustrated and you WILL end up with a terrible website the first few times you do it. It took me many attempts to learn how to build a website right.

So the pros of using us are that we already know how to build successful and profitable sites.

We know what themes work, we know how to configure plugins and we know how to use keywords. We know how to write articles that convert into sales, we know how to use social media.”

I know first-hand just how frustrating and overwhelming starting your first website can be… I wasted so much time learning by trial and error trying to build out my first site.

As I see it, the biggest advantages to buying a HPD site is the time it saves you and the confidence it gives you, knowing it's been done right.

With one of Dom's sites you don't have to worry whether or not you can get Google rankings or hope and pray you haven't gotten yourself into a niche that's too competitive. They take all the guesswork out.

Seen Enough?

How HPD Gives You An Unfair Advantage Over The Competition

95% of newbie online entrepreneurs who start on their own fail within the first 12 months and it's easy to see why…

To make a lot of money with affiliate marketing you need these 3 things:

1) A simple, clear website in a popular, yet untapped niche

2) Ways to attract traffic

3) A way to convert readers into buyers

Many affiliate marketing beginners struggle to figure out how WordPress works, waste time fiddling with plugins, spend hours writing content that never sees the light of day and end up with a website that generates zero income.

In sharp contrast, every Human Proof Designs done-for-you affiliate website is built around a popular yet untapped niche. Every post and page is packed full of high quality content that ranks and converts.

This means you own a website business that attracts a free and growing stream of daily traffic from Google who land on your site, find the information they're looking for, click on your links and buy.

Here's Dom on how HPD will help you achieve your online income goals:

4 Types Of Websites To Choose From:

1. Ready-Made Niche Sites

Ready-made niche sites are definitely the most popular sites on HPD. They tend to be Amazon affiliate sites but not always.

Complete with high quality content, niche and keyword research, an easy to navigate website layout and relevant affiliate offers, these sites are already ranking in Google and getting traffic.

done for you niche websites

You might want to get yourself on the early bird email list and be the first know when new sites are released. A batch of 20 new ready-made sites are launched every 2 weeks.

Pricing Options And What's Included

You'll find sites built in all kinds of niches with each site is built around a profitable niche with relevant products tied in.

The written-for-you reviews, posts and comparison charts means your site specifically targets people in the buying stage converts readers into buyers like crazy.

You have the choice of buying a ready-made or custom made niche site with the $798 Basic, $998 Starter package or the $1298 Premium package, depending on your needs and budget.

Here's a comparison chart showing the differences between Starter and Premium:

website prices

Each site comes with a potential monthly earnings breakdown

When you're browsing the affiliate sites on offer you'll see a full breakdown of the potential monthly earnings that's calculated by looking at the average click through rates, price of the products you're promoting, the average commission percentage and expected traffic volumes.

how to make money buying affiliate websites
Each website comes with a detailed rundown of expected monthly earnings.

The great thing about buying a micro niche site from Human Proof Designs is that a lot of the foundational and structural site is already taken care of so you can focus on building out your business.

This doesn't mean you can buy and forget though; once you take ownership of the site you either need to outsource or put work in yourself to continue building it out with more content.

Dom's team will give you a list of keywords you can write new content around to target more keywords which will lead to more traffic and more sales.

HPD sites save you hours AND dollars

That's a pretty bold claim but with Human Proof Designs this happens to be true.

If you've watched Dom's video above you'll know that every website uses Premium (paid for) themes and plug-ins to enhance user experience with crisp, clean websites that will ultimately lead to higher conversion rates and more sales.

Here's a quick breakdown of what you get when you buy a website from HPD. I think you'll agree, this is a pretty good deal.

human proof designs review discount code

That's a total saving of $1,317.

If you were building your own website, not only would it take up a lot of your time, you would have to pay $1,317 for the same premium plug-ins and themes.

Whether you go for the Starter or Premium package, I honestly think both options offer massive value. Not only are you buying a website with all the bells and whistles, but you're also getting the premium treatment, unique images and top-notch copywriting.

How is this possible?

As Dom said in his video, because Human Proof Designs have built over 1,100 sites they have developer licenses with the theme and plug-in makers so he can pass that discount on to you.

“We're saving you time, we're saving you the mistakes, we're giving you training and we're giving you access to our community and we're letting you leverage our experience and we're saving you nearly $500.

Live done-for-you niche website examples

In this video Dom gives you a sneak peek into the kind of rankings, traffic and commissions you can expect and gives live examples of HPD sites in action:

A typical example of a website built by Human Proof Designs is, a site aimed at helping men find the best straight razors.

As you can see, this site is easy to navigate and filled out with helpful and informative reviews and comparisons.

In this case, people find the site by searching ‘best straight razors', check out the helpful reviews and, when they're ready, click on one of your affiliate links.

Human Proof Designs really shine with their after-sales coaching, training and support

Human Proof Designs is about so much more than selling you a website – if this is your first site then this is the start of an exciting journey of learning new skills, passing major milestones and making more money.

That's why Dom and his team offer tailor made strategies, one-on-one support, mentoring and hours of video training – they genuinley want to see you become their next success story.

Your new website business comes with:

human proof designs review training

This is seriously impressive and something you're really going to want to take advantage of. You'll learn the practical steps you can apply immediately to jumpstart your affiliate marketing career and grow your business to scale.

With all this, combined with your willingness to learn and take action, how can you not be successful?!

The HPD Community is a great source of knowledge. The majority of posts are by fellow niche site builders and the answers are a goldmine of valuable information.

Everybody is in the same boat, which really helps a lot when you're stuck.”
– Gary, a happy HPD customer

2. Custom Made Niche Sites

Do you already have a niche in mind you want to pursue?

This is where custom-made sites come in.

Included is everything you get with a ready-made niche site and they'll even talk you through finding the best niche for you based on your goals, passions and interests.

Request a custom-built website and outsource the website creation, keyword research and copy writing to Human Proof Designs' team of professional writers, researchers and designers.

3. Aged Sites

Aged sites have already skipped the Google sandbox meaning your rankings and sales roll in quicker.

As aged sites are at least 6 months old, you skip the 6 months it usually takes for Google to start ranking you seriously and fast track your commissions as a result.

aged site

4. Authority Sites

Dom Wells and his team just announced the launch of HPD's authority sites.

While the higher investment might not be for everyone, they also offer the highest rate of return.

Unlike ready-made, custom and aged niche sites, you need to apply for an authority site.

authority site

Real Humans, Real Success Stories

You can find tons of success stories and testimonials at from people experiencing success and making money with their done-for-you sites.

What Is Human Proof Designs A Scam Or Legit
is buying a human proof designs website worth it
human proof designs success story

Take Rob's success story as an example – he went from a frustrated beginner to earning 4 figures a month but it wasn't always plain sailing…

Rob struggled a lot at first and began to have serious doubts whether he would ever make money with this.

But he refused to quit, he kept at it and thanks to the help of the HPD community and training he experienced his first breakthrough.

success story

From there, his income grew in volume and consistency – to the point he was earning $1,000 a month and I'm sure he hasn't finished yet.

I'm sure if Rob was trying to go it alone he would have just given up on the whole ‘making money online' thing as a bad idea.

This just goes to show how important a part the right training and community support play in your online success journey.

Is Buying A Site From Human Proof Designs The Best Option For You?

There's no doubt in my mind that Human Proof Designs is the real deal but ultimately only you can decide what's the next best step to take for you going forward.

“I Have Money But No Time.”

If you have the money to invest, I can think of no better way to launch your first affiliate marketing business. If I was starting over again I’d probably purchase a site (or a few) from Dom Wells and his team.

This is hands-down the quickest route to online earnings that I've come across. If you want to save yourself time and avoid the hassle of building one yourself then buy a ready-made affiliate website. You'll be glad you did.

“I Have Time But No Money”

With HPD's sites starting at $798, we're not talking about pocket change and I totally get that.

If the pricing means this isn't a realistic option for you right now or you would prefer to build your own site from scratch then this free beginner's training course is for you.

Yes, it will take more time to learn everything yourself but you'll pick up a lot of new skills along the way.

“I Have Time And Money.”

Buy a done-for-you affiliate site from Human Proof Designs and you will save yourself a lot of time and frustration, especially if you're a beginner.

On the money side, it makes perfect sense too; if you were to buy the premium website themes and plugins, then pay a writer to get the same amount of content yourself it would cost you considerably more.

What Do You think?

If this review of Human Proof Designs has been useful, scroll down and let me know in the comments! Also feel free to get in touch if you have any questions and I'll be more than happy to help you out.

56 thoughts on “Human Proof Designs Review 2024: Is It Worth The Money?”

  1. Thank you for your post. It is useful for me. I started my online business for a while now. I always build up my website and online business from scratch.

    Here you bring some fresh air to my thought, instead of going through the often long and painstaking process of trying to create a business from scratch, the Human Proof Designs create income-generating websites as a way to kickstart online earnings.

    I particularly like your analyses on the pros and cons of the system. Your thoughts are sharp and to the point. Even the cons to me are positive. This sounds an attractive program and I am definitely going to have a trial of this.

    It is kind of you sharing this useful information with us.

    • Go for it Anthony, you’ll be glad you did. It’s a very smart option that will save a ton of time.

  2. Hi guys, 

    I trust everybody is coping well with these challenging times. Can’t wait to remember this only as a memory and see the light from the end of the tunnel when things will be better again. 🙂

    Just a heads up about HPD. It is true they have a whole range of products from  – ready new made sites (more “cost effective”) – to revenue generating established sites (a little bit more expensive obviously than the first category). 

    And also some “intermediary” ones.

    But please check the traffic and generated revenues specs listed for the respective established sites. You will identify the low levels. So, do not expect to be an “auto pilot” option, you should be knowledgeable enough and put in a lot of work to generate a steady traffic and afterwards income.

    All the best.

    Always Smile Exercise “Grow” yourself.  

    Stay safe!

  3. Hi Simon,

    From what have read and researched online and coming across your website for the same I bet Human Proof Designs are good value to give a trial… For me, it’s about saving time and money in the long-run for those that have not started but mine I wanted more advice on how I will drive traffic for my two websites.

    additionally, you will also get the training that comes with it on how to make the most money with your affiliate site among other things. My training and websites have done with WA where I also follow his training among other members.

    Below is a reply I got from him after reaching them there are some links that can add value to what you might be looking for. For those that find this website…

    (Hi Martin,

    Thanks for getting in touch!

    There are a few things we can do to help your site grow:

    1) Build links to promote the current content on your site:

    2) Add more content:

    3) Both in one, plus additional services:

    At this stage, without being sure of your budget for , I’d recommend the Guest Post service to help promote your existing content.

    If you have a bit higher budget, then the larger SEO Packages are great options as well since we can do both content and Guest Posts in those packages.

    We favor a Content AND Links strategy in most cases, since the links help your site grow in authority, and the content will help you rank for more keywords.

    These are both strong growth strategies that will help your site gain authority. Here’s a recent example of a site we worked with in our SEO Packages:

    Hope this too helps you.

    • Hey, thanks for this Martin and yes this is really helpful. Since writing this review Dom has sold Human Proof Designs but from what I’ve seen so far the new owner seems to be carrying on the legacy and continuing to improve their services. I have also had quite a few readers tell me they’ve started making a profit with their HPD sites which is what I love to hear the most!

      Personally, I would be very wary about link building though and would always follow the Wealthy Affiliate line on this that it’s probably not the best strategy in the long-term.

      All the best in your affiliate marketing business Martin and thanks again! 🙂

  4. Simon,

    Thank you for a brilliant review!’ve come across Dom Wells a few times before and I can say he seems like an honest, trustworthy guy. He gets that the only way to be successful in the longterm is by building a solid reputation so he knows how to treat people well.

    I haven’t purchased one of his ready-made sites yet but I know I will. I’m looking at his article writing services and wondered if you’ve ever used them yourself? I’m trying to get an idea of the quality level.

    I’ve tried outsourcing content writing to sites like iWriter but the quality has been shockingly low every time, so much so that I pay for them then spend an hour editing them to try make them usable…!

    Thank you in advance


    • Hey Susan, thanks for reaching out.

      About 2 years ago I purchased one of Dom’s article packs (10,000 words) and I remember it took about a month before I received them but it was well worth the wait. What I really liked was that you could tell them if you wanted say 1 x 10,000 word post or 10 x 1,000 post. You pay by number of words and it’s up to you how you want them. 

      Like their websites, they have standard and premium packages. Go to the article packs page and you’ll be able to read the writing samples there.

      Hope this helps!

  5. Hallo there Simon,

    I am a beginner who wants to make money online with websites and someone recommended I check out human proof designs since they had a high success rate.

    Thanks a lot for the thorough review here. I have gained more confidence that it is the best program to work with. I am going to get started with them immediately after this.


  6. The more reviews I read on the topic of affiliate marketing illustrates to me to me how little I really know, and how many untapped resources are really out there, and this is another example.

    Never heard of Human Proof Designs, but for sure I’m gonna be checking it out!

    Thank you so much for this detailed and informative post.

    Appreciate it!


    • Thanks Howard, thrilled you found this helpful. Wealthy Affiliate is my top recommendation for beginners to affiliate marketing but Human Proof Designs scores a very close second because they put in the foundation for you, everything can be outsourced and the training and community support they give you is spot on.

  7. I heard this before and I am guessing more and more popular want to look for shortcuts. It is considered a shortcut if you buy a site right? You said that Human Proof Design provides a potential earnings summary however how they determine the potential? I mean is it even possible to do that? What are your experiences?

    • Great questions Furkan. I would describe Human Proof Designs as one of the strongest starts you can get in the affiliate marketing world and if it can get you on the road to affiliate earnings a whole lot quicker than starting everything from scratch yourself.

      When it comes down to whether or not Human Proof Designs is right for you, you need to ask are you more time rich or cash rich? If you’re cash rich, HPD is a no brainer, definitely recommended. If you have more time on your hands than cash flow than the Wealthy Affiliate training and community is the better option for you in my opinion. 

      Either way you’re either paying to outsource the creation and building of your online business or doing it yourself – either way the basic business model is the same. 

      Dom determined the earning potential of the done for you affiliate websites by looking at the monthly traffic figures combined with possible relevant products and their prices. Of course this is a rough guide but I think very realistic.

      My experiences with Dom over the years have always been excellent. He never fails to deliver in his promises and one time when everything didn’t quite go as planned he more than made up for it. I hope this helps.

  8. Wow, this is a very different idea on getting going in Affiliate Marketing. It is so hard, and a lot of work, but this just takes away all that wait time, if you have the budget. After reading this, I am most definitely going to be checking them out for future use. Thank you for taking the time to research this company and give such a thorough review!

    • Thanks Leah, I’m glad you found this review helpful. Like I say, this is definitely a legit route to either starting out your affiliate marketing career or adding to your existing affiliate website portfolio.

  9. Woah, this looks amazing. I’ve never thought you could actually buy a quality website, because when I looked for this option, all I have found was some crappy websites that cost a fortune and have no income stream whatsoever. I’m pretty sure this is the best place to buy a good website!

    • Thanks Rich, yeah Human Proof Designs definitely give good value for money and I’d say getting a done-for-you Amazon affiliate website from them is definitely worth it.

      Does this mean you’ve bought one already? If you have let us know how you get on with it.

      All the best.

  10. I had never even considered out sourcing website creation! To be honest, if one wishes to start a new niche after already having success with one, forking over the extra $ probably wouldn’t be an issue and just buying an aged website. The knowledge and experience would come in handy, however the head start would be terrific. I am so happy this idea was brought to my attention!

  11. Great stuff. If I ever decide to outsource content this is where I’m going to go. However i do prefer to build my own sites. That’s just because I’m new to this and still trying to learn it all. But I know I will soon need to outsource and I’m happy to know that HPD is around.

    • Thanks Andre, after trying out other article writing services like iWriter and Upwork, I now use Human Proof Designs to order monthly article packs and I love the quality. I definitely recommend their writing services.

  12. I must admit to be highly skeptical of this offer. If they are so good at researching and providing content (almost guaranteeing success), why are they giving it away for almost nothing?

    I also wonder, if the sites are built on the Easy Azon platform, how much life do they have left in them. As I understand it, Amazon is discontinuing the aStores in the very near future.

    Bottom line, why are these guys (basically) giving this stuff away?

    • Hi Michael,

      To be clear, they can’t guarantee your success. You can make your start in affiliate marketing easier by leaning on their expertise but it’s still your business, so if you don’t run it, who will?

      These sites don’t make money through aStores, but through affiliate marketing so the site is set up to direct people to Amazon via your affiliate link and the Amazon affiliates program isn’t going anywhere.

      Why does Dom make the sites and then sell them off instead of keeping the profts for himself? I asked Dom this very question – you can check out the full interview here:

      What is Human Proof Designs – An Interview With Dom Wells

  13. Hi Simon.

    It’s so cool to read all about Dom’s business!

    I’ve seen Dom posting his success stories (latest being a $96,000 month) and it’s always intrigued me to know exactly what he does to achieve these mad figures.

    It all is a fantastic read and seems like a no fail system but that can’t be true can it?

    Do I guarentee success by going for the aged site offer?

    • There’s never any gurantee of success, anyone who says there is is lying! 🙂

      You can absolutely make your website a success though, Human Proof Designs give you a fantastic head start, it’s then up to you to make the most of it, take your business, lead it and make it a success.

      Buying an aged site means you don’t have to wait 6-9 months for Google to recognise your site. Aged sites have rankings already so it just speed up the process.

      Hope this helps!

  14. Hi Simon, Very impressive post with great content. I have thought about buying a ready made business but the negative comments turned me away.The fact as you pointed out about Dom’s background with Wealthy Affiliate should give your readers a shot of confidence in the quality of sites available.What volume of content would a person need to write after purchasing a 16,000-word site? Does Dom have the expertist for niches like golf, basketball, or soccer sites? Is the after purchase training as comprehensive as Wealthy Affiliate training or would someone need to maintain a Wealthy Affiliate membership also?
    Great review and well written,


    • Hi Jim, 

      Before coming across Human Proof Designs I would have agree with those people telling you to stay away from pre-made sites because most of their time they’re just copy and paste, duplicate websites with no value whatsoever.

      But that’s definitely not what you’re getting with Dom, in my opinion he’s redefining the whole affiliate outsourcing market and I have a lot of readers struggling with knowing how to start how could I not recommend a solution like this? 🙂

      How much content do you need to add to your website? As much as possible! I never consider any of my websites to be ‘finished’, it’s always about growing and expanding your reach, makign new goals for yourself so I can’t give you a set word amount for when you’ve ‘got there’, that’s just not how websites are.

      As far as niche selections go Jim, I’ve seen Human Proof Design websites based on all kinds of niches, anything from ironing boards to weight lifting belts and he has a team of writers who can write about pretty much anything as far as I know.

      Honestly I don’t think you can compare Wealthy Affiliate and Human Proof Designs because they both do different things. 


  15. This is amazing. I know Dom from Wealthy Affiliate but had no idea he’s the guy behind Human Proof Designs. I can vouch that his method works as he’s a product of the Wealthy Affiliate community. I am impressed with the various websites that they have done. I wish I knew about them before I started and would have safe lots of time and money to start off. Anyway, I wish this company will help many to succeed in the affiliate marketing sphere. I know it works but because its working for me. Thanks for sharing this great review.

    • Yes the aftersales support is superb and I’ve looked at the Human Proof Designs training – it teaches you everything you need to know about SEO, keywords and getting ranked, social media and how to write engaging, high quality content, as well as outsourcing.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Wow! I’ve got to say Human Proof Designs sounds a great company to start an online business due to they guarantee you to be successful, who wouldn’t want that? I know how hard is to work on a website trying to be ranked for Google and how discouraginge it can be when we do not achieve it. I wish I could have the money to enroll now, but sadly I don’t 🙁 But definitely in the future, I would like to try it for sure ;).

    Thanks for the review and give us other options to achieve our goals.

    • Hey! Thank you and yes, this is a great way to get a strong start. Although they can’t guarantee you’ll be successful (no-one can), they do set everything up for you in the right way so you have a solid foundation to build on.

      Compared to starting out on your own with all the guesswork that comes with it, a done-for-you website from Human Proof Designs is a lot quicker, helping you to avoid the minefield most beginners face and making sure you start out in the right direction.

      I understand with the $499 price tag, this might not be for everyone but I still think it’s a great deal.

      Thanks for stopping by and I wish you every success in your online ventures!


  17. This review comes with idea that praises Human Proof Designs, they sell websites as a solution and you do not waste time and money building your own site by your self. Certainly, if you have money to buy one of two options as a starter for 499$ or Premium for 799$. Of course, there is a third option, to buy well-aged website ranked at Google, which saves you over six months and leads you directly to earnings. All that, provided by Human Proof Designs. As I said this is a very good option but if you have money to pay. In another way, we must sit by our PC and do that job on a hard way. Cheers

    • Hey! Thanks for stopping by the blog! I think Human Proof Designs is definitely a good option especially if you’re a beginner to all things in affiliate marketing. As I say, they make sure you get started on the right track.

      You might not have $499 to invest into an online business website right now and I totally get that. If you do want to get training how how to build your own affiliate website, though it might take a little more time, you can definitely do that. 

      Like for me, I started out at Wealthy Affiliate, build my own site from scratch and learned what I needed to know about SEO and search engine rankings, how affiliate marketing works and how to get traffic to my site. They offer a free Starter account with the option of 2 free websites and domains and if you decide to upgrade to a Premium membership, it’s just $49/month.

      I’m just saying, if you want to make it happen there’s options out there to be a success at this. Whichever route you go down, I wish you every success!

  18. I genuinely wish I had known about this before I started my journey with Amazon affiliate marketing. I have started my first website and I am well on the road to building my traffic. The one thing I haven’t done is picked an untapped niche, but with over 20 years experience in marketing I’m not afraid to think I can do it better than others. But I am also prepared for the length of time for the journey. I like you’ve pointed out that the buyer of an Human Proof Designs site will still need to work! That’s so true. I would definitely consider this if I wanted to expand into a different niche – it sounds really good value.

    • I’m with you there Mara! I wouldnt recommend them if I didn’t think it was a good deal. 🙂

      It sounds like you have a good deal of experience under your belt and you’ve got a realistic understand of how it all works.

      I myself have quite a few projects on the go at the moment with 3-4  authority websites I’m actively working on at the moment, but when I am ready to branch out into a new niche I know Human Proof Designs will be where I go.

      Go ahead and dominate that niche Mara! All the very best to you.

  19. I have been thinking of writing a comment or not and decided to write short one about your Human Proof Designs Review. Sounds so good but I would rather refrain from such an offer. I assume that my comment will not be accepted, but let it be. I’m convinced, in fact, I know that only and only the hard work can bring real money acting in the Internet Marketing. You will be able to achieve a short-term success with such a service, but in the long run, only your created unique content and expert touch could result in money and satisfaction.

    • Hey Andre, thanks for stopping by and reading my review. 

      I could not agree with you more – in online business (and offline business) you only get out what you put in and to make any affiliate website work, whether you build it yourself or buy a ready-made affiliate site from Human Proof Designs, you are the business owner, the entrepreneur ad the one must drive it forward.

      I’m not saying in this review that if you buy a done-for-you site that profits will automatically come rolling in. The Human Proof Designs team will do the niche research, website design and either 8,000 or 16,000 word of unique reviews and content for you but I can’t emphasise enough, this is just the beginning.

      This is exactly why Dom provides so much training and support, because as a new affiliate website owner you’ll be the pushing your business forward.

  20. Hey, thanks for your great Human Proof Designs review. I was looking into the possibility of buying pre-made affiliate websites and this is the first time I’ve come across a service like this. But how does it work? How can they build an affiliate site that fast and get so much traffic on it in just 4 weeks?

    • Hi Linda,

      As soon as you place your order, the team get to work and get building the site and creating the reviews and content. They build the site in 4 weeks, but it takes time to bring traffic to it due to the well-known ‘Google sand-box effect” which usually takes 3 to 6 months. 

      The full potential of the site is reached within 1 year. What is interesting with Human Proof Designs is that everything is set up to bring traffic, from design to content creation. I’d definitely recommend adding more content regularly to make sure your new site reaches its maximum potential. You can either write this yourself or take advantage of Dom’s article writing service.

      Hope this helps.

  21. Hi Simon! 

    Really in depth and comprehensive review on Human Proof Designs. I’ve been considering one of Doms sites. I can’t seem to find any negative information so that must be a good sign right? I like his whole approach to business and I know his service is a gamechanger for people just getting started with affiliate marketing and people with years of experience alike.

    Thanks for the right up…think I’ll take the plunge.

    • I know you won’t be disappointed! Dom and the whole HPD team do a brilliant job, not just with the actual website itself, but the aftercare too. Let us know how you get on!

  22. Hello Simon,

    Thanks a lot for the fantastic review. In the next few days I am going to order my first ever HPD affiliate site because I know it’s a small investment for a lot of time and stress saved! 

    Can I ask if there are available demo sites we could look at as an example? Cheers in advance!


    • Hi Chris,

      Probably the easiest way is to check the done-for-you Amazon affiliate websites for sale here, but I know both and were created by the Human Proof Designs team. Obviously they’ve been worked on and built up since then but it’ll give you a general idea.

  23. Hey Simon,
    Thanks for this awesome review on Human Proof Designs by Dom Wells. I first came across his site when I was starting to look for ways to source my blog post writing. 

    A few months after that I ordered a pre-built website he did a great job, I was so happy with the it I then ordered a 2nd one and again, the quality of work from Dom and his team is the best.

    What I don’t get though is why they don’t just keep themselves and keep 100% of the profit.

    I think Human Proof Designs are good value and high quality so for me it’s well worth it. For me it’s about saving time and money in the long-run and also the training that comes with it on how to make the most money with your affiliate site.


    • Thanks for sharing your experience Chris.

      I actually asked Dom this very question when he agreed to do an interview for me, you can read his full interview here:

      What is Human Proof Designs?

      When I asked why he didn’t just keep all the websites and commissions to himself and he said:

      “Why don’t we keep them for ourselves?

      Because there are so many niches out there, and so many people who want us to build sites for them. I don’t have the ability to manage hundreds of sites in my own portfolio.

      Building them is easy for us to do at scale, but they’ll succeed a lot more if individuals are owning them rather than us.”

      Human Proof Designs specialises in building ready-made affiliate websites and then selling them. This is what he does, whether it’s a ready-made site, custom-built site or an aged site.

      Hope this helps


  24. Hi Simon,

    I wish I had come across when I first started. I spent many hours fretting over my first website and despite my best efforts it turned out to be a disaster. Truth be told, I had no idea what I was doing.

    The issue with Human Proof Designs is that it can get a little expensive for those just starting out in the affiliate marketing world on an almost non-existent budget.

    I have to agree with you though. There are so many benefits to buying a ready-made website and niche research done for you. In the long run it will save you countless hours of struggling to figure things out on your own. What I love about Human proof Designs websites is that there are so many different niches to choose from. Definitely something to keep in mind!

    Thanks for sharing, Albert

    • Hey Albert, 

      I’m with you on that one, as I say I had to learn everything the long and hard way! I think for a lot of newbies starting out, Human Proof Designs could the lifesaver they’ve been looking for!

      I admit, not everyone has $499 laying around to buy a website, but compared to the junk cookie-cutter websites on Flippa which can range from $2,000-$4000 by the way, this is an absolute steal and you’ll make your money back many times over.

      Wish you every success Albert!


  25. Hi Simon,
    This sounds brill, I haven’t heard of this before and it’s a great idea. So you buy the site and make a profit, but what kind of work do you have to put into it? Sharing your site on socila media sites I guess. Do you have to write your own content or do you buy that as well?

    • Hi Paul,

      With regards to the site, everything is done for you. You’ll need to set up your own domain and hosting but Dom and the support team will guide you through this. Once the site is officially yours, you just need to add your own affiliate links to make sure the commissions go to you.

      Buying the website is just the start though and you’ll need to add more content or outsource it to get the most out of your site. The training from Human Proof Designs is absolutely brilliant and will take you through every single step, plus there’s always a support team on hand which is reassuring.

  26. This is interesting website that is created to help those that need that help to get started in Affiliate Marketing ., Since it is already created you don’t have to come up with that niche , because someone has done that work for you. They give you choice on what to pick on a niche. It also explains how it is created and it and looks very professional .

    • I see a lot fo aspiring affiliate marketers start out strong, full of energy and ambition, only to give up a few mnths down the line because it’s harder than they thought it would be.

      What I really like about what Human Proof Designs do is they do all the legwork for you so you’ve got the best starting poit and and with a ready-made website you’re building on a strong foundation. As you say in  aniche you can succeed in, without worrying about the techical aspects of creating a website on your own. 

      Plus having a full team of experts on hand for support whenever you need it can be an absolute lifesaver! 

  27. What I can say is that there are a few good programs like this one it seems out there, and the online affiliate marketing niche is not going away any time soon, so while some of these offers provide goood leadership and training, along with guidance on how to convert readers into buyers, being the goal, there is no short cut.

    • Hey Andrew, why I recommend Human Proof Designs to affiliate marketing beginners is because it can really speed up the learning process – instead of spending time trying to figure out what to start a blog about, then a few weeks struggling with starting your first website up from scratch and learning how to write reviews and content with intent – you can bypass all of this.

      Of course this isn’t a automatic way to make money online, you still have to add more content to target more keywords and expand the reach of the site, but the foundation is there. I only wish I had know about this when I was first starting out! It would have saved me lots of headaches and mistakes!

      Appreciate your comment Adrew, all the best to you and every success in your online endeavours!

  28. Hey this was a very informative review. For a long time I have thought that pre made website would not work and that they were a waste of money. But, after reading this review, it is exciting to see a company that will sell a completely unique site that you can call your own so to speak. This seems real interesting. The other thing I like about it is that the owner learned from WA. This is a big plus. Thanks for the great review.

    • Hey Ralph, 

      The truth is there are a lot of people buying done-for-you affiliate websites that are low-quality sites in highly competitive niches with duplicate content that will never rank. This is why Human Proof Designs stand out – they saw a gap in the market and decided to be best at creating strong rady-made websites for affiliate marketers looking to build their website portfolio or give beginners a strong head start with their first affiliate marketing business.

      Yes Dom and I both got our start at Wealthy Affiliate too, so I know the training he gives is on point and will get the results people are looking for.

  29. This is pretty awesome. I am always looking for better ways of making money online. And yes the time and energy that it takes to build a website can be discouraging, especially if you’re new to this whole affiliate marketing thing like me. I love the idea, this is a great help for those of us who love success and want it right now… then we will build on it.

    I will be back to your site in a few months when I have some money saved so I can get started, I’ve bookmarked your site. Thanks for the information.

    I have a question how much time it requires to create a selected website? Or they are already created? By the way, you purchased from them or you did by yourself? Thank you for the answers.

    Regards, Gedas

    • Hi Gedas,

      Once you order a ready-made affiliate site or request a custom-built site, the team get on it and the process takes about 4 weeks. For aged sites this is a lot quicker with everything transferred over to you within a week usually.

      I built this website myself  as I had started in niche marketing before I ever knew about services like this so I did it the hard way and learned everything from scratch. I do use HPD to outsource content creation for some of my sites though.

      I would not recommend this company is I didn’t trust Dom. Human Proof Designs is a great outsourcing resource for the many things an affiliate marketer needs. Thanks for stopping by.


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